by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon at 11 Leo-Aquarius shows the Grand Irrationality triggered by Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto, showing the next two weeks to be a time of critical choices that will affect our destinies for a long time to come. Concentrate and open to new ideas and interpretations, since there’s tremendous productivity promised over the next two weeks, along with unique gifts and circumstances that will show you that there’s a new heart strength lurking somewhere within you. This time will show you the wisdom of your bodily instincts.
As most of you already know, forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already in the past. This Full Moon has a lot of great forming aspects at work, supporting the important choices indicated by the Grand Irrationality in motion.
Mercury septile Jupiter and triseptile Pluto, along with Jupiter triseptile Pluto, makes Pluto the nozzle of 3 points of a 7-pointed star pattern. This will bring many to critical forks in the road in areas involving Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. I’ve recently written about this configuration, due to the Sun triggering it about a week ago.
The hot spots of the Grand Irrationality at this time include (approximately) 7-11 Capricorn, 29 Aquarius-3 Pisces, 20-24 Aries, 11-15 Gemini, 3-7 Leo, 25-29 Virgo, and 16-20 Scorpio. If you have a planet or sensitive point in any of these zones, you’re going through some important decisions and changes that will affect your future in powerful ways. And you will confront important events and realizations when planets transit these zones, whether you realize it at the time or not. I included a list of times when the Moon triggers the pattern in the article linked above.
Other forming aspects are mostly favorable, and include Moon trine Mars and Jupiter and tredecile Saturn, Mercury decile Venus, Sun sextile Mars and Jupiter and quintile Saturn, and Saturn quintile Pluto. Other forming aspects include Moon sesquisquare Venus, Mercury quincunx Neptune, Mars conjunct Saturn, sesquisquare Neptune, and binovile Pluto, and Uranus square Pluto.
So it’s maximum harmonious productivity between Moon, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, with a powerful harmony of an opposition, sextile, and trine configuration by the Lunation with Jupiter and the highly specialized and favorable opposition, quintile, and tredecile configuration by the Lunation with Saturn. All in all, taken together these promise a lot a harmonious productivity, unique gifts, and serendipity in all areas ruled by these planets (which involve 8 signs!)
The opposition-sextile-trine opens the void at 11 Sagittarius. This shows that for those impacted by this configuration, there will seem to be activities “dominated by fate,” where honoring our body wisdom can lead us to forms of “physical enlightenment.”
The opposition-quintile-tredecile opens a void at 23-24 Aries, where following through on something will lead to concentrated doses of spiritual energy and spiritual protection. Taken together, this promises many of us freedom, new initiatives, and openings that can tear us away from what has been and giving momentum to a new life.
The Sun quintile Saturn with Saturn quintile Pluto should provide high specialization and some unique gifts wherever they fall in our charts. This will bring fortunate conditions and unique events for those with planets near 11-14 Leo, 23-26 Libra, 5-8 Capricorn, 17-20 Pisces, and 29 Taurus-1 Gemini.So Just What Was the New Moon Theme for this Period?
Remember that the qualities of the Full Moon express whatever new directions we were shown at the previous New Moon. You will recall its theme is one of rising to some challenge, mobilizing everything at our disposal and not getting too comfortable. We are finding new forms of acting with purpose wherever we have Cancer in our charts, with major turning points as a result of the Grand Irrationality at work then, now, and into August, thanks to Jupiter!
From the article:
This New Moon in Cancer will mobilize all of us somehow, and right now we’re in the heart of some very unique interactive gifts and blessings, having just come off of a renewal through re-grounding ourselves in our triple “essence of Being.” This will be an incredibly productive period over the next 4 weeks, where we will develop new heart strengths and mutate into something more creative or balanced as a result of reconstructive activities on the emotional, social, or cultural levels of life.This period begins a period of major productivity, is very favorable for looking forward while sharing information with others so that new ideas, new communications, and new levels of relationship can come forth. That Mercury is retrograde shows a time when we will look back in order to learn new things overlooked the first time we went through the experience, and rehearse, research, or take a new look at some creative possibilities, or enthusiasms, that may have gotten off track recently.
Here’s more:
... This Lunation falls at 27 Cancer…. The symbol is “A storm in a canyon.” According to Rudhyar, this degree is one of “Intensification of elements necessary to arouse latent possibilities,” “rising to the occasion,” and “A descent of cosmic power.”... this degree involves “A confrontation with a social upheaval demanding the reconsideration of static values.” Here we are “challenged by forces beyond our control,” and won’t be able to depend on the usual “standards and values” we’ve acquired.
