by Robert Wilkinson
Over the years I’ve heard countless people become very anxious and worry when Saturn is making a conjunction, square, or opposition to their Ascendant or planets in their charts. While Saturn transits can bring tough lessons, it never brings us anything we don’t need.
As I've often told you, the planets merely show our inner function that translates into external actions and experiences. We need to get our Saturn functioning in healthy ways, and do that by consistently practicing Saturn’s strengths and virtues, as well as doing these in appropriate manner when we are tested by a Saturn transit that seems to be jamming our gears.
I did a 3-part series about how to deal with Saturn transits a few years back that I haven’t reprinted since then. All three of these articles are important in getting the full picture of how we can best use Saturn transits to best effect. Please take some time to read or re-read these, since there may be some things that can help you turn a difficult Saturn transit into a fulfilling one.
For your renewed consideration,
Saturn Transits – What Happens When It Conjuncts the Ascendant or a Planet?
Saturn Transits – The Saturn Conjunction Effect on Different Groups and Generations
Saturn Transits – How Do Saturn Squares and Oppositions Affect Us?
© Copyright 2008, 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Hello Robert.
For some reason the links are not working, mercury retrograde?
Or is it just me....
Posted by: Sharon | March 27, 2012 at 11:03 PM
Well; that's timely!
No Pun intended!!
Posted by: Amrita | March 28, 2012 at 03:24 AM
I have also troubles with the links....
Posted by: Ilse | March 28, 2012 at 04:34 AM
Ditto - i also have trouble with the links.
Posted by: Ghislaine | March 28, 2012 at 07:29 AM
Hi all - Yes, Mercury retrograde! I thought I had taken care of the problem of using Word to paste text directly into the composition box in the typepad software, but it still does a strange thing when I do it and corrupts the links. So I've fixed them. Sorry for the glitch, but trying to get all the articles posted before going on the road was bound to leave some things falling through the cracks. Just glad I got connectivity to fix these and delete spam that showed up last night.
Posted by: Robert | March 28, 2012 at 07:44 AM
Love this post. I spent the morning reviewing amino acids and went out this afternoon and purchased a good complete formula. These are stressful times. Stress will eat up your vitamin Bs, but we also need amino acids to keep us healthy. Over 50, and this is a must. Also, a good balance of minerals and enzymes. I was once a yoga teacher. My daily practice, my Sadhana, my nutrition lessons accompany me daily. Your post was a gentle reminder that Saturn keeps us facing our mortality and to make every day count. The days are so much more enjoyable when we are happy, healthy, and holy. Selah.
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | March 28, 2012 at 01:43 PM
Thank you Robert. I will start reading the above. I have Chiron square Saturn until mid-Feb next year. At the moment, I have no idea what this means as it's just started. Perhaps three essays due on the same day and trying to avoid a meltdown is a good beginning?!
Posted by: Ann | March 28, 2012 at 03:48 PM
Thank so much for these, Robert. I had already revisited these in the archives several times, as Saturn and I have been hanging out a bit, with my ascendant at 29 libra. He conjuncted my 3 12th house planets and squared my 3 9th house planets before getting to my ascendant then retrograding. He will cross back again on the day of my solar return. Saturn and I have a good relationship and I welcomed the chance to refine my patterns under the guidance of the master. Interestingly, it has been an entirely internal process, with a ton of emotional upheaval. I seem to be mourning every loss that ever happened, both personally and impersonally. I had no idea I could cry so much (not a process I ordinarily associate with Saturn). It has certainly been heavy and serious, but I hold hope that all this sorrow is making way for a rebirth and fresh start. One thing I love about Saturn is that he always offers the gift of right relationship to limitation. It has amazed me how much opens up when the right limits are embraced and the wrong limits rejected. Truly the difference between dominion and slavery. Thanks again for your sound advice, Robert, and for the chance to share some thoughts.
Posted by: Shakti | March 28, 2012 at 04:06 PM
I meant to add a note about your articles on the link between Saturn cycles and progressed moon cycles. That really woke me up to how we are patterned throughout our life, and I highly recommend them as an adjunct to the links Robert posted above.
Posted by: Shakti | March 29, 2012 at 12:10 PM
Just thought you'd like to know, I've seen a number of positive things happen under Saturn transits including in my own life. Saturn conjunct Sun brought me an unexpected large raise once. A friend of mine got a new job under Saturn conjunct Sun. I got my divorce when Saturn was opposite my natal Saturn and it was a good thing for me. I think that if a person is basically living his life well with a good attitude then Saturn brings positive things. People should not be afraid of Saturn. Namaste! :)
Posted by: Valerie | March 29, 2012 at 04:01 PM
Your writings bring 'aha' moments to so much for me. In my natal chart, Sagittarian Saturn is conjunct Ascendant from 1st or 12th House, depending on the system, opposing Mercury and Sun in Gemini. Lots of heavy dark stuff and difficulty in speaking and showing my light. During Saturn return, I was invited by a poet, also a lay psychotherapist developing post-Jungian feminist approach to dreams and creativity, to work with him. The framework that gave me, to link to natural cycles and find creative ways through 'lockdowns' fear made in me, has enabled me to find meaning and growth. Yes, it seems Saturn can be a friend - Saturnalia, compassionate release.
Posted by: llin | March 30, 2012 at 03:05 AM
I seem to have a tougher time with planets transiting my saturn placement than with saturn transiting plants. Could be that natal 1st house saturn placement that's in my progressed 12th now. But I'm okay with saturn now. The neptune square to saturn gave me new respect for saturn, as does my present understanding of jupiter and uranian energy. What can I say? I got limits.
Posted by: caliban | March 31, 2012 at 12:18 PM