by Robert Wilkinson
The Christ Fest Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 15 Sagittarius-Gemini has a major T-square and activates the Grand Irrationality! This one transforms vitality into power, and shows us the way to progress despite external limiting conditions.
This Eclipse shows that whatever is shut down over the next 4 1/2 months shows us the way to dynamic activity, integrating our energies in practical ways, with social rebirths coming in the near future. We are moving into a future with different rules, requirements, and skills than what we’ve shown in the past, so find the knowledge you need to ensure your future well-being!
We are challenged to decrease our attachment to outer appearances when real necessities require attention, and seize opportunities as they present themselves. Here we are tested to self-improvement and renewal of our faith to accept our rewards as we move through endings of old life chapters.
The Moon is highly active as it opposes Mercury, Venus, and the Sun, increasing the polarization and awareness potential. The Moon, Sun, and Venus all form a major T-square with Mars, increasing the potential to get a lot done quickly, learn a lot quickly, find what you need quickly, and get our energies working productively with our vitality. Along with Moon septile Saturn, you can bet that wherever these two planets fall in your chart will see major shifts, choices, and movement that at times will seem “fated.”
Primary lessons of the T-square concern finding the right means to the ends, not getting distracted by passing matters by keeping our eyes on the prize, getting impulses under control, and getting clear about what roles we’re playing, or not playing. Try to be your most natural self while allowing your enthusiasm to express itself creatively, and when aggravated, get free of getting swamped by too much going on.
If annoyed, don’t get lost reacting to “straw men,” and learn how to handle a lot of things while staying focused on the core issues. Be willing to assert your deeper personality strengths, don’t let yourself be taken for granted or as a non-entity, and see how to capitalize on things and situations others aren’t aware of, bringing them to others’ attention and rousing them to productive action. Find what you believe is an urgent matter, and be wholehearted in pursuing ways to rise to the challenge.
Beside the Lunar aspects and the T-square just mentioned, other major aspects include Venus conjunct the Sun, biseptile Neptune and triseptile Pluto, Sun trine Saturn and biseptile Neptune, Mars tredecile Jupiter, decile Saturn, and quadranovile Uranus, Jupiter biquintile Saturn, septile Uranus, and square Neptune, Saturn in two 11th harmonic aspects, and the ever present Uranus square Pluto. These show a highly weird time where irrational, obsessive-compulsive elements are in the air, along with a tremendous amount of highly specialized interactive events.
With both Venus retrograde and the Sun triggering the Grand Irrationality, there will be a “fated” quality to much of what happens during the time spans this Eclipse Christ Fest is in play. So for the next two weeks, the next 4 1/2 months, and the next year (due to the influence of the Christ Fest), we can expect more strange events, more edgy behavior, more expression of compulsions, and on the whole a very weird time. I wrote more about Venus triggering the Grand Irrationality in yesterday’s article, Venus Retrograde Conjunct the Sun June 5, 2012 – What Does That Rare Event Mean?
So Just What Was the New Moon Theme for this Period?
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. It was a Solar Eclipse, and its effects will show for about 3 1/2 years!
You will recall its theme is one of new discoveries of the “submerged” parts of life, leading us to “delightful” experiences and understanding. As a result of this Solar Eclipse, we will get clear about the roles we’re playing or don’t want to play, and find illumination in “showing what we know,” and putting a new light on old knowledge that once brought us “wealth and power,” or could again.
This Solar Eclipse indicated our line of greatest development is through learning “the rules of the game,” demonstrating skill in some group or social function. Ultimately, we’re growing through anticipating future events and new potentials.
Here's more about the seeds being release by the current Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse. Briefly, from the Solar Eclipse New Moon article covering this period,
... this Eclipse shows we'll demonstrate what we know by mobilizing for gain, and digging deep for information that can help us find both wealth and power. It will also be a time of delight in the simple promise of things, with rewards that confirm our worth and allow us to be at ease communicating what we know and/or have learned within a larger public sphere of enjoyment. Many things will be more substantial as a result of this Eclipse if we can just let go of dualisms that keep us unclear about our roles, our light, our integrity, and our ability to get focused on our higher mission or ideal within the larger collective field.So the Light of the New Moon is shining on following our line of least resistance into knowledge that can reveal other dimensions of Being. We will grow through learning “the rules of the game,” cooperation, skill, and fairness, and then through the SN we can use our knowledge to mobilize on behalf of our material and psychological well-being.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini puts the focus on learning, communicating, discovering, and perceiving new ideas and ways of relating to others preparing us for further adventures in these once Jupiter enters Gemini in a few weeks. Much that began in Spring 2011 with Jupiter in Aries has been substantiated and solidified during the time Jupiter has been in Taurus. Now we stand on the threshold of Jupiter in Gemini for a year, and this Eclipse gives us a hint of what that year promises for us all....
