by Robert Wilkinson
This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's Gemini "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse Lunation chart which will throw us into new discoveries, new information, and new perspectives as it shuts down old ways of understanding and thinking. It's time to get clear about the roles you are and are not willing to play.
This Lunation, along with the inner planets, stretches out the usual "anchoring" occupied span running between Pluto in Capricorn through Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries to Jupiter in Taurus so that it now extends our experience into Gemini. With Saturn in Libra and Mars in Virgo, this gives a very wide spread to the chart since it involves 7 signs all widely spread apart.
This "Splay" Jones Patterns indicates a widely spread out experience, with many strong involvements in areas that may not have that much in common. The tripod of the pattern involves the 4 planets in Earth signs, continuing a practical and stabilizing focus. As Jupiter leads the Eclipse, it will make the area in our charts where we have late Taurus of extra importance, since this promises a learning, teaching, and questing quality to the discoveries in Gemini.
So wherever we have Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini in our charts is active, with Taurus and Gemini the crowded sector due to the presence of 5 planets. The general theme is that we can find great rewards that certify our worth in ways that lead us to greater public enjoyment, and will find stabilizing ideas and views of a larger reality that are attainable through simple, straightforward means over the next 4 weeks (and 3 1/2 years!) This will lead us to discoveries of previously hidden realms of thought and motive, as well as how subconsciousness relates to self-consciousness.
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This New Moon makes only one major forming aspect, while the other planets also make several important and specializing forming aspects.
The only forming aspect the Lunation makes is the close square to Neptune, showing that the brakes will be put on old ideals and ways of relating to collective consciousness so that we can make clear what is now a vague notion, or unclear understanding of who we are within the larger collective field. This will help us get clear about how our ideals have changed (or not) so that we can see more clearly what our greater dedication should be. It's probably the most prominent energy in this chart.
It challenges us to get clear about what we believe to be our "mission," and be more dramatic in our response to opportunities to further that sense of mission. It's a time to leave behind any timidity about expressing our light and integrity, and find that which we could do that assures us a constant and growing satisfaction. Let go of doing uninteresting things, and reveal hidden values to others. Get connected, stay connected, get clear, and express your Light!
This Eclipse will require a sense of humor as well as cultivating Divine Discrimination. It will lead to many reunions with kindred "fighting spirits" that will help us teach and be taught necessary skills and self-initiative, as well as the ability to see the whole from the parts, while offering powerful feelings of fellowship beyond differences in beliefs and contrasting spheres of understanding.
This Eclipse will definitely shut down elements of our lives related to where we have 1-4 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces in our charts over the next 3 1/2 years. You will know what is being shut down as various transits through these zones affect your planets along with cutting loose effects from this Eclipse Sun, Moon, and Neptune. As I mentioned more than once in 2011 Eclipse articles, this begins the HUGE shifts throughout 2012, these radical developments continuing into 2013 and beyond, so get ready!!
Other important forming aspects made by other planets include Mercury tredecile Mars, conjunct Jupiter, quincunx Saturn, binovile Neptune, and sesquisquare Pluto, Venus retrograde binovile Mars, quintile Uranus, and tredecile Neptune, Mars tredecile Jupiter and triseptile Uranus, Saturn in two subtle but important aspects to Uranus and Neptune that involve utilizing a "leap of faith to transcend duality," and the every present and looming Uranus square Pluto that will dominate the landscape for years to come. Given the number of tredeciles, you can bet the next 3 1/2 years will feature some amazingly serendipitous gifts and circumstances in several life areas
These tredeciles are made to or from Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. Where these are in the eclipse will impact where they fall in our charts, as well as the houses these planets rule. Expect some events that look like one-of-a-kind "miracles," since these aspects will be unique, interactive, blessing us with remarkable gifts that fit our circumstances and circumstances that fit our gifts in areas ruled by Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter. Wow!!
Mars triseptile Uranus throws houses ruled by Mars and occupied by these two planets into dynamic choice and shifts in direction. This is an interactive turning point in how we apply our individuality in our world, and promises some interesting projects where we can join together with others who are also at a fork in the road in their own individuation.
