by Robert Wilkinson
This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in this month's New Moon in Virgo. This one requires that we step back from preconceptions and prejudices, see the gestative power of the Ageless Wisdom working in our lives, and be practical in how we do our service, whether to self, others, or the world.
This Lunation shows planets widely distributed around the signs. We begin with the usual "anchoring" occupied span between Pluto in Capricorn through Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Aries. This chart also shows Jupiter in Gemini , Venus in Leo, Mercury and the Lunation in Virgo, Saturn in Libra, and Mars in Scorpio. This gives a very wide spread to the chart since it involves 8 signs with a fairly even distribution of planets.
This "Splay" Jones Pattern (that could even fit the “Splash” Pattern) indicates a widely spread out experience, with many strong involvements in areas that may not have that much in common. There are 2 planets in Air, 2 in Fire, 2 in Water, and 4 in Earth. That shows a heavy emphasis on material plane affairs, with a balance between inspiration, feelings, and relationships. As Venus leads this Lunation, it makes the area in our charts where we have Leo of extra importance, since it shows that our relationships will be very important in showing us our heart, courage, and patterns we like, or could like in the future.
Air and Earth are cool, Fire and Water are hot, so with more planets in Earth and Air, it will be a “cooler,” more practical time where ideas and interactions predominate, and much less emotional than last month. Still, it should be very good for inspired thinking that moves everything forward, especially now that Mercury, Venus, and Mars are all in direct motion and speeding forward.
So wherever we have Capricorn, Pisces, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio in our charts is active, with Virgo the crowded sectors due to the presence of the 3 planets there. The general theme is that through our relationships, possessions, and what we like we will get over old patterns by learning how to play with, and move between, ideas that can show us what our best long term play is.
The next 4 weeks are a time to get new ideas, new perspectives, and new visions that can help us come out of any sense of isolation or alone-ness and find new ways to express our warmth of feeling. The very favorable Venus sextile Jupiter and quintile to Saturn offer productive relationships that will help us in unique ways while strengthening our hearts and clarifying core patterns we value, as well as offering originality and creativity.
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This New Moon makes only one frictional aspect, a semisquare to Venus. That said, it does form a conjunction with Mercury, a septile to Mars, triseptile to Neptune, and a biseptile to Pluto, thus setting the Grand Irrationality into motion for the next month, as mentioned in part 1.
I included what degree spans are active now, and explained how that set of turning points and “forks in the road of destiny” played out in my own life in the article preceding this one. If you have a planet or sensitive point in any of the 7 hot zones, you can expect that your life will also be at one or more turning points now and for the next few weeks.
Overall, besides the Lunation aspects and Venus aspects mentioned above, there aren’t many forming aspects in this chart. We see Mercury semisquare Mars and biseptile Jupiter, Venus square Mars, quadranovile Neptune and biquintile Pluto, Mars quincunx Jupiter and septile Pluto, Saturn trine Neptune (out of sign), and the ever-present Uranus square Pluto.
So besides the Grand Irrationality degree spans activated by the Lunation, Mars, Neptune, and Pluto, the Mercury biseptile Neptune adds 3 degrees to those spans. This makes it operate as a “dual pulse” where we have 23-27 Virgo actively involving Moon, Sun, Mars, Neptune, and Pluto followed by 28-30 Virgo involving Mercury and Jupiter. The Lunation activates 14-18 Scorpio, Mercury and Jupiter activate 19-21 Scorpio.
Thus the full range of active degree spans, besides the ones just named, include 6-13 Capricorn, 28 Aquarius to 5 Pisces, 19-26 Aries, 10-17 Gemini, and 2-9 Leo. Without a doubt, most people on Earth will be thrown into motion by this Lunation, since it involves planets in Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces, ruling Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces!!
I also explained more about the current Grand Irrationality influence in an article I did a few weeks ago. In Astrology in July 2012 - The Grand Irrationality In Motion Triggering the 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse, I noted that many of the important choices and changes occurring now and for the past few weeks are directly related to the endings that have happened since last year, and this period continues the process.
The remarkable thing about this New Moon is the lack of frictional aspects except for Moon semisquare Venus, Mercury semisquare Mars, Venus square Mars, and Mars quincunx Jupiter. Semisquares show us points of internal crises, and the Venus square Mars shows that a) values and resources will be in conflict with initiative and methods, or b) changes in likes and relationships is about to turn a major corner.
Venus afflicting Mars also shows we need to find the right way to coordinate our affairs, not get distracted or diverted, and make sure we are using the right means to achieve our ends. Fit things into a long range perspective, and find ways to keep everything in motion despite interruptions. Antidotes involve going into seclusion to get new inspirations, managing actions and ideals, figuring out what was shown to be meaningful to you between June 2011 and March 2012, and remembering that sometimes the old answers are not adequate to confirm the new conditions of existence.