He says that this degree challenges us to rise to the occasion, and “undergo an inner metamorphosis” by accepting the crisis as a personal challenge leading us to some form of catharsis. He says it falls in the span of "Ingenuousness,” and it’s the second degree of the individual mental level of the scene of Consolidation in the Act of Stabilization....
So we enter a time of intensification, where we will get some form of “descent of cosmic power” that challenges us to rise to some occasion to arouse latent possibilities. Here we focus our self-expression, and can be lifted out of an old comfort zone to manifest our “inner ideals and enduring values.” Here we confront momentary crises so we can “rise in supremacy” over nature forces.
Through Mercury retrograde, we'll continue to get new insights into our play, creativity, way of expressing ourselves with sophistication and polish in social setups, and can explore and rehearse new forms of self-expression. Because Mercury rules Venus and Jupiter, we may get insights into previous difficult relationships, opportunities that went off the rails, or truths that were later seen in a different light. We can certainly get a new look at why we like what we like, and why we believe in the philosophy we do, or have the motives we have.
The planets in this chart are again in a See Saw Jones pattern, defined by the Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries energies on one side opposing the span of planets occupying Gemini, Leo, and Libra. Where a SeeSaw pattern is present, stay focused and balanced at the center while taking note of the periphery of things, and don't get off on a tangent or limb.
This offers a need to be able to see both sides of any given thing, especially where there are opposing trends or views. The strength is in an ability to triangulate to angles of approach beyond the polarity that allows for progress and understanding.
More on how Uranus Square Pluto Is Ramping Up Radical Energies!
As I’ve told you, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. I’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.
That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
Uranus is still on a degree of the need to concentrate to see the whole picture, showing us how to externalize our higher Self in new individual ways. It’s going to be the major theme for 2013, and given the trine from recent sextiles and trines from Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, we’ve been in a very productive and harmonizing period that should have set the stage for positive momentum now and into the future.
Like the last one, this Lunation will definitely free us from old perspectives and views so we can see our part to play using more cosmic or universal truths and values. Here we attune to the invisible world to express our individuality in new ways, and many will find relief in re-identifying with the source of their inspiration and wisdom. There are possibilities to find some basic truths of life, and use them for self-perfection in some form that is valuable and pleasing to society.
Uranus square Pluto will show us how to concentrate to align with a deeper and higher power, so that we can enjoy playing a role we were born to play and have already begun to live in preliminary ways. We are still being challenged to get beyond fear, see things from the past differently, and find relief through expressing the Higher Self that’s been “cut and polished” in past months. We can grow into a larger role when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use this square in two big ways, both now and into the future.
We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. Given the triseptiles to Pluto, expect strange events and critical developments to show turning points that may be abrupt at times.
Separating aspects, showing things just past, include Moon opposition Mercury and sextile Uranus, Mercury quintile Mars, binovile Saturn, and trine Uranus, Venus semisquare Sun, trine Saturn, and quintile Uranus, Sun trine Uranus and triseptile Neptune, Mars trine Jupiter and opposition Uranus, and Jupiter sesquisquare Saturn and sextile Uranus.
I can't possibly explain what these were all about, since there are too many planets in aspect to explore the possibilities. Just remember these symbolize things in the near past, so examine what's happened over the past weeks in light of these aspects.
Overall this indicates that we’ve had a lot of inner polarization along with important understanding that forced us all to make major choices regarding our ideals. Overall, productivity and harmony of understanding has led us to this critical junction in our destiny that will unfold over the next several weeks, freeing us for new adventures as a result of our gratitude and appreciation for what has been liberated.
As a result of these past events, the two weeks in front of us is a time when we’ll stabilize future patterns through strength, openness, embracing new inspiration leading to new beginnings, and some degree of detachment and dispassion. There will be more productivity than meltdowns, with many interesting gifts and unique circumstances as we give up some of our old ideals and ambivalence, opening to new responsibilities as we move into unfamiliar places and spaces. Many will realize a new day has already dawned, where we should commune with others who share our heart fire.
