by Robert Wilkinson
Seeing the inherent “goodness” or “badness” in a birth chart seems to be something that perplexes even the best astrologers, as it seems to land somewhere outside of analytical techniques. Can we actually see whether there are tendencies toward “good” or “evil” in a birth chart?
Answering this question involves two big issues. There is the primary issue of defining what "good" and "evil" actually are. Then there are the usual astrological issues of how "free will" interacts with difficult aspects, circumstances, and head spaces.
As I've written before, we cannot find these in the aspects or sign positions, since supposedly “bad” sign positions and "negative" aspects between planets can manifest for good rather than difficulty, and supposedly great sign positions and great aspects can be in the chart of a person capable of very bad actions. That implies a factor beyond planets and aspects is at work in producing Sages and sinners.
Some students of Astrology believe that certain configurations are purely good, while other indicators seemingly show evil, whatever that looks like. However, throughout history there have been many evolved people with both harmonious and frictional sign positions and aspects, as well as toads in human form with both "favorable" and "unfavorable" sign positions and aspects. This is part of the "free will" element of astrology.
Here I’ll remind you that we have nothing to fear from "bad" sign positions and aspects, whether natally, progressed, or transit. We also should not assume that "good" aspects and sign positions will always yield results that are harmonious to what we believed would happen. Whether we are moving through harmonious or disharmonious aspects, we always have the potential to grasp the wheel of our "fate" and steer ourselves in a more productive direction.
While a chart can show elements of difficulty or malfunctioning personality traits, whether natal, progressed, or transiting, there is no chart factor that is purely evil or good. If that were true, it would imply that we don't have free will to determine our internal and external actions.
If we were born with "evil" indicators, then how "good" could that being be, or become? By the same token, if we were born with purely "good" indications, then how could we ever manifest "not good?" If we had nothing left to learn and were purely good, then why be born at all, since we'd be perfect?
If evolution is a continuum, then there will be lifetimes when we are more prone to "missing the mark," while other lifetimes we could be magnificent in some ways and not so magnificent in other ways. Here it is important to remember that "good" and "evil" are often in the eyes of the beholder, and what is good in one culture or situation could very well be disastrous in others.
Our birth charts show us what we’ve learned and demonstrated in prior incarnations, We bring both the “good” traits as well as the “bad” traits into this lifetime. These healthy and unhealthy ways of manifesting planetary energies are shown in the birth chart, and it’s our task in any given life to maintain our gifts and skills we bring forward from other lifetimes, cultivate new ones (however perfectly or imperfectly), and transmute negative tendencies into positive ones.
I truly believe that defining “good” and “evil” is one of the more difficult things to do, given our limited perception and understanding, since there are those things which are obviously “evil” and things that are conditionally “evil.” Similarly, there are things which are obviously “good” and things that are conditionally “good.”
We all confront these throughout our lives. By our choices we either further tendencies or negate tendencies. Knowing which tendencies are “good” or “evil” for us, and under what conditions, is one of the thorniest issues of human existence.
In part 2 we’ll take a new look at these issues and more, since by knowing these we can begin to get clear as to what is appropriate and what is inappropriate in our lives and circumstances.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
For the past 7 yrs Pluto was transiting my H7. During that time 2 people entered my life who are both heavy manipulators and liars. After much soul searching, I've expelled one of them from my life, hoping not to incur negative karma from this action. This has been an interesting (first) encounter with (negative) Scorpionic types.
Posted by: Diana | August 04, 2012 at 08:35 AM
Hi Diana - Sometimes people come into our lives to test our ability to discriminate about what's past, what's present, what's healthy and what's unhealthy in our own magnetic field. Then we have to know our limitations, and occasionally cut the cord after due consideration.
That's called "free will" and does affect our karma, usually for the better. Why dance with a jerk when there are many other dances to do with many others who aren't jerks? Sometimes it really is about what we're willing to tolerate in the way of bad behavior, and find out why we indulge what we do for as long as we do.
