by Robert Wilkinson
Neptune will re-enter Pisces on February 3, 11:03 am PST, 2:03 pm EST, 7:03 pm Greenwich. This begins a 14 year long, strange journey that will lead humanity along spiritual lines that happen only once every 164-180 years. It is also where we first turn the corner in a 500 year sub-Age that began 1888-1894.
I gave you a hint of what was coming last April, when Neptune first entered Pisces. It only got to 1 Pisces before it went retrograde. Still, April and May gave us the first sense of the impending plunge into a great oceanic dreamscape that confronts humanity. In those months we got a front end experience of the larger collective atmosphere about to commence.
Neptune’s stationary points at 29 Aquarius and its occupancy of 30 Aquarius and 1 Pisces between April 2010 and February 2012 has represented a singularly profound point in collective human evolution. I’ve written quite a bit about this degree zone which I have termed “the Cusp of the Age,” in that it is the span where the Age of Pisces interfaces with the Age of Aquarius.
Uranus awakened this long wave transitional energy during its transits and stationary points also in this zone between April 2002 and January 2004. Neptune’s transit of this degree zone since April 2010 has helped the collective consciousness of humanity as a whole feel the broader implications of human evolution on the planet. We have been in a collective atmosphere where we could sense how the Age of Pisces is giving way to the Age of Aquarius. It is as though the greater evolutionary marker for humanity has been perfectly aligned with Neptune giving us a preview of “the movie of humanity.”
The end of Aquarius represents a culmination point of managed collective energies. It is where we go through spiritual transfigurations, emerge from a chrysalis, and transform our lives forever within a larger collective consciousness. Through Neptune we have all experienced this on some level, subtle or obvious.
It is a point where our understanding of ourselves as a collection of congealed light particles can be seen from a holistic angle of vision, where we see ourselves as “merest specks in the ocean of light.” Perhaps that’s why the reality of Light as the composing energetic factor in all material creation is now an accepted fact. All material creations derive from light, both in waves and particles. Those who have been open to these energies are now experiencing their “light nature,” whether they know it or not.
1 Pisces is the point of the marketplace, which certainly describes our world, both recent past and current reality. We will continue to be in the Age of Pisces for several decades, if my computations are correct. However, by 2050-2075, the “Summer of the 21st Century,” we’ll have slipped across the threshold and be living a different 2000 year reality. Up to now we’ve had those energies awakened by Uranus, dreamed into collective consciousness by Neptune, and now await Pluto’s seed-sprouting influence to come 2041-2044. (As Pluto moves back and forth across 1 Pisces at the same time, it will begin the death process of the self-replicating seeds of the old Age.)
So as Neptune says goodbye to Aquarius for about 135 years, take a moment to reflect on the fact that you’ve now experienced the exact point of "the cusp of the Age," where our past 2000 year Age of Pisces will soon give way to the coming 2000 year Age of Aquarius. This is a profound moment in the past and future history of humanity, and by understanding what we’ve felt about our Higher Self and purpose these past 22 months, we’ve tuned into the very first impressions of the coming Great Age of Aquarius.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you, Robert...glad you're here!
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | January 31, 2012 at 04:56 AM
Robert, I think it will be very interesting especially since now it will be in a separating aspect to my natal saturn in aquarius which is at 29 d. I do wonder though what it will do to my chiron which is at 15 pisces. Though that will probably not happen for a long while.
I have that conjunct the 8th house cusp.
thanks for another awesome post full of juicy stuff to chew on
Posted by: Micheline | January 31, 2012 at 07:05 AM
I listened to a HeartMath sponsored telecall the other day about the solar flares affecting human consciousness and energy and larger earth changes (earthquakes volcanoes etc)- just wondering if you have any opinion on this or an article to refer me to?
Posted by: kerry | January 31, 2012 at 05:21 PM
Kerry, do you have link to that HeartMath sponsored telecall? Is there anyway to listen to it? I got turned onto their website a while ago via reading a book.
Robert I have a question. I have been reading an article about the coming transit of Venus this year and the article also mentioned that there are also the transits of mercury. Where can I find astro info on this. I have been looking but have so far found nothing. thanks
Posted by: Micheline | February 01, 2012 at 01:05 AM
Hi Micheline,
I tried to copy and paste the link to listen to the recording and it didn't transfer here - below is the info - maybe contact HearthMath - it was free but you had to register to participate...
The Global Coherence Initiative webinar, Energetic Aspects of Spiritual Transformation was presented by Karl Maret, M.D. and hosted by Dr. Rollin McCraty. Maret talked about the macrocosm of solar and planetary influences as well as the microcosm of the new energy paradigm.
Posted by: kerry | February 01, 2012 at 02:57 PM
I'm glad to be able to experience this momentous event. Quite sure I won't be there in 135 years.
Posted by: solarinfo | March 05, 2012 at 08:23 PM
So many articles talk about Uranus in Aquarius transit or the Neptune in Aquarius transit, but Why not write an article on The Uranus and Neptune in a Aquarius Generation. A great generation was born between 1995 and 2012 and it will be them who lead us deeper in to the Aquarian age. I keep thinking that this generation and the Pluto in Aquarius Generation born from 2023 to 2045 will be brilliant and they will be more revolutionary than the Pluto in Leo born from 1938 to 1956. The generations born with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in Aquarius will be great inventors and maybe will will see a world with Flying cars finally. The Uranus in Aquarius Generation will start turning 18 years old on april 1st 2013 and may enter colleges and universities in fall 2013.
Posted by: shawn | September 17, 2012 at 11:19 AM