by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon at 19 Aquarius-Leo powers up our ability to demonstrate our indomitability revealing our “real stature,” seeing the need for a greater freedom from social rigidity and find fellowship in ways that leave our lives freer and happier. Time to get it in gear, expressed as a greater joy in associations.
Today's article will cover rising signs around the globe, an overview of the Lunation, and the Sabian Symbols. Part 2 will cover the aspects, configurations and patterns, and which signs are most likely to be affected by where this falls in their charts.
A brief overview: the period ruled by this Full Moon will illuminate our vision of a more effective and productive way of managing our energies in some social or group context, where we’ll have to use what we have to meet some “exaggeration of our life problems.” This will show us techniques of releasing or demonstrating some aspect of our creative or playful personality giving us the chance to find true enjoyment in being with people of our “tribe” or those who share our interests.
This is a period of "stabilized idealism” where we take the aspirations, vision, and sense of how we can contribute to ourselves and our world in bigger ways and show our skills in taming something that threatens to, or has recently threatened to, flame out of control. We’ll have opportunities to see patterns that help us understand how to be more joyous in our relationships, and be freer and happier as we loosen up with others who enjoy the same things we do.
Now let’s take a look at the rising signs for this Full Moon around the world. This Group Power-oriented stabilizing and releasing Full Moon helping us become more dynamic and open occurs on February 7, 2012 at 1:54 pm PST, 4:54 pm EST and 9:54 pm Greenwich (February 8 in the Middle East and points east of there.) The Lunation finds 5 Cancer rising in Santa Monica, 12 Cancer rising in Vancouver, 17 Leo in Montreal, 12 Leo in Washington DC, 25 Leo in Rio, 6 Libra in Lisbon, 12 Libra in London, 15 Libra in Amsterdam, 21 Libra in Berlin, 26 Libra in Tallinn, 1 Scorpio in Sofia, 11 Scorpio in Cairo, and 27 Scorpio in Johannesburg.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find the Ascendants to be 15 Sagittarius in Abbottabad, 21 Sagittarius in New Delhi, 30 Sagittarius in Trivandrum, 20 Capricorn in Bangkok, 30 Capricorn in Hong Kong, 24 Aquarius in Tokyo, 20 Aquarius in Perth, 15 Pisces in Melbourne, 2 1 Pisces in Brisbane, 9 Aries in Wellington, and 19 Taurus rising on Maui (Feb 7).
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out New Moon in Aquarius Pt. 1 – What’s Happening in January-February 2012. There’s more at New Moon in Aquarius Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means.
Those around the world who will definitely feel effects of this Full Moon are the places where it falls near the angles of the chart. Places where the Lunation is near the angles and activating energies powerfully are (Moon first, Sun second) the line from Montreal through DC to Rio (Asc/Dsc), Berlin to Tallinn through Cairo to South Africa (MC/IC), East Asia to Western Australia (Dsc/Asc), and Hawaii (IC/MC).
As we are still under the influence of all four of the 2011 Solar Eclipses, as well as the July 2010 Solar Eclipse in Cancer, you may want to review the numerous articles in the archives concerning those long term influences. I’ve put a link to all the 2011 Solar Eclipse articles at the bottom of this one. As several planets in this chart harmonize, reconcile, or stabilize previously activated Eclipse points, many long term issues and endings can be understood from retrospective approaches.
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation has no other forming oppositions, decreasing the polarization and realization potential.
This is the seventeenth Full Moon Sun that falls in the same sign as the previous New Moon, continuing to offer us a consistent (and "natural") way of experiencing the New Moon-Full Moon sequence. We had Full Moon Suns in different signs than the previous New Moon from July 2009 through September 2010. We'll have the current sequences of the New Moon Sun being in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun through May 2012, after which it will again reverse function and the Full Moon Sun will be the same as the following New Moon Sun.
As I've explained in previous Full Moon articles,
... the Full Moon being in a subsequent sign than the previous New Moon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepare the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since you would think the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this set of Lunations works the opposite way....Another way to look at this is the Sun sign of the Full Moon is the same as and precedes the Sun sign of the next New Moon, reversing the usual way Lunations work. So the fulfillment of the Full Moon sets up the next "seed" to be revealed at the next New Moon....
So now the New Moon-Full Moon cycle is "normal," in the sense that now we have the illuminated form shown to us at the New Moon which is fulfilled by the light of the same sign at the subsequent Full Moon. The New Moons will all fall in the first half of their signs and the Full Moons will all fall in the last half of their signs from now through May 2012. Seeds shown in the first half, fulfillment in the second half makes some kind of sense.
