by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 19 Capricorn-Cancer has extremely favorable aspect activity, showing harmony of understanding across many life areas, as well as steady growth. Tend to your sense of humor as you are educated about new life realms. From here the pulses accelerate the pace, so be precise and clear as you live a new set of life standards!
Recent Eclipse activity indicates that as things continue to shut down in several life areas, we are again on the move. We’ve begun to move into ways to attain a higher peace, finding greater realizations as a result of tracking ideas back to the source wisdom behind them, using foresight to escape from “polluted" situations. We’ve now synthesizing knowledge, wisdom, and possibilities to find a much greater understanding of how our past and present are feeding our future.
To sum up the major aspect patterns, we have a strong Moon sextile Mars and tredecile Uranus with the Sun trine Mars, binovie Saturn, quintile Uranus (humor alert!), and novile to Neptune. So the Lunation makes an opposition-sextile-trine to Mars, and an opposition-quintile-tredecile to Uranus. Both of these promise major harmonized productivity, with some highly beneficial and serendipitous unique circumstances.
Productive areas created by these configurations include 19-22 Pisces and 2 Libra, so we can all “take a walk with our wisdom,” meet the standards of a new life order, and move past static forms into an understanding of the dynamic process of creation. Simply put, due to the Saturnian standards we learned to live in 2009, this is the time to put them into play, saying goodbye to any ambivalence and moving into a new view of the stages of what to do and when to do it with an eye to the larger creative work.
Another important forming aspect, showing things to come, is the on-going Mercury septile Venus, which I discussed in the article Mercury Stationary Direct Affecting December 2011 and January-February 2012 - Learning and Teaching Skills That Show Our Individual Genius. Given that Mercury is conjunct Pluto in this chart, it’s about to enter the Capricorn zone of the Grand Irrationality, also referenced in this linked article.
So while Mercury septile Venus in this chart isn’t quite triggering the Grand Irrationality, it’s just around the corner!! Since these spread the zones somewhat, I’ll just note that for now, if you have planets or points anywhere between 1-9 Capricorn, 23 Aquarius-1 Pisces, 14-22 Aries, 5-13 Gemini, 26 Cancer-4 Leo, 17-25 Virgo, or 8-16 Scorpio, you’ll confront significant forks in the road of your destiny these next two weeks in some obvious ways.
Other forming aspects include Venus triseptile Mars, sextile Jupiter (out of sign), trine Saturn, decile Uranus, and conjunct Neptune. I discussed the overall favorable indicators of this Venus transit in yesterday’s article, Astrology in January – February 2012 – A Time To Get A Lot Done. We also see Mars forming a biquintile to Jupiter, decile to Saturn, and triseptile to Neptune. So while Mars is in the Virgo zone of the Grand Irrationality, triggering the major choices we made back in 2009 and bringing them into focus over the next two weeks, since it doesn’t also biseptile Pluto the configuration isn’t as strong as it would be were Mars at 24-25 Virgo.
We close out the forming aspects with three very big ones! We have Jupiter trine Pluto and Saturn trine Neptune, also extensively discussed in yesterday’s article. These are harmonizing anything we have in the late degrees of the Fire and Air signs, as well as the early degrees of the Earth and Water signs, so take a look at what’s stabilizing into a clear understanding and harmony of function, and go for it!
Last but absolutely not least, there’s the very dynamic Uranus forming a square to Pluto, an aspect we’ll all be dealing with for a few years. Overall, the Uranus square Pluto promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
At least Uranus is on a degree of finding objectivity through humor, so the square can signify our need to show good humor when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use this square in two big ways, both now and into the future. We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies.
