by Robert Wilkinson
We enter a pretty intense zone over the next few days! This one affects a huge number of people in some very personal ways, so make sure of your methods, have confidence, and keep your eyes on the prize!
What's happening is Venus at 24 Leo squares Mars at 24 Scorpio. That of course affects everyone with planets in their charts near 24 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, as well as those with planets near 9 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. This aspects requires focus, making sure that you’re using the right means to the end, and to keep your eye on long term payoffs so you can keep many things going despite interruptions.
This is a configuration where our ability to concentrate on the inner, Spiritual Self at the expense of outer things is rubbing up against our need to incorporate inspiring experiences and realizations into our daily lives. We have the ability to release some powerful energies, both in terms of expressiveness as well as letting go, but only as we focus inwardly and let go of the outer forms to claim the inner magnetic loving essence of something.
If you confront a lack, a need, a void, or a problem to address, the antidotes involve radical dispassion and genuine compassion, seeing past experiences as your method through which you can teach others who also may be dealing with similar challenges. Some will have to defend their mission, or see the broader context of their mission, while others will have to demonstrate expertise, or take command over someone else’s expertise.
Venus is powerful in creative and dynamically expressive Leo; Mars is in its home in Scorpio, and very strongly itself. Neither planet is particularly afflicted at present, so this square should be a favorable release wherever it falls in your chart, and should also show as shifts in the life areas (houses) ruled by Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio.
Venus last conjuncted Mars (beginning this Venus-Mars cycle) May 23, 2011, at 10 Taurus. That fused the affairs of the houses where we have Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio and focused the Venus-Mars blended energy at 10 Taurus until their next conjunction on April 6, 2013, at 20 Aries.
This is the last waning square of that cycle. It made the first waning square in April 2012 from 4 Gemini to Mars at 4 Virgo, it’s stationary direct point. Then Venus retrograded and made a second waning square in early June from 17 Gemini to 17 Virgo. This is the final waning square, and marks the end of the culmination of what began May 2011.
In practical terms, it indicates that the past 17 months have been about us finding a larger or greater self-dedication, some form of greater service we could do with and for others. We have now fulfilled that, and are harvesting the fruits of the labor.
As the culminating square involves both Gemini and Virgo, and now Leo and Scorpio, it is a quite varied type of fulfillment, being both ideological and practical as well as inspired and magnetically appropriate. Whatever does not have these qualities is being fragmented as we speak, since the waning square (bringing fulfillment) also brings the beginning of the end of whatever that cycle was about. If it has produced a germ of life then it will be renewed at the coming conjunction. If not, this is the symbolic “Autumn” for the old Venus-Mars cycle that will end when that season ends.
This square can bring either favorable or unfavorable shifts, depending on how we’ve integrated Venusian and Martian energies in our personalities. As with most of these types of situations, look to the planetary dualities and go for the high road! To refresh you,
Venus is Wisdom/Folly. It is written that this is the aspect of consciousness describing our subconscious response to self-consciousness, affecting our “mental offspring.”
Mars is Grace/Sin. It is written that this is the aspect of consciousness that shows whether our responses are manifesting error or truth, maladjustment or beauty.
These two are now in an aspect that can show as friction, but also as dynamic changes by two autonomous powers each equally strong and determined. As I touched on earlier, Venus, the planet of love and relationship, is in loving and creative Leo, while Mars, the planet of initiative and “getting it done” is in its highly concentrated and focused home sign of Scorpio. It may be that sparks can fly, but the trick is to recognize what kinds of sparks and knowing whether to get nearer or farther away!!
Copyright © 2012 Robert Wilkinson
As always, good stuff. I guess I should expect some fire! My Mars is at 24.3 Leo and my MC/IC is right at 9 Cancer/Cap. I just applied to Valparaiso's MBA school - but am waiting on a final recommendation. But, I am finding my current undergraduate educational endeavors in economics are boring the heck out of me! Ugh!
Lots of need to move on by spring and find a new job too. Doing that search now. I hope for me, and others in this boat, we find our recent labors are bearing fruit. It's harvest time! I hope for all!
Congrats on your move also, Robert! Need to get a report from you...soon. ;)
Posted by: Jason P. | September 26, 2012 at 03:06 PM
This is a very interesting combination of things that are occurring. I totally get the gist of the duality and the beginning and end of things.
At current, in the past 3 days i've met someone, through the internet, whom i have connected with on a mental/emotional level that has exposed the loyalty of leo and the depth and darkness of scorpio.
But after 2 days i come to learn that his best friend admitted to falling in love with him, and now he's in the midst of a duality of love (venus) (he is a leo). We have not met yet in person but there have been fireworks on the other end, with his friend, who is in love with him (its a woman). So I believe that when we meet there will be a "beginning to the end" experience, either with her and him or him and i.
Anything is possible, but i know that whatever happens, I felt something different and unique and it was an interesting experience. I believe that the universe will protect me from any harm, and that I shall remain detached and as objective as possible throughout this experience!
