by Robert Wilkinson
If you’re wondering why some things have bogged down, reversed course, seem “bound and gagged,” or aren’t moving forward as you thought, welcome to the heart of Mars retrograde.
I have seen Mars retrograde to be a true momentum killer. Also, that some things must be un-done, re-done, re-worked, or put on hold while other things are done before we get certain things back on track. It is as though plan A must be set aside while other things are tended to for a while.
These might be other plans, or related to A, or something from the past that must be developed before A can again move forward. At some point the pace shifts, and we again pick up A. That point is after the Sun opposition Mars.
Here are the astrological mechanics to this phenomenon. All retrogrades have a planet slowing down before it hits its “stationary retrograde” point, after which it continues to slow until it makes a conjunction or opposition to the Sun. After that, the planet begins to speed up again until it hits its “stationary direct” point, and from there speeds forward.
When Mercury and Venus go retrograde, they slow until the “inferior” conjunction, after which they speed up in motion. With Mars, the retrograde period features an opposition. So all Mars retrograde periods have an opposition with the Sun.
That opposition is going on right now! After this is exact March 3, 12:10 pm PST, 3:10 pm EST, 8:10 pm Greenwich, Mars will again begin to pick up speed, the opposition will be in the rear view mirror, and the tension between the Sun (Life) and Mars (Action) will again be lessened until the next Mars retrograde period March-May 2014.
So Life and Action have been in an oppositional relationship for a few weeks, which could be seen as a time when actions fail or are frustrated in some way, when no matter what we do it seems like things get bogged down. Many have told me about feeling like they are unable to get things accomplished or finalized, or that it’s a time when they are doing what they have to do but there are delays in getting the results they want.
In my own life, I’m getting a lot done, but it’s all stuff that should have been done long before now, and I must do before I can get on with doing some other major projects. Some of what I’m doing is directly related to these future projects, and will be integral parts of those projects. Other things I’m doing are not related per se, but must be done so that they aren’t left hanging indefinitely.
It’s slowed my ability to correspond, as well as get back to clients to schedule appointments. I’ve had to wait for things to be delivered which of course were delayed. It’s featured returns of people, all of whom are having a hard time moving things forward in their own lives.
In another manifestation, this Mars RX period recently brought a two passive and active-aggressive trolls to the site. I’ve also noted the level of hostility across many comment streams in the political world is sky high right now. It seems that people are on a hair-trigger, and tugs of war abound. Lots of misunderstandings, and if something can be taken the wrong way, it is.
It doesn’t matter what’s being discussed, as even non-political stories are attracting a lot of very hostile and polarized people right now. Whether the Sun-Mars opposition is agitating the atmosphere, or these people are already that way and making an appearance, the level of tension and frustration is very high right now.
The good news is that this period is almost over. The bad news is that the opposition is still in front of us for the next few days. When we add Venus opposed Saturn through early March 4, it would seem these two oppositions are bringing the usual polarization. However, remember that oppositions also are good for realizations, and represent a time when we can bring new things to the surface.
The Sun opposition Mars falls at 14 Pisces-Virgo. Compounding the tension is that Mars is in a close semisquare with Saturn during this period, along with the Sun sesquisquare Saturn. This shows a lot of friction for those with planets in mid-Mutable degrees, as well as late Cardinal degrees. Learn to listen to the inner voice, attune, find your place in the larger scheme of things.
This most affects those with birthdays around the first week of March, first week of June, first week of September, and first week of December. Also those with birthdays around April 15-19, July 18-22, October 19-23, and January 16-20 are affected in terms of inner crises of decision at the end of an old cycle.
Larger groups under pressure are those born Summer 1944-Summer 1946, 9/49-11/49, 2/50-8/50, 1/57-6/57, 10/57-12/57, 7/58-9/58, 7/63-9/66, 4/67-7/67, 4/72-9/72, 12/72-5/73, 4/74-4/75, 11/75-12/77, 10/78-3/79, 7/79-9/79, 11/83-1/85, 5/85-12/85, 11/86-2/87, 5/87-11/87, 5/94-7/94, and 2/95-6/95. Obviously there will be other dates affected, but these are the groups with the outer planets within range of the opposition and frictional configuration created by Saturn’s semisquare and sesquisquare.
Over the next few days try to decrease tension, aggravation, the urge to push or pull when neither will get you what you want, and sidestep aggressive people and situations. When in doubt be moderate in your actions and reactions, and see clearly what protection or camouflage you need, along with your true merit, focused with discrimination and attention to detail in a deeper appreciation for your cultural heritage and the genetic wisdom you inherited from your family line.
In any case, things will again speed up, with fewer tensions, delays, and frustrations after this weekend. Do what you have to do in order to pick up the pace next week, and until then, take it easy!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
With an 11 Sag Sun and 16 Sag Saturn, I look forward to Mars' quick departure!
Posted by: Carmen Viola | February 28, 2012 at 11:52 AM
Wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Robert!! A bad situation began a week ago from the inside, looking outward, and today, the situation is from the outside, looking inward...what a week! My situation could have been much worse; however, reading your blogs over the weekend helped me understand what's going, I decided to be happy instead of fueling a fire, knowing that my fuel might burn a few bridges that I may need to cross in the future, for what ever the reason may be. Right now, my mind is ticking with a few ideas and plans; however, I don't have the patience to put these ideas and plans into action...the events through the week were so stressful, they made me want to soak up some happiness through some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Thank you for validating my mindset, which is filled with craziness this week! Now, I know I can let it all ride with the wind this week, while doing some thinking, adjusting, and exploring before taking any action next week. Thank you!
