by Robert Wilkinson
This Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 15 Sagittarius-Gemini will bring opportunities to exchange information to understand better how to move through limiting circumstances, as well as insights into other ways to interpret this Venus retrograde period and how it’s impacting our present and future. This period begins 4 1/2 months of mental metamorphosis and turning major corners of life!
As a result of the FOUR Solar Eclipses in 2011, coupled with the recent May Solar Eclipse and this Lunar Eclipse, we are in a period where we have been and continue to be shutting down old Gemini energies while growing toward new Sagittarius energies, thanks to the North Node being the line of greatest development during 2011 and 2012.
That continues to put the growth on exploring truth from many angles while adapting the mind to occasional perceptual conflicts. With Jupiter in Taurus ruling the Moon and North Node, try to open to a more tender, less mentally-driven way of growth. Keep it slow, steady, simple, and straightforward so that your mind doesn’t outrace your ability to enjoy the ride! After all, there are many paths to truth, and part of life’s requirement is that we enjoy ourselves as our minds dance all over the map.
This Partial Lunar Eclipse will begin a several month "shut down" in the houses it occupies in our charts. Given that it happens during the period Neptune is stationary retrograde, you can bet that this point marks a major shift in collective consciousness, where we will begin to reverse recent trends by exchanging information to get clearer about what is and could be.
This Christ Fest Eclipse is related to the June 2011 Solar Eclipse in Gemini and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Gemini-Sag that same month. Though it's no longer in direct effect, the 2011 Christ Fest Lunar Eclipse is also related to this one, since it was an Eclipse involving Sun in Sag and Moon in Gemini. I gave a lot of links to those Eclipses in part 1 of this series if you want to know what those Eclipses were all about.
Like most Lunar Eclipses, this one ushers in a transitional period of about 4 1/2 months that will clear things out of our lives, and especially our past (the Moon). The space created can attract circumstances and people through which we can develop skills helping us deal with the wild ride of The Grand Irrationality that's in continuous motion during these months and years.
Today's article will cover rising signs around the globe, an overview of the Lunation, and the Sabian Symbols. Part 3 will cover the aspects, configurations and patterns, and which signs are most likely to be affected by where this falls in their charts.
A brief overview: the period ruled by this Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse will illuminate our consciousness and how it approaches spiritual truths, showing us how open minded we are or not. These will take form as understanding basic life purposes within larger universal patterns of relationship. Here we grow into a greater skill, demonstrated in what knowledge we seek for different kinds of power. Here I want to clarify that power is neutral, as is force. It is how it is used that determines whether it’s a productive or destructive display of “power.”
Now on to the rising signs around the world. This Truth-seeking distributive Full Moon helping us get clear about our purpose within larger universal patterns occurs 4 June, 2012, at 4:12 am PDT, 7:12 am EDT, and 12:12 pm Greenwich. The Lunation finds 18 Taurus rising in Santa Monica, 24 Taurus rising in Vancouver, 13 Cancer in Montreal, 5 Cancer in Washington DC, 7 Cancer in Rio, 30 Leo in Lisbon, 10 Virgo in London, 14 Virgo in Amsterdam, 20 Virgo in Berlin, 28 Virgo in Tallinn, 26 Virgo in Sofia, 3 Libra in Cairo, and 30 Virgo in Johannesburg.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find the Ascendants to be 8 Scorpio in Abbottabad, 13 Scorpio in New Delhi, 19 Scorpio in Trivandrum, 8 Sagittarius in Bangkok, 16 Sagittarius in Hong Kong, 3 Capricorn in Tokyo, 12 Capricorn in Perth, 9 Aquarius in Melbourne, 12 Aquarius in Brisbane, 4 Pisces in Wellington, and 24 Pisces rising on Maui.
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest? There's more at The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means.
Those around the world who will definitely feel effects of this Full Moon are the places where it falls near the angles of the chart. Places where the Lunation is near the angles and activating energies powerfully are Vancouver (Asc/Dsc), the UK and Western Europe (MC/IC), Trivandrum, Bangkok, and Hong Kong (Dsc/Asc), and New Zealand (IC/MC).
