by Robert Wilkinson
Now that Saturn has slipped into Scorpio, we’ll begin taking a look at its long term influences on various signs. At the very least expect a very intense and powerful adventure wherever this falls in your chart!!
While it got close in January-February 2012, it went retrograde at 30 Libra. That’s brought all of us to a philosophical completion of some sort, and in those areas where we have Capricorn or Aquarius on the house cusp or planets in those signs we’ve been learning a “leveling” or well-rounded perspective.
Those with planets in Libra have been under a long term restructuring in areas influenced by those planets. Sun in Libra have seen the end of a long cycle, been rewarded for their persistence in “living their light,” and are now into another whole 30 year life cycle. Those with Moon in Libra have restructured their feelings, and are now leading a more responsible, mature, or disciplined life style.
It’s the same with all the other planets. Saturn restructures and matures whatever it touches, and shows us what we can and cannot live with. Mercury in Libra people have learned deeper ways to think and have been forced to be more thoughtful and positive in their ideas and speech. Venus in Libra people have re-written their address book, found all of their relationships challenged, and have deepened some while dropping other.
Now that Saturn has slipped into Scorpio, people with Libra planets can take a deep breath and know they’ve made a major passage. While it’s not directly affecting them any longer, Saturn is still at work since the lessons of the past 2+ years aren’t going away simply because Saturn is in a new sign.
What Saturn in Scorpio will do for anyone with Libra planets is make those functions more substantial, now that the initial structuring work has been done. And of course, it’s now beginning a long term restructuring and maturing of planets we may have in Scorpio along the same lines as when it touched planets in Libra.
Saturn therefore is bringing a long cycle to an end for those born in late October and the first few days of November, regardless of which year. If you were born in that period, conserve your vitality, get real and get clear about some major parts of your life that have either a) succeeded in grand style since you put in the work that was needed to attain that recognition or result, or b) fulfilled themselves but have no more potential to fulfill you, in which case prepare to bow out with style while turning to something newer that could fulfill you over the long haul in the future.
For those born in late July and early August, important new developments around home and family are now coming down over the next year. Get grounded, keep it very simple, gentle, and enjoyable, as well as friendly and detached as you keep your eye on the bigger picture to what’s happening. Though things seem heavy or difficult right now, keep it solidly on course, stay grounded, and let go of fear.
For those born in late April or early May, it’s the beginning of some long term new developments in the area of partnership and equal relationships. If you were born during this time and are in a relationship, expect new developments, new responsibilities, new limitations, or new self-awareness and maturity in your partner’s life. Be encouraging and positive, let go of the need to control or be limited by another’s fears, and get focused on what needs to be there and what doesn’t.
For those born in late January or early February, it’s the culmination of something you began about 1991-1992, and promises you a very high profile time of it over the next year! So if you’re offered a promotion, or more public responsibility, or a higher visibility, go for it!! You’ve prepared over the past two years, and are now ready to take your place in the spotlight!! Just remember to keep it simple, playful, elegant, artful, and noble, and try not to get too intense in public places, since the intensity is already pretty high wherever you find yourself.
Everything I’ve said here applies to those born in early February, May, August, and November this coming January and February 2013, so if you were born during these times, get ready since you’ll be on the threshold of these things just a few weeks down the road. Others of these signs can expect these events to occur later in 2013 into 2014.
Scorpios born after the beginning of November are finishing some things up, and closing out major life areas. Tauruses born after the beginning of May are preparing for a new set of relationships to come, July Leos are finding new ways of disciplining the mind and speech, and February Aquarians are finishing up training for their moment in the Sun. All of these will be in play by November 2013.
This is a time of stabilization and understanding for those born in late February, early March, late June, and early July. It’s a time of maximum productivity for those born in late August, early September, late December, and early January. It’s a period of specialization and gifts for those born the third week of August and third week of January, and uniquely serendipitous events await those born mid-February and mid-July.
Those born in late March and early April need to make some adjustments in their health or work regimen. Growth comes from adaptability, learning new ways of interpreting things, as well as getting a practical plan and following through. Those born in late May and early June need to make some adjustments in their desires or ways of relating to shared values and resources, or others' values and resources. Growth comes from moving in new directions, becoming more self-aware, and learning to take responsibility for a greater potential by eliminating all that is stagnant in the life.
For now, feel the shifts in the energy fields, since now the Saturn principle will get to focus on what’s worthwhile of the ideals we’ve been exposed to the past 2+ years, and eliminate all that is outmoded or obsolete in those ideals. We’re all learning to work with magnetism, and over time will see how to attract what we need, how to repel what we don’t need, and purify everything associated with Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius in our lives.
Eliminate to create the space to regenerate, and be patient as you learn how to master these very intense energies over time! You have nothing left to lose but your fear!!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Great Article Robert! What about people born during middle of August (Aug 10)? I don't see you touching middle of the sign people.
Posted by: JS | October 11, 2012 at 09:38 AM
Last night I had the most unusual vivid and colorful. I never remember my dreams, however; this one I can't seem to forget. Five gorgeous Pheonix flying high and circling about. First one appeared... then one right after another flew over. They were so beautiful with a multiple of bright colors...somewhat like the Peacock. Then I read about Saturn in Scorpio...very interesting and trying to find the meaning! Thanks Robert
Posted by: SS | October 11, 2012 at 09:41 AM
Great piece as usual Robert!
I'm wondering how a saturn transit over the ascendant might play out...? My ascendant is in very early Scorpio... I'm not so worried about it as I've had saturn transit pluto and uranus in Libra over the last two years, but the ascendant is something of mystery to me...
Posted by: JP | October 11, 2012 at 10:13 AM
how about us early December sagittarius?