Separating aspects, showing things already happened or accomplished, include Moon biquintile Venus opposition Pluto, Mercury trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, square Uranus and sextile Neptune, Venus semisquare Pluto, Sun biseptile Jupiter and conjunct Pluto, Jupiter opposition Saturn and sextile Neptune, and Saturn triseptile Uranus and quintile Pluto. Of these, Saturn will again triseptile Uranus once it goes retrograde at 30 Libra on February 7 about 8 hours before the Full Moon at 19 Aquarius-Leo. I wrote a lot about this in several December articles, and have included a link a few paragraphs down that can help you understand more.
Overall the separating aspects indicate we’ve just gone through a time when we had to dump dangerous or bizarre relationships as a result of solid understanding about a new sense of purpose or seeing who our allies are or are not. Recent purifications and seeing what seeds we want to sprout in 2012 helped all of us turn a big corner, and we can now embrace an accelerated pace, blending the old and the new to provide us all new strength, new power, and a new sense of moving forward.
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. You will recall its theme is being economical in how we use energy, relaxing into the role we're born to play, and growth through imagination. We’re organizing or reorganizing for what will come in late January, and it’s basically a time of action oriented spiritualizing and harmonizing understanding.
We’re now in a period of crystallizing a form of active power in your life, with tremendous growth through foresight, seeing what it will take to supply needs down the road and stabilizing solid resources. It’s a time of practical cooperation, so once you get the picture or idea, move in that direction.
Here's more about the seeds being release by the current Full Moon. Briefly, from the New Moon article covering this period,
This period involves evaluating a yearning with an eye to the end results, and synthesizing our path to power with an understanding of the correct use of force to bring forth appropriate new experiences that touch our Soul.This Lunation puts the focus on creative reorganization for the future of what is now an established truth in our life connected to the initiatives and new beginnings opened by the inner planet conjunctions with Jupiter in Aries last Spring....
.... we can be educated by practical and efficient actions over the next 4 weeks, leading us to a new sense of our connection to "friendly helpers" that offers more balanced perspectives. If we can go for new experiences with an eye to organizing our efforts to ensure the outcome we desire, we should be able to find a simple way to see the future and how to secure it....
We must exercise self-discipline and the willingness to take responsibility, at the same time relaxing into a natural role that's been developing since Spring 2011. Here we get to go deeper to purify all that would block or hinder our personal power by reaching out with more effective focus. This Lunation will definitely impact areas of our lives related to where we have 1-10 Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra over the next few weeks....
.... "The Guide of Souls" will be highly active coordinating gifts from Neptune and Uranus, as well as challenges to allow emergent "body-wisdom" to guide our mind to a greater conception of things.
We must learn not to take a narrow or pessimistic rule-driven view....since the energies are pretty much down to core and totally future oriented. Special gifts, circumstances, and favorable occurrences are in store for those with planets or points around 9-13 Gemini, 21-25 Leo, 29 Virgo-3 Libra, 9-13 Sagittarius, 21-25 Aquarius, 29 Pisces-3 Aries.
.... The (aspects) of the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Saturn.... clearly indicates a time where we must demonstrate some sort of faith to overcome a duality involving several different life areas.... it might require enlightened action integrating our inner and outer feelings and affections to orient them toward our greater destiny or responsibilities. You can bet that we'll all get to demonstrate some form of mastery of duality, whether in terms of habits, likes, values, resources, limitations, or life itself in all its illumined radiance. There are other possible interpretations, but for now take a look at where these planets fall in your chart to see where a leap of faith is required.
.... As noted in recent articles, Saturn triseptile Uranus continues to anchor a long term irrational "destiny producing" activation involving how we can take responsibility for our individualization into a new life. This one is showing us choices where we will determine our destiny for a long time to come. You can find out more by going to Astrology in December 2011 - If You're Wondering Why Things Are So Strange.
Overall, there will be many understandings that come as a result of events of the next 4 weeks. A grand adventure is on the way, with release from burdens and new songs to be sung, new ways of seeing what's important and why, and new dance steps to be taken.