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation has a lot of important aspects, increasing the polarization and realization potential as well as promising a lot of friction in various areas of our lives.
This is the twenty-first and final Full Moon where the Sun falls in the same sign as the previous New Moon, ending our consistent (and "natural") way of experiencing the New Moon-Full Moon sequence. We had Full Moon Suns in different signs than the previous New Moon from July 2009 through September 2010. From then through now, we’ve had a sequence of the New Moon Sun being in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun. In July, this will again reverse function and the Full Moon Sun will be the same as the following New Moon Sun.
As I've explained in previous Full Moon articles,
... the Full Moon being in a subsequent sign than the previous New Moon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepare the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since you would think the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this set of Lunations works the opposite way....Another way to look at this is the Sun sign of the Full Moon is the same as and precedes the Sun sign of the next New Moon, reversing the usual way Lunations work. So the fulfillment of the Full Moon sets up the next "seed" to be revealed at the next New Moon....
So say goodbye to the old “normal” New Moon-Full Moon cycle, where we’ve experienced the illuminated form shown to us at the New Moon which is fulfilled by the light of the same sign at the subsequent Full Moon. The New Moons all fell in the first half of their signs and the Full Moons all fell in the last half of their signs through May 2012. Seeds shown in the first half, fulfillment in the second half makes some kind of sense.
This Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse falls at 15 Sagittarius-Gemini. It is said that the second third (decan) of any sign deals with the emotional, social, and cultural levels of life, and being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Aries and Libra.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.
The Solar degree symbol for the 15th degree of Gemini is “Two Dutch children talking.” Rudhyar ways this is a degree of “conscious approach to spiritual truth and underlying meanings,” “open-mindedness,” and “clarity of thought along traditional lines.”
In the Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of "the need to clarify one’s experiences through actual contacts with like-minded individuals.” Here we “test and clarify” our new experiences through a spirit of open minded discussion with others, checking our discoveries to assess their validity. He states “the need for objectivity has to be met; and this implies the confirmation of any subjective realization by some similar experience.”
So the illumination available at this Christ Fest is through how we test our discoveries and experiences in open-minded discussion with others who have had those experiences, so that we can be more conscious in our approach to spiritual truths. He says this degree falls in the Span of Zeal, Act of Differentiation, and Scene of Discovery on the Group Integration, and Scene of Transference on the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of our “creative interest... in the broad range of potentialities on which (we) may draw,” where our “rehearsal of experience” facilitates “a more effective grasp of life on every practical or everyday level.” Here we experience “common elements of background and skills” in our interactions with others.
He offers the keyword CLARIFICATION. He states that when operating positively, the degree is a “self-confidence of spirit by which (we are) able to establish (ourselves) advantageously at ease in any possible situation.”
The Lunar degree symbol for the 15th degree of Sagittarius is “The ground hog looking for its shadow.” Rudhyar says this is a degree of “revelation of basic life purposes and cycles through omens,” “universal patterning of life-relationship,” and “keen divination.”
He goes on to say that this degree is about “the value of anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects,” where we “plan with an eye on probable future developments.” Here we study past trends and extrapolate the results to achieve “relative safety by planning ahead.”
He continues that this degree represents the culmination step of recognizing organic wisdom, launching a new law of being, seeing how the past impacts the present, and finding a deeper timeless knowledge. He states this involves “eonic consciousness,” or “prospective.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Receptiveness, Act of Group Integration, and Scene of Abstraction on the Individual-Mental level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of our “creative interest” in “the immediate set or drift of the potentialities” on which we depend. Here our “direct rehearsal of experience through an anticipation of eventualities” leads us through a process of trial and error into knowing how to make self-adjustments to “capitalize on the situation of the moment.”
He offers us the keyword REASSURANCE. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree "is a natural talent for determining the proper course of action or reaction in any given issue.”
From these symbols it seems we can see the light of seeing the need to share our discoveries with others, so that we can get clear about spiritual true and “underlying meanings.” These can express as forms that move us to a greater vision of our life purpose and the “universal patterning of life relationships.
