by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon at 9 Virgo-Pisces is distributive, closing, and very “flowing” with many internal decisions and confrontations connected to past and future. Here our expectancies should be examined to see what we really WANT to see made manifest, and many will tear themselves away from the known and familiar, gambling everything on a great dream.
Today's article will cover rising signs around the globe, an overview of the Lunation, and the Sabian Symbols. Part 2 will cover the aspects, configurations and patterns, and which signs are most likely to be affected by where this falls in their charts.
A brief overview: the period ruled by this Blue Full Moon will illuminate our ability to express our creativity or genius in a practical form, with a focus on techniques of emotional or social discernment about the order of things. This will show us the light of refinement, expressed in ways that quicken our ability to attain our social or emotional goals. Just get rid of extraneous baggage and considerations as you spur yourself forward.
The primary focus is to use recent events that helped us “heal into our Higher Self,” and be receptive to broader experiences of compassion, connectedness, and feeling-intuitions. We all get to achieve closure in some important area of our lives in the next two weeks.
Adjustments and sacrifices will help us toward new information that can ensure us wealth or power amidst the meltdowns going on around us. They will also show us how to be productive through recurring opportunities to take the initiative in some new area of training and skill.
We continue to be challenged to find protective forms that shield us from unnecessarily aggressive people. The more we share, the more we’ll understand the best expectations possible for the circumstance.
Our patience of the past two weeks will lead us to a new freedom over the next two, as well as a sense of openness to a potential that will be achieved through the patience we’re cultivated. This time is one that frees us, quickens us, sharpens us, and tears us away from the known and familiar. It’s time to live the dream!!
All of us have the ability to find creative inspiration and new ideas about self-expression that can assist the release of both our potential and old heart business, redeeming a promise through a vaster love. This Full Moon opens our minds to Divine Mother energies, so follow what appears back to seeing how your expectations have been fulfilled in a way that feeds your heart.
Today’s article will cover rising signs around the world, an overview of the Lunation, and the Sabian Symbols. Part 2 will cover the aspects, configurations and patterns, and which signs are most likely to be affected by where this falls in their charts. This distributive and closure-oriented compassionate Blue Full Moon, helping us get clear about some aspect of our practical discipleship expressed in compassionate forms occurs August 31 at 6:58 am PDT, 9:58 am EDT, 2:58 pm Greenwich. (As it falls early on Sept 1 in New Zealand, their “Blue Moon” will happen Sept 30).
Now on to the rising signs around the world. The Lunation finds 15 Virgo rising in Santa Monica, 13 Virgo in Vancouver, 20 Libra in Montreal, and 19 Libra in Washington DC, showing mid-Virgo to late Libra as the rising signs across North America. We move east where we find 8 Sagittarius rising in Rio, 13 Sagittarius in Lisbon, 11 Sagittarius in London, 21 Sagittarius in Berlin, 8 Capricorn in Moscow, 9 Capricorn in Sofia, 27 Capricorn in Cairo, and 14 Aquarius in Johannesburg.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find the Ascendants to be 20 Pisces in Abbottabad, 26 Pisces in New Delhi, 26 Pisces in Trivandrum, 13 Taurus in Hong Kong, 19 Gemini in Tokyo, 1 Taurus in Perth, 23 Taurus in Melbourne, 4 Gemini in Brisbane, 15 Gemini in Wellington (Sept 1), and 9 Leo rising on Maui (Aug 31).
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out New Moon in Leo pt 1 – What’s Happening in August-September 2012. There’s more at New Moon in Leo Pt.2 – Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What it All Means.
Those around the world who will definitely feel effects of this Full Moon are the places where it falls near the angles of the chart. Places on our list where the Lunation is near the angles and activating energies powerfully are (Sun/Moon): Rio, Lisbon, and London (MC/IC), Johannesburg, Abbottabad, New Delhi, Trivandrum (Dsc/Asc), Tokyo, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Wellington (IC/MC), and the west coast of North America up to Alaska (Asc/Dsc).
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation makes one very important configuration, a Kite in a double semisquare and double sesquisquare with the close Venus square Saturn. This will release a LOT of energy through the Moon as the focus and form builder of what’s being released by the power of the Sun semisquare the very powerful Venus in Cancer square Saturn in Libra.
Venus rules Saturn in this chart, making it more powerful than usual, which in turn amplifies the Lunar influence, since it rules Venus. I’ll discuss the planetary aspects and dispositors of the Sun and Moon in part 2, which will explain the complex mix of frictional energies pervading this chart. In any case, it will be liberating and free us for new work, new tasks, new compassion, and new wisdom.
