by Robert Wilkinson
Venus had its “Inferior Conjunction” with the Sun two days ago. While not as rare as “the event” which only happens twice every hundred plus years, this merging of Venus with the Sun symbolizes a huge awakening of the mind seeking to interact with others to share knowledge. It’s bankruptcy time for old ideas, old relationships, and old close contacts!
As I pointed out in a previous article, when Venus retrograde conjuncts the Sun it’s similar to when Mercury retrograde conjuncts the Sun in what is called “an Inferior Conjunction.”
In both cases, an inner planet conjuncts the Sun while retrograde. It’s just in this case, substitute Venus “slowing down and looking back” energy for Mercury energy. While Life (the Sun) moves steadily forward, these inner planet energies are moving at a different pace so that life can then move forward beyond the function of these inner planet energies.
Whereas when direct they raced forward ahead of the Sun (as our mind and vanities often do!), when retrograde they internalize, or become receptive to inner energies not paid attention to before then, or are impacted by (in this case) Venus forces from “the outside” that impact what we like or don’t, why we like what we like, why we believe we’re getting what we want from others or not, and a host of other Venus retrograde possibilities.
As usual, a chart done for the exact Inferior Conjunction should show us elements of things to come between that event and the next Venus Inferior Conjunction with the Sun some months down the line. This was a particularly important event in terms of aspects, especially since the “Venus event” shared a lot of the same aspects as the Full Moon Christ Fest Partial Lunar Eclipse chart. I haven’t had time to do that part of the series yet, but it’s coming soon!
The main factors at play for this Venus occultation of the Sun are Moon square Uranus and conjunct Pluto, Mercury (ruler of the chart) at the bankruptcy degree, Venus triseptile Pluto, Sun square Mars, trine Saturn and biseptile Neptune, Jupiter biquintile Saturn and septile Uranus, and Uranus square Pluto. The number of septile-series aspects between major players makes this an extraordinarily important event in terms of turning points in all our lives, forks in the road of our destiny, and the need to do what must be done without getting bent out of shape about the non-rational, non-linear quality of what’s happening and will happen.
So with Venus triseptile Pluto and Sun biseptile Neptune, the Grand Irrationality is again in play due to this event! To remind you, this is a long wave phenomenon that is triggered 7 times each month by the Moon and at least 21 times a year (and often many more) due to the inner planet transits through each of the 7 “hot zones” each year.
It’s been happening with greater or lesser intensity for over 12 years now, and will continue to be in play for a number of years yet to come. It’s why individually and collectively, we and all of humanity are in a constant experience of choices and changes that profoundly impact all our destinies, whether we see it or acknowledge it or not.
This event will impact us by showing us how to focus our enthusiasm and energy so they work together rather than at cross purposes. It will mean renewal and rebirth for many through long awaited closures, and new adventures will begin popping up for many that tear them away from the known and familiar, or the narrow and limiting.
The Moon conjunct Pluto is a very heavy influence, showing that there will be many who check out in the next year or so. For most of us, it challenges us to tune in to the invisible world and our helpers there, and settle into playing a role that’s both natural and enjoyable.
The 7 “hot zones” of the Grand Irrationality right now are around 8-12 Capricorn, 30 Aquarius-4 Pisces, 21-25 Aries, 12-16 Gemini, 4-8 Leo, 25-29 Virgo, and 16-20 Scorpio. If you have a planet or sensitive point in one of these zones, your life is in radical shift!
Through the Moon and Pluto both squaring Uranus, changes are in the air that will offer many some form of hope for a rebeginning. Initially, there may be a need to imitate something or someone to prepare new patterns of living for the future.
This pair of squares will most impact those born the end of March and beginning of April, the end of June and early July, the end of September and beginning of October, and the end of December and beginning of January. If you have planets or points around 6-11 Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, expect radical changes, losses, regenerations, discoveries, and life renewals!
Others who will be moved in major ways by this Venus occultation of the Sun are those born around June 3-7, September 3-7, December 3-7, and March 3-7, as well as anyone with a planet or sensitive point around 14-18 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. This is going to place some elements of your lives at crosscurrents with other elements of your lives, with some things exploding that have been repressed up to now.
