by Robert Wilkinson
There are FIVE major astrological events happening between now and June 30 that will shake things up tremendously! These will affect everyone on Earth, as they kick off a period of maximum transition, shift in direction, and renewal of moving forward, with major conflict for some and breathtaking breakthrough for others.
These 5 events, in order of their sequence, are Uranus square Pluto (24 June), Jupiter square Neptune and Saturn stationary direct (25 June), Venus stationary direct (27 June), and Sun in Cancer T-squaring Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn (29-30 June). So we have 4 major squares and two planets on their stations within the next 10 days!
Obviously I cannot give a detailed look at how each of these will manifest, since there’s just too many possibilities. I’ve extensively dealt with Uranus square Pluto in past articles which you can find in the archives via the site google box on the upper right. I’ve been trying to give you a sense of what the Jupiter square Neptune is about in recent articles, but here’s a little more on each of these.
First, both of these squares are “waxing” squares, aka “lower” squares. A waxing square shows a point of critical emergence relative to the previous conjunction of the planets involved. So this is a turning point for Uranus and Pluto relative to what began at their conjunction in the mid-60s. It’s revolution time! While Pluto in Capricorn seeks to perpetuate old forms of authority, economic and political structures, Uranus in Aries is almost anarchic in nature, and so we can expect to see very powerful transpersonal/spiritual forces colliding with each other for years to come.
Jupiter conjuncted Neptune between May-July 2009 and again in December 2009 in late Aquarius. This began a long cycle of newer, more innovative styles of management, a new ideal in group relationships, and to me kicked off the preliminary tide of the Age of Aquarius which will be very real by the third quarter of this 21st century. This square is a point of critical emergence of those energies.
While Jupiter square Neptune can mean a collision of spiritual energies moving at cross purposes, it’s also a point when new ideas, new perspectives, new philosophies, and new broad based spiritual understanding will be made manifest in collective consciousness. This is where Neptune in Pisces’ compassion can come forth in new multifaceted endeavors, as well as where new emergent Jupiterian ideas can cut through the Pisces fogs, deceptions, and lack of clarity.
So these two together explain why there’s so much tension in the air, and why there’s little inclination to compromise when two incompatible points of view collide at the intersection of Fate Street and Freewill Street on Eternity Boulevard. The antidotes to the tensions produced by Uranus and Pluto require sensitivity and balanced perspective, reasonableness and a focus on basic needs. The antidotes to the tensions produced by Jupiter and Neptune are a sense of humor with an attention to details, working out a clear and specific plan to move forward into a broader, wider, more optimistic future.
Saturn going stationary direct on June 25 marks a “sea change” in the ongoing lessons of our times, where Saturn again begins to move forward, re-tracing ground it’s been occupying since last October. We now officially have a new day dawning, but it hasn’t dawned yet. The coming 3 ½ months will show us late Libra lessons for the third time. This finishes up our “dues paying” experiences, provides one last look at what needs repair and/or reconstruction in our lives, and shows that the timekeeper is telling us to move forward, preparing for our Saturn in Scorpio lessons to come this October into 2013 and 2014.
Venus goes direct on June 27, giving us a similar experience as Saturn, but in a more personal way. You can bet that since Venus goes direct at 8 Gemini, there will be some pretty dramatic revolutionary developments wherever we have Taurus, Gemini, and Libra in our charts.
It is said to be a degree of “revolt against privileges,” and a “stirring of collective, unconscious factors” that lead to a repolarizing of our ego consciousness. Protests are on the way!! From here it re-traces ground it’s already traversed twice, until it moves into the next phase of its journey at the end of July when it leaves its “shadow span” created during the time it was retrograde.
The major T-square created by the Sun with Uranus and Pluto will anchor the energies promised by the recent Mercury T-square. Please reference that article to see what degree spans are most affected, as well as which generations are most affected.
The difference is that while Mercury was the herald in that T-square, this one involves the Sun, or the “giver of life.” This can be a very constructive (if powerful) release of life energies involving a shift in gears and directions, releasing in the direction of early Libra in our charts. Or it can throw things out of balance, where we have to maintain equilibrium in the midst of strong destabilizing forces.
As the Sun is opposed Pluto, it represents a surfacing of those Pluto in Capricorn energies fused into play last December at 8 Capricorn. This degree is about relaxing into playing roles we were born to play, and remembering that some limitations are more boon than bondage. The waxing square of the Sun to Uranus shows a point of critical emergence in the Uranus in Aries energy, where we’ll have to find ways to nourish our outreach into our new life activities.
