by Robert Wilkinson
New experiences of course, since it's the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days will be longer than the nights for 6 months to come. The Sun is now entering Aries, promising renewal of energy and activity, even as we find opportunity and protection in bringing other things to their natural end.
The Vernal Equinox of 2013 happens at 4:02 am PDT on March 20th, 7:02 am EDT, 11:02 am Greenwich. Today is the last day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Summer in the Southern. This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and step out of the ocean on to dry land. Just keep following through on the future you have dreamed of, since every day is good for making a better future real.
The Vernal Equinox chart is said to indicate what we can expect over the next 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. After many years of being an important factor in the Solstice and Equinox charts, Pluto has begun to recede in importance since it is no longer in a close aspect to the Sun in these charts, and this marks one of the final “seasonal” charts where Uranus is in close aspect to the Sun in the Equinox and Solstice charts.
When Pluto transited very early Capricorn 2008-2011, it was squared by the Sun at the Spring and Autumn Equinoctial points, and opposed by the Sun at the Summer Solstice point. These were very dynamic aspects that released a lot of energy, either blocking or propelling events.
So we’re done with the era when the Sun was in close conjunction, square, or opposition to Pluto during these changes of season. In June 2010 Uranus entered Aries and became a major player in these seasonal charts, beginning with the 2010 Summer Solstice. Even though it went back to late Pisces for the 2010 Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice, it was still close enough to be a factor in those charts.
It was back in Aries for the Vernal Equinox of 2011, and been important since then, since in every Solstice or Equinox chart it has been conjunct, square, or opposed to the Sun to a greater or lesser degree. It began to wane in influence at the 2012 Summer Solstice, and this past 2012 Winter Solstice marks the last close square it will make with the Sun at these charts marking the change of the season.
Of course, it’s been square to Pluto for several years, which will persist for several years to come. I mark the beginning of this period of intense transformation at the 2010 Summer Solstice, since Uranus square Pluto was really strong then and making close squares and opposition to the Sun at that time. I believe that the events that followed in July, August, and September 2010 cut loose the seeds of transformation and revolution, and are directly related to the constant tensions set into motion during 2011 and 2012.
Squares tend to put the brakes on some things, while indicating a "turning of a corner" in other things. Squares to Pluto often show things going out of control or something extreme happening that results in either a favorable purification or a grinding toxicity. Given that Pluto is one of the anchors of The Grand Irrationality, when squared it releases a lot of energy precipitating situations that move people to make choices that propel them into their destiny.
Pluto is the ultimate transformer. It figured prominently in Equinox and Solstice charts in 2007, 2008, and 2009 due to it going back and forth over 29-30 Sag and 1-3 Capricorn when Pluto was conjunct the Galactic Center. You can find more by going to the articles in the archives written at that time concerning Pluto conjunct the Galactic Center, including those that explored past Galactic Center conjunctions.
2011 continued the pattern, though that Vernal Equinox chart saw the widest orb between the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto except for the 2011 Winter Solstice chart impacting December 2011 through March 2012. The 2012 Vernal Equinox chart began many years of Equinox and Solstice charts where Uranus is in close square to Pluto (except for the 2012 Winter Solstice), even if they’re not directly afflicting the Sun in these seasonal charts. Get ready for a very wild ride!!!
This chart, like those of most celestial events at present, shows the planets lined up in a “Bucket” Jones pattern, with elements of the “Locomotive” pattern. The Bucket shows all the planets but one lined up between Pluto in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer with stelliums in both Pisces and Aries. Saturn is the planet that is outside the occupied span, making it the “handle,” or focus for whatever lack or need is indicated by this Bucket.
So What is a “Bucket Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets in about half the signs with one outside that span wide enough to be a handle, creates a “Bucket” Jones Pattern. The energies of the occupied half are focused through the “handle,” or “nozzle,” in this case Saturn, termed the “focal determinator.” The handle, or focal determinator, represents the way to greater effectiveness, the cause to be embraced, the lack to be filled, or the way to use the total energies of this time in a focused manner.
Dr. Jones states “the bucket type indicates a particular and rather uncompromising direction in the life effort.” This pattern gives “interest in a cause,” with executive tendencies that will adapt allegiances to maximize results of the effort. He says “the bucket type at its best reveals the real instructor and inspirer of others, and at its worst the agitator and malcontent.” This is the larger planetary pattern within which we’re all trying to do what we do.
