by Robert Wilkinson
A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon. It shows the seed of what is to follow, not just for weeks, but for many months or even years.
Over the next 4 weeks (and 42 months), the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini will help us get new discoveries about realms we didn’t know existed, and open us to different ways of seeing, viewing, interpreting, and communicating information. This will help us get clear about the roles we’re playing or don’t want to play.
This Eclipse is conjunct the South Node at 6 Gemini, showing that we can find illumination in “showing what we know,” and putting a new light on old knowledge that once brought us “wealth and power,” or could again. With the North Node at 6 Sagittarius, our line of greatest development is through learning “the rules of the game,” demonstrating skill in some group or social function. Here we grow through anticipating future events and new potentials.
Since Eclipses are known for shutting things down over a long period of time, with the NN in Sagittarius we begin to grow through new Sag things being discovered while old Gemini things are eliminated. Here we grow through enlarging our vision, truth, and higher mind’s understanding of larger things, demonstrated through showing the knowledge that will “drive us forward” toward “future and speculative gains.”
The South Node shows how we demonstrate what we already know, or find a "line of least resistance" where we "let go, let G-d." As with the 2011 Summer Solar Eclipses in Gemini and Cancer that were also both conjunct the South Node in Gemini, this one will also set a SN effect into long term play. This Eclipse conjunct the South Node will help us all demonstrate new ideas that open new perspectives and modes of communicating that are somehow familiar to what we’ve known before.
The SN in this Eclipse shows we'll demonstrate what we know by mobilizing for gain, and digging deep for information that can help us find both wealth and power. It will also be a time of delight in the simple promise of things, with rewards that confirm our worth and allow us to be at ease communicating what we know and/or have learned within a larger public sphere of enjoyment. Many things will be more substantial as a result of this Eclipse if we can just let go of dualisms that keep us unclear about our roles, our light, our integrity, and our ability to get focused on our higher mission or ideal within the larger collective field.
So the Light of the New Moon is shining on following our line of least resistance into knowledge that can reveal other dimensions of Being. We will grow through learning “the rules of the game,” cooperation, skill, and fairness, and then through the SN we can use our knowledge to mobilize on behalf of our material and psychological well-being.
This is the twentieth and last in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the same sign as the following Full Moon. It is the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini puts the focus on learning, communicating, discovering, and perceiving new ideas and ways of relating to others preparing us for further adventures in these once Jupiter enters Gemini in a few weeks. Much that began in Spring 2011 with Jupiter in Aries has been substantiated and solidified during the time Jupiter has been in Taurus. Now we stand on the threshold of Jupiter in Gemini for a year, and this Eclipse gives us a hint of what that year promises for us all.
This Lunation jumpstarts Gemini energy wherever it falls in our chart, while simultaneously shutting down elements of that house and those life affairs. This period involves turning a corner on old ways of interpreting and communicating, and requires some degree of Divine Discrimination around knowing what’s core and what’s peripheral, as well as the ability to fit things into a larger Truth and/or future.
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, and as such is a major player in terms of influence in this Eclipse. It’s in Taurus, conjunct Jupiter, showing that this will bring us new understanding and ideas around what Jupiter in Taurus has taught us, brought us, and solidified in our lives.
This New Moon has an actional, material plane focus. As it falls in Gemini, as I just noted Mercury is the ruler of this New Moon. Mercury is in Taurus, ruled by Venus, and Venus is retrograde in Gemini, ruled by Mercury. That makes the Mercury semisextile Venus the Final Dispositor for all the other planetary energies, since they are in Mutual Reception. The only exception to this broad rulership is Neptune, in its home sign of Pisces. Still, Mercury’s solid influence is not to be underestimated, especially since it’s conjunct Jupiter, blending the planets ruling the lower mind and the Higher Mind in the simple, stabilizing sign of Taurus. The influence should be quite enjoyable and rock solid in many ways.
Neptune is very important in this Eclipse, since the only forming aspect this Lunation makes is a square to Neptune. That makes Neptune the release for the Sun and Moon, and the power of the Sun and Moon will release the energy of Neptune. That makes Neptune’s influence very powerful, and indicates that many things arising in collective consciousness will be released through this Eclipse, allowing new understandings and new interpretations pervading the collective mindset, or global thinking, to come forth.
