by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon at 19 Pisces-Virgo has many very favorable aspects indicating steady harmonious activity based in and leading to understanding across many life areas. Get beyond fear, cut to the chase, get clear about your purpose, and demonstrate your integrity. As you find and live your integrity, you will see and receive concrete rewards.
The Eclipses of 2011 marked a point when things began to shut down in all our lives. Now that Mars has begun to speed up and is in a Grand Earth Trine with Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto, we are again on the move.
In 2011 we had opportunities to embrace a greater freedom and effectiveness in new life roles, and are now stabilizing many things into a steady groove of understanding and accomplishment. Though we’ve left a lot behind, we’ve also seen a new vision, and are now completing our philosophical understanding.
Forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things in the past. At this Full Moon, the Sun and Moon make only a few important forming aspects, though there are other aspects made by other planets that indicate this will be a period of stabilization and understanding opening future opportunities.
The Moon sesquisquares Venus, noviles Saturn, and tredeciles Pluto, while the only forming aspect the Sun makes is a quintile to Pluto. The Sun-Moon-Pluto configuration involving an opposition-quintile-tredecile promises major harmonized productivity, with some highly beneficial and serendipitous unique circumstances.
Productive areas created by this configuration include 19-22 Pisces/Virgo and 7-10 Capricorn/Cancer. If you have a planet anywhere in these spans, you’re going to find yourself in some highly specialized and favorable conditions. Even if it is very intense and unique, it gives a great opportunity to glimpse the core of our integrity in ways that we can live that without fear.
This configuration opens a window to us being invested with a wisdom that will allow us success in meeting a new life order. This will be related to the lessons we learned in 2009 about the venerable standards we were willing to live. We can now live a new law and a new expression of our perfected personality while opening to “unusual good luck” through seeing how the visible and invisible worlds are cooperating with each other.
Other important forming aspects in this Lunation include Mercury triseptile both Mars and Saturn, Venus conjunct Jupiter with both trine Mars and Pluto, Mars opposed Neptune, Jupiter decile Uranus, quintile Neptune, Saturn quintile Pluto, and Uranus square Pluto.
As Venus now occupies the Jupiter position of the last Full Moon in Aquarius, we can capture an element of the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” that have been promised these past 4 weeks. This is the first step in several coming between now and mid-May that will confirm something of worth, as well as more enjoyable elements of life.
Find simple ways to substantiate what needs to be made real, and open to deeper and more authentic and ideal life conditions. There are many gifts, blessings, protections, and enjoyable circumstances shown by the Grand Earth Trine, so go with what you know you need to do at the core of your being.
To revisit four big aspects mentioned earlier, we have Jupiter quintile Neptune and trine Pluto, Saturn quintile Pluto, and Uranus square Pluto. The first shows a great opportunity to get unique insights into collective consciousness that can open solid opportunities if we find the right protection and learn to bring light into the darkness. There are things we can do to serve a greater good, even if they are not obvious. Go for simpler joys to revitalize, and remember what you were shown in 2011 that helped you anticipate what’s happening now.
The Jupiter trine Pluto shows that as we keep it simple and steady, we’re going to find a solid momentum that can help us capture the seeds of things and opportunities of great worth. The Saturn quintile Pluto will bring forth some very unique insights about the core of things, and the Uranus square Pluto, well…
That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
Uranus is on a degree of finding a way to get clear about who we are and who we’re not at the end of a long cycle. It is freeing us from old responsibilities and obligations so we can reinvent ourselves over the next few weeks. Mercury is at 6 Aries, preparing to go stationary retrograde in a few days at 7 Aries. I’ll write more about the meaning of that degree in the articles coming on Mercury retrograde.
Anyway, the Uranus square Pluto will show us our need to unite with kindred Spirits while letting go of useless arguments that only go in circles, as well as how to get beyond fear, see things from the past differently, and find relief through expressing the Higher Self that’s been “cut and polished” in past months. We can grow into a larger role when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use this square in two big ways, both now and into the future.