We are also told this pattern is more about finding an effective release for energy within social settings, but also about the individual imposing their patterns on society rather than adapting to what is there. It’s about focused intention. So all of us can expect some sort of focused attention on the house where we have 11 Scorpio.
As I mentioned, there are also elements of the "Locomotive” Jones patterns, since all the planets occupy 2/3 of the signs (Scorpio through Cancer) with the open void between the Moon in Cancer and Saturn in Scorpio. Locomotive patterns lack balance, but generate power, especially when we find the “balance weight” and apply it to the empty third. That would imply that we need to generate middle and late Cancer energies, along with Leo, Virgo, Libra, and early Scorpio energies to compensate for what’s lacking in the general atmosphere.
What Rules the Sun, and What Are the Main Aspects in Play?
On this Equinox, worldly ruler of the Sun in Aries is Mars, which is in its home sign of Aries, while its spiritual ruler, Pluto, is in Capricorn. That should make for a very energetic and practical Spring, since this Mars is conjunct Uranus and square Pluto, activating those dynamic tensions spoken of earlier.
This puts the two rulers of the Sun in square, but as each of them have favorable aspects from other planets of equal importance, it should show as beneficial releases and turning major corners to embrace new life initiatives. So we can expect a very unique and individualizing Spring, with the ability to be very inventive, innovative, and self-initiating in what we do. At the Equinox the Moon is at 8 Cancer exactly square Uranus at 8 Aries, with both (plus Mars) making a powerful T-square with Pluto!
This will help everyone turn a corner in how they express what they express, their sense of needs, and how to find a new beginning while either a) coming up for air (for those who have been under pressure of some sort), or b) going deeper into what they’re looking for (having opened the door but not fully embraced the exploration). Those born at the end of March, June, September, and December will be most impacted, as will planets between 5-13 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.
The positive factors in this chart are a Grand Water trine between the Moon, Saturn, and Mercury/Chiron, along with the powerful Mars conjunct Uranus sextile Jupiter with Venus quintile to Jupiter. So the emotional stability and intelligence we’ll learn and practice these next 90 days can serve to help us integrate our power in balanced ways. We can see from the core to the periphery, find a way to imitate a higher or better way of habits or self-expression, and have major productivity the entire time.
While we can all learn how to flow over the next 3 months into very sane, well-thought out ways of moving out of the old into the new, Dr. Jones tells us we will need to rise to those occasions which may take us by surprise, take better advantage of our chances, and not get lost in daydreaming. Be decisive in responding to demands on your talents, be simple, efficient, and alert, and cultivate knowing what will appeal to others. Find the center you can go to in the midst of the chaos, don’t get lost chasing illusions, and find ways to express your special qualities where they will be recognized by others and valued within a larger context.
Of course, the Yod, or Finger of God, created by Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn with both quincunx Jupiter in Gemini is the other outstanding configuration in this chart. I’ve written extensively about this in the recent past, and will post another article very soon on the interlocking Yods about to begin as Mars moves into the Aries quincunx to Saturn on March 22. Please reference those articles, since this is a major “expansion through sacrifice” configuration that is squeezing all of us into new beginnings, new horizons, new adventures, and “virgin lands for experience.”
This Spring chart shows 5 planets in Water signs, 3 in Fire, 1 in Earth, and 1 in Air. All in all, it should be a season where feelings run high and inspiration is in the air! Fire and Water are “hot” elements, while Earth and Air are “cool” elements. There won’t be a ton of practicality or inclination to relate during this season, though with Jupiter in Gemini we’ll continue the adventure of discovery we’ve been on since June 2012.
The Moon is at 8 Cancer in the chart, indicating a First Quarter Moon phase, making the next 90 days very active. This is a phase of “being driven,” where ego is emphasized. We get to build our ego so that it can serve us in actualizing our objectives and purposes. In fact, the coming 3 months are all about building structures that can serve us in our self-actualization. Beware of ruthless or exploitive people.
So the intense activity indicated by this Lunar phase will play out through the Lunar aspects, indicating the harmony of the Grand Water trine will be released through the Lunar T-square, requiring us all to stay balanced in the face of unfairness, and keep a sense of perspective and proportion, especially when things are out of balance or the perception is skewed. Just don’t get aggravated by too much going on, and learn how to extricate yourself from conflicts that involve things that aren’t the real problem.
