by Robert Wilkinson
As I've told you before, it's always good to remember that no eclipse of itself is "bad," nor do we have anything to fear. There is a lot of superstition about Eclipses, mostly focusing on "dreadful" or difficult elements that often seem to accompany them. However, while all eclipses take something away and/or shut something down, an Eclipse can have beneficial effects if we just know "when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to walk away, and when to run."
I know I posted this just before the recent Total Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, but it bears re-reading since in this one I'm including information about the coming Lunar Eclipse in Gemini. Eclipses are both dreaded and misunderstood recurring phenomena. Solar Eclipse effects last for several years, while Lunar Eclipse effects last for a few months.
This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse happens on November 28, 2012, 6:46 am PST, 9:46 am EST, and 2:46 pm Greenwich (Nov 29 in Eastern Australia and New Zealand). It will last 4 hours and 36 minutes, showing an influence lasting a little over 4 ½ months. Today we'll discuss a lot about eclipses in general and a little about this one. In following articles I'll elaborate on the symbols, aspects, patterns, and what we can expect from this Lunar Eclipse at 7 Gemini-Sagittarius.
I've composed quite a few articles on past eclipses in the archives that bear re-visiting, since the Solar Eclipses of 2009, 2010, 2011, and earlier this year are still manifesting results, if traditional Eclipse lore is to be believed. (The Jan 2009 Eclipse effects ended a few weeks ago, while the July 2009 Eclipse effects end in December).
Core material about the timeline of Eclipse effects can be found in the article, The Solar Eclipse - What It Means and Its Effect On Our Life, as well as many other elements of what we can expect from these recurring celestial events. Links to recent eclipses are at the bottom of this article.
Also, here's another important article explaining even more about what effects we can expect to result from Lunar and Solar Eclipses. For your reconsideration, The Solar and Lunar Eclipse - Is Any Eclipse Destined to Have Bad Effects?
To whet your appetites, here is a bit from the article:
There is a lot of fear and trepidation connected to Eclipses, an unfortunate leftover from previous centuries when Eclipses were believed to augur the fall of empires, dynasties, and powerful people anywhere the Eclipse shadow fell. While Eclipses do tend to shut down some elements in the area of life (house) in which they fall, this is not necessarily a bad thing, since we must bring some things to an end if we are to embrace newer, better ways of doing our Being. While the future effects of an Eclipse may be powerful, in that they last over a long period, they are not necessarily bad.No Astrological event need be "bad," or have "evil" effects, regardless of whether we're using Vedic, Chinese, Western, or any other approach to defining "All-That-Is" within a precise system of space-time factors. Though a circumstance may seem to have "bad" omens for the future, we can always transcend any negativity and turn the future to beneficent possibilities. No matter where an Eclipse falls, we can turn it to good.
Here it is important to remember Astrology is NOT a "predictive" art, in the usual way this is understood. The craft is less deterministic than most believe, including we professional Astrologers who seem to be able to "hit the mark" regarding future manifestations.
Pattern is everything, and time is a continuity. By knowing the past and present, we can often extrapolate the future. But we can never know how a being will respond to any given life challenge, whether pleasant or painful. Each has their ability to respond as they choose in the moment.
This directly related to the concept that each planet has a duality of function. It is up to us to determine whether the Moon, Sun, Mercury or any other planet involved in eclipses, "bad" aspects, configurations and other phenomena manifests productively or non-productively.
To remind you, a square can be more productive than a trine, and an opposition can produce awareness. Polarization is only a problem on the ego level. Seen from a higher angle, oppositions are necessary for us to acquire objectivity and the ability to encompass duality within a higher view.
By all means, check out the entire article, since I explained how past eclipses affected my chart, and gave examples of the good that can come after an eclipse removes old patterns. This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Gemini-Sagittarius over time will show us how to deal with opening to new perceptions and higher awarenesses in social-emotional contexts in different ways, and will definitely be directly related to lessons involving Mercury’s stationary direct degree, discussed yesterday.
