by Robert Wilkinson
Today we continue the theme introduced yesterday exploring what happens when Saturn conjuncts Pluto. This article covers everyone born between 1957 and 1995.
If you’re wondering what Saturn conjunct Pluto is all about and why it’s such a big deal, please check out yesterday’s article when you’re done here. Link is at the bottom of this post.
Today's article continues the theme of examining what millions can expect in current and future years as Saturn continues to crystallize forms of Pluto's power of Divine Transformation for all generations on Earth. When I first wrote this article, Saturn was also square transiting Pluto, giving us all a wild ride for many months between October 2009 and April 2010, and again June 2010 through October 2010.
During that time Uranus also entered Aries, setting a series of T-squares and Cardinal Crosses into motion, fracturing many things in our lives, helping us integrate, turn corners, and move in healthier life directions. I wrote extensively about those Cardinal squares and oppositions at the time, so please consult the archives for articles explaining what was cut loose, and the tensions we confronted. There’s also a link later in this article that points you in the right direction.
That period of Cardinal squares and oppositions set major forces in motion across the entire world that affect us to this day. Much has been and will continue to be radically transformed forever, including entire economic, governmental, scientific, and religious beliefs and systems. Please review yesterday's article to see what's in motion, since it can open inner doors of perception to show you ways to navigate these powerful times and tides already manifesting through radical events and breakdowns in our world.
As I mentioned in that article, Saturn has been and will be conjunct the Plutos of everyone on Earth from 2005 through 2014. This affects entire generations, and sets into motion major changes restructuring our lives at fundamental levels.
To remind you of the character of what's in motion, Saturn is the limiting force of Nature, the "Ring-Pass-Not" that shows us our responsibility to do our Dharma with ever-increasing maturity and willingness to do what we must, freed from fear and the need to enslave or be enslaved, to control or be controlled in authoritarian ways, whether in material, emotional, or mental forms.
Pluto is our "seed power" of transpersonal transformation that reveals elements of our "personal immortality." Pluto is the power of relentless purification, removing obsolete forms through events seemingly beyond individual control. Pluto is "Lord of the Underworld," and when we examine elements of our personal "hell" we can come through the purifying Fire that makes our existence pure gold from that point on.
Saturn teaches us lessons we cannot avoid, and shows us our higher responsibilities and duties freed from the chains of obsolete patterns and whatever "binding force" we've lived with, but cannot or should not tolerate any longer. As Saturn and Pluto together symbolize "shadow material" in primal areas of our consciousness, when they come together we confront our fears, limits, and needed boundaries. The dance of these two planets in our charts also bring the consequences and rewards of discipline, authorship, and wisdom.
The Pluto in Cancer generation, those born between September 1912 and June 1939 (with a few exceptions), already went through their major restructuring between 2003-2005, when Saturn transited Cancer. All people born in the first four decades of the 20th century had major changes and transformations between 2003-2005 (the 1900-1912 group had Saturn conjunct their Neptune in Cancer and Pluto opposing their Pluto in Gemini!)
Because the 1912-1939 group features Pluto in Cancer, it primarily affected their home, family life, their ability to secure their basic needs, and gave them a new feeling-structure to embrace the Divine Transformative energies of Shiva, aka Pluto. Most of them will not be around the next time Saturn is in Cancer beginning Summer 2032.
The "Baby Boom" generation, those born with Pluto in Leo and the first part of Virgo, constitute the vast majority of people alive today. (I actually group each sign of Pluto as its own "generation," but that's not what the demographers have decreed.) Saturn conjunct the Pluto of this generation brought forth confrontations of mortality, and also offered chances to mature and expertly utilize Divine power to transform their consciousness, their view, and the world. Some of these ended, while other things sprouted.
The Pluto in Leo generation was born between August 1938 and June 1958. As Leo is the sign of the Fixed Fire of the Heart, and Pluto is said to be "exalted" in that sign, that generation has the power of heart, love, creativity, and joy of natural self-expression.