This Full Moon falls at 19 Aquarius-Leo. It is said that the second third (decan) of any sign deals with the emotional, social, and cultural levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Gemini and Sagittarius.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.
The Solar degree symbol for the 19th degree of Capricorn is "A forest fire quenched.” Rudhyar ways this is a degree of “exaggeration of life-problems, which reveals to man his real stature and which expands him,” “impatient challenge,” and “Ascendancy.”
In the Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of “the skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic “visitations.” He speaks of a “forest fire” as a circumstance where we may have “to face spectacular reactions to seemingly insignificant acts” to test our strength, ingenuity, or emotional stability.
He also states that “every faculty at (our) disposal must be made use of,” and that we need faith in ourselves as we are illuminated through actions in crucial situations that mobilize our indomitability. He says this degree falls in the Span of Perspective, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Management on the Actional-Physical level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of "regenerative relaxation after extraordinary effort,” and our “exceptional capacity for achievement through the whole-giving of himself in an emergency.” Here we find “dynamic cooperation” through intense situations where we rehearse unsuspected potentials that bring us to a peak of our ability.
He goes on to say that "what can be misfortune to be suffered can as easily become a successful adventure in broad social responsibility.” He offers the keyword CONCERN, and states that when operating positively, the degree is "special skill in bringing personal interests to some larger point of effectiveness..”
The Lunar degree symbol for the 19th degree of Leo is "A houseboat party.” Rudhyar says this is a degree of “the transforming power of pure joy over routine existence” and “human fellowship in an effort to make life happier, freer.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree is about “the enjoyment of temporary freedom from rigidly structured social behavior,” where we can get a sense of free flowing energies and escape from the routines of our daily lives. This is a technique of action to achieve a form of release or demonstrating of vital or creative energies.
He continues that this degree represents a way of “finding ‘release’ for natural energies in group entertainment and enhanced interpersonal contacts,” and “freedom from social rigidity.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Interpretation, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Release on the Actional-Physical level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of "creative relaxation as a prelude to effective effort,” and our ability to achieve things through rehearsing “cooperative relationships” with others. Here we “seal off” some “pleasant pocket of life” where we can strengthen our skills and inspiration and find ways to contribute to our world.
He also says that “any dull routine of existence may be exalted as a common adventure in self-expenditure.” He offers us the keyword CONGENIALITY, and states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree "is a gracious eagerness of participation in the more worthwhile or enduring aspects of human affairs.”
From these symbols it seems we can see the light of knowing how to relax after some quickened effort that shows off our skills, and the power in “dynamic cooperation” where we find potentials we couldn’t any other way. These can express through creative forms where we are freed through those relationships that allow us to feel more joyous and natural.
We can find illumination through managing energies in a full mobilization to tame what confronts us, demonstrating a much greater effectiveness in an areas that interest us. If we find ourselves confronting “exaggerated problems,” these are opportunities to reveal our greater Self to the world. These can take shape in new creative releases that help us to a more natural relaxation and congenial relationships where we eagerly participate in more worthwhile aspects in human affairs.
For now, enjoy seeing a greater effectiveness that can help you “ascend” out of old routines into more dynamic expressions and relationships, since the next two weeks will put the ideals that roused us all to a greater life intensity in 2006-2007 into full expression. We’ll all be able to rise to some occasion that tests our strength and resolve, and there will be major rewards in expanded and deepened social relationships to the degree that we are wholehearted in meeting some challenge.
Show your skills, learn a more dispassionate view of your self-involvements and challenges, and find adventure in sharing common experiences and letting go of old social rules and routines. The next two weeks can help us to a greater effectiveness within a larger picture, expressed in creative and playful forms that help us feel more joy through enhanced interpersonal contacts.
Overall, this Full Moon will bring us a lot of deep revelations we’ve been waiting for, and offers us a major opportunity to “sound the tone of the law manifesting the future” in our lives. Dream carefully, since there are many kinds of “pots of gold at the end of the rainbow,” and you want to make sure you’re seeing clearly what’s yours, and what should go to another.
We’ll all be given opportunities to come to a form of philosophical completion through revisiting some of the “venerable standards” we searched for and began to make a part of our purpose in 2009. For those who learn how to attune to the deepest levels of their being, or tune into the angelic or deva realms, there will be clear revelations, very fortuitous linkages, and some highly specialized serendipitous gifts and circumstances. It’s a time of practical gifts and blessings, so rise to the occasion, show your skills and strengths, and you should be able to find great joy with others through a more creative connectedness.