Neptune and Chiron at the Cusp of the Age:
Other than the brief look we had in mid-2011, this is only the fourth New Moon with Neptune in Pisces for the next 150 years. We had Neptune in Pisces for the 3 New Moons for May, June, and July 2011 which gave us a front end look at how Neptune will function through 2025.
Between August, when Neptune retrograded back into late Aquarius, and the recent January New Moon, we were given one last look back at a greater ideal, and the changes of the last half of 2011 helped many to break out of our "chrysalis" and transform how we live and all our relationships. That is now established in the collective consciousness, as well as a growing sense of the larger light field in which all sentient Beings live and love.
If you want to know what's coming for many years to come, take a look back at the intuitions and sense of belonging to a vaster interrelated whole you were shown in May, June, and July 2011. It may help to give a sense of our collective lesson in dissolving our separateness as we finish this transition through "the Winter of the 21st Century" on our way to Spring, beginning in 2025!
During those months that both Neptune and Chiron were in early Pisces, we were offered chances to learn about bargaining and trade-offs, with the ultimate payoff a deeper and larger feeling of being connected to others. During the last half of 2011, Neptune retrograded back to 29 Aquarius, the degree where humanity was forced to emerge from its "chrysalis" as a new world is being born.
Chiron retrograded back to 1 Pisces. So those two dancing together kept us attuned to elements of this transitional span of experience for all of 2011 as we prepared to cut loose into the Neptune in Pisces era for many years to come. During 2011 both Neptune and Chiron revealed our unique part to play within a larger light/life field.
During that time, these planets at the beginning of Pisces and end of Aquarius occupied degrees representing "the Cusp of the Age," the span where the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius meet. From one point of view, where we were collectively between February 2011 and March 2012 revealed what the period of (approximately) 1990-2140 is all about in the broader context of human evolution. I suspect that future generations will look back at 2011 and 2012 as being crucial in showing long range patterns of larger evolutionary necessities.
Neptune and Chiron dancing between signs on "the Cusp of the Age" had the effect of making it seem like we have all been occupying a very weird dreamscape which we'll be navigating for years to come. The trick for us is to apply our new strengths and understanding freed from the ghosts of the past, and by riding the waves of intense (but curiously steady) pulses of spiritual energies shaping our minds, we can find techniques where our efforts will lead us to forms of good fortune.
During the year they danced together in this critical degree span, they provided us a bridge to understanding the global lessons we all must embrace, and helped us graduate into a new view of how we are an essential part of a greater whole. I'll give you links to articles explaining more about "the cusp of the Age" at the end of this article.
In this New Moon Neptune is at 4 Pisces while Chiron is at 10 Pisces. This will help us heal anew through our positioning within collective consciousness, with a focus on healing into our Higher Selves through seeing what we’re dedicated to, what skills we’ve cultivated, what “call” we’ve heard, and how we’ve quickened our striving. While there may be symbolic “traffic jams” in the collective consciousness, we can learn to navigate them “flying by the seat of our pants,” demonstrating a mastery of obscure conditions and growing into a new consecration.
More About Saturn's Universally Important Influence
Though not as prominent as when it was the nozzle for all the other planetary energies (returning for the last time December 2012 through February 2013, but in Scorpio), we'll continue to put a spotlight on Saturn in Libra, the cosmic timekeeper, since it does symbolize the ongoing lessons and limitations within the larger field of existence. Saturn will remain in Libra through early October 2012.
Saturn continues to be a very powerful influence since it is in its sign of "exaltation." That means Saturn's discipline and personal power focus is able to become very effective as it shows balance, rhythm, moderation, and reasonableness in how we demonstrate it.
What we learned from Saturn in Virgo in 2007-2009 will have to be applied in forms of practical action as Mars transits Virgo between now and early July. Once Mars enters Libra, we then get to apply the wisdom forms we learned via Saturn in Libra beginning November 2009.
With Saturn retrograde since early February, we are reviewing how to repair or reconstruct things from the past to come to a philosophical completion between now and October 2012. This will involve not simply reconstructing something, but also seeing things from a holistic perspective that enables us to be more well-rounded in our understanding before we enter a deepened, more intense period beginning in October 2012 when Saturn enters Scorpio, introducing a new set of lessons.
During this period of coming to a holistic philosophical view, many will be able to read meanings in symbols and things, and will move beyond knowledge into true balanced understanding. We can recognize a cosmic order in things, and use that to reorder our world. Here we perfect our integrity, and in doing so find a gift for furthering what we want in the way of a more ideal reality.
