by Robert Wilkinson
In many articles and comments I have mentioned that we have a Higher Mind and a lower mind. Each of these has a strong pole and a weak pole. Knowing our way around these four qualities can help us master any situation we confront.
I originally posted this article over two years ago, so it seemed appropriate to reprint, given the evolutionary leap that confronts all of us. So why is knowing the differences between the Higher and lower mind important?
The reason this is important is that by knowing the qualities of the mind, we can determine what is at work in any given situation. That can help us to view the dynamics with a relative degree of objectivity, and then choose how to respond when we are confronted with our own lower self, or the lower self of another.
The lower mind's weak pole is reason and its strong pole is desire. That's why any desire can be reasoned out. As you can see, when the lower self has a desire it has reasoned it should pursue, it can lead to all kinds of mischief. Whether the desire to hurt another (or self) through destructive behavior. or the desire to refuse to grow despite all signals that it's time to give up abusive behaviors and attitudes, when our lower mind has reasoned some desire is good, it will pursue that desire regardless of consequences.
The Higher Mind's weak pole is intellect. That's why intellect alone is not strong enough to give up a desire that's been reasoned out, including the desire to stay willfully ignorant. That's different than simple ignorance. When it's time to choose a different way of living, and yet a being desires the same patterns, that's willful ignorance. Willful ignorance is always consciously or unconsciously chosen by ego-mind.
The Higher Mind's strong pole is the only solution to the lower mind's malfunctioning. The strong pole is Will, in the sense of Spiritual Will. When we apply our Spiritual Will in any moment, old ways are transcended immediately, and the desire mind and its rationalizations have no hold on our awareness and the choices we must make.
Though there may be rationalizations arise in the lower mind to justify its view, as we learn to apply our Spiritual Will to further our Higher Self, eventually the lower mind's hold on the view gives way. Then our intellect can view the power of our Higher Self's choice to use our Will in applying our Love, Wisdom, and/or Intelligence in Action in ways that benefit us and all we are connected to.
This is where we hit the rub of evolution itself, since energy being energy, it can be used for good or ill even when a being is working from their Higher Mind as they see it. An evil magician and good magician use the exact same tools and energies, but the former uses it for ego gratification while the latter uses it for the service of humankind. That's why we must examine what desires of self and others have been rationalized to understand which desires are selfish and separative and which desires serve the greatest good.
Will and intellect are great tools to reference when we confront coercive people and situations, since they transcend the reasoning and rationalizations present in coercion. Once these are countered, then it is easy to get to the raw desire lurking underneath the rationalizations. Then, by applying our Spiritual Will on behalf of our highest good and the highest good attainable in the situation, we further the greater good, even when it means withdrawing from that situation.
As I've noted many times, all dualism arises in the mind. The Higher Mind and the lower mind are where the Higher Triad of Atma-Buddhi-Manas meets the lower triad of body, feelings, and rational mind. In knowing the battleground of the mind, with its eternal compare and contrast function, we can know when Higher or lower elements are at work. That eventually makes us masters of any situation we confront, since then we can act or not act with infinite detachment, dispassion, discrimination, and generate the positive intention appropriate to our understanding.
While some of this requires consistent self-discipline by the Higher Self, the rewards are endless. By striving to practice our Spiritual Will pointed through the lens of intellect, we can move through life's dualities without becoming confused or disoriented by any internal or external dilemma, desire, or rationalization.
As we come out of the rationalized desires of the lower self into enlightened (Higher) Self-interest, we can shine the light of awareness in any situation we confront. Over time that creates patterns of referencing the Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence of our Higher Self, and eventually that puts us at a level of consciousness that is beyond the pushes and pulls of the denser planes of existence. The more we live that, the less suffering we'll experience, and the more shadows we'll dispel as we walk our Eternal Walk.
Copyright © 2010, 2012 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Robert. Read this a few years back. I get the deeper more authentic Higher Mind meaning of this. Thanks for the insightful, helpful article.
Much Love,
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | December 06, 2012 at 03:31 PM
I understand that totally, Robert thanks for the confirmation, reassurances are most welcomed by all at this time I am sure. It seems to have taken our species quite a long time to adjust to the higher mind's presence in our evolution from only animalistic mundane mind from where we came to be able to integrate both in this earthly existence, the either or being quite a battle throughout history, I do however believe and I am witnessing, many more now actually beginning to "get it", thank god/goddess and of course, mother nature. Namaste
Posted by: Debbie | December 06, 2012 at 05:55 PM
Standing ovation form where I am for the clear, brief explanation of such an important issue. Yes, we are evolving and having a clear view of what the Higher and lower aspects of the mind are and the role they play aids in making progress. A very important post just at the doors of this powerful December.
Blessing be,
Posted by: Nic | December 07, 2012 at 07:50 PM