This will bring about radical changes for all who have planets or an angle around 9-12 Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, as well as 24-27 Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. Expect some significant shifts in the area represented by the planets or points you have there, with the need to move out of subjective shock or fear, or not let agitation or getting annoyed throw you off your game.
This “Kite” should mobilize many inner and outer things. The need will be to take concentrated doses of spiritual energy, shape your expectation according to the best you can imagine, be patient, and reclaim something thought to be lost. Also, focus on what would constitute your sense of “transcendent security,” realize you might achieve it more comfortably than you suspect, open to the infinite flow of natural energy of the World Soul, and remember that you’re on the same vast pilgrimage that the rest of us are.
Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
This is the third Full Moon where the Sun falls in the subsequent sign to the Sun at the previous New Moon. This is the next step in a reversal of what we experienced between September 2010 and June 2011. We last had this sequence of Full Moon Suns in different signs than the previous New Moon from July 2009 through September 2010. Since then, we’ve had a sequence of the New Moon Sun being in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun. As I've explained in previous Full Moon articles,
... the Full Moon being in a subsequent sign than the previous New Moon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepares the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since you would think the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this set of Lunations works the opposite way....Another way to look at this is the Sun sign of the Full Moon is the same as and precedes the Sun sign of the next New Moon, reversing the usual way Lunations work. So the fulfillment of the Full Moon sets up the next "seed" to be revealed at the next New Moon....
So we’re no longer in the previous “normal” New Moon-Full Moon cycle, where we experienced the illuminated form shown to us at the New Moon fulfilled by the light of the same sign at the subsequent Full Moon. The New Moons all fell in the first half of their signs and the Full Moons all fell in the last half of their signs through May 2012. Seeds shown in the first half, fulfillment in the second half makes some kind of sense.
This Full Moon falls at 9 Pisces-Virgo It is said that the first third (decan) of any sign deals with the actional, physical, material levels of life, and being the first decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of those signs, Pisces and Virgo.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take.
The Solar degree symbol for the 9th degree of Virgo is “A man making a futurist drawing.” Rudhyar says this is a degree of “original genius of every individual soul unconcerned with collective values,” “Absolute, tradition-less self-expression.”
In the Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of "the urge to express one’s individualized sense of value regardless of tradition,” where our individuality may be reacting against old standards and external judgments. He states “this is a statement of uncompromising self-reliance,” where our “mind is seeking to discover the … foundation of individual selfhood, the AUM tone (or logos) or individual being.”
He speaks of the possibility of deep catharses through this “technique of transformation of the personality,” as well as possible inner conflicts and the need to back off from overselfconsciousness at “being oneself.” But this degree is also one of becoming “an origin of development pregnant with futurity, or even “deliberately sought for originality.”
So the illumination available via this Full Moon is through expression of our individuality freed from lesser standards or any need to hold back due to what other people think. Here we can step outside of collective values and express our genius, and find a pure form of self-expression. He says this degree falls in the Span of Idealization, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Characterization on the Emotional-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “the originality an individual must show in any true assertion of himself, and of the importance of the aesthetic or more spiritual areas of his experience.” He say it’s through our “identifiable and personal uniqueness” that we establish ourselves in the world, with a warning that if we become too extreme we may “repel rather than attract.”
He states that this is a degree where we are challenged to a “distinctiveness which will release the creative capacities of others as well as self.” He offers the keyword EXPERIMENT. He states that when operating positively, the degree is a “a gift for the illimitable expansion of the human mind and a consequent extension of its powers.” p>
The Lunar degree symbol for the 9th degree of Pisces is “A jockey.” Rudhyar says this is a degree of “the capacity of man to throw himself fully into any type of activity,” “self-quickening,” and “premature expenditure of energy.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree is about “intense mobilization of energy and skill in the drive for success in any social performance affected by the competitive spirit.” Here we steer and spur the release of energy by practice and technical skill, in order to speedily attain whatever goals we may have.
He says “every superfluous ‘weight,’ every unnecessary consideration is to be dismissed in the one-pointed attempt to reach one’s social goal. Self-quickening may be the keyword.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Innocence, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Federation on the Emotional-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “the eagerness for life an individual must show in any true revelation of himself, and of the concern he must have for the struggles and competitions of everyday experience.” He states that “only through thoroughly consistent performance of (our) skills and talents” that we establish ourselves in our world, and as we become excellent at what we do then we must demonstrate that to our world.
He states that there are penalties for not pushing our capacities to the limit, and offers us the keyword PRACTICE. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion.”
From these symbols it seems we can see the light of original individuality expressed in precise and practical ways, defying whatever is conventional in our lives. Here it’s important to express either our sense of aesthetics or spiritual awareness based in our direct experience, as well as our uniqueness in ways that help establish who we are in our world. Free your mind from old standards, and your will find power in that freedom of understanding.