As Saturn rules Pluto in this chart, it shows that when we are confronted with the need to deal with something or someone in an organized, efficient manner, reference Saturn in Libra and the lessons of balance, justice, proportion, and moderation in judgment you've been learning. Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, maturity, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
So as you open to the fifth New Moon of 2012, take stock of what you've been learning and put it together in a larger holistic understanding. In 2011 we learned about karmic consequences from a wider angle of view, while playing by the rules of whatever system we've been dealing with, or acting within, showing as much balance, grace, and equipoise as we could, given Saturn's penchant for heaviness.
We are all learning a lot about Dharma during Saturn's stay in Libra, as well as what we should not be trying to prop up through a misplaced sense of responsibility or obligation. If we run into roadblocks or delays, it should tell us a lot about patience, as well as what limitations and burdens we can live with and what we cannot.
As noted in previous articles, Saturn continues to usher in allies, friends, fellow truth-seekers, more balanced views, and corrective actions as techniques for community building or group awareness. The transfigurations in our actions and relationships we've gone through since January 2011 have led us to do forms of "repair work," where we confronted the consequences of past actions, whether our own or another's. The repair work could as easily be in the realm of our inner self as in outer affairs.
Saturn in this Lunation chart indicates we need to pay attention to lessons around the potential for new forms of living and new opportunities to present themselves through what we’re instinctively growing toward. Here we develop new ways of responding to life situations by exploring new heart strengths that have been slowing coming out since Autumn 2011. There are new emergent faculties for dealing with life, new power, new perspectives, and a new sense of inner balance to be accepted. These are the long term lessons of this Eclipse.
A Little More About the Recent Past As Prologue
When Venus first transited the Gemini zone of the Grand Irrationality in the third and fourth week of April, it triggered that long wave influence, as well as set off echoes of the Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 2011 which also fell in the Gemini zone of that powerful configuration. Now that it’s retrograde, we can expect further “irrational” developments (which can be good or bad, depending) when it next transits 14-18 Gemini, as well as when Mercury and the Sun also transit this zone between May 31 and June 10.
As long time readers know, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave non-rational influence that has put everyone on Earth on the unceasing edge of major choice and change, confronting inner compulsions and outer irrational behaviors. It is why things seem to have an unending hard edge, why so many choices are continually thrown in our faces that require immediate attention, and why reason seems to fail at critical moments of decision.
It’s a time when things don’t have to make sense, nor will they for some time to come. The only thing that matters is that we learn how to ride this ever-changing wave of very strange and weird human experience, and not get lost in our own obsessions, compulsions, and the general irrationality of our times. There are numerous articles in the archives about what this is all about, and how to deal with these very strange energies, so please take a look if you are so inclined.
Last year’s Gemini Solar Eclipse that triggered the Grand Irrationality for years to come has liberated all of us from some elements and ghosts of our past, freeing us from old preconceptions and chains of mental slavery. That intense activation of last June has shown as hectic intense bursts that often made no sense during the past year, and the current “off and on” patterns of other planets in irrational relationships is forcing us to choose wisely. We have now been challenged to find ways to liberate ourselves from unhelpful views and attitudes while staying on track with the new elements arising from the numerous conjunctions to Jupiter in Aries that have presented themselves over the past 12 months.
As I made clear for many months, Autumn 2011 was a time to cultivate the "plants in our garden of personality and life" that is what we’ve been drawing on to substantiate a new reality and set of values in 2012. Between June 2011 and February 2012 we experienced three "cosmic visitations" that changed our lives in big ways.
Jupiter expanded that theme in the 2012 Aquarius New Moon, accelerating a major transformation time that has had wide-ranging effects throughout the first half of 2012! As the last New Moon fell exactly on that same degree, over the past month many have experienced spectacular developments related to the past times that Jupiter occupied 2 Taurus!!
Last August put us all through "a liberating ordeal," leading us to be freed from old social rigidities and finding joy in fellowship with new associates with whom we can work and play. Since then we’ve been practicing a new freedom, with efficiency sky high due to Mars in Virgo since last November.
This Lunation continues that efficiency, and with Mercury, ruler of the Eclipse, conjunct Jupiter in Taurus, much will continue to be stabilized. It’s a great time to make money, or put a plan into play that will make you money in the future, so go for it! Given that all Eclipses are associated with losses that create life voids, expect your void to be filled over time with that which ensures your simple, enjoyable well-being, once you let go of the past.