We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. Again, Pluto is favored by the trines from Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, along with the quintile from Saturn, so this period will be great for getting your Pluto function in good shape.
Separating aspects, showing things already happened or accomplished, include Moon conjunct Mars and trine Jupiter, Mercury conjunct Uranus (though this will become forming once Mercury goes retrograde), Venus semisquare Sun, opposed Saturn, and sextile Neptune, Sun opposed Mars and septile Jupiter, Mars semisquare Saturn, and Saturn triseptile Uranus and trine Neptune.
Overall the separating aspects indicate we’ve just gone through a time when we had some internal “crises of decision” concerning old relationships, and had to avoid getting caught in push-pull situations with active or passive aggressive people. You can learn more about this period just past by re-reading Astrology in February-March 2012 – Gear Jamming During A Sun Opposition Mars and Astrology Now – Go Slow and Do Self Reflections March 2-3-4-5 2012.
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. You will recall its theme is developing “bridge building” skills, closing out old ways while glimpsing a greater work that will outlive us, and seeing the indestructible elements in our life. This continues to be an action oriented time of great productivity that has a social emphasis.
Here's more about the seeds being release by the current Full Moon. Briefly, from the New Moon article covering this period,
... The Light of this New Moon shines on a greater ideal of compassion and timeless feelings that are common to the entire human race. There is potential for tremendous growth through seeing how the past has fed this future, and reclaiming the power of timeless knowledge and wisdom as conditioning forces giving us a vaster perspective on what we're here to do.Keep moving into an ever-clearer understanding of how to make things work on practical levels by keeping it organized and balanced. Practice skills helping you and others bridge “chasms” while staying attuned to the invisible realms for help and techniques of using power efficiently and wisely. Here the vision moves forward based in a solid intuition of what’s passing and what’s already established...
...This period involves finding our indestructible and/or permanent patterns that, by our willingness to live them, they will in turn outlive us. This time can help us see how to perpetuate the "enduring records" we want to leave of our life. Here we can synthesize our compassion and forgiveness in ways that will influence our world whether we’re there to see it or not, and we can take what has been protected and see its permanence.
This Lunation puts the focus on finishing the harvest of the old so that we can cleanly move into the new reality that began for all of between early March and early May 2011. This completes the first year cycle connected to the initiatives and new beginnings opened by the inner planet conjunctions with Jupiter in Aries last Spring. These began to be substantiated and solidified during the time Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars transited Taurus in May 2011, and began to be established as a potential future when Jupiter entered Taurus in June.
Since August, we've been tending our "garden of life and personality" (or not!) What we have cared for since then is moving swiftly forward now that Jupiter in Taurus is direct in motion.
A little more:
This New Moon falls at 3 Pisces, "A petrified forest.” … this degree is one of "Mastery of form over substance,” “Archetypal immortality,” “Conscious handling of existence,”, and “Participation in race impulses.”...this degree involves "the power to preserve records of their achievements which is inherent in fully matured cultures.” Here we find “preserved cultural records,” or perhaps find ways of preserving our cultural values in some “recorded” form. We can now see what greater cultural values we’re a part of, and what has endured across time that is part of our core standards.
...this symbol "brings the promise of social immortality – i.e. the preservation of the enduring (because archetypally meaningful) factors in whatever (we attempt) within our culture. A symbol of Immortality.” We are told it falls in the span of "Innocence,” and it's the third degree of the actional level of the scene of Federation in the Act of Capitalization. So for the next 4 weeks this Lunation will teach us how to synthesize our awareness of the indestructible factors of our heritage by seeing what has been preserved, or what needs preserving.
...this degree is "the absolute certainty which any individual may develop in… (their) conscious knowledge, and of the power in human character which becomes the hallmark of (our) intellectual orientation.” This degree warns us against relying on “stabilities to which no immediate or personal contribution is made,” which will become obstacles to our progress.