Mars quincunx Jupiter offers us adjustments that can open us to knowing how to “get physical” as a prelude to inner integration, so get more exercise! Another area of growth involves opening our mind to seeing things with new eyes, and perhaps being more childlike in how we understand the magic and mystery of life. When in doubt, take the initiative, take responsibility, and put your authorship in play.
I’ve discussed Uranus square Pluto to such a degree that I won’t go back into it here. Just remember that we live in a time of the collision of major spiritual forces working at cross purposes to each other. That also means that there is a collision in the material world between conflicting energies, with revolution and renewal challenging the status quo and its assumptions of authority and order. We’ll be dealing with this for a number of years, so keep learning skills and the ability to shift on your own initiative toward that which you should care about, with grace and inner equilibrium.
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This Lunation falls at 24 Virgo. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
The symbol is “Mary and her white lamb.” According to Rudhyar, this degree is one of “Freshness of viewpoint uninhibited by social intellectual preoccupations,” “Vibrant simplicity,” and “Spirit-born imagination.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he says this degree involves “The need to keep a vibrant and pure simplicity a the core of one’s being as one meets the many tests of existence.” He states that the only true achievement of our Destiny will involve “a pure, spontaneous, fresh and nonviolent approach to all encounters” that keeps us innocent. This is where we can step back from glamor, struggle, and ego dramas, and learn to “radiate innocence.”
He says that this degree is a technique for finding or recovering our innocence, and that innocence is an integral part of any true self-realization. He says it falls in the span of "Experimentation,” and it’s the fourth degree of the emotional-cultural level of the scene of Consolidation in the Act of Education.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, the degree is one of “that fullness of life which comes through a cherishing of young ideas,” where we adults can get clues about our potential through healthy approaches involving a child-like expectation. He states we must “take this with us in a very conscious way” so we don’t find ourselves “divided within… and defeated by our own confusion.”
He offers us the keyword of ARTLESSNESS. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree is "a highly ingenuous creativity by which an individual is able to make all contact with others a worth-while relationship of self.”
So we enter a time of finding and demonstrating our innocence, where we can step back from old ideas, criticisms, analyses, and sense of what is perfect and what isn’t, and learn to see the world and our potential with new eyes and a new sense of what’s possible. Here simplicity is favored, as is imagination and letting go of fears, worries, and judgments.
Pluto, the Cosmic Purifier will be in Capricorn for many years. It continues to teach us deep lessons about practical, organized economy of energy and efficiency in sprouting seed forms of the new "laws of our lives" we can relax into. Be organized in finding and demonstrating ways to get beyond fear and radiate harmlessness and mature fellowship with Nature, whether your own, another's, or Nature Herself.
In the past months we've solidified new roles, new values, and new resources. We're now living some form of the new archetypal roles we began to move into in 2009-2010, and can grow into higher views and truths about basic human skills, expressed through the merging of our higher and lower mind in pleasant and enjoyable discoveries and expressions of what is and what could be.
The next 4 weeks continues to be a time to open to new ways of viewing how to claim our divine power and express it creatively and without fear. Due to the effect of the very strong Gemini eclipse of June 2011 being activated by Jupiter in the recent past through the Spring of 2013, we are still being liberated from the ghosts of the past and letting go of burdens we no longer need to bear. Having found what we've been looking for and opened to new ways of doing our Being, we can be more natural in our search for deeper insights into meaning and processes as we reach out to new and more complex vistas of potential interactions. I've included links to those Eclipse articles.
As you know, in late May we had another important Solar Eclipse that will open us to newer, deeper insights even as it shuts down even more of the Gemini areas of our lives. I’ve added links to those articles so you can check out how it continues the pattern of the 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse, and adds a new dimension of understanding what’s ending and why in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
Jupiter in Gemini continues to invite us to open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new ways of seeing what’s fair and what isn’t. We can take the patience we’ve cultivated while Jupiter was in Taurus between June 2011 and June 2012 and open to alternative ways of understanding what’s opening for us over the next year. This allows us to see various ways to discover and adapt to our expanding vision so we can become more versatile in becoming part of the "corrective force of Nature Herself."
In practicing our unique individuality we can become the answer to some collective need, whether large or small. This is the time to do, learn, or communicate something that arises through a recognition of some need of the inner Self. Expect some interesting things to assert themselves!