When used wisely, that position expresses the power of Divine Transformation using purified heart energy creatively and precisely. All beings born between 1938 and 1951 had Saturn conjunct their Pluto between Summer 2005 and Autumn 2006, while those born between 1951 and 1958 went through it from July 2006 through September 2007. The next time Saturn enters Leo is September 2034.
The Pluto in Virgo generation was born between October 1956 and July 1972. As Virgo is the sign of Divine Discrimination and practical training for some kind of service, this group has the power to purify, transform, or sprout the seeds of the future through bringing forth pioneering new forms in the health and service fields. They are here to repair whatever needs it using their power to make practical adjustments to circumstances.
As noted yesterday, from September 2007 through October 2009 and again April through July 2010, Saturn touched this generation with Pluto in Virgo. The choices, decisions, purpose and wisdom that generation distilled out of their experience of mid-2007 through mid-2010 set important patterns into motion that will directly affect what this generation will go through 26-28 years from now.
Saturn transited the Pluto of those born between 1956 and late 1963 between September 2007 and August 2008. This Pluto in early Virgo sub-generation will still be alive the next time Saturn goes through Virgo beginning October 2036, which will again completely transform all of them at the core of their Being.
Those born between Summer 1963 and Summer 1972 have Pluto in middle and late Virgo. They had the experience of Saturn's transit across their Pluto rom September 2008 to October 2009, with a "last blast" of lessons from April through July 2010. Saturn will next be in Virgo from November 2037 through September 2039.
The Pluto in Libra generation were born between October 1971 and October 1983, with a few more in the Summer of 1984. This group is just now finishing their experience, now that Saturn is moving through the end of Libra on its way to entering Scorpio in October 2012.
Those born between Autumn 1971 and Autumn 1978 have Pluto in early Libra, and experienced Saturn on the Pluto between October 2009 and March 2010, picking back up again July 2010 and occupying that zone through September 2011. This group will again experience Saturn conjunct their Plutos around 2039-2040.
Those born between Autumn 1977 and Summer 1984 have Pluto in the second half of Libra. Saturn has been transiting their Pluto since late 2010, lasting until October 2012. This group will again experience Saturn conjunct their Plutos around 2040-2042. Saturn is said to be "exalted" in Libra, offering us all possibilities to mature and become more responsible through authoring various forms of "Right Relationship."
When Saturn transits the Divine Transformer and purifier in Libra, major life lessons are structured involving principles and ideals of justice, fairness, balance, perspective, and law. We’ve seen important legal transformations during these years, and the world’s sense of justice and fairness has been awakened through the dichotomy of the 1% believing it has the right to dictate to the 99%.
If you have a Pluto in Libra, please take a new look at The Coming Cardinal Squares and Crosses of Saturn in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013. That article offered insights into the major transformational forces at work during recent years challenging everyone to "right action."
Along with those major squares, oppositions, and crosses, between 2009 and 2015 Uranus and Pluto will be challenging those born between 1971-1978 in some fairly drastic ways, since they make a very volatile T-square to that sub-generation’s Pluto. The challenge for those born in the 70s is to find appropriate forms of Cancer self-expression and it'll make navigating this period easier. The focus is on needs, ensuring supply, finding a protective “shell” (whether a home or personality), taking a closer look at habits and things they take for granted, as well as what they should and should not care about, or be reactive to.
Those born between November 1983 and September 1990 have Pluto in the first half of Scorpio, and will experience the first Saturn transit of their Pluto between October 2012 and November 2013. Pluto in Scorpio is a position of deep wisdom and the power of absolute regeneration by casting out all that is impure or which cannot be taken into the unknown future. While capable of great darkness, it is also the depth-purification required of all who would know absolute transcendence.
