by Robert Wilkinson
This is something that’s so important given what’s going on in the world that I figured it was time to revisit the subject of attracting others of like mind and heart so we can know who our community really is.
This is a reprint from an article I did a long time ago, but it seems as relevant today as it did then. If you missed it the first time, here it is again for your reconsideration:
I just got an email from a client who went to a "spiritual group meeting" and had the reaction "Holy Crap - run away!" She figured there may be "some who are fine individuals, just not my type of thing..." This is a perfect example of the Law of Attraction at work, as well as a class in Divine Discrimination. We confront these situations more than we think, and much good and many friends can come of such circumstances, if we find the right point of view.
Without doubt people are finding others of like mind and heart in these "destiny producing" times. There is a global gathering of the tribes, and people with similar interests and aspirations are finding ways of connecting with each other. This is the "group of groups" I've been speaking of for many decades. The coming Age will show us that we are not separate from each other, the Earth, God, or anything else. And the Community, both global and local, is one of the means by which we will know this.
The Law of Magnetic Attraction brings us to people and circumstances that show us our magnetism in some way. Everything, every feeling, every perception is somehow magnetically resonant with who we are. Not that everything that comes is supposed to stick, but everything that comes shows us what we are attracting, or need to repel.
The Law of Magnetic Attraction always works simultaneously with the Law of Economy of Energy and the Law of Synthesis. These are the three great Spiritual "Laws" of our system. Therefore we must assume that what we attract and what we are attracted to works to bring forth a greater economy of living, and also serves in some way to help us synthesize parts of our life into a greater understanding and/or awareness.
That said, we also must learn to see what is toxic to our well being. That usually involves those things we've attracted or been attracted to that are inappropriate to our Highest Self in the Now. Often these are things we magnetized in the past so that we could experience something we hadn't, or wanted more of. Regardless of the reasons we once desired a thing, the necessity involves seeing how these are not good for our hearts and minds here and now.
We all desire a connection with our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters in the Eternal Fellowship. That is what attracts us to certain people and circumstances. And we will throughout our lives find our Spiritual family, but the trick is to separate the Soul from the circumstance.
To address one concern, while some feel that the circumstance is directly related to the Soul and its lessons, it can be put forth that often the circumstances serve the need for connection, but are not necessary for the furthering of that connection. In other words, while a circumstance might be great for an initial connection, it doesn't mean we're supposed to stay in that circumstance.
Throughout this lifetime I have been a guest at many supposedly "spiritual gatherings" of infinite variety. I believe that "there is no religion higher than Truth," and this makes me open to all kinds of teachings, but not very attached to any particular dogma. I've always felt that dogmas are a lot like perfume - you can smell them, but you shouldn't swallow them.
Still, spiritual gatherings are a great place to meet people who at least profess to have a spiritual intention, regardless of how, or to what degree, the gathering or people there do or do not harmonize with our particular Path. Usually if we're attracted to a gathering of Souls, there's at least one or two who we might make our Friends.
Therefore the problem is always separating the good hearts and minds from the dogma being offered by so-called "group leaders." And if our inner voice says it's time to beat feet, then it's a good thing to do just that. But even if we feel we must roll with the flow out of the situation, still take note of those Beings you've met there, since at least one could at some point become your Friend without the baggage of the group circumstance.
So if you find yourself attracted to a "Spiritual gathering" focus on the beings you find yourself attracted to. You'll know quickly if there is an affinity, or if it's just a show. Then if you find the dogma is not your thing, you may still be able to maintain some connect with your Spiritual Brother or Sister.
I've found that often those I feel a bond with also are not exactly keen on the dogma but didn't want to say anything for fear of disapproval. Then in the interaction we've both freed ourselves of dogmas and found a Spiritual Friend.
Whether the bond is brief or long, each of our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters reveals something of our Higher Self to our lower self. Each shows us what we love, what we attract, what we're learning to welcome, and what we're learning to leave behind.
All of them show us how we're moving from the unreal to the Real, from darkness to Light, and from death to Immortality. The dance is infinite and eternal, and offer us chances to become wisely loving and lovingly wise expressed through our Divine Intelligence. Not a bad thing to come out of a "spiritual gathering."
Copyright © 2012 Robert Wilkinson
In your latest interview on "awakenings", you mentioned how you feel as if you can sense or intuit the types of information and/or topics that should be discussed currently. This is pre-friggin'-cisely, by far the GREATEST example of that in action, with impeccable timing. Thanks, man.
Posted by: Kc | August 20, 2012 at 03:06 PM
Robert, this has been an ongoing concern, contemplation and question for me for several years now. The urge to "run away, now!" has arisen frequently, yet it only makes sense to seek like-minded others in spiritual gatherings. Thank you for insight on how to find the greatest gifts in these situations.
Posted by: Valerie | August 20, 2012 at 06:21 PM
Still waiting to make that connection with u know who....I worked so hard on the project....AND it is something for the first time I KNOW is right and my future!!
Posted by: chickie | August 20, 2012 at 09:47 PM
Wow, agree totally with you Kc. So timely in my life at this exact moment! Thank you Robert, this post beamed before I'd even read it
Posted by: Flora | August 21, 2012 at 12:12 PM
A very insightfull post. Yes, at times "running away" is the best option. After we settle, we need to reflect on the experience and learn why we felt the need to run away and where are we heading to now. Also to know where we are at in the present, for we often chart or view or way with a "map" that has an out-dated identification with our current spiritual location. This will help with dealing with the laws of Sythesis and Energy Saving as a complement to the effects of the laws of Attraction - Repulsion that trigger the experience at the root of the process.
Blessings be,
Posted by: Nic | August 22, 2012 at 04:38 AM