by Robert Wilkinson
As noted yesterday, this stabilizing, unique, and synthesizing Full Moon increasing increasing our vision and creative heart expression falls at 8 degrees of Aquarius and Leo. This Lunation, helping us integrate our power and turn the corner on new roles and duties expressed simply, plainly, and showing us how to use knowledge and skill to meet the demands of a stage yet to come, occurs January 26 at 8:38 pm PST, 11:38 pm EST, and 4:38 am Greenwich (UT) January 27.
Now we take a look at the rising signs around the world. The Lunation finds20 Virgo rising in Santa Monica, 18 Virgo in Vancouver, 25 Libra in Montreal, and 24 Libra in Washington DC, showing (from west to east) mid-Virgo through late Libra as the rising signs across North America. We move east where we find 15 Sagittarius rising in Rio (Jan 27), 19 Sagittarius in Lisbon, 16 Sagittarius in London, 26 Sagittarius in Berlin, 16 Capricorn in Sofia, 20 Aquarius in Johannesburg, and 15 Capricorn in Moscow.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find the Ascendants to be 29 Pisces in Abbottabad, 5 Aries in New Delhi, 4 Aries in Trivandrum, 21 Taurus in Hong Kong, 25 Gemini in Tokyo, 6 Taurus in Perth, 28 Taurus in Melbourne, 9 Gemini in Brisbane, 20 Gemini in Wellington , and 14 Leo rising on Maui.
So you can construct a rough chart for where you are in the world, I’ll give you the rounded up degree for each planet. Use the Ascendants given above to get a rough sense of what’s on the eastern horizon where you are, and using an Equal House system, you can see what’s going on in your part of the world for the next 4 weeks.
In this Full Moon with the Sun at 8 Aquarius and the Moon at 8 Leo, Mercury is 14 Aquarius, Venus is 23 Capricorn, Mars is 26 Aquarius, Jupiter is 7 Gemini, Saturn is 12 Scorpio, Uranus is 6 Aries, Neptune is 2 Pisces, Pluto is 11 Capricorn, TransPluto is 1 Virgo, Chiron is 8 Pisces, and the NN is 23 Scorpio.
Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out the recent New Moon articles New Moon in Capricorn Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in January-February 2013. You'll find more at The January 2013 New Moon in Capricorn Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means.
Those around the world who will definitely feel effects of this Full Moon are the places where it falls near the angles of the chart. Places on our list where the Lunation is near the angles and activating energies powerfully are (Sun/Moon): Hong Kong and Perth (MC/IC), Maui (Dsc/Asc), Montreal and Washington DC (IC/MC), and Berlin, Sofia, Johannesburg, and Moscow (Asc/Dsc).
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. This particular Lunation uses that opposition to make a very powerful T-Square between the Sun and Moon and the productive and strong Saturn sextile Pluto mentioned in in previous Lunation articles. This will help release all that was built between mid-December and mid-January by the opposition of the Lights sextile and trine Saturn. Just as that one threw favorable energy into Taurus, this one releases it.
As noted yesterday, there are two other major configurations in play at this Full Moon. One involves the “fork in the road” energies set into motion by Jupiter triseptile Saturn, and the very power Venus, Saturn, and Uranus double quintile/biquintile, setting up a 5 pointed Star pattern. These will bring major choices, changes, decisions, along with some highly unique and specialized conditions and interactions. Gifts are in the air, as are karmic returns for what we did and did not deal with before now. These were both referenced in part 1, so check them out if you haven’t already.
Saturn and Uranus rule the Sun, while the Moon is ruled by the Sun. This makes the aspects between these planets very powerful as backdrops to this Lunation. As Saturn biquintiles Uranus, this will set up some very specialized interactive unique conditions and gifts. The Sun square Saturn is a driver in the integrative but frictional T-square, and Sun separating sextile Uranus shows we’ve been in a highly productive period where we could show our unique qualities within a broader context.
As with recent Lunations, Mars is a major player as it is in a sign ruled by Saturn and Uranus, just as these are both in signs that Mars rules. This makes for a very peculiar DOUBLE mutual reception between both Mars and Saturn, and Mars and Uranus. Please reference the numerous links to an article that explains Mutual Receptions and Final Dispositors.
As with the last several Full Moons, due to Saturn being a dispositor of the Sun and any other planets in Capricorn or Aquarius, it has led to an intensification and prominence of Scorpio energies. We continue to be put in touch with a deeper reality, or a deeper feeling of connection with others as well as our own emotional depth.
This one is enormously productive in fostering elimination of the old and regeneration of magnetism to attract what is needed in the now-future. We can continue to help us attract new material in our lives as a result of the voids left during the last several Full Moon periods, which I partially described in previous articles:
There is much in this chart that could be described through the lyrics of the Sagittarian bard, “Made the scene, Week to week, Day to day, Hour to hour, The gate is straight, Deep and wide, Break on through to the other side, Break on through to the other side ...”
