Hi all - Just got off the road. It's been a wonderful 100 hours of reconnecting with old friends, as well as unexpected opportunities to give many different gifts to many people, with no prior intention to do so. It seemed as though I had the exact things more than a few needed that were perfect for the moment. On a final note, there seems to be a "finality" in the air, but also openings, renewals, and a curious kind of magic, if we adapt to circumstances and facilitate giving and sharing and enjoying and being and lightening up. Peace out for now, and I'll figure out something to post tomorrow.
On a final note, there seems to be a "finality" in the air, but also openings, renewals, and a curious kind of magic, if we adapt to circumstances and facilitate giving and sharing and enjoying and being and lightening up. ~ Yes I seeing and reading signs of mankind every where I do that indicate clearly that we're counting down final tracks that are of the playlist of this age. His Masters Voice is shutting down be well glaring example under the circumstances, many other signs 'A' that everything everyone in for system REBOOT..
Posted by: Morlokk | January 31, 2013 at 07:21 PM
Hi Morlokk - Well, I have seen manifestations of a major shift back at the Solstice, but we're so close to the heart of the movement that it's tough to get perspective this close in. You're right in that there seems to be a "system reboot" coming, or maybe it's already happening but we're just too close in and not far enough along to know the whole of what's happening. And of course, feelings of "finality" are entirely appropriate as the inner planets move from the end signs of Aquarius and Pisces into the coming Aries initiatives, and Jupiter now direct will race through Gemini into the critical phase shifts coming when it enters Cancer in June.
Plus we're a bit like the 7 blind men trying to describe the elephant. We "know something's happening here but we don't know what it is," and even those who DO "know what it is" are still stuck with inadequate descriptors for a 2200 year process that's just begun. Many are panicking about what's shutting down, and that's why I focus on life not being so much about what's in the rear view mirror, as much as getting comfortable in the NOW so that the thieves of past and future don't steal the present.
Posted by: Robert | February 01, 2013 at 08:44 AM
To me, the energies of 2012 did not disappoint the predictions for the year, most humans felt it although msny who did not understand it discounted its significance or got caught up in the change being "something wrong" everything begins as power which converts to energy first, the becoming seen as matter or earthly is still a work in progress in the natural cycles, In fact to me taking it one step further those energies have always been there, however the main change last year I noticed. is that there is no veil or any place to deny sensing it. Ready or not, humanity is no longer asleep, like when the alarm goes off and wakes one up, yet in that foggy state when one cones out of a deep sleep. Just my way of grasping or understanding it, in case it is of good service to anyone.
Posted by: Debbie | February 01, 2013 at 06:13 PM