by Robert Wilkinson
Though I promised Bernadette I wouldn’t work today, I don’t feel composing this article is work, but a joyous affirmation of all that we know is coming! We're experiencing the emergence of a larger, deeper, and more powerful energy field, and we’re each sensing it in our own unique way. What is common to us all is that energy field is a vast meeting ground, where we are meeting ourselves and others in “a new world that’s a-borning as the old one dies.”
The tribes are assembling, both large and small. The time stream has quickened over the past decade, so that things are arising faster and faster prodding us all to make critical choices in our view of living with fear or love, darkness or light, separateness or Oneness. Perhaps that’s related to what all the prophesies about this time have stated from times past.
A Spiritual Brother who is a site sponsor is directly wired to authentic Mayan scholars in Guatemala. From time to time I pass on what is offered so we can understand what this “end of time” is really all about, and why the future is very bright for all who embrace the qualities of the emerging field.
I’ll close my part of this by saying that as it now stands, almost everyone on Earth has either a septile or sextile between their Neptune and their Pluto. In a nutshell, we all know better.
There is no excuse for unconscious behavior, since everyone now knows on the deepest levels what “right action,” “right intention,” “right response,” and “right relationships” mean. Now is the time to focus this deepest and broadest personal experience of the Eternal, God, Spirit, or whatever you call it, to synthesize our personalities with our Spirit-Soul and demonstrate the integrity of our unique gift to offer the world.
And now for “The Second Mayan Prophecy.” It’s part of our Brother Felipe’s Mayan Calendar Series over at Maya Earth Coffee. (Yes, he does ship direct!) I introduced you to some of these authentic Mayan opinions on the subject many months ago, and since he just sent this to me today in his newsletter, I thought I’d pass it on to you for your consideration, slightly edited for readability.
“The Second Mayan Prophecy”
The second prophecy shows two paths: one of comprehension and tolerance and the other of fear and destruction. On both paths, you learn the necessary lessons for the evolution of consciousness.
It's up to us to decide which path to choose, it’s heaven and hell manifested simultaneously. It tells us that humanity is moving towards a new era of harmony, but in order to get there, we have to confront our greatest fears and accept that we experience difficult situations so that we can learn from them.
And if we maintain inner peace in whatever situation we experience, no matter how difficult it may be, then we can maintain and increase our inner energy producing a high state of vibration and true respect for all living beings. It says that difficult situations will be part of our life as long as we need to learn a lesson from them.
The second prophecy announces that as a result of the August 11, 1999 eclipse, the physical transformations of the Sun will alter the actions of humanity. They say that some will lose control of their emotions while others will fine tune their inner peace so as to synchronize them with the rhythms of the galaxy. In this way, they will be able to neutralize the drastic changes that are described in the following prophecies.
On that day we saw a ring of fire that cut off the heavens. It was an eclipse without precedence in our history due to the alignment of a cosmic cross with the center of almost all the planets in our solar system.
In addition, the shadow cast by the moon over the earth crossed through Europe, passing over Kosovo, the Middle East, Iran and Irak, and then through Pakistan and India; its shadow appeared to predict an area of wars and conflicts.
“The creative imagination of the Mayas was truly galactic, just as their knowledge was.”
Fundacion Centro Cultural and Asistencia Maya C.C.A.M.
Chichicastenango, El Quiche, Guatemala
To which I’ll add that the 1999 Solar Eclipse in Leo was one of the most powerful in history, and shattered everything that was up to that point, thanks to the Grand Fixed Cross involving the Sun/Moon in mid-Leo, Mars in mid-Scorpio, Saturn in mid-Taurus, and Uranus in mid-Aquarius. 4 major heavyweights, none giving an inch! I’ll write something about that in the future.
Truly, the emerging changes require us to be open to subtle frequencies of life, light, and love, and experience the living energy we are all together. While many things will seem difficult, as we learn to detach, become more dispassionate about what appears to be, and discern between the real and the unreal, the truly important from the apparently urgent, we can find a greater power in generating positivity in our view of what is and what could be.
You might as well let go of all your fears and worries and live the integrity of your heart strength, love, and wisdom. You have nothing to lose but your separateness from yourself and Spirit.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Happy Birthday Robert. Thanks for all you do!
Posted by: Tommi | April 01, 2012 at 11:39 AM
i like this.
Posted by: Piedad | April 01, 2012 at 11:57 AM
Happy birthday, Robert! We all celebrate your life and your generous offerings to fellow comrades on the journey.
Posted by: Valerie | April 01, 2012 at 01:31 PM
Dear Robert,
Happy birthday and thankyou for giving your light.