Posted by: Trixie | October 11, 2012 at 07:02 PM
My Asc is also in Scorpio - late Scorpio. I think I will be even more aware about my actions - to do the right thing..
Posted by: ull | October 12, 2012 at 10:45 AM
Hello friends,
I have a doubt long long ago.. Is that Saturn a good planet or bad??
Posted by: Astrology | October 18, 2012 at 03:31 AM
I just recently found your blog and have been thoroughly enjoying your pieces.
I can feel the shift begin. Thank you!
x Ursamare
Posted by: Ursamare | October 22, 2012 at 12:50 AM
Hi JS - That's because Saturn won't square your Sun until late 2013, and I couldn't go into all the minor aspects made to all birthdays. Just too much information!! Your Sun is about 18 Leo, so Saturn will binovile your Sun in December and then go retrograde in a wide square to your Sun in Jan-Mar. Consider it a dress rehearsal for late 2013. I'll be doing an article about how Saturn in Scorpio affects middle decan people sometime next Summer.
Hi SS - Unfortunately, a comment stream isn't a great place to do in-depth dream interpretation. Of course Phoenix (Firebird) is the symbol of the highest level of Scorpio energy. 5 is the number of humanity, of a Higher Mentally Aware fulfillment in an individualized form that encompasses and transcends the 4, which is biospheric in nature. Peacocks are said to be ruled by Venus, so they're somewhat of a polarity to the Firebird. Peacocks roam the ground but really don't fly. Firebirds fly and die to be reborn out of their own ashes. If any of this helps to open vectors of inquiry into the dreamscape, blessings.
Hi JP - Thanks. The Ascendant is your self image, your "window on the world" represented by the houses. Saturn near or crossing the Ascendant brings a new rigor, a new role to play, a new sense of responsibility, or a new maturity. You definitely know you're a "grownup" in some way!
For those who are over 30, it ends a long cycle that began 29 years before. So if you're 40, it means that when you were 10 or 11 you began to live a certain "mature" self image which has fulfilled itself. Now you're going to restructure your self image in a new way, expressing a new "mature" self image for the next 29 years. So this ends what began in 1983-84, and gives you a newer more powerful role to play.
You'll understand a lot more by the time Saturn goes direct on your Asc next Summer. Right now it's just the first pass. Get a new discipline, a new skill where you can be the author of your own life in the world that's emerging, and play it for the long haul.
Hi Trixie - It depends on when in early December. If the first two days of December, Saturn is semisextile your Sun moving from your Solar 11th into the beginning of the 12th house. If later, then Saturn is in your Solar 11th house and makes a minor aspect that will help you develop some gift partway or could even be bringing your major spiritual revelations if you're born the second week of December.
Hi ull - As Saturn is in your 12th, you may want to take a new look at my article in the archives explaining the 12th house. This is giving you a more thoughtful view of the "movie of your life" born of your direct experience and the wisdom you're learned since 1984-85. You can truly complete some aspect of "the great work" at this time, and renounce lesser responses while claiming a new wisdom of motive. You may be called by others to do "closure rituals" for them, and of course, you could grow greatly the more you do structured meditations or behind the scenes work.
Hi "Astrology" - Those who see the planets in terms of "good or bad" need a deeper and wider view of what the planets actually symbolize in consciousness. They represent a duality of "function/dysfunction" in our way of expressing those "Lights." In other words, whether a planet is "good" or "bad" is strictly in how we're living those functions.
Hi Ursamare - Welcome to the Cosmic Cantina!! Glad you made it here to this gentle community. The shift in the magnetism of the larger field is quickening as the field thickens for our sensory experience.
As I wrote in another comment stream, I am experiencing a subtle but very vast shift in the magnetics of the larger energy field. Saturn trine Neptune? Those who are on a practice seem to be quickening. Get focused and laser like in your responses and figure out "the order of priority." I'll explain more in an article about "order of priority" since it's part of what we're all learning to implement and master. And of course, you're most welcome.
Posted by: Robert | October 23, 2012 at 08:26 AM
As usual that's wonderfully expressed and insightful Robert, thank you!
If you're interested in personal specifics for color... personally I'm in the middle of completing a Doctorate, and just played my first ever gig last weekend with my original band. Interestingly, the final pieces of the band have come together rather quickly in the last 6 months or so (after about 4 years of false starts and practice). We've got a "fairly unique" sound, and once we get our tunes recorded properly, I'll share it with you, as I think that you'll enjoy it, given your taste in music (which I very much enjoy) and your overall love of music!
On the doctoral tip, the last two years have been "rather crazy" (Saturn in Libra conjunct Pluto and Uranus perhaps... :) in terms of the amount of work I have been undertaking and the learning that I have done, but now I feel that I've largely mastered the better part of the craft. No doubt improvement will continue, as I'll make sure of that.
Very archetypically though, my supervisor for the doctorate has been a very exacting, taskmaster, very powerful, female virgo, near retirement. She's been very difficult to deal with, but understanding the Saturn and Virgo archetypes has helped me very much in being dispassionate about it all, and to look at it all as a learning process. Interestingly, she's now fading into the background a little bit. Also interesting, is that I've recently published my first work, which potentially re-defines an entire field, and I did this work completely in secret (to my supervisor) since I knew that "she wouldn't get it". To pull this off, I trusted myself, and conscripted an ally to make it happen.
All in all, I sometimes feel that I've weathered a crazy storm, and it's as if I'm physically waiting for the next storm to come... though looking at my chart, it doesn't appear that such a storm will come again for a long time... but my mind/body/psyche doesn't trust this yet :)
Anyway, hopefully this personal story can help others overcome their trials and tribulations!
Posted by: JP | October 23, 2012 at 12:33 PM