We can find illumination in finding new ways to communicate and share our discoveries, and through “self-confidence of spirit” we can establish ourselves to our advantage in life situations. This can take shape through a greater openness to the drift of potentials, and through self-adjustment, find reassurance through knowing how to be and what to do in those life situations.”
For now, enjoy seeing the many ways to understand your "path to Illumination," and be willing to acknowledge greater potential futures based in trends you’re seeing right now. Move into a greater skill and truth while letting go of old distractions in the mind. This is a time for discussions that illuminate things from multiple perspectives to dispel intellectual shadows so that we can become more objective. Move into a greater set of truths while staying in touch with your need for tenderness.
In Part 3 we'll cover the aspects, configurations, and which degree spans will be impacted by this Full Moon Christ Fest Lunar Eclipse. See you soon!
Here's what I've offered so far about this Eclipse that symbolizes the lessons of the next two weeks, the next 4 1/2 months, and the next year:
Astrology in June 2012 - A “Christ Fest” Gemini-Sagittarius Partial Lunar Eclipse Is On The Way!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
I wrote last year when my husband was betrayed by his own mother & sister over money. Three days ago he suffered a blood clot (DVT) which he had 9 yrs ago and almost died. We are studying "Law of Attraction" along with many other things. We are trying to understand or find answers on why all this bad stuff is constantly in our lives. He is the most loving and caring person and he treats people amazingly well. Does any of this have anything to do with astrology? Thank you for your time.
Posted by: Sandie | June 05, 2012 at 09:35 AM
Hi Sandie - Your situation is what I call "chewing up karma." It's not that the bad things that happen this life necessarily are of our current or recent past behaviors. We are not entirely responsible for all that happens. But we are responsible for how we handle each situation that we confront. That's Saturn's big lesson for us all. There is also "big K" Karma that is distinct from "little k" karma. Reference my article on that subject through using the search box on the upper right.
We go through experience so that we can be conscious in our responses. There are many patterns generated both in past lives and our current one. While we cannot escape the results of past behaviors showing up again in new forms, we choose in each moment to perpetuate or change those patterns. I would regard all these difficult experiences as greeting old karmas with new attitudes and new responses that eventually will kill out the old patterns that generated this stuff to begin with.
Astrology shows us the timing on events; it cannot predict how we will respond to them. As we transmute Venus, or Jupiter, or Saturn patterns (or any other planetary pattern) then they function differently from then on, including future lives. That's why choosing the healthy planetary response mitigates old negativity, and shifts future cause and effect cycles. I also have an article on the healthy v dysfunctional planetary patterns. I linked to it on the recent March 26, 2012 article.
Eventually the negative or difficult karmic ripples from the past are stilled, and new causes and effects generated. While I had many negative experiences in my earlier years, by my taking the high road over the years they have lessened or died out entirely. That doesn't mean there will be no more difficulty (since life is often difficult through no cause of our own), but it does mean that I've now set patterns of positive response over enough years and enough diverse experiences that for the most part I do not suffer as I once did. Not to sound cheeky, but I suppose you should regard it as somewhat of a blessing that the Lords of Karma think so highly of you and your husband that they're offering you chances to accelerate your conscious choices in moving through and letting go of negative past karmas.
Posted by: Robert | June 05, 2012 at 10:44 AM
Robert, thank you so much. It all makes sense. My husband appreciates the time you spent responding as it meant a lot! He's having a difficult time right now understanding it all and I completely understand. Everyone has a story, it's how they deal with their own story that can either help their life or not...very simple.
I told him that you and I share the same b-day and I have never had the pleasure of being able to share that "I'm a fool" with anyone else!! ha ha :-) Thanks again for your help, so greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Sandie
Posted by: Sandie | June 05, 2012 at 12:09 PM
Hi Sandie, it is strange but same thing happened with my father. My father is the kindest and nicest creature in world, but his own mom betrayed him over money. And he had blood clot too, twice - 10 years ago and a year ago!
Posted by: tanja | June 05, 2012 at 12:21 PM
Hi Robert & hi Sandie - thanks for both your sharing on the subject - difficult times, karma etc. very helpful :-) wish your husband speedy recovery.
