by Robert Wilkinson
Actually, the coming Mercury retrograde should prove to be a fairly productive time with many unique and favorable developments. What follows is why.
Now that Venus and Saturn are moving forward and the Jupiter square Neptune is finally leaving the stage, things should proceed with more precision and momentum than we've had in a while! It sure seemed like Venus retrograde slowed a lot down, as I explained in yesterday’s article.
Venus gave us a look at past and future developments as it danced back and forth between 8 and 24 Gemini. Now it’s moving across that span one more time. Now it’s moving forward, we’ll all be dealing with lessons connected to its stationary degree involving the stirring of unconscious factors that will repolarize our ego. Whether it’s a protest against privilege or just a catabolic meltdown will depend on our individual circumstances.
Saturn retrograde gives us yearly reviews of lessons we need to take a new look at. Now it resumes its trek through the end of Libra, so this is the time to apply what “philosophical completions” you’ve done since February. Still, it’s moving forward, so those affairs related to Saturn will as well.
Even though Mercury is slowing down, about to go RX at 13 Leo on July 14, 7:16 pm PDT, 3:16 am Greenwich on July 15, I suspect it will still be a fairly productive time given its relationship with both Venus, Mars, and Jupiter for most if not all of the RX period. Remember here that sextiles are productive, quintiles are specializing, and septiles indicate times when we are forced to make critical decisions.
Mercury is in tight sextile with Venus at the beginning of the period, retrogrades back through a septile and then to a semisquare and novile. As Mercury rules Venus as long as it’s in Gemini, Mercury’s Leo quality should bring brightness to Venus. We also see Mercury in a tight quintile with Saturn as it goes retrograde, giving us the promise of some very special Saturnian gifts as the Summer develops.
Mercury will be in sextile with Jupiter most of the period, and they’ll form an important septile in early August when Mercury goes direct. Mercury will move from a sextile into a quintile to Mars for most of the period, and then make these aspects again later in the Summer. As you can see, our Gemini and Virgo related areas will for the most part be in harmony with our Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces related areas.
That’s why I believe this coming Mercury retrograde will actually be a very productive time for all of us. We’ll need to retire peacefully from some things, and allow a greater creativity and/or spontaneity to come forth. And of course, I’ll be writing more in the next couple of weeks about the coming Mercury retrograde in Leo.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Great, I am looking forward to it!
Posted by: Ilse | June 28, 2012 at 09:04 AM
Could it still be productive even if its floating in one's 12th house?
Posted by: Micheline | June 28, 2012 at 03:18 PM
Retiring peacefully . . . this week has been a real eye opener or mind opener I should say. I can't believe the old crap I was hangin onto. No wonder I was bogged down for so long. I wasn't getting that was then, this is now. I just might be getting an inkling about opening up to the mystery that you have written about in the past.
Posted by: caliban | June 29, 2012 at 08:10 PM