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse chart shows a "Splay" Jones pattern, showing a wide diversity of individualized activities, some of which may not blend well with others. This type of pattern is a very "wide footprint," and though some things may seem out of balance or the process may seem to get diverted from time to time, it still promises a lot of power to move many things forward simultaneously as long as we don't get distracted into needing "false harmony."
A little while back I outlined the major forming aspects in this chart. Besides the 7 “hot zones” of the Grand Irrationality set into play by the Sun and Venus, the Moon septile Saturn and Jupiter septile Uranus also promise major twists and turns of fate wherever we have late Libra, mid-Sagittarius, early Aries and late Taurus in our charts, as well as the houses ruled by all the planets in septile-series aspects.
Since these aspects involve the Moon, Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, it’s easy to see that a larger “hand of invisible fate” will profoundly impact the houses where we have Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Also remember that if you have planets in any of these signs they will be impacted by events as well, and so will any houses they rule in your chart!
Active hot zones triggering the Moon septile Saturn include 23-25 Libra, 14-16 Sagittarius, 6-8 Aquarius, 28-30 Pisces, 19-21 Taurus, 10-12 Cancer, and 1-3 Virgo. Active hot zones triggering the Jupiter septile Uranus include 7-9 Aries, 28-30 Taurus, 20-22 Cancer, 11-13 Virgo, 3-5 Scorpio, 24-26 Sagittarius, and 15-17 Aquarius.
You can see that not that long after the first pattern is triggered, the second pattern goes into action. So it seems that it’s going to be a highly active time for those with planets or sensitive points in early Aries, the last half of Taurus, mid to late Cancer, the first half of Virgo, late Libra, early Scorpio, the last half of Sagittarius, early to mid Aquarius, and late Pisces.
Mars tredecile Jupiter and Jupiter biquintile Saturn both indicate some highly specialized interactive gifts and conditions. These will most impact people with planets around 22-24 Aries, 28-30 Taurus, 4-6 Cancer, 10-12 Leo, 16-18 Virgo, 22-24 Libra, 28-30 Scorpio, 4-6 Capricorn, and 10-12 Aquarius, and 16-18 Pisces.
The Sun trine Saturn is ultimately a stabilizing influence which will help many to see a bigger picture amidst all the bits of information that will come streaming in from multiple sources. Faith will be rewarded in big ways, leading to happiness and a sense of community for those who can go deep into their compassion and be willing to teach others out of their direct experience.
More on how Uranus Square Pluto Is Ramping Up Radical Energies!
As I’ve told you, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. I’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.
That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
Uranus is on a degree of receptivity being influenced by energies of a spiritual origin, showing us how to externalize our higher Self in new individual ways. This will awaken a pure creativity that will show us how we can utilize varying human relationships more innovatively. Here we learn how to cooperate with events to excite an ability to reorient to nascent potentials.
Like the last one, this Lunation will definitely free us from old perspectives and views so we can see our part to play using more cosmic or universal truths and values. Here we attune to the invisible world to express our individuality in new ways, and many will find relief in re-identifying with the source of their inspiration and wisdom. There are possibilities to find some basic truths of life, and use them for self-perfection in some form that is valuable and pleasing to society.
Uranus square Pluto will show us how to concentrate to align with a deeper and higher power, so that we can enjoy playing a role we were born to play and have already begun to live in preliminary ways. We are still being challenged to get beyond fear, see things from the past differently, and find relief through expressing the Higher Self that’s been “cut and polished” in past months. We can grow into a larger role when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use this square in two big ways, both now and into the future.
We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. Given the lack of harmonizing aspects to either of these powerhouses, there won’t be much of a safety valve for the pressures unless we draw on the harmonizing energies from within us.
Separating aspects, showing things just past, include Moon trine Uranus, and binovile Neptune, and Mercury conjunct Venus, square Mars, trine Saturn, quintile Uranus, tredecile Neptune, and biseptile Chiron. Also featured are Venus trine Saturn and quintile Uranus, Sun sextile Uranus and triseptile Pluto, Mars trine Pluto, and Saturn quintile Pluto.
I can't possibly explain what these were all about, since there are too many planets in aspect to explore the possibilities. Just remember these symbolize things in the near past, so examine what's happened over the past weeks in light of these aspects.