Most affected are those with planets or points around, 11-13 Virgo, 2-4 Scorpio, 24-26 Sagittarius, 16-18 Aquarius, 7-9 Aries, 28-30 Taurus, and 19-21 Cancer. When these areas are stimulated by transits, such as when Jupiter hits late Taurus, expect choices and changes related to how you express your individuality in practical and precise ways. Combine imagination and engineering, and you'll see the effort take form. Just stay open to subtle hints of the Ageless Wisdom nudging your toward a greater higher awareness of timeless spiritual principles.
Mercury conjunct Jupter will blend and fuse elements of where we have Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces active, whether by house or planet. As it falls in Taurus and both rules and leads the Eclipse, this will bring a simple, practical stability to whatever discoveries are promised by the Eclipse at 1 Gemini.
Mercury quincunx Saturn will bring hard adjustments, either in our style of coordinating our affairs or how we are balanced in approaching our obligations and responsibilities. Areas of growth are around 23-24 Pisces and 23-24 Sagittarius. This implies the need for humor and compassion as we cross thresholds to new ways of life where we will find happiness and "unearned good fortune" for our efforts at adjusting to the larger field around us with an eye to interdependence and our ability to bring forth powers and skills we didn't know we had before those moments.
As previously noted, other specializing aspects promising unique gifts and events are shown by Mercury tredecile Mars, Venus tredecile Neptune, and Mars tredecile Jupiter. The first shows unique ways of coordinating actions with others, the second shows unique relationships and material developments that perfectly interact with our ideal or the collective ideal, and the third shows unique ways of expressing our values and visions that can help us stabilize our future while opening more enjoyable ways of doing things that promise a simple, abundant payoff.
The spans most affected by the tredeciles between Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars involve 22-26 Taurus, 10-14 Virgo, 28 Sagittarius-2 Capricorn, and 4-8 Aquarius. Spans most affect by Venus tredecile Neptune are 21-25 Gemini, 9-13 Libra, 15-19 Scorpio, and 3-7 Pisces. If you have a planet or Ascendant in these zones, you will experience some very pleasing and unique circumstances and gifts that will be perfect for what you need and who you are.
The separating aspects show reality already experienced, or things already set into motion. Aspects of note are the Eclipse conjunct Jupiter, biseptile Mars, biquintile Saturn, and septile Uranus, Mercury semisquare Uranus, Venus trine SAturn, Mars semisquare Saturn, opposition Neptune and trine Pluto, Jupiter quincunx Saturn (re-triggered by Mercury), semisquare Uranus, binovile Neptune and sesquisquare Pluto, and Saturn quintile Pluto. Taken together it shows that recent Saturn-related experiences now must be coordinated into our lives via Mercury, and that other recent internal crises of decision around openings and closings are now in our rear view mirror.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate, while as I've told you, the effects of this Eclipse will shows related effect for the next 3 1/2 years. This Solar Eclipse New Moon falls at 1 Gemini. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
The symbol is "A glass-bottomed boat in still water." According to Rudhyar this degree is one of "Depth of realization in a consciousness constantly in touch with the sources of life," and "sensitiveness to collective images."
In the Astrological Mandala, he says this degree involves "the revelation of unconscious energies and submerged psychic structures." Here we become aware of the "hidden contents of man's collective Unconscious" if our "boat," or ego, has a "glass bottom" allowing us to see that which is below normal perception. He states that our conscious mind must be somewhat "translucent" so we can become aware of the "psychic depths below the normal level of consciousness."
He goes on to say that in this discovery process this is a stage of vision, where we find that which we did not know existed. Here "a new dimension of reality is perceived by the earnest inquirer." He says it falls in the span of "Zeal," and it's the first degree of the actional level of the scene of Discovery in the Act of Differentiation. So for this month, as well as the next 3 1/2 years, this Eclipse will teach us how to discover new ways to act, or new discoveries based in action, that reveal realms of being previously unknown to us.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, the degree is one of "alertness to ramifications of experience," and the need we take action that benefits us if we would "capitalize on any particular opportunity." This shows that even inactivity is of value if it allows us to "regrasp our destiny" to our advantage, since it gives us the ability to touch "the transient stream of everyday affairs."
