by Robert Wilkinson
This is an elaboration of something I posted in a comment stream. We know we’re in the middle of a long term collective awakening, and the future will look much different than the past. So what are some of the characteristics of this mass awakening?
As we are moving out of the Kali Yuga into the Dwapara Yuga, we can safely say that we are coming out of a time of darkness, materialism, and sense of separation from the Divine, and collectively moving back into an awareness of the electromagnetic nature of life. We also are becoming aware that time and space are mere reference points within infinity and eternity, and that we are pure consciousness temporarily embedded in a material form interacting with other material forms.
I have often heard people speak of ascension as a lifting, or levitating, or “moving upward.” Though it may be a popular notion, I prefer to use the metaphor of "transubstantiation," or even "translucidity." We are not being lifted up as much as we are becoming more aware of “the Lightness of Being.”
To elaborate, this is because all substance is composed of Light particles in various frequencies, including our dense bodies. If our “true nature” is that we are Eternal Consciousness with bodies composed of light particles interacting with a material world composed of light particles condensed into various forms, then the true evolved state would be one of “Lightness,” or radiance.
That would make translucency the natural quality of evolving beyond density, which is what we are told we’re doing. I believe many who are steering their evolution in a conscious manner truly are becoming more translucent to some degree, in the sense that their Causal physical vehicles are becoming less "dense" and perceptually separate from the Greater Field through meditation, purification, compassion, etc.
Just as many of us are becoming more true to our Light nature, rather than our dense nature, we also are learning to become aware of the subtle frequencies of consciousness itself, since those are the various densities of life that our Consciousness moves through. We call them the “Spiritual planes of Consciousness,” or just “The Seven Planes.”
So in much the same way that evolution of consciousness itself is not “moving up” as much as moving from being trapped in dense thoughts and feelings to being liberated to move between the dense and subtle planes, the higher Spiritual planes are not "above" the lower ones, but more like a lessening of density with a simultaneous opening to an ever-greater sense of Oneness within a larger, deeper, vaster, dynamic energy field.
To refresh you, there are 7 Planes of existence. The body and the material world exist on the densest plane. Our feelings are less dense than our physical bodies, and our physical, concrete thoughts are less dense than our feelings. Our subtle or abstract ideas are less dense than our lower thoughts, and the higher feeling-body, or Soul, is less dense than the Mental plane. Atma, or Spirit, is less dense than Soul, the Monad is the least dense element in our Spiritual Triad, and the highest level of our subtle existence could be said not to exist in any sense of “density.”
So I would think that ascension isn’t so much a lifting or elevating as it is a more complete awareness of all that is, on both dense and subtle levels. We’re awakening to things we didn’t notice before, or becoming more aware of the interrelatedness of the subtle and the obvious frequencies of matter, feeling, and thought that we weren’t before now.
A further “proof” of this manifestation of the new era is that it seems we are seeing the densification of the Etheric Field, along with many people awakening to Etheric sight. Most often we find this with those who are sensitive to the life of Gaia, or the “aliveness” in the mineral, plant, animal, and angelic frequencies of existence.
This Etheric sight is found by those who awaken to their power of “clairvoyance” or “clairaudience.” These are subtle senses that we all have, but usually are undeveloped. It seems that more and more are developing these, consciously or not, and that there are a high number of children being born with these senses more developed than there were in the past. Again, these are developed by meditation, practices in being aware of and manifesting Divine Grace through forgiveness and compassion, exercises in magnetic connectedness with the Earth such as Tai Chi and Ji Gong, and other emergent forms of Spiritual Science.
And because we’re all in this together, and collectively learning to break free of what a Tibetan Master has called “the heresy of separateness,” we will increasingly find ourselves seeking and finding various communities of like-minded Souls where we will find connectedness and relatedness. Each who comes in the spirit of community will have their skills, strengths, experiences, and abilities to contribute to a greater good.
I created this site to be one where we do connect with each other, and where all Truth-seeking Souls can find ideas, new potentials, and relatedness with others who also strive along the lines of the intention of this site. I’d like to think that all who come here come to commune in things beyond the white noise of obsolete perception of inert forms. We all drink from the One Well of Eternal Wisdom, we all swing from the branches of the Tree of Knowledge, and we all play with and within the Spheres (Sephiroth) of the Tree of Life.
I do believe that this site and all who come here are part of a "string of Light Pearls" that extend everywhere on Earth. We are overlapping radiant sentient Spheres of "Eternal" Atma-Buddhi. As we commune here, there, and everywhere, regardless of space-time perceptual limitations, we do intermingle in very powerful ways.