The Cusp of Where The Age of Pisces Gives Way to the Age of Aquarius
As I've mentioned in other Lunation articles, a major factor in this season is that Neptune now stands close to "the cusp of the Age." It’s now moved forward from its stationary direct transformational degree of 29 Aquarius last November where we began to finishbeing collectively transfigured, and is now at 3 Pisces where we can glimpse subtle elements of our “indestructibility.”
Neptune in very early Pisces has major implications for humanity as a whole. I’ve discussed this phenomenon of Neptune dancing back and forth between early Pisces and late Aquarius in previous articles, opening the collective consciousness to the energies of this transitional period, this “time cusp” between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius. This happened throughout 2011 into early 2012.
In the larger precessional Age, our world is at 1 Pisces right now. Thanks to prior transits of both Neptune and Chiron to this degree, many of us have collectively awakened to a vast connectedness with all Life and all Time. This degree is one of joyously rallying as we begin the closing of a long cycle. Fairness is paramount in all dealings, and with Saturn in Libra, the scales are weighing many things right now.
Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, points out that the first degree of Pisces, "the cusp of the Age," is "a symbol of full maturity in (humanity's) social estate, with an emphasis on the group integrity" facilitating each to develop their special patterns. This degree is about a willingness for each of us to do our part in the larger "common ideals of a community life."
Here we refine our ambition through "a consistent generosity toward the aims of others with a real intensity of effort directed toward its own ends." The keyword is COMMERCE, and when positive, this degree "is an exceptional capacity for organizing the converging and conflicting interests of many people in practical arrangements of mutual benefit."
So this is where humanity as a whole is at right now. I believe we will finally enter the Age of Aquarius sometime between 2045-2070, when we all will see the concrete manifestations of Aquarian patterns that were awakened by Uranus and have been dreamed into collective consciousness by Neptune during these planets' movement through late Aquarius. (Please also check out part one of that series since it elaborates on the transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.)
The Sun rules itself in the Lunation, while Saturn and Uranus rule the Moon. The interconnecting aspects between these three planets show creative mutations stabilizing a new creativity, a new self-expression, a new inspiration, and new spiritual emphases. It’s a time of stabilizing recent revolutionary developments and new initiatives, retiring from old dramas. Again, turn inward to find techniques of attunement to see the whole picture in order to re-identify with source and receive the blessings you need to move forward into a more perfect form of self-expression.
As a process of moving through events, first get clear about what you’re feeling and/or experiencing, then get new information or understanding so you can update your perceptual files. Pay attention to attachment to old interpretations, perception, and views, and get a new understanding or view of things.
Then decide and act with an eye to those ideas, visions and perceptions. Once you’ve decided and/or acted on those ideas and perceptions, then allow new feelings to arise that will in time lead to even newer information and interpretations.
To sum up, this Lunation will help us stabilize new approaches to ideas and inspiration. We are opening to new vistas of conscious, concrete development, new ways of understanding the wisdom of our body, following through on some things leading to concentrated doses of spiritual energies that will mold our minds and lives.
Relax into playing whatever roles seem natural on the basis of previous purifications and transformations. Attune, go inward to source, imitate a better way when appropriate, go for purity of understanding, and see this as a time when you are free to begin anew based in whatever brought forth gratitude and appreciation before now.
This is a time to be creative in adapting your will to embrace new ideas. Be open to discovering new ways to view what you can and cannot do, and how you do what you do. This is the beginning of a new freedom and adventure that will fill the void created by the Eclipses of 2011. This is the threshold of a lot of new activity and information, and since this Lunation promises new openings, embrace the joy of new beginnings and rise to whatever you need to.
We’ve all gotten clear in the past two weeks about what forks in the road of destiny we need to take, and are now challenged to enjoy playing with new experiences, new perceptions, and new ideas as prelude to new ways of acting and doing our Being. Do not equivocate or lose your balance as you leave old roles behind and move toward your new (if unrealized) heart strength. Since the process of self-transcendence continues to be front and center, embrace it with joy, creativity, the spirit of exploration, and see the adventure of discovery as teaching you that enlightenment is as much to be found in the body as in the mind.
Though the larger atmosphere seems tense and conflicted, it’s really only invisible forces leading us all to new forms of individualization that will block old shadows of control mechanisms that are useless anyway. Since all shadows result from light hitting a dense object, it’s better to become as translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows. And if you must look at the shadows, then refocus on the object being illuminated, since that’s the source of the shadow.
Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
awesome! luvingalohaalways from austin , hugs 2 ~ marci
Posted by: marci winters | August 02, 2012 at 08:31 AM
Very inspiring!
Posted by: Ilse | August 02, 2012 at 09:32 AM
"...see the adventure of discovery as teaching you that enlightenment is as much to be found in the body as in the mind."
you are light itself, robert...
with much daily gratitude for your illuminating wisdom, and tireless good works,
Posted by: Stefanie Krasner | August 02, 2012 at 01:31 PM
I would love to hear you elaborate on the last phrases: Though the larger atmosphere seems tense and conflicted, it’s really only invisible forces leading us all to new forms of individualization that will block old shadows of control mechanisms that are useless anyway. Since all shadows result from light hitting a dense object, it’s better to become as translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows. And if you must look at the shadows, then refocus on the object being illuminated, since that’s the source of the shadow.
Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.
Posted by: lee | August 02, 2012 at 07:13 PM
Thanks boss!!! Thanks lee.....would very much like to dispel shadows!!!Par fortunae...11 LEO
Posted by: chickie | August 02, 2012 at 08:27 PM
Thank you so much, Robert, for your sharp thinking and ability to put thoughts in words so eloquently.
A question from a novice: when you say "if you have a planet in sensitive point", you mean the birth chart, not the transit, verdad?
Metal rabbit
Posted by: Eugenia | August 03, 2012 at 10:04 AM
Hi all - Mahalo! Thanks for your kind words for what I've written. (Now if I could just trim some stuff to get it to a more reasonable length!)
Hi lee - I'll try to compose something relevant on the subjects. Realize the larger atmosphere is "tense and conflicted" due to the Uranus square Pluto and Neptune opposition TransPluto. I've written a bit about these, but probably should compose more since the latter is as powerful an influence as the former, but much more vast and subtle. The other subject is on the principles of lighting I learned when producing and directing television back in the 80s. I've written a little bit about that in other articles, so play with the site google box to see what you come up with.
Hi Chickie - Am sure this Mercury RX on your Part of Fortune is giving you a new look at your joy! Now the Sun's illuminating that over the next two weeks, followed by Mercury moving over it again mid-August, then Venus in mid-September.
Hi Eugenia - You're most welcome. Just putting my mind to some good use!;-) The "sensitive point" can be a natal position, or a progressed position, or even a Solar Return planet, since that shows us an influence for this particular year relative to the houses that planet rules in the natal chart.
Posted by: Robert | August 03, 2012 at 10:18 AM
Sweet I pray this is at the moment I'm not a joyous gal! Yet I will go with this flow xoxoxo for being here at this moment!!
Posted by: chickie | August 03, 2012 at 12:12 PM
Dear Robert, that is so inspiring. Thank you!
I have a question: What do you mean by the "four angles"? The spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical truths?
Posted by: Maria | August 04, 2012 at 02:42 AM
Hi chickie - I suspect that by mid-August you'll have a brighter outlook!
Hi Maria - [Edited by Robert] - Regarding the 4 angles: I originally assumed you meant the four angles of a birth chart, and so left that answer at the end of this new one for those who may be interested in knowing such things.
Regarding the 4 angles of illuminating a thing, I said I will compose an article about the four angles of illuminating any object but haven't done it yet due to other pressing things.
For now, in lighting a television set we have the key light, the fill light, the back light, and if we're going for zero shadow, the foot light. These are not of equal lumens and each requires its own angle relative to the object being lit. More later about this "real world" metaphor and how it relates to consciousness.
My original answer from an astrological "angle" of approach:
The four angles of a chart are the Ascendant, Nadir (IC), Descendant, and Midheaven (MC). These are the 4 points that define the quadrants of a chart. A planet "on the angle" to me means it's within about 15-20 degrees to either side of these 4 points.
As an aside, the legendary statistical astrology pioneer, Michel Gauquelin, found in his extensive statistical studies that planets near the Asc and MC brought forth exceptional qualities in various professions.
Posted by: Robert | August 04, 2012 at 01:47 PM
Dear Robert,
love the entire piece however this below is an amazing thought process,and has got sort of stuck to my mind........ as usual thanks for all the sharing :)
"Since all shadows result from light hitting a dense object, it’s better to become as translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows. And if you must look at the shadows, then refocus on the object being illuminated, since that’s the source of the shadow."
Posted by: Sabina | August 08, 2012 at 01:39 AM