Over the past year, Jupiter has shown us a new life dedication, how to find hope in the face of coldness or barrenness, and how to cultivate purity of heart and faith in a transformed future. We were also shown how to use knowledge and skill to anticipate the future, allow a new quality of being to supersede an old lesser order, and through releasing elements of the past, find our "pot of gold at the end of the rainbow" where we have accepted the Divine workings that show us who we are and who we aren't.
Jupiter went direct in motion last December, launching our 2012 Jupiterian adventure. During the last 5 months, we’ve all had opportunities to open to larger ideas, larger opportunities, larger understanding, larger ways to look at resources and values, and larger futures. We originally entered this phase of concretizing a better life between early June and late August 2011. We got a different perspective from August through December, and in March completed the third pass across the first 11 degrees of Taurus.
This helped us demonstrate mastery of what Jupiter's been teaching us in terms of opportunities to enter into a creative partnership with Nature Herself, and could see where we can naturally "pour ourselves out" into some way to manifest our Soul. So contemplate the wreckage of the last half of 2011 as necessary to make space for the future growth of the new initiatives and expansions originally set into motion between March and May 2011. Things should have become more solid and stable since late February, which is leading all of us to numerous new discoveries beginning June 2012.
Overall, due to the mix of Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini energies, this will be a very naturally grounded, practical, and highly energetic New Moon period. The sheer quantity of planets in Taurus and Gemini (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter) may make for some rapidly developing discoveries that should stabilize quickly.
During the time this Eclipse is in force, practical action is accented and a sense of discovery will open up previously unknown insights into life and depth motives and processes. The line of growth is through imagination that will lead to a greater, wider vision of who we have become, who we are, and what unique individuality we want to live in the future. Especially with Jupiter leading the Sun, this Eclipse promises whole new truths, new understandings, new philosophical approaches, and new futures that are more enjoyable than anything we’ve had to let go of since June 2011.
We have some extraordinary aspects forming in this Lunation, which I'll speak about in the next part of this series. The major influences are the Sun and Moon square Neptune, Mercury tredecile Mars, conjunct Jupiter, and quincunx Saturn, Venus quintile Uranus and tredecile Neptune, Mars tredecile Jupiter and triseptile Uranus, with the ever-present and ominously looming Uranus square Pluto in the background.
In the next part of the series we'll discuss the various aspects at play in the chart, as well as some important degree symbols and other interesting elements affecting all of us for 4 weeks (and 42 months) to come.
Here are two articles related to "the cusp of the Age."
Neptune Then, Neptune Now - The Cusp of the Age of Aquarius
Neptune Retrograde Into Aquarius - A New Look At the New Age This one has links to articles related to this theme, so enjoy following the breadcrumbs through the woods of time!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, hugely informative and interesting, as ever. A question, the SN of this eclipse is conjunct my NN in 12th (along with sun, jup and venus - quite the party going on in that house!) but how do I balance out my NN being conjunct the SN? What does it mean? Sort of feels like a contradiction which could somehow end up in one of those 'damned if I do, damned if I don't' situations. Is it possible to work with this type of configuration to accentuate the positive? Arohanui
Posted by: margomac | May 20, 2012 at 01:31 PM
We are Spirit. Yet we know it not. Unlike the other animals of the Earth, we are of dual nature. The nature of our physicality, is that of the mammal. The nature of our conscious mind, is that of Spirit. We are Spirit which imbues and animates the physical body. It is a relationship.
Since the early dawn of history humanity has built knowledge through the physical sensorial experience. Since the early dawn of history, we have experienced the world, and each other, through the physical senses of the human animal.
Since the sixties, we have learned that it is the nature of the human animal to be driven by primal instincts. We’ve learned that the primary intent of the animal is physical survival. We’ve learned that it is the animal which experiences the present moment through the five-senses of taste, hearing, sight, smell, and touch. It is the animal which responds to a perceived emotional attack through an adrenalin-driven, fight or flight survival response. It is the animal which recognizes the opportunity for predation on the vulnerability of women and children in our societies today. And, it is the animal brain which is trained from birth through childhood, to recognize and respond to patterns, emotional and otherwise, in the fabric of the relationship which is life.
Since the early dawn of history, humanity has travelled upon our Sacred Journey along a linear continuum of experience-based knowledge. This knowledge is stored in our physical circuitries as vast pools of memory-experiences. That these pools of sub-conscious memories are connected through our body to this present moment is why a campfire can evoke a sense of ancient gatherings. That our history is carried forward as physiological systems of belief and thinking is why myths and archetypes, symbols, images, and words, carry such layers of communication and meaning.