Overall, this will be a stabilizing event long into the future, even if there are major endings and awakenings promised by the planetary positions. Feelings will be running high for many weeks, so practice awareness of your “body wisdom” and ability to follow a hunch or experience into an action. Just be sure to keep getting newer, more up to date information so you can update your perceptual files and not get stuck in obsolete information or views.
This is another astrological event that will free us from old conditions that have become unbearable in some way, or just hit the end of the line. There are new heart strengths, new mutations, new techniques of repair and reconstruction promised over the long run by this event. We’re all healing into a new mastery, a new set of higher responsibilities, and a new way to “fly by the seat of our pants” through this amazing fog we know as the current reality as impacted by “The Grand Irrationality.”
There more about this very significant event in the recent article A Brief Look At the June 2012 Gemini-Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse and the Venus Retrograde Occultation Event.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for this, Robert. The Venus Passage conjoined my Mid-Heaven and was very interesting in many regards. That evening, I was invited to join neighbours for dinner and one of the older guests announced it was her mother's 99th birthday. Then the host announced it was his 66th birthday, which is 99 upside down! When I told him about the Venus Passage occurring on his birthday, he said that in fact he'd had a wonderful day. My sister won $1000 worth of electronics at Best Buy that day, and an in-law with both solar arc progressed and secondary progressed Mid-Heaven at 16 Gemini, the degree of the Sun-Venus conjunction, received good news regarding his career - also on that very day. After several unsuccessful attempts to be heard, I finally found a way to express something heartfelt and sincere to someone who has been "over-powering" me in a way that may have actually registered with them. It all was quite strange but generally positive...
Posted by: Elizabeth | June 07, 2012 at 06:47 PM
The retrograde is always a difficult time for me and my Taurus.
I really enjoyed your outlook. Thanks so much.
Holly x
Posted by: psychic readings | June 07, 2012 at 06:48 PM
If the constantly-occurring eclipses are always eliminating things from our lives, there must be something bringing in new elements...? This hardly ever gets mentioned, so I was wondering how a balance is achieved.
Posted by: Diana | June 07, 2012 at 08:07 PM
Thanks, Robert! I have been waiting for your take on this! With my natal Sun and Moon in the grand irrationality right now, and Chiron at 6 Aries, I am ready for the weird and the new. It's got to be better than the last month. I think it's almost time for another reading. I will contact you soon! Thanks again.
Posted by: Reefaroundme | June 07, 2012 at 09:20 PM
Deep respect for your posting, it makes a lot of sense with regard to what is happening right now in our lives! I am looking forward to part 3 of last Lunar eclipse....
Posted by: Ilse | June 08, 2012 at 02:19 AM
I've been struggling with Saturn issues since Fall 2007. It's not all bad, in that I am in a wonderful "new" romantic relationship, (happened right after Saturn entered Libra in Fall 2010). With my Sun at Libra 8, ASC at 18 Gemini, North Node at Leo 6, Moon at Scorpio 19, Venus at Scorpio 20, and Chiron at Pisces 4, it doesn't look like things are going to lighten up any time soon. Please pray for me.
Posted by: Morgana Skye | June 11, 2012 at 11:17 AM
Thanks for explaining about venus retrograde. I've found its helped me to rethink my way forwards and learn from my mistakes. Thanks for the clarity and explanation.
Posted by: holly | June 11, 2012 at 08:16 PM
Hi Holly - Sorry you didn't read the rules for posting. What you did with your original comment name (before I changed it to your name) is out of bounds since you didn't clear it with me first. This site is free, what I offer is free, and it's all a labor of love. I tend not to allow promotions, especially under names that push the envelope. That's true even for my friends and clients, and I have many all over the world. (I will link to people via the blog rolls, and I do allow site sponsorships, but that's another story.) That's why you get to post under your name once rather than try to slip two self promotionals on this site. Double posts are obnoxious and clutter up the discussion boards, as I pointed out in the rules for commenting. Glad you stopped by to check out what's happening here, but if anything, this site is above board, honest, and authentic in what we put out there. I would like to believe that's why people come here to read and post comments.
Posted by: Robert | June 11, 2012 at 09:24 PM