He offers us the keyword of CURIOSITY. He states that when operating in a positive manners, this degree is "high competence in the estimation of life's potentialities."
So we enter a time of opening to new realms of vision and understanding, and through Venus retrograde we'll get new insights into what we like, why we like it, and why we liked other things and people in the past. We may get insights into previous difficult situations, and how we had to find ways to make progress despite limiting conditions and a lack of ideas or even people to speak with to bounce our ideas off of. This time will help us demonstrated ideas that can lead us to wealth and power, even if it's not our line of greatest development.
Of the planets that rule signs, there are 1 planet in Fire signs, 4 in Earth, 4 in Air, and 1 in Water. This preponderance of Air and Earth indicates a lot of practical ideas and relationships, with some solid and stabilizing interactions. With only Uranus and Neptune in Fire and Water, find inspired ways to demonstrate your uniqueness, genius, or individuality, and move through vast feelings that allow you to sense when you're in a psychic "traffic jam." These will be times when you're most confused and/or inspired. Air and Earth are cool, Fire and Water are hot, so expect some very cool times, interactions, and ways of moving through practical affairs. Generate warm feelings where there are none, and you'll be expressing "the corrective force of Nature Herself."
Pluto in Capricorn continues to teach us deep lessons about practical, organized economy of energy and efficiency in sprouting seed forms of the new "laws of our lives" we can relax into. Be organized in finding and demonstrating ways to get beyond fear and radiate harmlessness and mature fellowship with Nature, whether your own, another's, or Nature Herself. Though separating, the trine from Mars shows we've found a groove of purifying what needs purifying to become more efficient and effective in using our material and non-material resources.
In the past months we've solidified new roles, new values, and new resources. We're now living some form of the new archetypal roles we began to live in 2009-2010, and can bring our higher and lower mind together in enjoyable rewarding ways of expressing what is and what could be.
The next 4 weeks is a time to open to new ways of viewing how to express knowledge that will benefit us in the present and future. Due to the effect of the very strong Gemini eclipse of June 2011, we are still being liberated from the ghosts of the past and letting go of burdens we no longer need to bear. Having found what we've been looking for and opened to new ways of doing our Being, we can be more natural in our search for deeper insights into meaning and processes as we reach out to new and more complex vistas of potential interactions. I've included links to those Eclipse articles so that you can see the similarities and differences between that major Gemini Solar Eclipse and this one.
Jupiter in Taurus continues to counsel that we need patience and the ability to keep finding gentle, simple, and stable ways to move into your new life while becoming part of the "corrective force of Nature Herself." In practicing our unique individuality we can become the answer to some collective need, whether large or small. This is the time to define who you are apart from any inner or outer neutralizing factors that keep you from awakening to your uniqueness.
We've all had chances to adjust our perspective and become more natural and joyous. Due to Venus retrograde, during the time this Eclipse is in force we'll get at least one new look at old values, people, and experiences related to these as they impacted our past.This will lead to some melt-downs by late June and into July, helping us break free of lingering ghosts of old relationship patterns and how we could or could not communicate our likes and dislikes without getting deflected or scattered by others.
The guiding force in this Eclipse indicates that we will all grow into new games, new rules, new skills, and new cooperation. This confirms some things, while opening new perspectives around self and subconsciousness. We are growing into a new heart strength, a new compassion, and a new wisdom that will dominate our lives a few months from now. Focus on capturing rewards that help you enjoy life to a greater extent, and don't worry about "limiting conditions," since it will result in a new strength, as well as repair something so that some final dues are paid and old karmas left behind.
This Eclipse will shut down old ideas, understandings, and interpretations that will open new doors of perception for the next 3 1/2 years. Keep growing into a larger view, a greater Truth, and a wider future while cultivating a sense of humor at divergences in opinion and perception. Get a new view through opening to new information, then make decisions on the basis of the facts that you find. Once you find a new view, new information, and new understanding, then feel what must be felt, experience what must be experienced, and get clear about what you're feeling so that you can find newer information and newer visions that you can act on.
Many will actually be delighted by developments related to this Solar Eclipse. There are gifts, stabilizing understandings, and new ways of being an individual in unique interactions with other unique individuals promised by this Lunation.