In this Lunation Jupiter is teaching us to allow our Soul to express itself in a way that’s relevant to our world and society, and see how to give and take between points of view. We need to substantiate what’s right with “a reasoned conviction,” and enlarge our view of common privileges and community functions. Go for “an unswerving determination to expand every potential of being and take part in every possible detail of world-wide reconstruction.”
In previous weeks, we had chances to adjust our perspective and become more natural and joyous. Due to Venus being retrograde in the May 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini, during the time that Eclipse is in force we'll get more than one new look at old values, people, and experiences related to these as they impacted our past. This led to some melt-downs in late June and July, helping us break free of lingering ghosts of old relationship patterns and how we could or could not communicate our likes and dislikes without getting deflected or scattered by others.
The guiding force in that Eclipse indicates that we are now growing into new games, new rules, new skills, and new cooperation. This will confirm some things, while opening new perspectives around self and subconsciousness. That Eclipse will shut down old ideas, understandings, and interpretations that will open new doors of perception for the next 3 + years. Keep growing into a larger view, a greater Truth, and a wider future while cultivating a sense of humor at divergences in opinion and perception.
This Lunation is the last New Moon with Saturn in Libra. We have now cultivated a new strength over the past few months, come to a philosophical completion, and are finishing up repairing or reconstructing something so that some final dues are paid and old karmas left behind. We are growing into a new simplicity, integrity, and innocence, and can continue to let go of older, lesser things and embrace a more powerful Spiritual linkage we show to our world.
Over the next 4 weeks we’ll be leading with our feelings, then making decisions on the basis of those feeling experiences, followed by new information, new ideas, new interpretations, and new views. We’ll be “feeling our way” into new experiences, then deciding and acting on the basis of those feelings. After a decision or action, then we’ll have to find newer, more up to date information, facts, and understanding so we can get a new vision.
So feel what must be felt, experience what must be experienced (even if it seems that the past is still more powerful than we’d like!) and then get clear about what must be done and how. Then get more information, communicate what must be communicated until you get a clear vision, and then move with your feelings into new decisions and actions which in turn lead to new ideas and understanding.
This will be a New Moon period that both stabilizes and releases a lot of energy, where we can find new ideas and loving relationships that put the brakes on old stuck feelings. A new law was put into motion in 2011 by our innermost core of Being, and this is the point of no return. Be receptive to new wisdom forms, and since aggressive elements are out that we need to be aware of, value what protection you have.
The next 4 weeks are about freedom. Freedom from the past. Freedom from old points of view. Freedom to explore new ideas and new ways to communicate them. Freedom to pursue a greater freedom. Freedom to find our innocence and step back from old views and obsolete ideas. We can follow hunches and find actions to be taken, which will lead to a new way of looking at our lives and others.
So despite things being spread out all over the map, destiny is on the move in many life areas during the next 4 weeks. We can heal by knowing what we stand for and what we no longer need to stand for. It’s a time to assert the deeper and higher elements of our Being while honoring the fact that the past and future are a continuum that expresses through the NOW. We can shape the energy we’ve experienced since last month, having come to a greater heart love that has a greater ability to see things from multiple angles of understanding to play a role we were born to play.
Whatever has been scattered up to now, weave it all together to demonstrate your skill and virtuosity in expressing your unique song within the greater whole. We are now solidly moving into unknown zones at full speed. You know what to play and how to play it, so take heart that you’re linked strongly with your Divine Self.
Relax into having confidence in the larger, more permanent patterns you’re glimpsing and weaved into your very nature, enjoy yourself knowing that things may not make much sense but relationships are very favored as long as they’re not extreme or produce dark feelings. A new way of living and loving has emerged over the past month, and now is the time to “get back to the garden” of your innocence and let go of ego dramas.
Your wisdom has cooked, you’ve been influenced by subtle spiritual energies, and now it’s time to be educated in a new way of seeing and being with others. A vaster and deeper practical compassion is now available, as are techniques of expressing it. Time to live a new life in a new way, with new ideas and new visions of what’s possible!
Here are the articles explaining the "Ring of Fire" 2012 Solar Eclipse in Gemini:
Astrology in May 2012 - On The Threshold of an Annular Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21, 2012 Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means
Here are the articles on the 2011 June Gemini Solar Eclipse so you can see some of the continuity between these two celestial events shutting down some things in the Gemini areas of our existence:
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
Since this Eclipse opposes last November's Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius (which is still in full force!), here are some links for you to compare and contrast how they are similar and different:
The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
So a Grand Cross could mean I've paid my dues??? AND as long as I PAY ATTENTION and stay AWARE.....I could break through???
Posted by: chickie | September 17, 2012 at 10:21 PM