As we individually and collectively cultivate the Heart power of Spiritual Radiance, we kill out separateness, since in fact the Light/Life we ARE is never separate from All-That-Is. We strive toward ever-greater realizations so we can learn to apply those realizations, eventually becoming skillful at being at one with and the expression of, "the corrective force of Nature Herself."
When we commune with the Divine in every way, with every breath, then we are inextricably intermingled with humanity, the Earth, and our Friends across the Universe. The more we live that, the less separate we will feel from the larger Life within which we live and breathe and have our Being.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Robert, this site does indeed serve a sacred purpose, being a source for the light and a touchpoint for all who resonate with it. Thank you.
Posted by: Valerie | February 24, 2012 at 05:11 PM
Robert....great post....."To elaborate, this is because all substance is composed of Light particles in various frequencies, including our dense bodies. If our “true nature” is that we are Eternal Consciousness with bodies composed of light particles interacting with a material world composed of light particles condensed into various forms, then the true evolved state would be one of “Lightness,” or radiance."
Seriously, do you think this could be measured on one of those new airport scanning machines? I came through one two days ago and was told 4 spots were shining, so I had to have a full body pat down! And, no, nothing was amiss. joyfully, jo
Posted by: Jo Garceau | February 24, 2012 at 06:04 PM
Thanks for the post Robert. The sense of community and collectivity is what matters. Your site certainly promotes this change and links like minded (for lack of a better word) souls. It adds to the domino effect of change and evolution. The gathering of energies is a great power, and if they "see" in the same direction much can be achieved. You, your site, is one of those pointers in the path.
Blessing be to all.
Posted by: Nicolas | February 25, 2012 at 08:07 AM
Your Highness,
One thing's for sure. My antennae is way up these days. Chiron, Sun and my Jupiter. Just hope to be able to push through. Thanks Boss!
Posted by: chickie | February 25, 2012 at 11:06 AM
Thank you Robert. I feel profoundly blessed to have found this site years ago. I suggest your site to others that are on this path as I feel it has given me strength and inspiration along my journey. These are indeed transformational times in the evolution of our specie and you have such a poetic, eloquent, humane and deeply inspiring and profound way to share the wisdom of your spirit. Thank you for your service, for your brilliant wisdom and for being a messenger of Unity and light.
Posted by: Dafna ~ | February 25, 2012 at 05:10 PM wonderous, Robert. All that you have described is apparent to those who have experienced it. Thank you for your beautiful way of describing the true reality.
Mahalo and Aloha!
Posted by: Elah | February 25, 2012 at 08:13 PM
beautiful words Robert!!! this site is full of wisdom love to visit here again and again always learning :)
GOD bless u brother
Posted by: Shehzaad Maroof | February 26, 2012 at 01:09 AM
This site does indeed bring us together, offer us ideas, and help us to connect and find a greater way to serve. Thank you for this wonderful blogsite, Robert!! And ditto to what Dafna says.
Posted by: Sara | February 26, 2012 at 10:39 PM
Thank you for this beautiful piece - your writing is so clear and calm. I come here often and it's always inspiring and keeps me focused on what's important and how the wind's blowing.... Thank you, Robert
Posted by: mary | February 27, 2012 at 04:50 AM
Hermoso Robert
Gracias for sharing your wisdom so eloquently.
Paz y luz
Posted by: Maya Earth Coffee | February 27, 2012 at 02:51 PM
Dear Rimpoche Robert,
Your work here is remarkable and indeed, sacred.
Thank you for BEING with us.
Posted by: Isabel Nobre | February 28, 2012 at 04:13 AM
Robert thank you so much for clarifying this very complicated concept. I get it much better now that you have given me a new way to look at it!
Posted by: Micheline | March 04, 2012 at 01:13 AM
Dear Robert,
I just read this for the third time and marvel at how beautifully you describe our time. You are so inspirational and positive that I can't help but feel a radiance coming right through the WEB from you to us. Bless you, my friend.
Posted by: J. Sue Gagliardi | March 04, 2012 at 02:00 PM
Hi, Robert. Two days after this was posted, I had the kind of experience you describe here (and I commented on and forgot about). I embarked on one of the biggest research projects of my life in attempt to discover what was happening to me. I have now come full circle to read it again and recognize it. Awesome! Thanks again.
Posted by: jo garceau | July 14, 2012 at 11:50 AM
Very informative. Something I was always aware of but reading about it I feel more sure about it.
Posted by: L. Diz | October 10, 2012 at 08:08 AM