Just get new information and a new view, act with decisiveness on the basis of that new understanding and vision, and then feel all you need to so that nothing get stopped up by the lack of Fire and Water in this chart and the experiences it promises. This time will bring forth brand new mutations in how we express our heart strength, so stay balanced, mature, and elegant as you move into new discoveries of what's below the surface of life.
Here are the previous articles in this series covering this "Ring of Fire" 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini:
Astrology in May 2012 - On The Threshold of an Annular Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
Here are the articles on the 2011 June Gemini Solar Eclipse so you can see some of the continuity between these two celestial events shutting down some things in the Gemini areas of our existence:
Astrology in June 2011 - On The Threshold of A Partial Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
Since this Eclipse opposes last November's Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, here are some links for you to compare and contrast how they are similar and different:
Astrology in November 2011 - On The Threshold of A Partial Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius
The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
I am one of your actually delighted's...I suppose being an earthling with a taurus party in my first house is the reason. Pluto in 9 and Mars in 5. I "feel" more optimistic about the coming season than most of my friends. I am asking everyone for their gratitude list; as a way to open the conversation. My mars is not aggressive when it's creative. You told me once that I feel things before I think them out and act on them. Natal uranus is a GEM ---27 and I look forward to the coming 2nd house vistors. I feel good, Robert... te amo!
Posted by: jan | May 22, 2012 at 04:23 PM
As we all grow into consciousness, may I offer this...We are connected. And, our connection is beyond the range of what the human eye can see. So, intelligence will tell us that we are more than the eye can see.
Science will tell us that the physical body is made up of cells, and that these cells also exist beyond the range of vision, as energy. So, not only are we physical beings, we are also energetic by nature. We are energy. Each of us transmits a frequency, a vibration; a resonance. It is how we are connected; it is how we are affected, and, it is why each of us has an effect upon the whole that we are. We are connected; incredibly, inextricably so.
We are connected, and it changes everything. It changes the context of what lies between us. It changes our continuum of knowledge. It is a non-linear shift in thinking; a radical shift in perspective. It is a shift from an “I” perspective, to a “we” perspective.
That we are connected is a new awareness. It is new knowledge. And, although it sounds like a simple and beautiful thing, the concept of connection is in conflict to all that we believe to be true and real. We believe we are separate, do we not?
That we are separate is an illusion of the mind; it is not true, and it is not real. It is an illusion; it is perception. However, what we perceive to be true and real, therefore is so.
All that we have learned as a world thus far, the very framework of our thinking, is anchored in separation. It’s why we so easily see the differences between us, rather than the gift those differences are.
We are connected; equally so. Therefore, the concept of power we have built our world upon is also an illusion. Power rests on separation. And so, in the light of our connection, power is insanity, it is non-rational, deluded thinking. It is a fragment which believes itself to be the whole, a drop of water which believes it can command the ocean, a ray of sunshine which believes it can subdue the sun. Yet is our world built on power.
But it is impossible for power to know connection. Energetically, emotionally, and intellectually, power is a bully. Power cannot navigate or negotiate the finer aspects of relationship. It does not need to. Power seeks to crush all else into its own likeness. It is threatened by diversity, challenged by differences, and finds its protection in isolation, exclusivity, elitism. Power is separation. And, separation and connection are conflicting thoughts, one thought cancels the other. So, the mind that serves power can not know connection; it is a whole different apparatus of thinking. And it changes everything, does it not?
We are connected, and it is a new framework of meaning. It is not an ideology. It is a new experience for humanity; specifically, a new dimension. It is a shifted relationship. And, because it is a new context between us, because it is a new experience, it involves the growth of new brain circuitries. And so, money can’t buy it, words can’t own it, and it can never belong to power. It belongs to the humble heart.
Cheryl Ramcharan
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 22, 2012 at 05:49 PM
Totally looking forward to it :) :)
Posted by: Radha Kunke | May 23, 2012 at 01:27 AM
Since the sixties we have learned that even gibberish has its wisdom. We’ve learned that even the one who mutters and shouts on a street corner is a soul with a message that all the rest of the world can not, and must not, do without. His message, this one who stands and shouts in the street, is one that those who puppeteer our world economies must hear. His warning of damnation for a society that can indeed simply pass him by and ignore his human existence may not be far from the truth.