What happens to this group between late 2012 and late 2013 will be critical in setting the seeds of their wisdom process into motion so they can be more effective in participating in the evolutionary process of their world. This will bear fruit between November 2041 and September 2043.
As you can see, these generational time spans move forward based in the group we're focusing on, so those born after 1990 will be going through major changes and transformations in their world in 2013, 2014, and 2015 as prelude to their next evolutionary choices to contend with between 2043-2045. I'll focus on the Pluto in Sagittarius generation down the road.
So to sum up, we have been and continue to be in the heart of a span of several years that are crucial to our individual and collective transformation. We have the power to structure how the seed-power of our Divine Self sprouts in the world, utilizing the Divine Power of Economy of Energy to purify our life functions.
If you're in a group that's already experienced Saturn on your Pluto, seeds have already been set into long-term motion. The transits of Jupiter across the Pluto in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo generations in 2013, 2014, and 2015 will bring blessings and adventures related to what was learned when Saturn crossed through those signs.
If you’re in a group that is experiencing Saturn on your Pluto now or in the near future, use Saturn's best qualities to be a world-changer in your unique way and place. Saturn transits over any of our planets show us how to utilize patience, diligence, a sense of responsibility, and maturity to achieve the dominion that is our Divine birthright. Whatever this "Ring-Pass-Not" touches is bound in and across time as part of our "Great Work."
Though Saturn lessons can be difficult, and Pluto lessons can be fearsome, when we make Saturn AND Pluto our friends, we'll never be afraid of anything ever again. These two show us the way beyond fear and unrighteous limitations. Aum Namah Shivaya!
(This article incorporates information originally published in Jan 2007. As noted in yesterday’s article, when I first posted these articles there were some very interesting comments, so if you're interested, please go into the archives and check it out.)
For more, check out yesterday’s article:
© Copyright 2010, 2012 Robert Wilkinson
I have Saturn (in Cap) right on my IC. Pluto crossed it, retrograded, then crossed it again. Now it's back within a degree. It's been the most difficult time of my life. I learned that life is not always fair and you can't count on Karma to catch up.
Posted by: [email protected] | August 23, 2012 at 04:53 PM
With apologies to the proprietor, I have a tangential comment: I thought Neptune was exalted in Leo - yes? I once read Neptune was in exalted in Cancer but never really bought into the line of reasoning.
On a more germane note, I'm of the Pluto in Libra generation and Saturn on my Pluto has been tremendously helpful; this transit has helped me cultivate patient determination and not use brute force, as a ram is wont to do...
Posted by: Matt | August 23, 2012 at 06:53 PM
May 1963 baby here...yes, July 2010 bammo - brought me to the core of my being and yes, I'm fearless now. Well sort of...
Already receiving the blessings from that time...I am MUCH stronger than I thought and am currently breaking my own physical barriers.
Not sure I want to do it again in 25 years though...will that time be a different lesson or the same one with a new twist?
Thanks as always for your wise writings...blessings back to you.
Posted by: Elizabeth | August 24, 2012 at 08:37 AM
July 1966 here. Saturn conjunct Chiron in Pisces/cusp of Aries 29th degree, and Uranus, conjunct Pluto in Virgo, midway.
Whenever anything aspects my Pluto, it also affects my Uranus. The two work together. Like a combustion! (I call them my twins)
Example would be during my mid life aspects, Uranus and Jupiter was opposition my natal Uranus and Pluto. Was a wild ride. Has personal affects, and a generational and universal effect. Unconscious and Subconscious on a Collective Universal Whole.
And now, Pluto is transit conjunct my Capricorn moon, trine the Pluto and Uranus in Virgo. And the ongoing Pluto and Uranus Square.
The Saturn Conjunct Pluto already occurred for me. Went through much Self Healing on all levels, and brought to the present now. Which is I am a Light Of Love, a Universal Servant, and a Multi-Dimensional Being. Definitely crystallization. Also, am into Indigo, Rainbow, Star-seed and Crystal Children and the transitions, and helping other like souls much so. (Mercury Rx, conjunct Sun in house 5 Leo)
Love all you Write!