These can express as forms of techniques of self-quickening, and our ability to spur ourselves toward our goals without letting obsolete things get in our way. Here we get to throw ourselves into some kind of activity in order to demonstrate and sharpen our skills and talents, and this practice will lead us to “a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion.”
For now, enjoy seeing how to be more creative in how you express yourself and your unique gifts and talents, and drop unnecessary considerations. Free yourself to explore new forms of self-expression in new realms, and as you hear the call to self-renewal you’ll meet your Higher Self in a vast field of compassionate understanding about what’s done, how to let go, how to forgive, and how to move into unfamiliar but promising realms of life.
There are many important heart messages promised by this Full Moon, as well as new ways of looking at our expectations and the as-yet "unlived life" we’re yearning for. Mercury will offer us insights into those expectations relative to our relationship with the vaster “Divine Mother Energy,” the “Mother Force” that can redeem many things as long as we learn to share them, generously and abundantly, with others.
We approach the end of the TransPluto (Percephone/Parvati) in Leo era that we’ve known since Sep 20, 1935. Since October, 2011, we’ve been a transition period where this planet will dance at the last degree of Leo and first degree of Virgo through July 5, 2014. After then we enter the TransPluto in Virgo era that will last through July, 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the last time, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra.
Mercury is conjunct this outermost invisible Transpersonal Redemptive God-force in this chart. We should be able to get some fairly clear signs and signals from Divine Mother about how to release old unfulfilled expectations and find freedom, love, strength, courage, and power in what’s been shared with us, and what we’re here to share with others.
In Part 2 we'll cover the aspects, configurations, and which degree spans will be impacted by this Full Moon in Virgo-Pisces. See you soon!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
I can so relate to this one:
''We continue to be challenged to find protective forms that shield us from unnecessarily aggressive people. The more we share, the more we’ll understand the best expectations possible for the circumstance.''
Perfect! Thank you Robert!
Posted by: Max | August 31, 2012 at 02:40 PM
Hi Robert! Thanks for Your great work once again. I have just a couple of Q's to ask!
Can you give a real life example if this idea "transcendent security". I am more kinesthetic then visual!
Also, one more q. I have my sun at 15 d sag, mars & pluto 14d/uranus 16d all in. Virgo and hzve chiron 14 d pisces. Will these be affected by the span ox degrees you mention
Posted by: Micheline | August 31, 2012 at 04:29 PM
I so badly needed to hear someone relate this to releasing 'old, unfulfilled expectations' -- I've been doing just that, the painful part seems finally to be over, and the feeling of peace and moving into a bigger space, which I'd almost given up on, is amazing.
Thank you so much for your insights and your heartfulness!
Posted by: Amy-Julia | August 31, 2012 at 08:01 PM
I resonated particularly with this one as well:
"We continue to be challenged to find protective forms that shield us from unnecessarily aggressive people. The more we share, the more we’ll understand the best expectations possible for the circumstance."
This Full Moon is conjunct my Descendant by exact degree (and square my Natal Neptune by exact degree, 9Sag in the 4th), and I've really been struggling with how to express who I am more authentically without alienating or repelling others. I appreciate the advice on not being overly self-conscious of it.
I will read and re-read this article and the next one so I can extract every ounce of wisdom. Thanks, Robert! It's always a pleasure to come to your site.
Posted by: MarySmith1111 | August 31, 2012 at 10:35 PM
Hi, to everyone I am sharing this full moon Neck pain!
I know we have courage to get over this. Just wait for signals and friendly readings:)
Posted by: helina | September 01, 2012 at 12:54 AM
"the need to back off from overselfconsciousness at 'being oneself'" . . . "with a warning that if we become too extreme we may 'repel rather than attract' . . . There's a balancing act I am all too familiar with. Transiting sun now conjunct natal sun and jupiter. And natal sun semi squares natal venus.
Well wishes for your Neck helina. My chiro tells me my neck always goes out of alignment first because the neck has to support the big heavy coconut on top of it.
Posted by: caliban | September 01, 2012 at 02:28 PM
Interesting information Robert, and an interesting full moon to boot! My poor 80 y/o dad has had a dreadful time with this moon. Obviously from a generation that would find the earth energy changes tough anyway, he has always been the most logically restricted pisces I have ever known, a protective mechanism no doubt. This full moon is bang on his pisces 9 sun and the sun is conjunct his virgo 9 neptune, it has really shaken him as if the hall of mirrors he has trusted have suddenly all disappeared and he is completely lost.Am doing best to help but i really feel for him as reality of the illusion hits home :(
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | September 01, 2012 at 10:16 PM