by Robert Wilkinson
At 7:47 am PST, 3:47 pm Greenwich on Saturday, November 17, we'll experience the inferior conjunction between Mercury retrograde and the Sun at 26 Scorpio. The inferior conjunction is an important point in the dance Mercury and the Sun do each year. So just what is the difference between the inferior and superior conjunctions of Mercury with the Sun?
Mercury conjuncts the Sun two ways. When Mercury is direct in motion, it's called the Superior Conjunction. When Mercury is retrograde, it's called the Inferior Conjunction. These conjunctions of the Sun and Mercury mark important points showing how our life and mind are fusing past and present to vitalize the future.
Mercury symbolizes our mind, eternally racing forward or backward. The Sun symbolizes our life-in-the-making, illuminating the integrity of the moment. When these two conjunct, it allows the mind to evaluate and process experiences past, present, and future.
I sketched how these work in the article Astrology Class - Mercury retrograde and the Superior and Inferior Conjunction. Please check it out to understand more about how this “fusion of life and mind” at the Inferior Conjunction at 26 Scorpio on Nov 17 will affect all of us.
In the next article in this series, we will explore the specifics of this November 2012 Inferior Conjunction in Scorpio, and what its lessons hold for us over the next 4 months.
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
This is conjunct my Asc in Scorpio 25´45 - starting my shaman-education soon.
Posted by: ull | November 17, 2012 at 04:02 AM
It's conjunct my Part of Fortune in the 1st house - square MC and IC. Any thoughts?
Posted by: Nikki | November 18, 2012 at 07:29 AM
Its conjunct by a few degrees, my natal south node.
The inferior conjunction, quite used to, considering I have a natal mercury rx, inferior conjunction, to Sun in Leo, House 5.
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | November 18, 2012 at 08:58 AM