Love and Light~Nancy
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | August 24, 2012 at 09:47 AM
I'm late pluto in leo generation. My generation will have saturn squaring their natal pluto. I have the natal square that really came to light last night when I was having a conversation with a young man who has pluto in scorpio square saturn in aquarius. What he and his friends are learning is something I was totally unaware of at that age.
He came from the streets and landed somewhere comfortable a couple years ago. It was then he started what he calls "the breaking down". He was always "tough" because that's what it took to survive. But now he is "strong". " " are his words.
The interesting thing is that he and his friends are also conscious of their world view and the effect their behavior has in the world. Must be the squaring to aquarius (discomfort always seeks balance???). That these young men are talking about their journeys, the part of themselves they cannot sacrifice ie. their souls, and a better world really floors me.
I'm glad to be able to listen, understand, and confirm.
Posted by: caliban | August 25, 2012 at 09:46 AM
July 1971 here, where virgo Pluto stays just on (or behind?) my Asc.
I had several new starts:
1990 (nice one), 1996 (deadly, lucky to survive), 2000 ('wanna be' start), 2009 (not nice)...
Last one is made by Saturn transit.
Still the worst is Chiron and north moon node in 1st opposite Saturn and south moon node in 7th.... August in 1996.
That made myself complete different... or not survived "completely" at all...
Posted by: helina | August 25, 2012 at 11:27 AM
99% of the universe is dark matter. The big ass ham collider experiment tells us that when particles collide something new is created. I'm not so much into creating more physical matter but I like the experience of creation or God when I come together with something or someone.
Posted by: caliban | August 26, 2012 at 10:00 AM
Natal Pluto 0 Virgo. Missed its opp to SunMC at 22 Virgo, marginally aware when Pluto tx'd Scorpio Fifth House. The square from 22 Sag nearly did me in. This year it's conj, Rx, reconj my Cap Moon and DSC. The word that comes to mind is: Burnishing.
With Saturn txs, I historically have made the exact wrong choices. It's as if we're speaking different languages. I'm trying to start over (from Sat opp SunMC) with Master Sat, hoping the recent sextile to Nat Sat will help.
Posted by: Mary | August 27, 2012 at 04:33 PM
Hi Terri - Well, you've hit upon a great truth that in fact, "life is not fair." But through our diligence we do not have to suffer over the unfairness of a thing. Just keep purifying your rules, your sense of duty, and let go of every corrosive or coercive thing in your past. When old security systems are getting annihilated, it's time to be flexible and move through the temporary "containers of personality" until the storm passes. Also remember that the Lord of Karma don't necessarily work according to the same time line that we do. but they are unerring in discharging their function at exactly the right time and way according to how the karma was fixed to begin with.
Hi Matt - I took a look at the so-called "exaltations" of the planets a long time ago, and because of some contradictions, I only kept the ones that made sense. An exaltation is the sign of a planet's greatest growth. Traditionally, Pluto is considered exalted in Leo, and Neptune in Cancer. But I cannot imagine that Neptune, the planet of fogs and illusions, finds its greatest growth in the sign of early childhood. That would seem more appropriate for Jupiter, the planet of protection, grace, and growth into greater awareness. In my system, it's reasonable to accept the traditional exaltations of Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Saturn, and Pluto. If we assume Jupiter exalted in Cancer, that leaves only Uranus and Neptune and Virgo and Scorpio. I doubt Neptune is exalted in the sign of its exile, so Neptune must be exalted in Scorpio. That leaves Uranus exalted in Virgo, which also makes sense in that genius and innovation finds its grounds of greatest growth in the sign of practical application and attention to functional details within a greater whole view.
Glad Saturn has helped you restructure some of the Pluto in Libra divine power. Balance and perspective are always good things to have structured into the deepest darkest parts of the psyche....