...this is about "dramatization of an eternal stout-heartedness, and of its very practical dividends in spiritual continuance. “ He offers us the keyword of SURVIVAL. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this is a degree of "effective continuity and breadth of resource in all human effort."
So we enter a time of seeing indestructible and meaningful patterns in our life within a social context, and thus are required by the energy of Pisces to leave behind old roles, old limitations, old duties, and old loyalties and step outside of old ways of life. Here we can see a larger continuity in our life and purpose, and heal into our higher Self as we become more sensitive to the enduring ideals of humanity.
(By all means please check out both articles these are lifted from, since there’s a lot more I didn’t include here.)
This Full Moon chart shows a “Locomotive” Jones pattern, defined by the occupied span that begins in Virgo, and moves through Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries and closes with the Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. We are told this will manifest through imbalances that lead to power, and that we must find a “compensation” in the unoccupied segment.
This indicates the void we’re seeking to fill involves mid-Taurus through early Virgo energies, so we need to find ways to bring Gemini, Cancer, and Leo energy to whatever we’re doing. That could include intellectual openness, sensitivity, and nobility, or better communication and learning skills that can serve our needs and feed our hearts.
The separating Saturn trine Neptune should have brought us all a general harmony between current structures and larger ideals. This is where maturity, organization, patience, and some balanced calculations have helped us construct long term visionary plans that we'll be working on, with, and through between now and November 2012. Being in Air signs, in late 2011 and January 2012 we all got educated in some realm of understanding, interpretation, proportionality, synthesis, and a larger sense of a higher standard we’re here to live.
The ongoing Jupiter trine Pluto continues to help us all move forward in simple, straightforward ways into a more enjoyable and stable life wherever it falls in our charts. This is definitely a “full speed ahead” type of aspect, and these two trines will make life fairly harmonious despite the impending tension of the Uranus square Pluto!
The December Eclipses indicate we’ve launched into a new collective vibe and adventure in deeper and vaster consciousness, and are now at the threshold of moving forward into clearer individuality, knowing who we are, ready to show up and do the next life chapter. We've all emerged from our cocoon, leaving old forms of protection and finding new ones, and growing in foresight to anticipate what's coming and imagining "future forms of supply."
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands on "the cusp of the Age." It’s now moved forward from its stationary direct transformational degree of 29 Aquarius where we have been collectively transfigured. In recent weeks it has occupied 30 Aquarius, a degree where we can see how our individual Light is part of a vaster “Light Field.”
Neptune is now again in very early Pisces, which has major implications for humanity as a whole. I’ve discussed this phenomenon of Neptune dancing back and forth between early Pisces and late Aquarius in previous articles, opening the collective consciousness to the energies of this transitional period, this “time cusp” between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
In the larger precessional Age, our world is at 1 Pisces right now. Thanks to prior transits of both Neptune and Chiron to this degree, many of us have collectively awakened to a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, the degree of Neptune in this Lunation and "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
Neptune first camped out on this degree from April through July 2011, and made it a “hot spot” through going stationary RX there in early June 2011. It then moved across that degree in February 2012, making it significant in the New and Full Moon charts for that month.
It will retrograde back into 1 Pisces in late September 2012, go direct on that degree in mid-November, and continue to occupy 1 Pisces until the end of December 2012. So besides the long range activation of the point via Neptune going stationary RX and direct there, it also played a big part in the 2011 Summer Solstice chart and will be active in the coming 2011 Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice charts.
So 1 Pisces describes where humanity as a whole is at right now in terms of the larger evolutionary arc between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. I believe we will finally enter the Age of Aquarius sometime between 2045-2070, when we all will see the concrete manifestations of Aquarian patterns that were awakened by Uranus and have been dreamed into collective consciousness by Neptune during these planets' movement through late Aquarius. (Please also check out part one of that series since it elaborates on the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.)