This one will strip away old ideas, old perceptions, old interpretations, and old ways of communicating information, helping us get our lower mind out of the way so we can see the light of higher ideas coming through our purified mental mechanism. Whatever is stripped away will leave a void to be filled with deeper and higher insights and realizations that will show us the light of higher truths and wider views and possibilities.
It will put the brakes on old mental constructs through a process of expansion through sacrifice. Whatever is shut down creates a space for a new vision, truth, future, or life adventure that will present itself in late January or early February when Jupiter goes stationary direct on the exact degree of the Moon in this Lunar Eclipse! So whatever Lunar function is shut down will bring a new expansion beginning in about 8-9 weeks, and take concrete form in thought and action by June 2013.
This Eclipse is distributive and will open us to new discoveries in some social or emotional area of our lives. This will help us adapt, learn, and cut to the chase in all our relations. It will be an extraordinarily productive Eclipse where old lines of expansion are shut down so that more appropriate ones can open up.
All Eclipses radically transform areas affected by the planetary positions, so look to where you have 7 Gemini and 7 Sagittarius to see what will be shut down. That life area will yield a new love, a new passion, once the old views are eliminated and a new faith in doing what’s natural is incorporated in the mind.
This one will help us get clear about different ways to receive and communicate higher awarenesses and realizations, and stir up our sense of life adventure. Here we can take a new look at how we view our place of greatest service, find a new way to take the initiative, keep the momentum, and express ourselves.
The kicker to this Eclipse is that the Moon is quincunx both Venus, Mars, and Pluto, creating a Yod, or “Finger of God” with the Moon as the pointer of the energy. This is very important, since it portends the larger Finger of God made by Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto just a few weeks from now. It would seem that many old assumptions and ways of experiencing life “up close and personal” will be undergoing radical changes over the next few weeks. Just keep adjusting, keep sacrificing, and you’ll come out of this ready for a new life adventure by February 2013.
In this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 7 Gemini, we see the most important factors are Moon conjunct Jupiter, Mercury direct on its stationary degree, moving forward through its “shadow zone,” Venus sextile Pluto and sextile Mars (intensifying the Yod), and Sun opposed Jupiter. Of significance is that Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto are all in their respective degree zones of the Grand Irrationality. So in the months this Eclipse is active, the Grand Irrationality will throw us all into more critical decisions in house areas involving Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. Expect important decisions and changes in life areas where you have these signs on the cusp or planets in these signs.
More on the Solar Eclipses of 2011
Though 2012 has been no slouch in terms of Eclipse effects, 2011 was a rare year that offered us 6 Eclipses in one year, 4 Solar and 2 Lunar. We had the first Partial Solar Eclipse in January, we had the second one June 1-2, the third one on July 1, and a final one November 24-25! The 2 Lunar Eclipses were also Total Eclipses, following what we saw in December 2010.
While the Lunar Eclipses are no longer in force, the 4 Solar Eclipses of 2011 will affect us for a long time to come, so take a look at the numerous January, June, July, and November 2011 Eclipse articles in the archives. While you’re at it, you may also want to review the articles on the 2012 Solar Eclipses, since they’re also still in major play at the present time and into the future. Some links are at the bottom of this page.
The Solar Eclipses of January and June 2011 brought blessings upon us since they happened. We've simply been challenged to let go of old life patterns that no longer serve the emergent Archetypes we've been living the past two years. Due to such things as the Grand Irrationality and the various Cardinal T-squares and Crosses set up by Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, we're all going through major changes that will affect our lives for many years. It may have been a wild ride, but power and new potentials have resulted from our choices.