We are now fully immersed in a time of greater promise, new truths, new magnetism, and a greater faith that if we do what must be done we shall receive the nourishment we need from cooperating with Nature. Here we define ourselves through what we are not while learning how to refine elements of inner and outer nature. Keep learning to enjoy the experience of a deeper connection with a larger reality and larger love, and as your faith shows you simple natural efforts that can bring you what will nourish you, do that and your trust in life will be rewarded.
revise your ideas, visions, and interpretations accordingly.Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
This is the eighth Full Moon where the Sun falls in the subsequent sign to the Sun at the previous New Moon. This is the next step in a reversal of what we experienced between September 2010 and June 2011. We last had this sequence of Full Moon Suns in different signs than the previous New Moon from July 2009 through September 2010. Since then, we’ve had a sequence of the New Moon Sun being in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun. As I've explained in previous Full Moon articles,
... the Full Moon being in a subsequent sign than the previous New Moon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepares the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since you would think the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this set of Lunations works the opposite way....Another way to look at this is the Sun sign of the Full Moon is the same as and precedes the Sun sign of the next New Moon, reversing the usual way Lunations work. So the fulfillment of the Full Moon sets up the next "seed" to be revealed at the next New Moon....
So we’re no longer in the previous “normal” New Moon-Full Moon cycle, where we experienced the illuminated form shown to us at the New Moon fulfilled by the light of the same sign at the subsequent Full Moon. The New Moons all fell in the first half of their signs and the Full Moons all fell in the last half of their signs through May 2012. Seeds shown in the first half, fulfillment in the second half makes some kind of sense.
This Full Moon falls at 8 Leo-Aquarius. It is said that the first third (decan) of any sign deals with the actional, physical, material levels of life, and being the first decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of those signs, Leo and Aquarius.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.
The Solar degree symbol for the 8th degree of Aquarius is “Beautifully gowned wax figures.” Rudhyar says this is a degree of “Need for public presentation of virtues and life standards,” “ exteriorization of value, that it may be shared with others.”
In the Mandala he goes on to say this is a degree of "the inspiration one may derive from the appearance of Exemplars who present to us the archetypes of a new culture,” and states this is a part of the cycle that shows us “fixed symbols” and “mental archetypes” that are the basis of culture. Here we see “patterns to imitate,” or which can provide inspiration. He says this symbol is one where “we are at a stage of vision: new forms are revealed to the consciousness, as well as new ways of meeting other people in social relationships.”
So the illumination available via this Full Moon is through the Light of understanding patterns as they “pre-form” a new cultural manifestation not yet born. It is said “they herald new collective developments.” He states this degree falls in the Span of Defensiveness, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Contribution on the Emotional-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of “the ineradicable vanity of the human spirit as it gathers strength not only from the finery it wears but from a superficial display (of form and reputation) through personal idealizations.” He says “a strong psychological dynamic for individual effort comes from the direct influence of outstanding and even notorious people,” and the waxworks show us the need “to recognize and identify the values worthy of emulation.”
He offers the keyword IMPACT. He goes on to state that when operating positively, the degree is “achievement through the effective dramatization of human character on some level of everyday understanding.”
The Lunar degree symbol for the 8th degree of Leo is “A Bolshevik propagandist.” Rudhyar says this is a degree of “Leavening of the inchoate materials of a new order by a forceful vision born of repression and misfortune,” and “revolution.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree is about “the emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order.” He goes on to state that this stage of the process represents “the activity of destructive or catabolic forces) in response to a “confrontation” that initiated this sequence of symbols.
Here we see the response to the resistance in our search for “a new way of life and a new sense of values.” We are told this is a revolutionary degree that leads to chaos, but that “chaos is a state of being that calls for a new descent of the power to reorganize and differentiate.”
This symbols is said to be one of confrontation between a “vision of a cosmic order might heal the potential conflict between an obsolete Establishment and its youthful challengers,” and we are told that it represents “catabolic action.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Assurance, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Combustion on the Emotional-Cultural level.
So this third degree synthesis symbol shows us how to deal with confrontations on a different level, where we push back against the reaction and resistance to a higher law or way of being. This offers a lot of ferment in our creative process, which of course also includes “the art of our life.” It promises some form of chaos, but only as a prelude to a new organized and integrated way of expression.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “the indomitable expectation of the human spirit as it gather strength from the innermost reaches of (our) enduring nature,” symbolized by the “recurrent battles over social and political concepts.” He continues with “the exceptional dynamic involved is seen in the selfless energy developed to an extreme by the revolutionists of each new age.”
He finishes with stating that our “human community” needs “a worthy cause to which to rally in every aspect of its potential.” He offers us the keyword LEAVEN. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “a determination to share the soul’s vision and to make a permanent impact on history.”