Jupiter and Neptune rule the Sun in the Lunation, while the Moon is ruled by Mercury. Jupiter is quintile Neptune, showing a time of high specialization and gifts of intuition that can help guide us through Neptune’s fogs (showing us the need for a form of protection against aggressive social elements) into unique, straightforward concrete opportunities to bring happiness into situations where there is none, and open doors to a greater consecration and service.
So the backdrop of the Sun is that the Light in each of us will involve unique intuitive gifts, and given Venus is conjunct Jupiter in a Grand Earth Trine, the Light of Wisdom will be very stabilizing and easily understood. The Sun separating septile to Jupiter shows that recent events put us at critical forks in the road of destiny relative to what will be stabilized and what will be left behind.
The Moon, ruled by Mercury, shows that the Lunar “education through experimentation” bringing forth Divine Discrimination has as its backdrop the initiatives of Mercury in Aries that will operate through us defining ourselves through what is not truly part of our integrity. They’re not in aspect, so the Moon will operate on its own while Mercury will shade that energy but not directly relate to it.
In this Lunation chart, we have TWO sets of major players. The first pair is Venus and Jupiter which are conjunct, with Venus being in its home sign and therefore the final dispositor for the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto. Venus is at 4 Taurus, “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow” that was the Jupiter degree of the last Full Moon. Thus we should be capturing some form of that “end of the rainbow” energy during the next two weeks.
The other major players in this Lunation involve Mercury and Mars in mutual reception, and thus the final dispositors for themselves as well as the Moon and Uranus. As Mercury and Mars are in a forming triseptile, that will also add an elements of cooperative energies at a critical fork in the road of destiny in our lives wherever this triseptile falls.
Critical degrees that will trigger this triseptile involve 10-13 Virgo, 2-5 Scorpio, 23-26 Sagittarius, 15-18 Aquarius, 6-9 Aries, 27-30 Taurus, and 18-21 Cancer. If you have a planet or sensitive point in any of these spans, expect dramatic shifts resulting from critical interactions, strange turns of events, and unexpected decisions. This will be a threshold for future important developments when the Sun passes over 6 Aries, when Mercury again crosses this point on April 21-22, and very importantly, when the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter cross 27-30 Taurus in the last half of May and early June 2012.
To sum up, this Lunation gives us a chance to “walk with our wisdom” and learn a new form of cooperative work. It marks a final look back, as well as a solidification of the long range plans already in motion. Be careful and precise as you unveil things that were a mystery before now, and open to the many specialized gifts and circumstances promised by the numerous quintile series aspects in this Lunation.
Over the next two weeks, Mercury will give us a look back so that we can see how to define who we are through a process of excluding that which is not true to our integrity. We will all have the ability to synthesize things through multiple angles of exploration and understanding, and come to completion of some old business while preparing for the momentum to pick up in mid-April.
During this time we can get a sense of how our integrity plays a part in revealing a greater purpose or life dedication, and find opportunities to bring happiness and lightness into barren situations. This is a time to make key decisions, do key actions, move into a greater understanding, and then experience what we have to experience to know our feelings more clearly. Decide, then communicate, then feel. And overall, we should be feeling pretty good thanks to the very favorable Taurus energies.
Those Taurus energies, featuring Venus conjunct Jupiter in the Grand Earth Trine, should make for a fairly good time for all of us wherever that conjunction falls in our charts. This will be especially great for those with planets and points in the first 15 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces, with gifts and unique circumstances presenting themselves to those with planets or points in early and mid-Cancer, late Libra, late Scorpio, late Aquarius, and late Pisces.
Especially with the Venus conjunct Jupiter, if it’s in play in your chart you may expect to find your “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,” and should be able to see how previous care expressed in “the garden of life and personality” last Autumn is now bringing rewards and a greater stability and sense of ease in doing important core activities.
Here we can shape the tenderness we’ve been feeling and demonstrating the past six weeks and through surrendering to the future already showing itself, will find a deeper and more straightforward sense of purpose. This period blends strong Virgo, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus energies, so consider it a time of work, closure, initiatives, and stabilization.