The release into 8 Libra shows this is a time for rebeginnings, for finding hope in the possibility that we’ve turned a corner relative to whatever has been happening (or not) in these past 6 months. Find new perspectives, a new sense of proportion, a new rhythm to what you’re doing, and get ready for rapid developments, since when Mars crosses this Libra degree in mid-July it will require that we act in balanced ways to further progress in this “Libra void” area opened up by the Mercury and Solar T-squares.
So there’s lots of action in the first decan of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn right now, as well as the first decan of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Things are definitely moving forward wherever we have Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius on our house cusps, with major dynamic action wherever we have 5-10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This begins a very wild ride into the future, so find the balance and ride the wave!! You have nothing to lose but your fear.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
The antidotes to the tensions produced by Uranus and Pluto require sensitivity and balanced perspective, reasonableness and a focus on basic needs. The antidotes to the tensions produced by Jupiter and Neptune are a sense of humor with an attention to details, working out a clear and specific plan to move forward into a broader, wider, more optimistic future.
KEYNOTE: The creative exuberance of the human soul in response to basic life experiences.
The mockingbird is able to imitate sounds he hears, but actually he does more than imitate, for he weaves all these sounds into melodies which at times can have joyous amplitude and instinctively creative spontaneity. The symbol refers to the capacity which the talented individual has to take collective material and to transform it under the urge of biological productivity and instinctual love. The song rises, powered by these great natural drives, very much as so-called popular songs rise from the youthful soul in response to deep personal or social emotions.
At this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence, what is presented to us symbolically is the reaction of the individual who has become sensitive to many life currents in his environment and who is able to exteriorize this welling-up response as a gift to his society, displaying VIRTUOSITY."
Posted by: Sagars | June 22, 2012 at 09:36 AM
"you have nothing to lose but your fear." awesome; thank you Robert.
Posted by: Jill Loftis | June 22, 2012 at 11:08 AM
With Sun 0 Pluto on 5 and 6 Lib, and Sat on 5 Can, and Ju on 5th house cusp of Aqua... I just LOVE this article :)
Posted by: yzse | June 22, 2012 at 11:48 AM
Thanks Robert. What would one expect if they have a natal planet in this square's void at 8 libra? I have my mars there and have certainly been feeling like there is absolutely nothing I can DO, no direction or path in sight...and it looks like this aspect goes on and on...yikes
Posted by: gale | June 22, 2012 at 01:11 PM
Brilliant - thanks Robert - Preparing to Surf :-)
Posted by: H | June 22, 2012 at 01:47 PM
Yowza! Ready to ride the waves!
Posted by: Elizabeth | June 22, 2012 at 06:09 PM
Thank you for another insightful article Robert. Pluto square Uranus= time to rock and roll. Those of us going through our Pluto square are gonna get an extra dose of fun with these transits..ha. I have been noticing more synchronicities, beautiful ones, the past few days and I am hoping it can help us keep the faith through all the yucky stuff. I guess I am just going to have to roll with it all and allow the universe to take me where it needs to :)
Posted by: Wendy | June 22, 2012 at 07:28 PM
Excellent and very timely article. The Moody's downgrade of the banksters is just the beginning. Onward through the fog!
Posted by: dcu | June 22, 2012 at 10:17 PM
Thanks Robert! I know I have grammar mistakes,but...
It's nice finally see something what neptunus + jupiter in late aquarius year 2009 started.
The year 2009 was awful for me, when it happened. And I started from the beginning. Though I'm still in my first steps, astrology starts to give some glues what unique "powers" this new start has behind it.
Like you told, gale, there is still A LOT I cannot DO also, many paths are closed and the most important things are ONLY visions. But picture has started to have some bright colors also in it...
Thank you "Neptunus" too.
Posted by: helina | June 22, 2012 at 10:30 PM
Thank you Robert.
This certainly is one of the celestial events of the century and it is great to have your spin on it.
Posted by: Jean | June 23, 2012 at 11:49 AM
Thanks, again, for this, Robert
...And bang on the minute -of the Uranus/Pluto square -Egypt announces the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate (who is having to make a deal with the Military to consolidate his power....)
...So says Pluto in Capricorn.... Now we'll just have to wait and see what Uranus has to say, and do, about that ....!!!
Posted by: Judith | June 24, 2012 at 10:28 AM
So glad Venus is going direct! I can't stand any planet being retrograde. Looking forward to neptune going direct too! Thanks for sharing this.
[Robert here for the second time - I changed your screen name because you're out of bounds. Please read the guidelines for posting. ps - It's not Neptune going direct, it's Saturn. Neptune went retrograde just a couple of weeks ago. Counselors should know their facts.]
Posted by: holly | June 26, 2012 at 03:18 PM