In Part 2 we'll cover the aspects, configurations, and which degree spans will be impacted by this Full Moon. See you soon!
For more about what’s in store for 2012 and how the 2011 Solar Eclipses will impact us all, here’s:
Astrology Now Into 2012 - What To Expect.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you! That was enormously helpful. As I have a stellium in Leo, with the asc. at 19 degrees Leo, and my Moon is 18 Aquarius -- all of this receiving a *cough* helpful *cough* square from Saturn in Scorpio, I am very curious about this particular Full Moon, how best to be conscious of its energies and use them as well as I can.
Posted by: Amy-Julia | February 07, 2012 at 09:06 AM
Great post! I'm also lit up, with Asc at 18 Aquarius and Mercury at 17 Leo. Curious to see what develops today, because I have a meeting about finalizing my creative project and getting it out into the world, but there's a good chance I'll need to go back in for MORE work on it!
My question is about the rising sign degrees from around the world that you always include. How do you use those and what should we know about them, for example, the general tone of the rising in the area closest to us, etc? Just curious about how to make the best use of all the great info you give us! Thanks!
Posted by: Reefaroundme | February 07, 2012 at 11:09 AM
So timely thank you Robert!! I am on fire with Mars at 21 Leo, Saturn at 22 Leo, Pluto at 14 Leo and Transpluto at 5 Leo Rx - I wonder how it will all work out in the end....
I, too, often wondered about the rising sign degrees of the Full/New Moon around the world and their significance to us as individuals, thank you!
Posted by: Elizabeth | February 07, 2012 at 01:16 PM
Thank you, Robert. Your use of the wisdom of Rudhyar, and Dr. Jones truly lights your work! Wonderful.
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | February 07, 2012 at 01:51 PM
Thank you, Robert. Due to my work schedule we will be holding our full moon group tomorrow night. We always discuss your articles. Everyone here sends their regards. Namaste.
Posted by: dcu | February 07, 2012 at 09:24 PM
when you say that the 2nd decan "invokes a sub-influence of Gemini and Sagittarius", does that mean a placement in the 1st decan of Leo/Aquarius would invoke a sub-influence of Taurus/Scorpio?
Posted by: KC | February 07, 2012 at 09:50 PM
yeah and saturn went retrograde,
little do people know that signified
a judgement day, good luck to all,
your going to need a lot of it if you
blew it (like I did..)
Posted by: william kalbacher | February 08, 2012 at 04:12 AM
No such thing as "blowing it", keep on.
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | February 08, 2012 at 04:15 AM
As usual great post. What makes me happier is that it seems your health is on the mend and allowing you to share your light with us all. Take it easy and take care of yourself. Keep well and flow with ease.
Posted by: Nicolas | February 08, 2012 at 05:03 AM
Hi Amy-Julia - You'll have a lot of light cast on your Moon, so you should have "the movie of your life" illuminated, and get clear about current motives v past ghosts. And with the ruler of your 12th conjunct your Ascendant, that influence will be doubled. Get clear about who you are and who you're not, and what of the past has influenced your Leo self image positively and negatively, blessing the passage via Sun conjunct your Moon.
Hi Reefaroundme - Sun on your Asc kicks off a new enlightened self image for the year, while the form builder puts the focus on your mind, writing, and coordinating principle. I include rising signs around the world to give a general sense of what's on the angles wherever you are. That gives a clue to where the planetary positions are in the chart for your part of the world that influence the next two weeks. So if you're somewhere on the eastern seaboard of North America (or just inland) then you probably have Leo rising in the Full Moon chart for where you are, giving you a sense of how things fall in your part of the world. I do it because many don't have access to a chart computing service, but want to know the general influence for their part of the world, and the rising sign for where you are is just that in a general sense.
Hi Elizabeth - The Moon will put the focus on how you're using these Leo energies, giving you a sensitivity to these so that you can change how they express, as a result of the opposition to the Sun and Mercury giving awareness of how these are working.
Hi Cheryl Ramcharan - You're most welcome. Over the years many astrologers have used the symbols, but I've never found that any of them do justice to the meaning. Given my Neptune in the 3rd, I've always had an ability to see that the objects of perception can be seen in their symbolic meaning, but it took me a lot of training in Jungian psychology and some extensive work in dream interpretation symbols to put it together coherently. Too many take a "spaghetti shotgun" approach to symbols, throwing a bunch of them up and out hoping a few would stick to the walls of comprehension. I try to take what the Masters have offered, and interpret them in the context of modern psychology and the reality of human everyday existence. If you can work with them conceptually in terms of how these translate into your lives, then I've done what I am supposed to do.