Since the sixties, we’ve realized that our inner symbol for relationship is a vertical structure of power. Power and control is at the core of our beliefs. It is a projection of our animal instincts for herding, for instance, for leadership, for allowing ourselves to be led, and for predation. Power is at the centre of our unconscious mind. It is anchored, it is held below the level of conscious awareness, and our leaders and experts scarcely know it. It is the interactive relationship through which we pursue our primal instincts for food, warmth, and sexual partnership. That our very societies are driven by the mind of the human thinking-animal is why “bullying” affects society, rather than the other way around.
Since the sixties we have come to see that power and control is the parental relationship we learned in childhood. It is a conditioned inter-play of fear and obedience. Bullying is but a crude guise of the high art of power and control. It is predation. It is an aspect of the animal mind. The tools of the bully range from physical and emotional violence, to subversive forms of psychological manipulation. The underlying, unconscious intent of the bully is to possess power and control over the mind, the emotions, and the free will of another human being. The intent is to enslave. The intent is to bind the participation of another to the context of fear and obedience. And, like fine metal shavings which are drawn so without resistance to a magnet, our minds are held unconsciously so to the rod of power.
We are Spirit, yet we know it not. We are Spirit which imbues and animates the physical body. And, to not know that we are Spirit, is to leave the animal in charge, is it not?
Cheryl Ramcharan
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 20, 2012 at 02:40 PM
I saw it!!!! It was soooooo coool! Myself and my three housemates went out this morning at 7:15. Wow it is amazin!
Posted by: Micheline | May 20, 2012 at 04:03 PM
That these are uncommon moments in the course of history should by now be clear and evident. Our world has entered into the first few moments of a shifted future. It is a new direction for humanity; specifically, a new dimension.
Change, profound and utter, has shifted our trajectory, our continuum, our very course forward. We are met by the boundaries of our knowledge, take the global economy, for example, take the rising up of the people and the fall of long-held dictatorships, or take the quickening occurrence of mega-events in our natural environment.
And, we find ourselves together poised on the threshold of the very vast unknown.
Yet, we have known that change would come. Since the sixties we have known that we are in the transitions of a new age. Since the sixties, we’ve been building a new world paradigm.
A new paradigm is a new conceptual structure, a new basis of intelligence, a new meaning for why we build the world in the way that we do. And, it requires a new framework of knowledge. It requires new definitions.
Since the sixties we’ve been learning how to be participatory in a global society. We’ve been learning that we are connected. We’ve shifted from an “I” perspective, to a “we” perspective. And, we are learning that each of us cannot help but have an effect on the whole, as much as we are affected. These are new definitions.
Since the sixties, power has shifted. We’ve been learning that power is art, not a club, a stick, or a hammer; not wealth, and not manipulation. Power is not fear. Power is the art of consensus. The art of consensus moves our very thinking processes beyond the framework, beyond the limitations of a mind that serves self-interests. It is the art of building the “we” of unity. It is the art of democracy. And, it is the art of being in relationship. It’s a new and evolved definition of power.
Since the sixties we have seen that the success of any nation cannot be measured in dollar amounts. Those dollar amounts could be the glad product of corporate slave yards, take India for example, or China. Since the sixties we have come to know that, until the life of the least of us is as valuable as that of any king or president, none of us shall truly be equal, and none of us shall truly be free. These are new definitions.
Since the sixties the silence of oppression has been broken. We’ve seen the corporate landscape of greed, and the human lives ignored. We’ve seen the naked lust of absolute power. And we’ve seen people chained and bloodied by those who govern them. We’ve seen the brilliance of freedom dashed down, beaten, and broken.
Since the sixties we’ve been seeing in a different way. We see the injustices in the world. We see what greed has done. And we would not have it be that way.