Venus quintile Jupiter promises special gifts at the end of the old and entrance to the new. This will bring unique circumstances and gifts wherever we have Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces in our charts. It will most impact planets and Ascendants near 27-30 Pisces, 9-12 Gemini, 21-24 Leo, 3-7 Scorpio, and 15-18 Capricorn.
Some of the special qualities of this quintile will come forth whenever a planet or the Moon moves through any of these zones in the next 90 days, so stay alert! Important points are April 10-14, May 15-21, and June 10-17 when Mercury, Venus, Sun, and Mars transit the Pisces and Gemini zones.
This Spring stay alert to growth opportunities by tuning in to a “higher knowing.” This can be the “Heart knowing” of your Higher Self, or allowing your personality to be shaped by learning about higher things. This is a time to go deeper and accept a more mature discipline of your magnetism and/or desire nature. By understanding the appropriate limitations of a higher expression of who you are within a formal social context, you can focus your potency and find a new natural spontaneity.
There is a balanced mix in the chart between productive and harmonizing aspects with aspects showing dynamic releases, so while it won’t be entirely harmonious, it will be reorienting, active, fluid, and very stabilizing. With the cluster of planets in Pisces and Aries, we will see endings and beginnings, some of which will implement the new initiatives and archetypes we began to embrace in 2010.
These energies will be in play through the Summer Solstice on June 20, 10:04 pm PDT, 1:04 am EDT and 6:04 am Greenwich on June 21. That chart will have heavy Water and Air energy, marking a continuity and contrast to what we can expect this Spring.
The next 13 weeks will continue our review of how to be more of a diplomat or ambassador in the public arena, while showing us what must be sacrificed and/or adjusted or adapted to get a better focus on a future that’s rolling forward like an express train! This period will be volatile, but a lot can get done and a lot more understood in terms of our emerging emotional intelligence.
The next few weeks will continue to bring us rewards to the degree we've let go of obsolete things in our life, or what we will let go of in the near future. Continue to demonstrate deep compassion and/or understanding, and blend the heart and mind before making a decision or choosing to act. At the same time, don’t allow procrastination or ambivalence to dominate decision making when it’s time to act quickly!
For many, this will be a time of abundance at a time when the end of the end has already appeared as the beginning of the beginning. While much was promised before now, this is the season to act, so when it’s time, seize the day! This will be a season of turning corners, so finish up letting go of obsolete ghosts from your past, seeing why you must make decisions to embrace a new vision or a new life understanding.
Soon we will enter a period of interlocking Yods, followed by many planets in Taurus helping us secure our new conditions. This will be followed by Mars entering Gemini in early June, activating the discoveries we began in June 2012 and opportunities rolling forward since January 2013. By the time of the Summer Solstice, we’ll be moving into a whole new way of life and a whole new way of securing our needs. So say goodbye, since it’s time to flame on!
Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you Robert, and happy spring to you! I see that the lunar eclipse full moon of April 25 will be right on my 5'20 Scorpio sun...interesting times ahead. Stay well!
Posted by: Lainie | March 20, 2013 at 09:03 AM
Hi all - A few hours down the road Venus will enter 30 Pisces. That degree is the midpoint between the dreaming of yesterday and the dreaming of tomorrow. This is a moment of beginnings between endings, the heart of a cosmic moment. Keep dreaming!! The post on Venus at 30 Pisces will be up late tonight, and on FB tomorrow morning.
To those who have commented that they're moving into some very heavy subtle spaces and getting very high, I believe I have the reason why this particular dreamspace is so potent. It's because we are in between two powerful energies each focusing through 30 Pisces within a short span of a few dozen hours. And we're in the heart of it today!!
The interesting thing about this moment in the Divine Map is that the dreamspace was vitalized by the Sun pouring Solar force into the ethers yesterday. Venus will soon help us capture images in the dreamspace tomorrow. Today is the Cosmic Moment in between which vibrates to both while blending them in a celestial chord.
Posted by: Robert | March 20, 2013 at 02:01 PM
Thank you for reminding us to keep dreaming our dreams in this very potent time.
Posted by: dcu | March 20, 2013 at 02:42 PM
Fell to sleep in betwixt dreaming last night. Woke up like a lover who has been a loving all night long. Bliss, Peace, Happiness. Beautiful spring morning here.
Posted by: sunshyne99 | March 21, 2013 at 10:51 AM