by Robert Wilkinson
We’ve got 5 major celestial events going on between now and the end of November that will finalize some things from the past while setting the stage for rapidly developing events! This begins a very intense period!!
The 5 major events are overlapping, so consider them all at work simultaneously! In order of timing, we find:
1. Mars squares Uranus today, Mars sextiles Saturn tomorrow, and Mars conjuncts Pluto exact on Nov 27-28, putting these energies into play the past few days through the next week. The energy builds productively through Saturn qualities, and releases through the powerful Uranus square Pluto discussed in other articles.This also means that as Mars conjuncts Pluto, it also forms a septile to Neptune, setting the Grand Irrationality into high profile. Lots of important choices, decisions, developments, and initiatives happening over the next week! Most affected at this time are 7-11 Capricorn, 29 Aquarius-3 Pisces, 21-24 Aries, 13-16 Gemini, 4-7 Leo, 25-28 Virgo, and 16-19 Scorpio.
Very building for planets we have in early Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. These are more forceful, perhaps disruptive, requiring careful handling of energy for those with planets in early Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
Obviously, these are happening simultaneously for anyone with planets in early Cancer and Capricorn. If you have a planet in those areas, pay close attention to bringing forth the best quality of that planet, being alert for dysfunction that needs transmuting.
For everyone, show sense and sensitivity, have a sense of caution as you find your balance or sense of perspective. Return to Source for a blessing, and seek basic knowledge. This initiates a new Mars-Pluto cycle, showing that the discipline and organization required of all of us in this time of Pluto in Capricorn is renewed, this time at 9 Capricorn. It’s time to attune to the invisible world and harmonize with your helpers in the Spirit world.
As with Mars conjunct Pluto, a similar thing is happening with Venus conjunct Saturn. That represents the end of the year cycle of how Venus expressed what it began when it conjuncted Saturn in Libra in late 2011. Now we begin a few years of Venus dancing with Saturn in Scorpio.
Mars and Pluto are the worldly and spiritual rulers of Aries and Scorpio. Venus and Saturn are the worldly rulers of Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius. We can expect the Aries and Scorpio parts of us to intensify and concentrate, restructuring into a deeper attunement. Venus and Saturn will help us harmonize all of the above signs into productive magnetism, or some form of regeneration.
2. Sun trine Uranus exact Nov 26.
Great for understanding a higher Law, a higher Will, the higher Genius of Self, or simply your own special or unique qualities. Very harmonious for those with planets in early Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. This will help to mitigate any extremes indicated by the Mars entering the Uranus square Pluto zone. Just show inventiveness if you confront the conflict indicated by that Martian square, as well as a sense of humor and your own freedom to act on your own behalf on your own initiative. This is a heart power building trine.3. Mercury goes stationary direct at 19 Scorpio at 2:48 pm PST, 10:48 pm Greenwich. I’ll be composing something about that specific event in the next two days, since it will impact the next 3 months. Until then, you may want to go back to everything I’ve written about this Mercury retrograde period so far, since all of those factors will be in play in Mercury’s realm for several months.
4. Venus conjuncts Saturn on November 26-27, sextiles Pluto 75 minutes after the Lunar Eclipse November 28-29, and sextiles Mars Nov 29-30. This is concentrating, productive, and part of a greater pattern of Venus conjunct Saturn sextile Mars conjunct Pluto. Venus and Mars, Venus and Pluto, and Mars and Saturn all sextile. That’s extraordinarily positive!!
This of course will affect all houses and planets where we have Aries, Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, or Aquarius as influences. Expect concentrated seed realizations and long term focus in the houses where we have early Scorpio and Capricorn. Due to the positive Venus-Saturn influence on Mars and Pluto, it should be extraordinarily productive and stabilizing in ways that should release through the Mars squares mentioned earlier.