This Full Moon chart shows a "See Saw" Jones pattern, defined by the Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries and Taurus energies on one side opposing the planets occupying Cancer, Virgo, and Libra. Where a SeeSaw pattern is present, stay focused and balanced at the center while taking note of the periphery of things, and don't get off on a tangent or limb. This offers a need to be able to see both sides of any given thing, especially where there are opposing trends or views. The strength is in an ability to triangulate to angles of approach beyond the polarity that allows for progress and understanding.
Overall, the Saturn trine Neptune shows a general harmony between current structures and larger ideals. This is where maturity, organization, patience, and some balanced calculations will help us construct long term visionary plans that we'll be working on, with, and through between now and November 2012. Being in Air signs, we’re all being educated in some realm of understanding, interpretation, proportionality, synthesis, and a larger sense of a higher standard we’re here to live.
Also, the Jupiter trine Pluto will help us all move forward in simple, straightforward ways into a more enjoyable and stable life wherever it falls in our charts. This is definitely a “full speed ahead” type of aspect, and these two trines will make life fairly harmonious despite the impending tension of the Uranus square Pluto!
The December Eclipses indicate we’ve launched into a new collective vibe and adventure in deeper and vaster consciousness, and are now at the threshold of moving forward into clearer individuality, knowing who we are, ready to show up and do the next life chapter. We've all emerged from our cocoon, leaving old forms of protection and finding new ones, and growing in foresight to anticipate what's coming and imagining "future forms of supply."
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." It’s now moved forward from its stationary direct transformational degree of 29 Aquarius where we have been collectively transfigured. In this Lunation it occupies 30 Aquarius, a degree where we can see how our individual Light is part of a vaster “Light Field.”
Neptune will re-enter Pisces in February 2012, which has major implications for humanity as a whole. I’ve discussed this phenomenon of Neptune dancing back and forth between early Pisces and late Aquarius in previous articles, opening the collective consciousness to the energies of this transitional period, this “time cusp” between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
In the larger precessional Age, our world is at 1 Pisces right now. Thanks to prior transits of both Neptune and Chiron to this degree, many of us have collectively awakened to a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
So this is where humanity as a whole is at right now. I believe we will finally enter the Age of Aquarius sometime between 2045-2070, when we all will see the concrete manifestations of Aquarian patterns that were awakened by Uranus and have been dreamed into collective consciousness by Neptune during these planets' movement through late Aquarius. (Please also check out part one of that series since it elaborates on the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.)
Saturn and Uranus rule the Sun in the Lunation, while the Moon rules itself, since it’s in the sign of Cancer. Saturn triseptile Uranus shows the backdrop of the Sun is that the Light in each of us is at a critical fork in the road of Destiny, and we’re learning how to reach out to pioneering cooperative collective endeavors that will soon take flight. The Sun binovile Saturn shows that many will reach out to join with others to create a greater “civilizing” way of live and action, while the exact Sun quintile Uranus promises some amazing and unique enlightening circumstances in the Light-driven “quickening” process.
The Moon, ruling itself, is somewhat of a “standalone” energy, ruling nothing but itself and being ruled by no other planet. That make the Lunar aspects discussed earlier the significant part of how this Moon will function in the chart as a whole.
As with the previous Full Moon and New Moon, Venus and Saturn are major players in this Lunation, as they are in Mutual Reception and the final dispositors for all the other planets except the Moon. We can therefore expect that the unafflicted Saturn, harmonized by two major trines involving Aquarius planets, and the Venus triseptile Mars and sextile Jupiter conjunct Neptune, will dominate the overall energies of this Lunation over the next 2 weeks. Again, reference the earlier article about Mercury septile Venus to know more about how Venus will manifest these next two weeks.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us accelerate the pace of our lives and work, with a blending of the old and the new providing us the blessings to move forward with confidence and straightforward simplicity. We’ll find allies, and be able to use difficult past experiences to learn and teach radical dispassion, leading us to a greater form of compassion. Here we implement the standards we’ll willing to uphold for the long haul, and find steady ways to move into greater life opportunities and enjoyment.