Cheryl Ramcharan
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 20, 2012 at 05:51 PM
Since the sixties, we’ve been learning that we are connected, but not in ways that can be proven to the eye of the beholder. And so, it is the beholder to whom I speak because his or her eyes and ears, his or her sense of taste and smell, whether or not his or her scalp raises, and even whether or not his or her skin is damp or dry, cold or hot, carries the proof of what he or she sees. This is perception. It is unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we’ve learned that what perception shows us as proof for what is true and real, is not necessarily so. We’ve learned that truth is but a version, of which there are many. And, we’ve learned that whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, depends on what is in the glass; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we’ve been healing our past. We’ve been sorting through our emotional baggage, and we’ve discovered patterns of experience in our relationships. We’ve pulled at the stitches of those patterns and have found them to be the very threads of our core beliefs, taught to us as children by our parents, who learned it from their parents, who learned it from their parents. They were given to us for use as skills with which to navigate the fields, the forests, and the streams; they were given as skills with which to meet if we must, the lions, and tigers, and the bears of our lives. This is perception; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we have come to see that perception is the lens through which we view all the world, and each other. Since the sixties we have come to know that our inner symbol for relationship is that of a vertical ladder of power. And since the sixties, we’ve learned that we are hard-wired to respond to the paradigm of power in the same way that Pavlov’s dogs were hard-wired to respond to the bell, in the same way that an addict is hard-wired to respond to the drug; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties we’ve been learning that, like the addict, we cannot help but respond in the way that we do. That the nature of the mind is to be “addicted” is why the thought of eating a lemon causes you to salivate. Brain circuitries connect the thinking to the physical response. Circuitries are triggered through words, connotations, images, tastes, smells, or, sensations. And, the brain is wholly inter-connected. It is why the lemon also triggers the mind to think of the colour yellow, sunshine, salad, a sandy beach, or warmth, depending on the individual, and depending on many other influences. This is perception; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties we’ve been learning that the brain is built on experience, and that the experiences of childhood, interpreted through the meanings of our parents, are instilled in us as a paradigm of thinking and believing. The basic templates of this paradigm are shared by the world, and are therefore validated through our interactions with others. We are connected as a human family, energetically, and unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we’ve been learning that “The Paradigm” is in us, and we in it. It is our collective mind; it is who we are together, it is what each of us believes to be true and real. It is an energetic apparatus, a common field of agreement, and it is fed by our unconscious participatory responses. Each time we salivate the paradigm is enlivened; internally so, externally so, and unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we have come to know that addiction is mental slavery; it is slavery. Since the sixties we’ve learned that mental slavery, like addictions work along neural pathways through the brain and body. Since the sixties we’ve learned that, like paths through the forest, they are smoothed, they are widened through regular use. They become more easily navigable; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we’ve learned that addiction is toxic. It damages and delays development. To our emotional patterns, it is dependency, it is need; unconsciously so. To the animal portion of us, the need triggers our primal instincts, our very fears for survival; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we have seen the power of television to instruct and to shape the mind of a whole nation. Since the sixties, we’ve seen that the stimulation effect of television on our brain is the vital instrument of corporations and governments alike. It encourages our thinking into a one-eyed view. It feeds our dependency, it feeds our need. And like the addict, we cannot help but respond. Like Pavlov’s dogs, we cannot help but salivate; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we see that the strategic photo displays of television, the carefully composed sound bytes, and especially, the subliminal messaging, speak directly to the mind we built in childhood. We stand as children, young enough to need the parental guidance, the expertise of corporate and political powers. We are told what to do, what to think, what to wear, what to eat. And we accept. We salivate; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, television, and corporate news media, is what lights our knowledge. And, since the sixties, the neural pathways stimulated by the camera have become the eye of perspective through which we view all the world, and each other; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties we have fallen under the spell of power. We have become charmed, enchanted, drugged, and addicted. We are nodding off. Our minds are asleep, and we know it not. We dream we live in a world peopled by Ken & Barbie dolls, a world without emotional texture, without depth of character, and without the skills to build those. We dream of a world in which we are without responsibility, except to maintain the status quo. And, due to the thirty-second sound byte, we dream it is possible to live without accountability, without effect, to any but ourselves; unconsciously so.
Yet we are not children. We are adults using the minds of children; unconsciously so.
Unconsciously so, we recognize the voice of authority. Unconsciously so, we recognize the energetically dynamic patterns of power. Unconsciously so, we are triggered through words, visual images, or other physical, five senses experiences. And, like the lemon, like the addict, and like Pavlov’s dogs, we cannot help but salivate; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, power has shifted. We’ve learned that the drug-pusher is addicted, the pimp is owned by the trade, and that the master is, too, enslaved. Since the sixties, power has fallen under its own spell. It has become charmed and enamoured by its own image in the mirror. And it would not put the mirror down. Like the addict, power cannot help but gaze upon itself. Like Pavlov’s dogs, there is a salivation response; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties we’ve learned from Pavlov and his dogs, that the circuitries of addiction can be encouraged into a shifted response. They can be superimposed upon by new knowledge. It is a spiral effect; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, the ark of our knowledge has shifted from “I” to “us”, from the vertical paradigm of power we have been taught to perceive as true and real, to a circular model of connectivity. We’ve been building into a new paradigm, we’ve been tracing out new brain circuitries. And it changes everything. It de-constructs much of what we thought we knew. It de-constructs the proof of perception; unconsciously so.