5. The 7 Gemini-Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse on November 28 at 6:46 am PST, 2:46 pm Greenwich. This will be another very important Full Moon Eclipse that’s directly related to this Mercury retrograde period, given how close it falls to the Mercury stationary retrograde point. Please re-read what I wrote at the beginning of this Mercury retrograde, since some of what has occurred is directly related to what will be leaving our lives.
As all Lunar Eclipses do, this one will shut down something “up close and personal” over the next few months. Of course I’ll be posting more on this in the next several days. It’s the end of old ideas and forms of faith, and the light we’ll find involves an emotional rebirth, a new dedication, and/or a new awakening or stirring up of our striving for a greater Love. Many will find something or someone to love!
So as you move and groove through the intersections of Fate Street and Free Will Street at an intersection on Eternity Boulevard for the next 7 days, remember there are times to hang on, times to let go, times to be bold, and times to make it all work more efficiently. Enjoy the effective groove, since there are gifts coming in early December for a lot of people!
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
sigh. it could be a killer. my Mars return is 0º Capricorn opposite all my Cancer planets. (6/29/54) nothing happened this week. Maybe nothing will happen at all except inner transformation. there is nothing to do but watch life flow by. Namaste. :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 23, 2012 at 04:43 PM
Hi Valerie - Well, Neptune and Saturn make for a grand Water Trine! So this may be the perfect time to feel, to flow, to sense, and to go deeper. As I've noted, we've entered an "atmosphere" where we are all able to be more sentient, or "experiential" in our interaction with life. Perhaps "Watching the river flow" - check it out! - is a good place to be when an epidemic of irrationality is pervading "the outside" of a space of time out of time. Groove on, sweet Cancer.....
Posted by: Robert | November 23, 2012 at 04:59 PM
A great timely article. Much gratitude, and thanks for heads up on all the action a happening. This will be affecting my natal Capricorn moon at 11 degrees. Mars Venus and Jupiter in Cancer. Neptune in Scorpio. And natal Mercury Rx at 3 Leo and Leo Sun at 7. What is it not affecting? Easier to answer. Anyways, go with the flow, be present in the now, and wonderful suggestions on a higher loving way to move and groove.
Love and Light,
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | November 23, 2012 at 09:50 PM
Working steadily through the fears that kept rising, mars conj pluto in my 3rd house is opp my natal merc.just grateful he's off my 0 cancer sun for this, then with uranus right on the cusp between 5th and 6th house, I have been extremely unwell for 3 weeks plus was devestated by the sudden passing of one of my closest most beautiful sag friends, my normally good BP has gone through the roof and my usual meditative disciplines have been very slow to reduce the pressure. As a well trained Medium and healer I am only too aware of just how the "power" is strongly rising on the planet, I dont fear it, i know it is for the greater good and certainly needed. Its only the mind blocks (which I thought I had cleared all of so it was good to know what still lay beneath, even if only "ghosts" and be able to face them honestly to clear b4 they rematerialised)that have been in the way, threatening to trigger the potential physical disease, so doing my best to get my mind out of the way and let it flow cleanly, hopefully without taking me with it as it is such a gift to be earthly at this time of evolution i really would like to stay and see it through a bit longer. I am grateful for the divine mother energy and saturns slow transit of my 12th house, that has constantly challenges me to clear the channels of my mind, now that what follows is upon us. Celebrating each dawn, namaste
Posted by: debbie | November 24, 2012 at 03:16 AM
me and the cat are flying out the 27th. Robert I know you just did a reading for me but where is my concentration for this. venus libre 7,saturn scorpio, eros aries8,pisces moon4. please, thank you cathy
Posted by: cathy | November 24, 2012 at 08:24 AM
hi Robert- thank you very much for that!! very positive things- and consider i also have my Saturn return in 2º Scorpio... blessings to you :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 24, 2012 at 09:04 AM
Hi Nancy - Sometimes quickly passing matters really do create ripples down the time stream. Your Moon is under pressure of purification, but it should be productive if you use Saturn energy wisely. Of course, Saturn is long term favorable to all your Cancer material which should help you resolve the Pluto opposition. Saturn waxing square your Leo shows it's time to become a good student again over this next year, and get your mind into a training discipline.