Hi Elizabeth - Overcoming fear is one of the hardest and greatest things we can do in a lifetime. And there are always tests to make sure we've learned the lesson across all the planetary and sign experiences. The circumstances forever change, and you may regard that time as one when you'll "check in" with yourself and find new application for old skills and realizations. When the personal dimension of things is relatively completed, then we find ourselves being the solution to similar problems in the world around us that are playing out through other people.
Hi Nancy Robinson - Just keep purifying your Lunar function, and you'll come out stronger and clearer about how to use the trine (understanding) to solidify some basic and simple ways of grounding your inventiveness and Divine Power of self-transformation. Saturn in Scorpio will give productive opportunities to work with magnetism.
Hi caliban - That square won't happen until 2014, so for now enjoy the sextile and quintile coming! Those with Saturn square Pluto natally are learning not to get distracted by counterproductive coercions, conflicts, and responsibilities that are not really theirs. That aspect is one of the "pathfinder," or "way shower." But only after they get oriented in the right direction, and learn to turn away from useless conflicts and burdens. Glad you've found a Pluto in Scorpio that cares about something more than power. And humanity will find God in unexpected ways due to the emergent technological understanding coming these next 2000 years in the Age of Aquarius/Dwapara Yuga. Dark matter may well be lit up!
Hi helina - Transiting Pluto will be your friend for many years. Mark Saturn's transit over your Pluto and Asc as the beginning of a new self-redefinition. You're now going to do a reinvention of your values, and how you use what you have to secure your emergent self image. 41 is a high point, where the old is fulfilled and the rest is dropped off, preparing you to continue to develop along the lines of the new compassion and/or understanding you began to develop at age 40.
Hi Mary - When Saturn conjuncts the Moon, we have to either decrease our rules, our "shoulds," or our duties so we can take care of ourselves better, or conversely, let go of sentimentalities and habits so we can get on with fulfilling Dharma. While it can be a "hard time," it's also a time to restructure the personality so we can take care of ourselves and not feel deprived. Burnishing is a good way to describe Saturn's friction that smooths a surface. With time and patience, Saturn can help level things, even things, polish things, and make them aesthetically pleasing as per its exaltation in Libra. Over time, a healthy Saturn makes all things pleasing through a balanced sense of proportion.
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2012 at 07:59 AM
Sakoian and Acker in the Astrologers Handbook list Neptune as exalted in Cancer to the transcendence of the emotions. Transcendence of emotions is like 'huh what' because emotions can be such complicated thought patterns that have been run for so very long. But Neptune does seem to have a way of loosening things up.
It was my cancer friend with all the leo placements that turned me onto my over emotionalizing cancer moon. Everything was always a crisis. I would feel for her and meditate on the problem of the moment. But when I would return to her it no longer existed. It was just her leo planet's sense of drama. After a couple of years of going through these exercises, I became aware of the pattern and changed my response and detached from the performance exercise.
I had spoken to my parents about variations of this problem. The folks who were on to my over emotionalizing would use it to get my underwear in a knot. The parental response was always the same. They would point to one ear and then the other and say in one ear and out the other. How simple. Why couldn't I do that? I had to deal with what was between my ears. And my dramatic friend drove it home.
The Neptune Leo connection did tickle me, because when the heart opens wide all boundaries all seem to disappear. And that emotionalizing stuff did get in the way of that experience. Physically functioning in that state, that's another challenge.
Posted by: caliban | August 28, 2012 at 08:28 AM
Hi caliban - This has to be brief. I just don't see Neptune's greatest growth in Cancer. Too many people I know with Neptune in the 4th dealt with a parent who wasn't all there, or there was too much ambiguity in their early life, leaving them ambivalent and unable to discern what was real and what wasn't. Too much openness to collective images and illusions when young is not a good thing for cultivating an immediate "shell of personality" within which the young being can operate with a sense of safety and clarity around boundaries (Cancer).