Pisces - sun
Gemini - moon
Scorpio - ascendant
Posted by: Indigopurple | February 28, 2012 at 01:17 PM
Well, this explains the sharp-edged-disjointed-swirly-chaotic energy this week! So, I'll hold on for a bit longer ... "this too shall pass"
: ) Mahalo Teacher
Posted by: Elah | February 28, 2012 at 02:38 PM
I just discovered an exact conjunction of the Mars Sun opposition to my lunar nodes. Exact.
I am experiencing it as full speed ahead, a launching into an entirely new experiential pattern, spirit into matter.
And the Mars/Venus Pluto Jupiter is just ahead! Fly me a kite!
Posted by: Jo Garceau | February 28, 2012 at 02:44 PM
I guess this is why my house closing has already been delayed 3 times and now may be delayed a 4th.
Posted by: Anon | February 28, 2012 at 03:19 PM
I just came off of an amazing, life-changing 2 months of motorcycles, monasteries, meditation and mountains in Thailand. I moved to Hanoi Vietnam full of positive momentum to work and continue my travels. I got here and found the place fascinating and full of opportunity. So much going on here for me, hard to know what to do. I found a place and work in record time and then.... Wow, traffic jams, horrible weather, jobs canceling and not paying on time, running out of money, everything delayed at a very critical juncture of getting my life set up here..
Looks like it will all start clearing up on Monday. Whew! 2 days off because of cancellations and I was really beginning to wonder...
As always you're articles help me surf reality and keep perspective. And not just that, I feel I've really been able to make enriching, bold and informed choices. I've been following your column in earnest for several years now- let's just say life has been getting very very interesting as a result.
Thanks Robert.
(Sag/Sag rising...naturally ; > )
Posted by: CP | February 28, 2012 at 08:45 PM
Mars is Rx in my 6th... progress regarding new/future 6th house events and opportunities have either slowed down to a turtle's pace or progressing with random delay after moving briskly the first 3 weeks of January. However, it's like I'm re-demonstrating all my Saturn in Virgo lessons at work with the added twist of knowing to speak up / speak out when I know I need not be burdened anymore by details others don't wish to take care of themselves. It's like I'm finding a better sense of when I know I have to "grin and bear it" and when I can say "this is yours to take care of and I'm not here to accommodate your every last whim."
Very much looking forward to the epic grand earth trine in March... and then again in May (with Mercury in Taurus)!
Posted by: Matt | February 28, 2012 at 09:48 PM
Yah, I will be side-stepping aggressive people indeed. Too bad I might lose at this over the weekend when lots of people will be coming into town to drink, then proceed to puke and pee in public from Saturday morning through Sunday morning *in honor of St. Pat's*. Lovely.
-- WL
Posted by: WarriorLady | February 29, 2012 at 12:37 AM
P.S. It is supposed to rain. Maybe Mother Nature will be frustrated/annoyed enough to rain any destructive drunks away.
Posted by: WarriorLady | February 29, 2012 at 12:38 AM
Hi Robert, Great article and you're sure right about retrograde Mars. I have it natally, and opposing my Sun. Have terrible anxieties about getting things done and being on time. Getting better now, though, since he's gone direct in my chart and I'm in my 70s. Just trying to be rather than do all the time. ;o)
Thanks for all your wonderful writings and inspirations.
Posted by: J. Sue Gagliardi | February 29, 2012 at 10:40 AM
I don't know if what is transpiring in my life right now is related to the current sun mars opposition but something very significant is happening. I've posted in the past about the lost of my career (saturn uranus opposition), then how I was accepted for a teaching position at a juvenile hall last June 2011 but a long background check is part of the process. I did the drug screening yesterday, and I received news today that I will start my new teaching position on Monday, March 5th. This process took almost a year - I applied for the job in March 2011, I interviewed for it on June 7th 2011, I was accepted for the position on July 2011, and the background check and drug screening completed yesterday.
I've posted in the past that I have seen and somewhat understood the astrological aspects that triggered the transformation of my career/life starting with the help of Robert's words of wisdom. I am now ab out to embark to what I think is a more rewarding career and I just overwhelmed by the generosity of the universe in providing me a second chance at prosperity.
Thank you Robert for your guidance!
Posted by: ed | February 29, 2012 at 11:12 AM
Oh boy..thank you! I always appreciate these warnings because I can then choose to sidestep aggressive energies. My daughter tends to get caught up in this stuff and it helps me sit with her from a more compassionate place.
Have a great week and thanks!
Posted by: Elizabeth | February 29, 2012 at 11:56 AM
Well Said Robert....Feeling all your words...taking all your advice. So Glad we have you. ;)
Posted by: Linda | February 29, 2012 at 01:13 PM
Forwarned is forearmed, so grateful for this article, Robert. And to Elizabeth above I just spent 3 hours talking to my daughter as she tends to do something similar. I read your entry and I thought how strange!! So pleased I am not alone. My daughter is 21 and this is Elizabeth No2. Being a parent is really for life but I wouldnt have it any other way....Peace and blessings to everyone, the ride is truly bumpy at the moment!!!
Posted by: Elizabeth | February 29, 2012 at 08:30 PM
i'm sorry you have to deal with trolls. hopefully the appreciation from the rest of the collective can assauge that annoyance!
Posted by: dottie | March 01, 2012 at 05:54 AM
Elizabeth (3) here: thanks for this Robert. I had just warned family members to stay cool through the coming weekend before reading your post. Also Mercury is quincunx or inconjunct Saturn and semi-sextile Venus...and about to enter fiery Aries where it will be in mutual reception with Mars in Virgo, so perhaps the sharp tongues will be around for a while yet...!
Posted by: Elizabeth in Montreal | March 01, 2012 at 10:33 PM