by Robert Wilkinson
Years ago I saw that the positive qualities of each sign are a direct reaction to the negative qualities of the sign preceding it. For instance, positive Libra traits are a direct reaction to the negatives of Virgo, and positive Pisces traits arise from the negatives of Aquarius. This is a profound concept and shows the way to antidoting negatives without struggling with the qualities of the sign itself or its opposing sign.
Most astrologers know that if we want to work on negative qualities in a sign, we can use one of two equally valid methods. We can a) deal directly with those sign traits, turning them from the lower to the higher (using positive Scorpio energy to transform negative Scorpio traits), or b) use the positive qualities of the sign opposing the one we're trying to deal with (using positive Taurus traits to antidote negative Scorpio traits).
The former method is self-evident (think fighting fire with fire), while the latter involves the principle that since any sign externalizes through its opposing sign, then using the "tension of opposites" antidotes the negative quality (think fighting fire with water). In actuality, it’s using Fire and Air to antidote each other, or Earth and Water. However, there is a third method by which we can transmute a negative into a positive.
I won't go into an exhaustive list of the positive and negative qualities for each sign, since that would be a book-length piece and these qualities are easily found in any basic textbook or astrology internet site. Instead, today I'll outline a general pattern, and let you fill in the inferential blanks (plus it will help students of the craft get clear about what signs demonstrate what qualities!)
I gave this to you a couple of years ago, and have re-written parts of it to make it more readable. Still, the subject matter holds as true today as then, so enjoy moving through the qualities of the various signs and extrapolating how the next sign’s positive traits antidote the negatives of the sign preceding it.
The concept of the positive qualities of each sign being the reaction to the negatives of the sign preceding it yields some intriguing associations. I'll begin the pattern of -/+, -/+ qualities to whet your appetites, and let you explore the signs from there.
The initiative and need for direct action of Aries is a reaction to the procrastination and ambivalence of Pisces.
The steadiness and calm of Taurus is a reaction to the impulsiveness and state of constant excitement of Aries.
The adaptability and willingness to experiment of Gemini is a reaction to the inertia, stubbornness and simplistic way of seeing things of Taurus.
The tenderness and personal caring of Cancer is a reaction to the impersonality and lack of attachment to any one view of Gemini.
The extroversion, demonstrativeness, and grand style of Leo is a reaction to the introversion and insecurity of Cancer.
The humility and practical service of Virgo is a reaction to the bombast and egocentric dominance of Leo.
The balanced view and grace of style of Libra is a reaction to the critical narrowness of Virgo.
The depth of insight and relentless pursuit of all-embracing feelings of Scorpio is a reaction to the superficiality and indecision of Libra.
The wide scope and humor of Sagittarius is a reaction to the focused intensity of Scorpio.
The responsibility and persistence of Capricorn is a reaction to the insouciance and need to escape from limits of Sagittarius.
The idealism and dedication to a larger ideal of Aquarius is a reaction to the suspicion and self-interest of Capricorn.
The compassion and forgiveness of Pisces is a reaction to the fixed ideas and detachment of Aquarius.
More? Check out these quick keywords:
Aries: Quick temper. Taurus: Easygoing.
Taurus: Gets stuck easily. Gemini: Versatile.
Gemini: Inconsistent. Cancer: Reliable.
Cancer: Timid. Leo: Bold.
Leo: Subjective. Virgo: Discriminating.
Virgo: Nitpicky. Libra: Sees the beauty.
Libra: Insincere. Scorpio: Total commitment.
Scorpio: Secretive. Sagittarius: Wide open.
Sagittarius: Overconfidence. Capricorn: Pragmatic.
Capricorn: Pessimistic. Aquarius: Progressive.
Aquarius: Sees all as equal. Pisces: Sees shades of bad and good.
Pisces: Lacks confidence. Aries: Just do it!
and the beat goes on and on and on....