Of course this Neptune in the 4th house dynamic works out over time and experience, but only to greatest satisfaction for the ones who incorporate a set of spiritual ideals and spiritual practices as a grounding on a daily basis (Neptune in the 4th). Cancer's problems around clutching are well-known, but unrelated to Neptune's function. Cancer represents one's immediate feeling response on a very personal level, whereas......
Neptune is the spiritual ruler of Pisces and Sagittarius, the field of larger collective beliefs, ideals, and consciousness. If Neptune is collective consciousness, including the collective unconscious, then it would seem that Neptune's greatest growth would be through transcendence of any and all stuck or dark feelings, represented in Scorpio. And certainly, if we can embrace the great Neptunian journey to find its greatest growth in letting go, eliminating the old or outworn, and seeing past specific forms as the expressions of magnetic energy, and master the magnetic attraction/repulsion field that Scorpio symbolizes, then we are in proper relationship to collective images, beliefs, and ideals.
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2012 at 09:04 AM
I know everything about being to "open" I´m a Cancer sun with a strong Neptune but also a lot of Pluto in my chart..Strong 8th house and a Scorpio ascendant. I am very strong and very sensitive - very confusing..
Posted by: ull | August 28, 2012 at 10:09 AM
.."something called 'dark matter' makes up about 25% and an enormous 70% of the universe is pervaded with the mysteriously named 'dark energy'"
Posted by: ull | August 28, 2012 at 10:18 AM
Hi ull - Your Light is the power of personal feelings expressed through forms of nurture and caring, whereas your Scorpio rising has no problem getting rid of all that no longer serves a purpose. So you're illuminated by personal feelings associated with safety, but instinctively keep letting go of everything that represents a used-up past. 8th house teaches us how to turn defeat into victory, loss into gain, elimination into the power to magnetise what we need when we need it.
Posted by: Robert | August 28, 2012 at 10:40 AM
Thank You Robert!
I have Neptune In Scorpio, conjunct South Node,at 22 degrees, and is my favorite placement.
Had a rough childhood here myself, yet have Venus, mars, and Jupiter in the fourth Cancer.
Jupiter in Cancer.. Was not too aware or appreciative of that placement until recently.
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | August 28, 2012 at 12:35 PM
Forget the demographers! Your way, Robert, of categorizing generations by the Pluto sign is MUCH more accurate. Anyone with a Pluto in Virgo who gets lumped into the "Baby Boomer" category will tell you the same. Check out how they define "Generation Jones". ;)
Posted by: Kim | August 29, 2012 at 08:58 PM
I will be digesting your comments to caliban (thank you) for a while. Very pertinent to my Neptune in Scorpio in 4h. Boundary issues - why didn't I think of that?!
Posted by: Mary | August 30, 2012 at 07:55 PM
If "stuck or dark feelings be represented in scorpio" that could be my natal cancer moon in the 8th (unwhole houses). And it is in the second decan of cancer. Astrology can be fun. It's the cleanse that I like.
Posted by: caliban | August 31, 2012 at 07:14 AM
Hi Robert, bit concerned about my daughter who is just about to have saturn conjunct her natal pluto she was born July 89, because she also has pluto approaching conjunction to her natal saturn at the same time, any ideas how this might affect or suggestions of how to help her approach the energy, bit if a double wammy that could be extremely hard yet has huge potential too all things being equal eh?
Posted by: Debbie | December 26, 2012 at 06:58 AM
Forgot to add the other reason for concern is her natal pluto is in 12th house and saturn is conjunct neptune natally, so alot of mind/illusion energy involved too.
Posted by: Debbie | December 26, 2012 at 07:06 AM
Good Morning, I am an aquarius born 1/24/68. what effect does saturn entering scorpio have on my sign? and what happens when the two connect??
Posted by: Sharon | January 07, 2013 at 06:07 AM