Hi debbie - Your Cancer Sun can stabilize by becoming friends with Neptune. The recent Saturn trine Neptune should have helped you understand something about your emotional intelligence and embrace a more stable emotional response-ability. Sorry you lost a friend, but it does seem that more than a few are checking out right now, probably to provide help on the other side and/or their time on Earth was up, they learned all they could learn, and now they're outtahere!
If your old meditations don't help your BP, then it's time for a new one. The energy is up everywhere, so perhaps you need to eliminate some "emotional thoughtforms" that have attached themselves to your astral body. Take a psychic shower or two and eliminate the negative feelings, allowing them to flow down the drain to where all waters flow into the Great Mother. She can handle it. Perhaps opening to a greater sense of Divine Mother here and now, and holding that "Angel of the Presence" in your heart-mind could also be helpful. BE in the Divine Presence. It may help to eliminate some blocks you didn't even realize were there.
Hi cathy - Do you need concentration, or just acceptance? Neptune on your Moon opens, not closes. And your Saturn return in your third is teaching you patience, discipline, patience, organization, patience, maturity, and discipline...
Hi Valerie - Yes, As I just mentioned to cathy, the Saturn return teaches us not to push the river, accept certain reasonable boundaries (including "not knowing"), and be at peace with what's over and done. And if you can't fish, mend your nets. If you can't fish and your nets are mended, care for your boats. And if you still can't fish, and your nets and boats are in good shape, then party down, or pet the cat, or write in your journal, or meditate on how fortunate you are that all seems to be in good shape.
Posted by: Robert | November 24, 2012 at 09:40 AM
thank you again- i love that fisherman's metaphor of yours. it's a wonderful philosophy to live by. :)
Posted by: Valerie | November 24, 2012 at 02:56 PM
I am very excited about this and the full moon eclipse triggers my out of sign grand cross. Very interesting as well this Monday I start employment with a large coporation that I have applied with two times before, MC 4 Scorpio. First time I decided against the continued application, and the second time I had lung cancer and couldn't accept the postion because I needed to stay with my insurance. I have moved home and start Monday. Isn't astrology wonderful? Thanks Robert for your continued information. Bless
Posted by: Mary Streets | November 24, 2012 at 06:01 PM
Thanks Robert!
Posted by: debbie | November 25, 2012 at 12:22 AM
I found it so great to watch "Watching the River flow".
And I also love the fisher(wo)mans metaphor!
Thank you, Robert!
Posted by: Eva | November 25, 2012 at 04:37 AM
transiting right on my cap ascendant at 9 degrees--what can i expect
Posted by: donna | November 25, 2012 at 12:55 PM
That Cappy is 9 and on my MC and most important at this moment...I don't need any wrenches in the work.....I'm in hopes after all these years it is my turn Ur Highness!
Posted by: chickie | November 25, 2012 at 01:07 PM
I am hoping for a new job .. a real job.. since I have been out of a full time job for 10 years dealing with FAMILY... one parent passed the day Uranus went into my 8th house of Pisces. The other parent in and out of hospital and doctors ever since.. 2003-2012..
I feel I am about to get MY life back.. My sister has taken my mom to live with her... Now I am 58 and not sure where I CAN get a job.
However I have Leo Rising 11deg. Sun/Saturn/Merc/Venus in Scorpio... sat/ven/sun close proximity.. merc only 1 deg. scorp.
with venus in scorpio conjunct saturn squaring mars in aquarius in the 7th house, I take it, I will be alone forever. (Divorced 35 years so far).... Pluto in my first house. Not the easiest person in the world to get along with addicted to freedom... any hope? so many earth in my chart..except mc in taurus if that counts..and n node in cappy if that counts... Thanks for letting me vent
Posted by: Celia | November 28, 2012 at 11:12 AM