Examining these over time lead us to see which patterns we need to change. This over time results in better relationships as we move on down our path to greater awareness and strength of character. These changes demonstrate that indeed, "character is destiny," since as we change our character patterns we do in fact change our destiny.
Of course, "public figures" such as performers and writers sometimes attract those who have an obsession with, or antipathy to, the person and what they're doing and saying. It's just part of the game of being in the public eye and daring to put something out there. It's almost guaranteed that "spiritual windowshoppers" will always have opinions about those who are actually walking the talk and playing "the Game of Life" for all it's worth.
Even those who are not a "public figure" still attract those who want to feed off them, or put them down, or compete with them for what they've accomplished. Think those who criticize or second guess what you've done and/or how you've done it. We can always use feedback, but there are types of "feedback" that are more undermining than helpful.
Undermining behavior and speech is the way of bullies and abusers. When we realize someone is being abusive or corrosive to our "will to good," then I believe it's good karma to put some distance between us and that influence, moving toward a more fulfilling, cheerful, and happy way of living and relating as we define those things at that time in that chapter of our life.
Posted by: Robert | August 04, 2012 at 09:58 AM
Hi Robert,
I'm having real trouble understanding free will and how that can work given that some things are meant to be (karmic or fate) and others involve free will. Anyway, since 2006 I've been under tremendous pressure. I have natal sun on my ascendant in Capricorn, so have been on the end of Pluto conjuncting my Sun as well as my ascendant. At the same time I had a temporary yod formed (Uranus being the transiting apex) to my Neptune/Pluto sextile. All of the problems related to my adult son who was simultaneously undergoing temporary yods formed by the same Uranus apex to his Sun/Pluto sextile and then shortly after his saturn + mercury/Neptune sextiles. Our simple, quiet lives have been turned upside down by this in the most unbelievable way. These actual events got me started on astrology because I was looking for answers. I found the Yod connections before I knew what a yod or an inconjuct was but I knew instinctively that these aspects were the answer. We are still on the end of it but the worst is over and I can truly say I am a changed person - my views, my outlook, my understanding of others and my ability to empathise with others is totally different to the naive and simple understandings I had only six years ago. The connections in our charts was amazing, we both had lessons to learn, different lessons, coming from different angles from the same events. The yod is a strong and fearful aspect pattern. I believe there is no free will with an active yod you just go with the flow and hang on.
Posted by: Helen | August 04, 2012 at 04:55 PM
I have mars, pluto and uranus in exact square in my chart! I do have the tendency to lose my temper if someone pisses me off and yes that part of my personality is a real challenge to deal with! I am also hyper active and hyoer sensituve! The only to channell all these was to find a creative physical outlet! Dance was my outlet and I could use all the creative tools and gifts! I think you can never blame astrology for people's actions. It is always up to us to repo d in healthy ways!
Posted by: Micheline | August 05, 2012 at 03:26 PM
sorry so many spelling mistakes
i phone is getting too small for my eyesight
might need those granny glasses soon
i am trying to send you the new song but i am having major computer issuesssss
Posted by: Micheline | August 06, 2012 at 12:18 AM
When there are "difficult transits" going on and being written about, I often think oh my, there are people being born now. Tiny little mounds of flesh opening their eyes to the physical world. If those of us already resident here can deal with these transits humanely, maybe just maybe those new borns will be able to better deal. I know it makes no sense. It's just one of those thoughts.
Posted by: caliban | August 06, 2012 at 09:58 AM
Pluto and Chiron aspects are difficult to handle - you have to be strong in your soul and have faith. I think "evil" is a sign of weakness.
Posted by: ull | August 06, 2012 at 02:51 PM
Very good article Robert. Judge not lest ye be judged... I've seen some pretty "evil" looking charts but sometimes their owners are simply not moving in evolution or they were brought up in ignorance. My ex-husband was that way. I didn't think he was evil, just unevolved and shallow. Recently in his middle age he has shown signs of improvement. It's never too late. Everyone is on his own path going at his own speed.
Thanks and namaste! :)
Posted by: Valerie | August 08, 2012 at 09:59 AM