Hi dcu - Very good! Will post the second article in an hour or so. My blessings to the group. See you in 2012!
Hi KC - No. When I reference the sub-influences, it deals with the modern decan system, whereby the first third of a sign partakes of its own nature, the second decan partakes of the influence of the next sign of that element, and the third third of a sign involves the previous sign of that element. This is important in understanding how the signs work. For example, the first decan of Aries is Aries, the second decan of Aries is Leo influenced, the third decan is Sagittarius influenced. The first decan of Aquarius is Aquarius influenced, the second third has a Gemini subinfluence, and the third decan of Aquarius has a Libra sub-influence.
There is also an ancient decan system that has its own sub-influences on the signs. The composition of the signs and their sub-influences will be the subject of a class I plan to do once my webinar ability is back up and running, since knowing the various influences that create what we call "signs" is crucial to any comprehensive knowledge of them.
Hi William - Actually, it'll just be a review of lessons learned so we can come to a philosophical completion about those lessons of repair and reconstruction, as per the section of the zodiac where Saturn is dancing. At least we have some ability to determine how Saturn works in our lives. The "real judgment day" in my opinion will be late June through late July, when Uranus squares Pluto and T-squares and Crosses abounding while Jupiter squares Neptune. Better be a very, very good Jedi Knight at that time, with skills well trained so as to be distracted not by the fogs and hard edge of revolution.
Interesting concept you put forth. I both agree and don't with Cheryl, in that yes, we can "blow it," sometimes very bigtime. Then again, NOW is the only time there is, and as long as we align ourselves with a greater and better way as a result of "blowing it," how could that be truly "blowing it?" Sort of like even "adharmic" actions can still lead us to Dharma.
I'll try to elaborate through three examples. Relationally, it could be said that we or they or both make mistakes and get alienated. But if they're truly a part of our larger Soul group, they'll be back, sooner or later, in this life or the next. If they're not truly a potential mate, or part of our Soul group, then regardless of what happened, we cannot "blow it" unless we forget the lessons we were taught regarding detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and generating positive intention, since then we'll have to go through them again, if not with that person then with another.
Same thing with work - it comes, it goes, we learn what we learn, and it all serves our grater evolution. Sometimes we have to move on quickly, other times more slowly, but it doesn't matter, since we WILL move on. That's evolution. The only thing to remember is how we are expressing our Higher Self, since that's the only thing that truly matters. And if our ego "blows it," so what? It just shows us where we never have to go again.
Now I'll share something with all of you I've never shared in public before now. True story to the best of my knowledge: About a thousand years ago I had a lifetime where I was a pretty aware person, but got seduced into saying and doing things I should not have said or done, merely to prove a point to those who were unworthy and unreceptive of that information. That led me into a sorrow and confusion and patterns that could not be "fixed" in that lifetime.
While I'm sure some of those patterns were worked on in a life I had in the 17th century, they could not all be addressed at that time due to circumstances forcing me to work on other patterns as a prelude to dealing with those more ancient patterns. This lifetime as a result of unconscious and conscious choices made in my teens and early 20s, everything came together, and the man writing these words has redeemed the promise of a thousand years ago, picking up the evolutionary story line from long ago, but consciously this time.
Having now walked this walk, I believe I have reached a point where it would be incomprehensible that I would "blow it" again as I once did, having been tested several ways around those themes these past 40 years. So while I may have "blown it," I have also been given the Grace to "fix it." Time means very little in the larger evolutionary sense, and eventually all is made right by our willingness to renounce ego opinions and dramas and go with aligning with our Higher Self and our Soul.
Hi Nicolas - Thanks for your wishes, as well as all other wishes posted across several comment streams, for my health. Sometimes the work load is grueling, since the demand is great and I'm only one person. Can't take it easy yet, but have already changed pattern and so am now resting between work focus, and preparing for a much more enjoyable environment in the near and distant future. Again, while some choices may seem to be a mistake, if we remember who we are and who we're not, eventually we get back on track in fine style.
Posted by: Robert | February 08, 2012 at 08:24 AM
Interesting info about your previous life. I also "made a promise" to be here at this time..So here we go again.
Posted by: ull | February 09, 2012 at 02:58 AM
How kind of you to respond to my post. Thank you, and I hope you are feeling better.
Posted by: Amy-Julia | February 13, 2012 at 09:47 AM
That story helped me a lot, thank's for that, gonna keep it, bookmarking your page at the moment^^
Posted by: ufearn | August 15, 2012 at 08:22 PM