From these symbols it seems we can see the light of seeing and demonstrating patterns to emulate that “pre-form” what’s coming in the future can be expressed through the causes we rally to, and our determination to play a more effective role in the world as creative beings. This is the Light of Higher Awareness expressed through a forceful expression of the heart within a social or cultural setup.
There continue to be many important depth understandings promised by this Full Moon, as well as new responsibilities and realizations based in our feeling of connectedness with others. This feeling magnetism shows who our group really is. We continue to grow through efficiency and adaptability in letting go of outmoded feelings and responses, and this will bring us to even more important “forks in the road of destiny” squeezing out everything that would scatter our focus.
One important thing to note. In this chart, as in the past two Full Moon charts, Neptune direct is again EXACTLY opposed to TransPluto, the planet symbolizing Divine Mother Energy. That is one factor in why things are so incredibly polarized right now, and why all of humanity must be as compassionate as possible while demonstrating Viveka, or Divine Discrimination. This is offering us all to join together in the Great Mother and realize our interrelatedness on a feeling level with All-That-Is.
The energies of Divine Mother will only grow stronger throughout this century, and these will be demonstrated each time the planets make significant aspects to TransPluto. As Saturn quintiles TransPluto and Uranus biquintiles TransPluto in this chart, it adds a transcendent element to the Venus, Saturn, and Pluto quintile configuration, adding a 4th point to the Star, leaving only 17-19 Gemini void, the exact zone where Jupiter went stationary retrograde last October. Please refer to that article in the archives, since it’s been in play ever since then in every area of our lives ruled by Jupiter, including wherever we have Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces in our charts, and any planets in those signs.
So we have Venus, Saturn, Uranus, and TransPluto filling in 4 points of a Great Quintile, a “quintessential” configuration promising very special gifts and conditions of anyone with planets near any of these 5 zones. As Saturn and Uranus have been quintile and biquintile respectively for over a months, I suspect it’s introduced some very specialized opportunities, and will continue to over the next few weeks, to introduce “Divine Mother energy” into the magnetics of situations helping them transcend limitations, and those who have cultivated interactive compassion and/or intuition will find themselves attracted to situations of larger influence, if subtle or behind the scenes.
A brief note on the larger Era. We approach the end of the TransPluto (Percephone, Parvati) in Leo era that we’ve known since September 20, 1935. Since October, 2011, we’ve been a transition period where this planet will dance at the last degree of Leo and first degree of Virgo through July 5, 2014. After then we enter the TransPluto in Virgo era that will last through July, 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the last time, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra.
In Part 3 we'll cover the aspects, configurations, and which degree spans will be impacted by this Full Moon in Aquarius-Leo. See you soon!
Here are a couple of article written about Neptune opposing TransPluto back when the former was in Aquarius and the latter in Leo. Now they’ve moved into a solid opposition from Pisces to Virgo. Still, what you’ll read in these and in the internal links to other articles will help you understand how TransPluto, aka Percephone, Parvati, or Divine Mother, is influencing the 21st century and our human conception of “G_d.” And of course, I'll be updating the information in the near future.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Hi all - Will try to get some version of pt 3 up tomorrow, but have overwhelming responsibilities right now that will throw me into an adventure from Sunday through Friday. Also am almost finished with the 2013 reports, which look like they are much longer than what I did last year. This year the overview, Sun sign, and rising sign together run about 30 pages, almost three times the length of last year's reports. That's why they're taking so long. Some of you already have the Overview, and I'm going to get the sign reports to you as soon as I can. Because it's late January, I decided to extend these 2013 reports into January/February 2014, and some even beyond that. So this year's report actually covers about 13-14 months. (And I hope I can get part 3 done tomorrow....)
Posted by: Robert | January 25, 2013 at 04:45 PM
Robert, I have a question: what is actually the effect if a lunation falls on an angle of a chart?
Thank you for your articles! Best wishes from Eva
Posted by: Eva | January 25, 2013 at 05:16 PM
Hi Eva - You're most welcome. For an individual, the effect depends on what planet is on what angle and what aspects it makes to natal positions. Obviously it accents that angle, and the light comes in through area of life (house) where the Sun is, while the focus of the Lunar lessons are wherever the Moon is. If you're asking about when it falls on an angle of a chart for a city, then it's the same effect. Best from the Western hemisphere to you as well.
Posted by: Robert | January 25, 2013 at 07:18 PM
Thank you for these New moon - Full moon articles. In these moments I wish to stop and think, which makes your timing great. Thought don't feel pressure. Sometimes there are good reasons to post later than some of us readers wish.
This full moon "mess" ordered me to rest because of flu.
But if "It promises some form of chaos, but only as a prelude to a new organized and integrated way of expression.", I think I can manage:)
Posted by: helina | January 26, 2013 at 08:39 AM