© Copyright 2010, 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Excellent, Robert. Thank you for sharing this idea. I believe it is a keeper in my astrological bag of tools.
Posted by: Iris | April 09, 2012 at 09:58 AM
I like it, too! And of course it is applicable to one's own chart where every month the moon moves through every sign, one right after the other, shifting our attention from one sign to the next, one quality to the next over and over...and over. Think of the difference between a scatter chart and one focussed with most of the planets in one or two signs. The intensity of the experience would vary dramatically from one person to another.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | April 09, 2012 at 11:10 AM
Ha, ha, ha: what a great post this is. Do love your Blog in general as well.
Posted by: Fauve | April 09, 2012 at 11:25 AM
I very much like this "third way" ... it reminds me of the pulse of flow, the binary nature of all things which ebb and flow ... it is the moon which reminds me every pocos dias of the specifics of this flow which push all things in a spiral instead of a flat circle ... and this Easter weekend past was a deep reminder of the Scorpio-ness of the Tomb giving way to the wide-openness of Spirit wanting to express pure Love, but being reminded in the next hours as Sagittarius takes hold that Love taken too bodily, too humanly is the ego-beat of overconfidence, which then necessitates the pragmatism of Capricorn, which becomes oppressively pessimistic, giving way to the progressive view to hope ... and so on and on and on, flowing ... as you say Robert, following the beat that goes on and on and on...thank for this "third" perspective, which seems to me an interesting version--a mental story, if you will--of the mentally-illusive nature of flow...
Posted by: Virginia | April 10, 2012 at 05:03 AM
So what happens if we have two signs (Leo and Cancer) as Sun and Moon?
Posted by: JS | April 10, 2012 at 05:06 AM
Hi all - I thought you might like this one. It is another way of looking at the flow of energies from phase to phase, and just like the Modes (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable, Cardinal....) or the Elements (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Fire....) this approach also reveals something of the natural evolution of process.
Hi JS - It means exactly what I've put forth here. You could say your Sun's positive traits are a reaction to your Lunar negatives, or that your Cancerian traits are secured by your Leo traits. Beyond everything else, we ARE our Sun, while our Moon is the package of that Solar force. You are a ruler; the form that will take should be one of caring and assuring some sort of supply.
Posted by: Robert | April 10, 2012 at 06:47 AM
Thanks Robert, great article and a wonderful site! I never thought of myself that way (Leo and Cancer) before:) Now, I know why I go thru so many emotions:)
Posted by: JS | April 10, 2012 at 09:00 AM
This is truly great, thank you Robert! With
my sun 17 Scorpio and moon 17 Libra, I have always felt fairly well balanced, very helpful raising two children, but my question is how do I deal with someone with sun 20 Virgo and moon 28 Gemini? Seem to be fighting a losing battle here! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your hard work Robert, and Blessings...,,
Posted by: Elizabeth | April 11, 2012 at 03:53 AM
Hello Robert,
thank you very much for this very helpful, because so straightforward approach. I am not an expert in astrology. Would it be correct to assume that we can apply the same technique to our ascendent and moon sign as well? I am a sun sign Taurus, so I can benefit from the positive Gemini traits for balancing my being. Could I apply the same for my Virgo ascendent with positive Libra traits as well as for my Cancer moon with positive Leo boldness?
Above in your comment you said we ARE our sun sign and I know this is correct from my own personal experience of have been in my body :-) so I act like a Taurus agreed. I think more like my Virgo ascendent and I dream like my Cancer moon sign if that makes sense. So this approach and technique will greatly benefit me in fine tuning my thinking and dreaming abilities by infusing them more with Libra and Leo energies and then I will act upon them with a balanced Taurus/Gemini action plan. Easygoing Versatility, I like it :-) Thank you very much for everything you are doing and also has anybody ever told you that you look like an Elven :-)? I love the Elven energy.
Posted by: Max | April 13, 2012 at 02:30 PM