A society that places value on material worth rather than valuing the worth of the human being is a society that cannot bear to look upon one such as him. The tattered and dirty clothing he wears can offend. And, although the leaders of the world send their own message of solidarity, and of standing side by side with the people, they do not actually consider themselves to be speaking to one such as him. In fact, they don’t like to get too close. Even in Haiti, in another one of humanity’s most excruciating moments, it was hard to get too close. And then in Chile, the aid that was sent was filtered down through the ranks of that society with barely enough remaining to comfort those who needed it most. And, even though the people begged and cried for their President to come to them, she did not.
A society in which greed is not considered to be a social abuse is a society which lacks the strength of morality that is necessary to take it through crisis. A society that is founded on a sense of common morality would never fall from a false economy. And a world that is bound together by an international morality based on the dignity and worth of all living systems is one in which peace on earth shall truly reign.
The man on the corner, his fearsome rant done for the night, shuffles away, and yet he mutters still. “Salvation”, says he, “lies in the eternal truths”.
Cheryl Ramcharan
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 23, 2012 at 07:19 AM
Why don't you establish your own blog, Cheryl? Just an idea. Seems like you have a lot to say.
Posted by: Dana | May 23, 2012 at 02:31 PM
Thank you Robert for this very inspiring article. May many blessings be upon you. Namaste.
Posted by: dcu | May 23, 2012 at 05:14 PM
Thank you Robert......
Posted by: Ilse | May 24, 2012 at 12:42 AM
cheryl, like whoa!you seriously need to get a blog going dude.. peace
Posted by: parahballieh | May 24, 2012 at 03:47 AM
Delighted, that's a good word. Delight is fun.
Posted by: caliban | May 24, 2012 at 12:42 PM
Seriously Cheryl... you need to start your own blog. Your remarks are interesting but it takes me a while just to digest Robert's material. I feel like I just fell into a giant vat of whipped cream.
Namaste to you both and thanks Robert. :)
Posted by: Valerie | May 24, 2012 at 05:00 PM
Hey Robert I have my progressed sun at 4 aquqrius now. Are our progressed charts affected too?
Seems like some wonderful things are going to present themselves. Many of the aspects you mention and points involve my angles and thise houses. Oooohhh. So excited!!!
Posted by: Micheline | May 24, 2012 at 05:06 PM
de- light, no light, void, dark? hmmmm- delighted past tense of taking out the light. Ive been de- lighted and its only fun for one. that one is not moi
Posted by: parahballieh | May 24, 2012 at 08:38 PM
Peace to all , love to all, I need her, dont tell anyone ok? I am a wonderful person. That's because I started JOKE that had one person crying but she did not see, the joke was pure glee for me. love the bee gees. I HEAR a name whispered in my ear loud and clear, RR ? why i ask? just to give a little bit of fire. I love S. kaur may the long time sun shine upon you all.thanks be to the beautiful universe and all its mystery.HJ
Posted by: He-Wage Thanya -Ja | May 24, 2012 at 08:45 PM
what a great article. thanks for sharing. read this blog alot although there is much i dont quite conprehend.
Posted by: nd | May 24, 2012 at 09:18 PM
A lot of action here for this cancer 25´in all levels..Light and dark, death and life, journeys and writing. Old priests and wild cats.
Posted by: ull | May 25, 2012 at 01:17 AM
Hi Valerie, yes there is much to learn from all. That your mind feels unlike yourself is a good thing, it takes you out of your normal patterns of thinking and knowing. The whipped cream is an excellent environment from which to learn, especially the non-linear stuff!
And Ull - "old priests and wild cats" - how's that for non-linear thinking!
Cheryl Ramcharan
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 25, 2012 at 09:10 AM
Dear Cheryl, you are one amazing being with heightened perception and overviews, a poet at heart.Thankyou for your posts,Carmen
Posted by: Carmen | May 25, 2012 at 11:18 PM
Thank you, in mutual appreciation, and humbly so.
Posted by: Cheryl Ramcharan | May 26, 2012 at 09:01 AM