Posted by: rogue12 | September 26, 2012 at 03:09 PM
hmm venus midpoint between my 22 leo uranus and 26 leo mars all in 10th house of my venus ruled chart, i will watch for the almost guarenteed sparks and pay attention to whether they are exciting or dangerous, thanks for the heads up :)
From your description of venus and mars, this sounds very much like a current Adam/Eve scenario, ooh look an apple...did we grow that and gain the wisdom of how to therefore it is our fruit of our labour and therefore ours to enjoy, or naa we didnt put any effort in to grow it, but hey what the heck, its there so we'll just eat it and remain ignorant, who cares.....Definately a very good warning for those who have not been willing to give their time and energy into the unseen work needed at this time ;)
Posted by: Debbie Eastick | September 26, 2012 at 07:16 PM
I have both Mars and the Moon at 24 Leo in the ninth house. AC is 24 Scorpio.Should I hibernate for the next few days or meet the world head on?
Posted by: Suzanne | September 26, 2012 at 07:33 PM
Great write up. I've been feeling a little anxious about this weekend's energies, but you've put a great interpretation on them.
I've been working with my healing abilities, and hope I am managing them with "grace and wisdom." 10Libra is my ascendant and TVenus conjuncts my natal Pluto in the 11th. I expect feedback sparks will be forthcoming as one of my "healees" is meeting me for lunch on Fri. to tell me all about it.
Posted by: Iris | September 26, 2012 at 08:36 PM
The proverbial S--- hits the fan......Alot of repressed anger coming to the surface, old unresolved issues...that have been hidden, and played out only in games, acting/attacking...have stormed the basement door, and broken it down. They have come out into the open, and the parent who is trying to keep them hidden, who I live with, and helped him stay independent, ended up in the hospital, with heart issues. He prefers to keep them chained in the basement, and bark/yell/attack others....and I can not allow passive-aggressiveness to flourish anymore. For the first time, I owned and spoke my REAL feelings... to him and other family members....instead of hide them/Venus-12th house?....and my days here are that I have broken through to the other side, I am dangerous...and must be gotten rid of.
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | September 27, 2012 at 08:24 AM
Venus will be conjunct natal mars in my 4th house. Mars transit 7th and so is full moon. Leo sun Taurus rising. Both children Scorpio. Living situation precarious. Single but would really love a committed relationship. My dream would be to marry a certain Aquarius and we would live together. We have an on off thing. Things looked like they could improve in April and June. Fingers crossed it happens.
Posted by: Hope | September 27, 2012 at 03:06 PM
I was wrong about this full moon. The upcoming eclipses hit the 7th and first. Getting ahead of myself. This particular relationship has had significant changes with eclipses. So ready.
Posted by: Hope | September 27, 2012 at 03:40 PM
I'm really feeling this with my natal Venus at 25 Scorpio (11th), Mars at 24 Leo (8th) and my Sun at 10 Capricorn (1st). What a ride...
Posted by: Leann | September 27, 2012 at 06:29 PM
Not really feeling this. I have natal Venus and Mars conjunct with Jupiter. The energies are blended for me. I am feeling it and seeing it in others. Sometimes needs a response. Mostly is just a passing imagery of happenings, that I do not need to attach or cling to, and just let go and remain centered. I am more a introverted and highly spiritual being and going inwards is natural for me. Any response needed is compassion, grace, and a healing way.
Love and Light~Nancy
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | September 27, 2012 at 10:42 PM
My sun is at 22 Scorp2nd (self worth)/oppossing moon 21 taurus 8th (Endings)/both square Uranus 21 Leo (11th-hopes/dreams/wishes/groups/oppossing chiron 5th 22 Aqaurus/creativity/affairs/ earlier post has shifted some more. Mars I think just crossed the Nov 13 eclipse point,which is on top of my sun 22.13 Scorp...and after the earthquake the other day, I am gettingg feelings of standing firm. I seem to keep getting in situations where Im being asked to hold my ground, and not run-escape.....but in a calm manner. I have run alot in the past, it was easier, now I am "feeling" all the rude/mean/controlling things and Im not going to run away. In another situation, I was being treated rudely, and I stood my ground, and expressed my real feelings to a Boss, and the situation has shifted, and he is being respectful....I think Robert said somthing in this post about letting go of "Timidity".....Fight or Flight? Im choosing to stand my ground and not react.....Ghandi comes to mind....
Blessings to all....
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | September 28, 2012 at 07:46 AM
Thank you, Robert, for these helpful articles, even now just after your move.
Posted by: Eva | September 28, 2012 at 04:25 PM
So, Rogue, I hear you.. during that time period, I, too connected with a former high school friend. Into some flirting when I checked his status and it was "complicated"..turned out he was separated from his wife.. by a few rooms .. :) , etc.. it was over as quickly as it started.. Natally, I have Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius. .Leo Rising.. . Sun/Merc/Venus/Saturn all in many squares... and 7th house Mars .. What's an aging beauty to do?
Posted by: Celia | October 05, 2012 at 06:33 PM