Since the past is prologue to the future, those who prepared, learned, and allowed themselves to be moved into new ways of relating to others in 2011 have found in 2012 an activation of a concrete higher power or value they can trust. Those who have not shown kindness and understanding at critical junctures in the past three years have reaped consequences. Our ability to become an elegant and balanced Spiritual Warrior has been put to the test in diverse ways, and 2011 made clear the consequences for seeking what we have sought.
This year we had two Solar Eclipses. The first one in May was Partial, whereas the one on November 13-14 was a Total Solar Eclipse at 22 Scorpio. This year we also have two Lunar Eclipses. The one on June 4 was a Partial Lunar Eclipse at 15 Sagittarius/Gemini, and marked the "Christ Fest," the third of the 3 "High Moons" of Spring. This Lunar Eclipse on November 28 is a Penumbral Eclipse that falls at 7 Gemini/Sagittarius. As usual, I'll be doing multiple articles on this Lunar Eclipse over the next few days.
Though there are always endings associated with any Eclipse, these open the space we need to align with Spirit in natural and productive ways. Take a new look to see what really matters and what you do and do not want to bring with you into the new world you're already living.
We've all blasted off into new realms in the past couple of years, and now are moving into a time of stabilizing our long term plans. This Eclipse continues to help us get clear about what we no longer need or want, and we can now let go of many things that have pushed and pulled us in the past. It’s time to “let go, let G_d!”
See you soon with more on this 2012 Gemini-Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse!
To check out the June 2011 Solar and Lunar Eclipses and their influences, here's Important Cosmic Influences Happening in late June and July 2011. The January eclipses can be found in the corresponding archives.
For more about the November 2011 Solar Eclipse with links to last year’s Gemini Solar Eclipse, please check out The Solar Eclipse at 3 Sagittarius November 24-25, 2011 Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means. (You can follow the internal links in this article to the previous articles about this specific Eclipse.)
For more about the May 2012 Solar Eclipse, here’s The Solar Eclipse at 1 Gemini May 20-21 2012 Pt. 3 (You can follow the internal links in this article to the previous articles about this specific Eclipse.)
For more about the recent 2012 Scorpio Total Solar Eclipse, here’s The Total Solar Eclipse at 22 Scorpio Nov 13-14, 2012 Pt. 3 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means. (You can follow the internal links in this article to the previous articles about this specific Eclipse.)
© Copyright 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Hi! I loved your article. I am a Pisces 15/3/78, my natal moon and Jupiter are both in Gemini. What could this mean for me. Thank you.
Posted by: Lily | November 26, 2012 at 04:28 AM
My elderly infirm mother broke an arm on May 12, 2012 and she died on November 25, 2012. Both events close to this year's eclipses. Mercury was her ruler - 25 Virgo birth date - so she died just at station direct (don't know rising- probably Cancer or Pisces). She decided to stay in bed about January 2010, which may also line up with eclipses. I don't know much about astrology, but I enjoy your articles and interpretations and like seeing how "stars" line up with these events. I now have to opportunity to shake free of her negativity that was deeply wounding, but keep the love she also gave to me (it's complicated isn't it?) - also an eclipse action - I'm looking forward to my new life! (also just had my age 59 Saturn return as well). The options are unlimited - I'm very lucky!
Posted by: Molly | November 26, 2012 at 09:25 AM
So sorry for your loss Molly, even if not a positive relationship, I like that it sometimes seems to me that some of our mums love us so much they are willing to be the bad guy to trigger us to see and bring out our strengths, then that love/challenge axis makes more sense, at least it did for me.
I have found this past few week so much more challenging than any merc rx or solar/lunar eclilpses i can personally recall. I do feel its to do with the solar being in scorp then merc backing up from freedom oriented sag into pergatory oriented scorp, its been like face it, take charge of it or its gonna take you down and thats not what you want is it, noooo you are aiming for freedom and the good life arent you, well then kiddo, stop being afraid of your own shadow, if you keep moving towards the sun, it always falls behind you where it gets left behind...
Posted by: debbie | November 26, 2012 at 11:29 PM