Overall this Eclipse indicates we're solidly launched into new perspectives, new interpretations, new ability to anticipate what’s coming down the road, and new ways to understand different points of view in order to stabilize our comprehension at a synthesized level of understanding of how the parts relate to the whole. By what we find enjoyable that brings us a lightness of being, we will know truth and be able to embrace a greater tenderness in all our life interactions.
The Cusp of Where The Age of Pisces Gives Way to the Age of Aquarius
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands close to "the cusp of the Age." It’s now moved forward from its stationary direct transformational degree of 29 Aquarius where we have been collectively transfigured, and is now at 4 Pisces where we can glimpse subtle techniques of relating to a larger whole despite psychic “traffic jams.”
Neptune in very early Pisces has major implications for humanity as a whole. I’ve discussed this phenomenon of Neptune dancing back and forth between early Pisces and late Aquarius in previous articles, opening the collective consciousness to the energies of this transitional period, this “time cusp” between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. This happened throughout 2011 into early 2012.
In the larger precessional Age, our world is at 1 Pisces right now. Thanks to prior transits of both Neptune and Chiron to this degree, many of us have collectively awakened to a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
So this is where humanity as a whole is at right now. I believe we will finally enter the Age of Aquarius sometime between 2045-2070, when we all will see the concrete manifestations of Aquarian patterns that were awakened by Uranus and have been dreamed into collective consciousness by Neptune during these planets' movement through late Aquarius. (Please also check out part one of that series since it elaborates on the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.)
Mercury rules the Sun in the Lunation, while Jupiter and Neptune rule the Moon. Mercury makes no forming aspects in this chart, so has no relationship with the rulers of the Moon, which are in an out of sign square. This shows that the Moon, builder of form and the planet conjunct the line of greatest evolutionary development, will confront inner conflicts requiring the turning of at least two corners in two life areas.
Mercury and Neptune (especially the former) are major players in this Lunation, as they are each final dispositors for all the other planets, with Mercury the primary final dispositor for all the other planets except Neptune. So the ruler of all the other planets makes no forming aspects, implying that a lot of what’s in the background to this Eclipse has already taken place in the recent past.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us leave behind old superficial views so we can begin to anticipate what’s coming in the future. There is a possibility that those who have made Saturn their friend will find a new heart strength, and the inner butterfly will take flight with an extra wing. Growth is from outer to inner realms, with deepened understanding of how unconscious or subconscious factors impact what is discovered, and how it is discovered.
The next 4 1/2 months show us different perspectives on our wisdom so we can dispel intellectual shadows and confirm our discoveries by discussions with others. Here we continue to grow through cultivating a sense of humor, freedom, and play in anticipating the next step of how we can act toward our better future.
As a process of moving through events, first decide, then act with an eye to what feelings arise based in prior interactions and value structures. Once you’ve decided, acted, felt, and experienced, then get new information or understanding so you can update your perceptual files. Pay attention to insecurities that keep you chained in old views and knowledge, and find new ways to understand, to view, to know, and to discover.
This is a time to use your imagination, be gently and sweetly determined, keep it simple and straightforward, and move step by careful step into discovering and exploring previously hidden elements of the new life you’ve already entered since Spring 2011. This time helps us see cycles and omens of a future that’s still in the making, and through dispelling intellectual shadows we can come to a well-rounded knowledge of what has been, what is, and what could be. This can help us redirect the focus away from old intellectual pursuits toward seeing life as the play, or Leela, that it is.
As with past weeks, the coming two weeks will continue to shut down Gemini elements of our existence so we can grow into greater Sagittarian perspectives and forms that will nurture our vision and future. The powerful beginnings of March through May 2011 that began to be solidified in June 2011 are now established, and this time helps us release the potential latent in our new life freed of old ghosts, criticisms, worries, and repressed feelings. We are finishing confirming a new truth and future through a process of discovery and elimination of all that is distractive.
Here are all the articles about this Partial Lunar Eclipse that offers us all the World Teacher’s lessons of the coming year. You may also want to re-visit all the Venus retrograde articles, since Venus retrograde is a major factor in both of the recent 2012 Gemini Eclipses. Enjoy!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
This phrase has come up for this Cancer-5: when you're up to your neck in alligators, it's easy to forget that the initial objective was to drain the swamp.
