by Robert Wilkinson
Many years ago I offered some unique, very high quality “love reports” for each sign. When the Salon site was taken off the air, so were the love reports. While I offered them again between 2012 and 2019, I decided to put them all in my book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames. If you’re wondering about the character traits of your archetypal or ideal mate, you’re really going to want to order the book.
Those reports compose the entirety of Chapter 7. It took me a long time to compose the full reports, since I didn’t want to offer the usual lame “compatibility reports” that clutter the internet. That’s why rather than the usual “S/he is a Leo, I’m an Aquarius” type of report, “Professor Robert’s Premium Mojo Love Reports” were a thorough exploration of some of the potential and natural qualities of those you would be attracted to, and who would be attracted to you.
This information offers extensive information about many of the characteristics of someone who just might be a good mate for you, and you for them. One interesting thing I've heard in the past was that some who ordered a report actually experienced seeing their mate through different eyes, and that in some cases their mate began to evolve toward the better traits in the reports.
After picking through ancient archives, I found what I originally posted over at For your consideration and enjoyment, since I did write the intro to these with a bit of tongue in cheek, here are the free “mini-Love Reports,” taken from the original full length “Professor Robert’s Premium Mojo Love Reports.”
Each of these free Love Reports offers you a few paragraphs so you can get a sense of how I have constructed these, and what you’ll get if you buy The Magic of Venus. In any case, enjoy these brief tidbits of some qualities of the mate for each sign.
Free Sagittarius mini-Love Report
Free Capricorn mini-Love Report
Free Aquarius mini-Love Report
All Love report material © Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson All Rights Reserved