Just wanted to say given '...activating energies powerfully are ... the UK and Western Europe (MC/IC)..' It's been the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations & it's been great to see alot of Love & Community Spirit generated & radiated... very emotional time - i often watch what's going on around the world & see how it 'marries' with astrological times......... always so Amazed...;-)
Posted by: H | June 05, 2012 at 01:37 PM
15 sag my natal moon comes to light i am so excited .... enjoying the full moon in Abbottabad :))
Posted by: Shehzaad Maroof Khan | June 05, 2012 at 02:32 PM
hello robert, thought I would share, the past eclipses sent me out of my home and out of my job. 12 cap asc, saturn at 1 sag I moved to KC and have been staying with my sister, interesting.... However I got a good job with a company here with great insurance, something I didn't have before. In Febuary I went to the er with pain in tummy, Mars in Virgo, they found a tiny tumor in my lung with a cat scan by accident?? lung cancer. They have since treated me with the cyberknife, radiation no surgery. What a gift it has been. I got engaged with the process, still tired as I have just finished treatments, but I know that this is a gift. Blessed be, mary
Posted by: mary streets | June 05, 2012 at 07:39 PM
Hi Sandie and Tania
This is weird (and maybe astrological?) but i was just diagnosed with a blood clot / DVT too - just before the eclipse. I'm only 35, it's all really weird. I wasn't even going to go to the hospital except that a friend i hadn't spoken to in 2 years called to tell me she'd had one when she was pregnant and what it felt like (I'm not pregnant).
Maybe it's a sagittarius thing?! Sagittarius ruling the legs...who knows.
Many thanks for the eclipse posting Robert. It's right on my Neptune /Sagittarius / 7th house at 15 degrees. Aside from the blood clot I'm not too sure what it's bringing, though i have just quit alcohol and am having most amazing intense dreams...and feeling v creative...
I agree it's not what happens to you, but how you deal with what happens to you. Many tragedies - both mine and others - have taught me that. Lots of love.
Posted by: Louisa | June 06, 2012 at 01:25 AM
Wow lots of blood clots around, I had one on 20 August last year whilst ten weeks pregnant. With sun in sag 12deg Venus in sag 19 deg and Aquarius rising at 15deg and a husband with Gemini Venus it's sure to be an exhilarating ride moving forward
Posted by: Zoe | June 06, 2012 at 02:27 AM
Hi All,
Robert, your comment about accelerated chewing up of karma, shone a light on my recent life expierences.
My Mother passed away in 97 of an auto-immune disease...scleroderma. My Father left shortly after she was diagnosed, as he couldn,t handle her illness, and he had affairs. I spent the last year of her life by her side. He and my sisters/I have been
estranged for years. In between the two eclipses, I ran into him, while shopping...and I found myself walking over, and tapping him on the shoulder. We talked and I moved into his basement, on 1 June. he is 81...and a part of me knows that I have to change the "pattern" within myself...letting go of the past, and birthing new behaviour patterns within. My sisters think I have lost my mind, but I understand what is happening beneath the surface, and in my changing responses to him...there is a ripple effect.
Thanks for this post, it helped me to understand it more.
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | June 06, 2012 at 06:46 AM
i forgot one other thing in the above comment...
I have back issues (herniated discs-surgery at 25, my first slipped disc at 16, which ref Louise Hayes represents "support issues-fear of money-etc".)I never had any emotional support from him, and he displayed bullying tendencies. I have gotten much stronger in last couple of years....
A couple of days after moving with my back started acting up again...and I noticed the symptoms...and realized I was once again in a situation that in the PAST had represented FEAR, and I had run away from. Now that I am concious of the past connection between my father and I (FEAR/CONTROL) I am changing my response to him...and he is responding differently...and my back is "shifting" as I hold my own/stand my ground. I look back and see each time I had another back flare up....fear/control or money issues were at play. I now have a chance to change my patterns and heal.
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | June 06, 2012 at 07:00 AM
This morning my uncle had a severe stroke / blood cloth....!!! What a synchronicity!
Posted by: Ilse | June 06, 2012 at 10:01 AM