All in all, the next two weeks should show the appearance of techniques of group activity focused through techniques of personality integration. We can hone the effectiveness of how we express ourselves through sharpening our sense of what we’re dedicated to, what standards we venerate, and how to synthesize the past into a clear vision for the future.
In that sense, we’re entering a time of being educated about what types of allies we will be cooperating with in the future while experiencing a slow steady growth toward what sustains us. Go for the Dispassion, since that’s the antidote for overcoming aversions that leads to Radical Compassion.
Again, show humor while embracing a newer, quickened pace. Though Mars is slowing down, it’s so favorable in this Lunation that things should move easily into the next stage of practical life affairs.
Keep in mind that we are all learning a lot about misguided or heavy-handed uses of power in damaging or destroying compassion. I assume that since most of you are consciously seeking a higher Truth, Purpose, and Self, then this may have to do with others, or elements of your past that you can now see with different eyes.
Also, since Mercury is so close to the Galactic Center, we’ll probably get to get understanding and new ways of being guided to our Souls via that Messenger of the Gods. Based on where it is, we’ll get signs and signals about what we went through from 2008-2009 that moved new Galactic Seeds of Wisdom into manifestation. Perhaps much that was “damaged” during those years can now be seen with the eyes of Compassion via Mercury septile Venus. In any case, things are on the move, so enjoy yourself as you do what you simply must do.
We now enter a time where we can come to a balanced understanding leading to a greater vision of how we can serve the better interests of a larger reality. The powerful beginnings of March through May 2011 that began to be solidified in May have now established peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns that can slowly and steadily bring us to whatever we need to confirm to anchor a new truth and future.
If you’re interested, here are all the articles about the last Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, so you can refresh yourself about energies active right now through the next 2 ½ months.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Overall the separating aspects indicate we’ve just gone through a time when we had to dump dangerous or bizarre relationships as a result of solid understanding about a new sense of purpose or seeing who our allies are or are not.
Yup, sums up what I've been up to for the past few weeks in the face of what others are demonstrating. I'm doing my best to practice the higher standard I want for myself and to make room for people who want the same.
Posted by: Matt | January 08, 2012 at 12:48 PM
brilliant, Robert...thank you so much. your pieces are the most nuanced astrology i have ever experienced. If this were music, it would be gorgeous.
Posted by: Kit | January 08, 2012 at 04:59 PM
This cancer 26´has sure been dumping dangerous and bizarre relationships..Mercury at 13´cancer. So now I don´t have a family and I don´t have a work..I hope there will be a road for me and not just a lot of forks. Mc in libra 11´..
Posted by: ull | January 09, 2012 at 12:50 AM
I am liking the phrase "bizarre relationships". In a way, it makes me chuckle for that's what they are. In the one I can't shake for she keeps coming back (separation can be hard to achieve in small town USA), I continue to change my response but there is always a new threat. That's always the dangerous part, how far will she go? She seems to thrive on it. The good part is, the distance between us is widening.
The inhumanity I have witnessed and experienced on Neptune's tour through Aquarius seems to have birthed a dream for a more humane world. While I don't understand what drives the She I mentioned, perhaps she capsulized the problem for me, inspiring the dream.
Posted by: caliban | January 09, 2012 at 05:10 AM
Amazing Robert,
Thank you for another wonderful article.
I like to say when new moon was 3 next to my natal Jupiter at 3, in my 11th house. I was gathering infos' for getting a job, " contact name", and better cv. We were middle of holiday "Saturn" teaching me slow down, it's just not a good day to call for the job.
Today full moon at est in my 6th house glowing signals my sun 19 scorpio , frustrated me decided to call , taking my chances,
They offered me a job
This rat has more stories for your lab;)
Posted by: Mina | January 09, 2012 at 09:31 PM