Since the sixties, we have come to know that we are multi-dimensional. We are more than meets the eye. We are more than the 3-dimensions of height, depth, and width, more than our 5-senses can ever possibly perceive. Our cells exist at a level of electricity. We are energetic beings. We are Spirit. Since the sixties, we’ve learned that the nature of energy, and therefore Spirit, is live information, it is a continuous flow of communication; simply so.
Since the sixties we have learned that to throw a pebble into a pond, changes not just the pond, but also the world. Since the sixties, we have learned that we are the pebbles in the pond, and that our every thought, our every action, are the ripples of our effect. And though we may not know exactly what our effect is, what we may know is that we do have one; simply so.
Since the sixties, because we are connected, the twang of someone’s guitar strings did light up the air. And the whole world paused to hear what had never been heard before. That twang stirred the air, and the energies that made up the air, in such a way, with such a brilliance of Spirit, that it created a new vibration, a new frequency, a new ripple over the face of the pond. That vibration has raced forward, and has spread out over all of the ripples, encouraging them forward too. That twang, back in the sixties, has shifted the continuum, the very future course of humanity. Back in the sixties, the one who twanged could never have known, could never have imagined such an effect. That twang was surely not intended to still be heard today. And what the one who twanged with such force of heart did know, is that the moment called for it; simply so.
Since the sixties we have known with clear certainty, that the response, the very answer, is love; simply so.
Cheryl Ramcharan
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 20, 2012 at 06:43 PM
Namaste, Robert.
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 20, 2012 at 06:58 PM
cheryl,thanks for your articles but int it true this knowledge has been around for ever? Our spirits forgot it all, and are now being slowly reminded of all that was forgotten? perhaps a better way of putting it is that the human race had amnesia for a few centuries or even millennia and are now remembering what they knew all along? peace to all. love to all. joy to all.
Posted by: parahballieh | May 20, 2012 at 09:48 PM
Thanks for great article.
Italy is considered as a Gemini country, and we had earthquake there in time of eclipse. But we had another earthquake in Bulgaria tonight (8 hours ago) and it seems to be very strong because we seriously felt it and my country is next to Bulgaria. (And relatively very near Italy). Could it be that the whole Mediterranean area is under this influence?
Mediterranean area is something like a cradle of modern Western civilization. Can it be Gemini type of area?
And can we look at Earth's areas in astrological terms independently of what state borders are there now or once had been?
Posted by: yzse | May 22, 2012 at 01:45 AM
The "Neptune aspect". Of course, the neptune aspect, that makes sense. All my stuff, my material goods, were swirling around in space and I just knew I should grab some stuff and hold on to it. But what for?
I'm thinking this could be fun. Is it okay to have fun?
Posted by: caliban | May 24, 2012 at 12:38 PM
grab,grab its fun.
Posted by: parahballieh | May 24, 2012 at 08:35 PM
cheryl has TOO much to say, Robert may give her the boot for all that sixties stuff, which does not belong here...
I really enjoy Robert's info and all the other comments, though!
Posted by: AngeLady | May 24, 2012 at 09:54 PM
paraballieh, you give me pause. What I haven't been grabbing is opportunities when they arise. I'm focussed on a big home project. Tunnel vision. Especially painful today. Maybe it's the first quarter square, gemini sun urging me to play while virgo moon needs to do work. Where's Mary Poppins when I need her? Need to remember the spoon full of sugar or something like that.
Posted by: caliban | May 28, 2012 at 05:22 AM
not grabbing? well then grab. its never too late C. Home project huh? I'm sure you have extra hands there to help you out. (no svet) if you don't eat, pray and the hands will come.(svets hands). Mary P oh yes love her she may be unavailable but I am sure the angels (svet) Doctors, doctorates (svet) and good neighbours of old woodstock and its vicinity will help. good luck with the home pro. C. PB peace out!
Posted by: parahballieh | May 28, 2012 at 10:28 AM