Posted by: Beth in SoCal | June 08, 2012 at 10:11 PM
Hi Beth - Been known to use that phrase me-self. Have Uranus at 5+ Cancer. I call it "the Law of unintended consequences." It can also be chalked up to "it seemed like a good idea at the time." ;-)
Posted by: Robert | June 08, 2012 at 10:25 PM
I wish patience was my greatest asset. Even with plenty of change in the last 18 months, often, tied to the loss of a loved one - no longer around - I've had difficulty finding peace. Moreover,I am wishing that an emptiness would be filled by a person (why kid, a romance) where I did not feel so alone. Independence is ok; just, a sounding board, a shoulder, a partner in fun and crime would tend to enhance life as this particular idea has never, ever been availed to me for more than a brief moment - and then that was 15 years+ ago... Astrologically, I figured this time would have some punch: Saturn 17 Gem, Chiron 17 Aries, Uranus 16 Libra, and Sun & Mercury 15 & 17 Leo. So I should be lighting up like a Christmas tree!!! Anyways, Robert you do some good writing...and it must be hard to keep up with such a blog - day in a day out. ;)
Posted by: Jason P. | June 09, 2012 at 11:59 AM
Sorry if my comment and conversation with some fun folks at aquarius papers in part 2 had anything to do with attracting whatever sewage it was that flowed in.
Posted by: caliban | June 09, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Hi Jason - Well, as I always remind people, focus on becoming your highest Self, in case "the partner" is just around the corner. You do want to greet the beloved at your best, rather than in a lesser state. And you will be doing much better by the time Jupiter sextiles your Sun/Mercury and Uranus on your Saturn.
Hi caliban - It wasn't you. There have been (I believe) two trolls on this site off and on for about a year. The one I had to ban from the article I closed comments on today began to come by and leave comments last December. At first, they used several different names but posted comments that were on topic or encouraging to others in the community. Then they started getting paranoid, saying things that were off topic, just plain rude, or accusatory in ways that were very inappropriate.
At first I indulged them (since everyone gets off on a tangent at one time or another) but as time went on they became more and more disconnected from any reasonable way of relating to others. Their most recent comments were so wacked out that I had to put a stop to them. So please don't take any of it personally. That's the price I pay for running a public cantina and allowing comments. I just wish they'd do something more productive with their lives than leave excrement here. In my experience trolls just have too much time on their hands, and their idleness breeds mischief.
Several years ago I stopped allowing trackbacks due to too many links to disgusting websites, but I'm doing all I can to keep the comments open while intercepting spam, unsolicited or sneaky self-promotional material, links to disgusting sites, and vulgar and or inappropriate speech on this site. And to note, with my Moon in Aquarius, I hate being a bouncer.
Posted by: Robert | June 09, 2012 at 12:34 PM
Robert thamks so much for your tireless efforts to help all of grow and become better "I" in so that we can become a better "we" in the collective consciousness ou our ethereal universe !
Between this last Solar eclipse at 2 Gemini (hitting my tenth house) and this lunar eclipse (hitting my sun at 15 d sag which is at the end of my 4th and almost conjumcts my 5th). I wrote the following song
Posted by: Micheline | June 09, 2012 at 05:11 PM
Perhaps it was this cancer/scorpios "fault" that the troll came "trolling" in..
I often attract a lot of needy souls.. Also spent a lot of time in the forest as a child. Trolls need someone to listen to them..But it is an endless business..
Posted by: ull | June 10, 2012 at 03:16 AM
Hi Micheline - Waiting on the song.....
Hi Ull - I also spent a lot of time in the forest as a child. Magical places with many good spirits. I doubt you personally "attracted the troll" since they are like moths to a flame, and this site (and our gentle community) burns bright. You're right in that it can be an endless business, since to quote a great Aquarian Spiritual Brother, "It only takes one fool to keep a thousand wise men busy."
That's why I've come to the conclusion that they are time wasters. That's a crime to Spirit, in that it is the one resource we have that is not able to be replaced. Of the three resources, we can replace energy; we can replace money; but we cannot replace time. And since humanity is plagued with always feeling like we're often just a little too late in saying and doing what our hearts dictate, then we must not allow our time to be stolen by trolls. There are too many people to reach out to, and too many other things to do. At some point the would-be student must stop disrupting class and join the party or leave.
Posted by: Robert | June 10, 2012 at 06:05 AM
Thanks Robert. I appreciate the advise...I am working very hard to be that better self, mind, body, and soul.
I guess the feeling I have fought came from a recent triangle I found myself bowing out too. Even calling it the high road made me feel I gave up too quickly.
Thanks, and P.S. : I met Les Paul back in July 2004 outside of my mother's consignment shop...guitar in hand and a smile on his face while just chilling out on the street, playing music. Both are sorely missed. (He was bouncing through to Chi-town, but he was not entouraged at the moment, barely 10 people in the vicinity...)
Posted by: Jason P. | June 10, 2012 at 09:35 AM
Getting close to finishing the first cd!!!! Yahoooo. And I will send that song as soon as I can!!
Posted by: Micheline | June 10, 2012 at 06:39 PM