Its my first time on your site so I'll be brief. I would like to share information about Wiltshire Crop Circle Society in England who have been studying messages in Crop Circles from ancesters and 2012 prohecies for some time.
In unity of purpose,
Posted by: Pauline | April 01, 2012 at 02:32 PM
Happy Birthday Robert!! Wish you your heart's desire.
Thank you for the above, it's really quite exceptional..... Blessings to you and your family!
Posted by: Elizabeth | April 01, 2012 at 04:35 PM
Happy Birthday Robert, wishing you all the best!
Posted by: Laura Duffy | April 01, 2012 at 05:11 PM
Thank you, Robert, and happy birthday to you!
Posted by: Lainie | April 01, 2012 at 05:39 PM
Thank you Robert for sharing your Birthday with us. Much Love to you, Bernadette, and His Highness Mr. Cat-ness.
Posted by: dcu | April 01, 2012 at 06:52 PM
Happy Birthday, Robert! YOU are a wonderful gift to us and to the world! Thank you for being born and for having another birthday! Much love and light to you!
Posted by: Sara | April 01, 2012 at 11:20 PM
Happy Birthday Dearest Robert. I hope you have a fine birthday!!! Thanks so much for this article!!!!
Posted by: Micheline | April 02, 2012 at 03:54 AM
Happy Birthday, Robert! Sending Love, Light and Gratitude. Shine On, brother...
Posted by: Nancy | April 02, 2012 at 05:05 AM
Belated Happy Birthday, dear Robert. May every day be one to celebrate. Thank you for being, and sharing your wisdom so generously. God/desses bless heaps!
Posted by: Sudha | April 02, 2012 at 05:05 AM
Posted by: SS | April 02, 2012 at 08:52 AM
Belated birthday greetings to you Robert! I hope this birthday year is filled with lots of love & laughter. And thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us & helping us navigate thru this lifetime! Diane
Posted by: Diane | April 02, 2012 at 02:27 PM
Happy Solar Return Good Friend!!!! All the best to you!
Posted by: rebekka | April 02, 2012 at 03:49 PM
A belated Happy Birthday to you Robert! For some reason I was under the impression your sun sign was Aquarius - perhaps due to the name of your web site. My beloved mother was also born on April 1st and she's nobody's Fool...nor are you!
Posted by: Elizabeth (Montreal) | April 02, 2012 at 07:44 PM
bestest birthday wishes, with many more joyous ones to come!
Posted by: Sabina | April 02, 2012 at 08:24 PM
Happy Birthday - and thanks for this, it was very encouraging to read and a good reminder of not feeling down or negative about lifes challenges
Posted by: Becks | April 02, 2012 at 10:40 PM
Bless you Robert on your birthday!
You are amazing. Thanks for what you do.
Posted by: Annie Carton | April 03, 2012 at 06:11 AM
Happy belated birthday to one of my favorite martians.
Looking forward to future writes on that 1999 eclipse grand cross and ensuing touchpoints. The journey has not been easy. It was necessary?
It's good but strange. I have to look back to see whether it was October 2006 or 2007, I remember the moon was in leo conjunct natal arachne, etc when I met spider man who launched me into being a naturalist. I mean the guy specializes in spiders, how weird is that. Anyway, it seems to be coming full circle as I am meeting up once again with same people and same places. Nature seems to be the one thing that is big enough to hold me.
Posted by: caliban | April 03, 2012 at 07:33 AM
Ahhhh....Cosmic Brother,
Many wishes of expanding Love-Light and the eternal blessings of our Divine Mother to you!
Your soul presence on this lovely Gaia at this time is a gift to those of us who seek comfort in the community of awakening hearts.
Aloha Aloha Aloha
Posted by: Elah | April 03, 2012 at 02:12 PM
Happy birthday Robert! Thank you for this post. I am taking in a lot of energy from all over..(more than ususal..)also having my deepest wounds opened again - Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Pisces opposition Pluto..I feel I need to transform all the supressed hurt and anger from childhood - and at the same time hold the balance..
Posted by: ull | April 04, 2012 at 03:44 AM
Hola Robert,
I hope you had a pleasant and relaxing birthday. Thank you for re-posting the second article of the Mayan Calender series.
I was intrigued by your statement "The time stream has quickened over the past decade". I was wondering if you had time to explain in a little more detail what exactly does that mean? and how that affects us? I remember seeing some posts about this topic but I can't remember if they were in a stand-alone article or embedded in another one.
Posted by: Maya Earth Coffee | April 04, 2012 at 12:56 PM