by Robert Wilkinson
Venus goes direct today at 8:07 am PDT, 4:07 pm Greenwich. This is a threshold from which we move forward in many Venus-ruled areas of our lives.
That means the life areas ruled by Taurus and Libra (the houses with those signs on the cusp, or edge of the house) should now show some movement forward after many weeks of being slowed, stopped, or even seeming to go backwards. Venus retrograde has given us all a chance to slow down in our interactions, take a new look at perceptions and information we thought we knew, and put some Venusian things on hold while we moved forward in other areas.
For example, Venus rules my 4th house dealing with my home. As some of you know, I’ve been in process of fixing up my house in order to sell it. It’s going slow, since the painting still isn’t quite finished due to things out of my control. We spoke with a realtor who is extremely slow in getting back to us due to reversals in her business beyond her control. We listed it on Zillow but found out some things that make us wonder if we should have. And so we’re back at square one trying to figure out how to move forward from here.
This also has a background effect for those areas ruled by planets we have in Taurus and Libra. For example, I have Neptune in Libra in the 3rd, ruler of my 8th. Venus going direct will affect my Neptune function, and so indirectly my 3rd and 8th house. That's definitely looming large in my life!
It’s the same with Saturn, which also just went direct. That should indicate some things related to our Capricorn and Aquarius ruled houses will also move forward from here. Without going into specifics it’s definitely happening in my life in those areas.
I’ve now gotten to a point of “philosophical completion” around some 6th and 7th house things (especially 6th house), and am ready to walk on, even though some parts of the path seem pretty thorny and will require a tremendous amount of inner equilibrium and balanced perspectives. Still, as per Saturn’s stationary degree, there is a new day dawning, even if it’s still the darkness before that dawn.
So from here we move forward in at least 1/3 of our life areas. And we still have a major T-square coming through this coming weekend, with another one coming in mid-July. This is truly a turning point. For me, it’s somewhat bittersweet, given what’s in front of me, but since evolution is a one-way street, there’s nothing to do but walk on, despite previous delays and disappointments.
Planets going from retrograde to direct challenge us to move forward with a view to what we’ve just been through. At least Venus has shown us how to make progress despite external limiting conditions, and many openings should occur as Jupiter moves across the Venus retrograde span in Gemini.
And the beat goes on and on and on...
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you for the hopeful omens. Good luck with your house. Venus stat is exactly trine my Aquarius ascendant. hmm. i hope that bodes well for me. Namaste :)
Posted by: Valerie | June 27, 2012 at 10:25 AM
ps- also Saturn stat/direct is right on my Neptune in Libra, probably true for a lot of people. Neptune rules my 2nd house. hmm. think good thoughts. :)
Posted by: Valerie | June 27, 2012 at 10:27 AM
Considering so many of my planets are ruled by a Venus-Saturn mutual reception, "abrupt turns of motion" has been quite the theme this week on almost all fronts! The upside is I now have a game plan on how to proceed forward on these fronts - and Venus in Gemini has been showing me that a multi-pronged approach is absolutely essential.
Posted by: Matt | June 27, 2012 at 04:42 PM
ya know..I would luvv to see your chart, or maybe you could share all the data so we could pull it up ourselves! How about it Hombre!? :-)
Posted by: Jean | June 28, 2012 at 12:04 PM
Hi Jean - While many astrologers get paranoid and won't let their birth info be known, I've posted my stats several times before, since it may provide some useful delineation lessons for those who think "frictional" aspects must be "bad." I was born April 1, 1951, 1:13:40 pm, Upland (Chester) PA. It's a chart that truly illustrates that a) what doesn't kill a being makes them stronger, b) no amount of "afflictions" can keep the Spirit from expression, c) oppositions can be a blessing leading to Self-realization, and d) T-squares can be powerful forces for personality integration and release of our higher potential. For those interested in evaluating my chart, pay attention to the signs and houses my planets are in (lots of planets in the signs they rule or are exalted in), and note how the Mystic Rectangle builds energies that are released through the T-square. How my Chiron manifests through its sign and house should be evident for those who know one important way I "healed into my Higher Self," revisited each January 9.
Posted by: Robert | June 28, 2012 at 01:00 PM
Thank you for sharing your birthdate etc. with us!!
Posted by: Ilse | June 28, 2012 at 03:13 PM
Cool i want to take a peak at that. Dear Robert I do have a couple of "Q's" for you!
As per your own example above! So, venus rules my third house and tenth house, my Jupiter is in Taurus conjunct my mc right. So third house and tenth house affairs will get moving again right plus my Jupiter right? Then my 6th and 7th house is ruled by saturn and my moon, my mercury are in cap and my saryen is in aquarius in my 7th. So affairs conbected to that wull move too. Actually my moon and lercury are in ly fifth.
Posted by: Micheline | June 28, 2012 at 03:29 PM
Hi Robert! You have a strong chart...very interesting. I like your Aquarius Moon as she exactly conjoins my Sun in Aquarius (= 13.35 degrees):-)
I am curious to hear from you how your Yod: Pluto, Neptune and North node in Pisces in your chart works for you? My Mars in Pisces conjoins your North node by the way.
Posted by: Ilse | June 29, 2012 at 12:34 AM
"Keep calm and Carry On" (from the UK during World War 2). Venus rules 5, 6 and 9th house.
Posted by: ull | June 29, 2012 at 01:27 AM
Looking at your mystic rectangle Robert.. I always feel good energy when I see this rectangle in a chart. It says: Everything is going to be All Right. Your Sun conjoins my IC..:-) And your AC is pretty close to my North Node. But my chart is quite dominated by Pluto.
Posted by: ull | June 29, 2012 at 01:44 AM
I checked your chart out just now. Very interesting.
Posted by: Micheline | June 29, 2012 at 11:32 PM