All in all, the next two weeks should show the appearance of techniques of transferring wisdom within protective forms focused through techniques of friendly competition to maximize results. There will be subtle but powerful points where we have to make a leap of faith to resolve some duality, and in doing so will master certain social energies that will help us move forward toward a greater spiritual effectiveness in practical forms. This continues to be a time to revisit the effectiveness of how we express ourselves through sharpening our sense of what we’re dedicated to, what standards we venerate, and how to synthesize the past into a clear vision for the future.
We continue to be in a time where we can come to a balanced understanding leading to a greater vision of how we can serve the better interests of a larger reality. The powerful beginnings of March through May 2011 that began to be solidified last May have now established peaceful, gentle wisdom patterns that can slowly and steadily bring us to whatever we need to confirm to anchor a new truth and future.
Keep reaching out to allies with whom you could build a new future and a new collective reality. The repair and reconstruction work we’ve been doing the past few months will begin to yield results over the next few months, and much that’s been hanging undone should begin to move forward by the time this period is over. Fully embrace unveiling your spiritual dedication and potential, and you’ll find some amazing and unexpected events that allow you to see your Spiritual family with new eyes.
If you’re interested, here are all the articles about the recent Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, so you can refresh yourself about energies active between early December 2011 and late March 2012.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Oh, Robert... Light at the end of the tunnel or a pot of gold. It's a earthling's fiesta!
And coming (not too long away) Pluto will tap my Jupiter and then my Sun. Meanwhile, to help me leap forward; Jupiter will tap my AC and then it's an amazing first house party. I've been consumed with a project for 5 months and it will launch at the next new moon. Go earth! Thank you forever for your timely writings...
Posted by: Jan | March 08, 2012 at 02:02 PM
wow Robert, thank you so much for this beautiful and precisely nuanced astrology. you are really so generous with it, and it is packed with insight. very helpful, and gratefully received.
Posted by: Kit | March 08, 2012 at 10:21 PM
this full moon has stimulated more enthusiasm at a deeper level than ive felt for a long time, so thank you for all your valuable insights as usual a sharing that is most inspiring.
I have alot being set off once again, some very significant, however i also feel,dare i say excited, not quite sure why yet though, that as uranus approaches 5' in the coming weeks, it will trine my MC and sextile my jupiter conj IC.
Uranus transits for me have not been pleasantin the past and have to admit that my solar return, being as my DOB is June 22 being strongly influenced by the uranus pluto square has had me working on embracing rather than fearing it and pluto well, is pluto, needed but not always wanted lol!
Sending kind and healing thoughts to everyone, Namaste
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | March 08, 2012 at 11:41 PM
Stunning precision!
Posted by: Dimitra Bastouni | March 09, 2012 at 01:59 AM
Thanks Robert!
Posted by: Ilse | March 09, 2012 at 03:05 AM
Hi Robert,
Thank you so much for your very detailed writings which help me to navigate this sometimes challenging path on Earth.
I have a question about the rare Pluto occulation of the moon which is occurring now and will be occurring every month until August 2013,I understand that it directly affects women and the home, given that yesterday was International Women's Day I wondered if you could shed some light on this rare phenomenon which last happened in 1935 and what effects it will have specifically for women but humanity in general, given that Pluto is the transformer,
Posted by: Kay | March 09, 2012 at 05:20 AM
I'm shaking my head in amazement. Yesterday rocked. All the pieces came together. Got my transition internship from education world. Had no idea how that would happen, but it did. Yay, the next step of the journey.
This came at the tail end of all this astrological self study co-agulating. You don't know how many times I wanted to take a hammer to this computer, how many times I threw all those astro books in the back room, only to return to them.
And Kay, I am not happy with the "christian" US politico espousing old testament type of controls for women. Don't hear or witness much of the Christ teachings with those folks.
Posted by: caliban | March 09, 2012 at 06:03 AM