by Robert Wilkinson
At 4:02 am PDT today, March 19, the Sun will enter the last degree of Pisces, which marks the final phase of the 360 steps of transformation. This is the Omega point, the end of the end of the old year where we prepare for the beginning of the new, as symbolized by the first degree of Aries, the Vernal entry point into Spring.
In the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the end of Winter and begins a time of an explosion of life in Nature, where we will begin to work to bring forth whatever harvest the coming seasons will yield. The Southern Hemisphere experiences this point exactly 6 months from now. Still, since the Sun is at the 30th degree of Pisces, today is the time to be as clear as possible about the form of what you would see made manifest in the future, since 30 Pisces is said to be a degree of "Archetypalization."
"The Astrology of Personality" states in the short notes on the Sabian Symbols taken from the original Marc Jones class that this is a degree of the "Eventual concrete manifestation of all higher poetic images and enduring truths of the race. Sure culmination of effort." Referencing the original Jones' work on the symbols, we find the symbol, "The Great Stone Face," is taken from a Nathaniel Hawthorne tale.
Dr. Jones says this degree, "is a symbol of human responsibility as an immortality of the soul, and of a way of living which has become a continual manifestation of its ideal..." He states this dramatizes our “self-discovery to others as an encouragement ot them in their own alignment to eternal reality.”
He continues "Each individual selects the image within himself to which he would shape himself outwardly, and this he comes to resemble..." He reminds us that "Character is destiny," in the sense that as you shape your character you make your Destiny.
The keyword for the symbol is "Discernment," and we are told that when operating positively, "the degree is self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events." So this degree is a challenge to articulate an effective self-realization in a continual manifestation of some ideal, and “self-discovery” to encourage others to align with an eternal reality.
Dane Rudhyar takes it to mean "the power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer," which addresses our power of self-transformation expressed through our thought form building capacities. As Rudhyar states in his masterwork, "An Astrological Mandala," This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image.
This is one of the powers latent in the human vehicle, called "Siddhas," which have been demonstrated by many beings in many cultures throughout the ages. Rudhyar further compares it to the power in a seed to replicate and provide a pattern for the future growth of the generic plant archetype in its various forms.
This is the energetic principle around and permeating affirmations, meditation, chanting various mantras, the power of "positive thinking," and every principle offered in the movie on the not-so-secret "Secret." We do have the power to bring forth a demonstration from Spirit, as long as a) it is true for us, and b) we do not undermine our thoughtforms with doubt, negating rationalism, or interfering conscious or unconscious waveforms distracting us from our concentrations.
The process is 1) Concentration, 2) Meditation, and 3) Contemplation yielding A) Force Realization, B) Force Application, and C) Force Utilization. When directed wisely, this power to shape and direct energy can be used to heal cancers at great distances or mitigate potential "natural disasters," among other things. It all depends on what is visualized, what is affirmed, and the level of consciousness of the dreamer.
It is said the process of "precipitation" that such adepts as Christ, H.P. Blavatsky, Sri Yukteswar, Babaji, Apollonius of Tyana, and other venerable teachers of antiquity and modernity use to demonstrate "miracles" are just the wise use of nature to fulfill Her power to bring forth all forms in the right way and time. Nothing miraculous is ever contrary to Nature's laws. Rather, they are the fulfillment of the human potential, a great thing indeed if the chronicles of antiquity are to be believed.
We have the power to create a much greater future for ourselves, but we must organize into thoughtform building groups to strengthen the manifestations. Part of the work in bringing forth a better world will come from negating the destructive thoughtforms that pervade our psychic atmosphere.
Also, thoughtforms must be crafted with great precision if we are to bring forth the desired effect with a minimum of unintended consequences. And of course we must have faith in our power to bring forth desirable manifestations, if we just align our little will with the Divine Will, or Spirit. Works here are the demonstration of our faith.
That is why we must seek our community, near and far, to find those in our "Sangha" whose faith and thoughtform building capacities can harmonize with ours. Then synergy takes over, and the total is always more than the parts.
Open to singing your song, your unique part to play in the completeness of the Whole, in just the right way and time within the larger global harmony. As we embrace our part in concert with others in our "Spiritual Group," aka "Ray Group," we can experiment with potential thoughtforms we could develop together. The results over time will blow your mind and heal the Earth, as well as all the creatures and anything else in the path of the wave form.
The recognition of our interrelatedness is essential for those of us who care for our world, humanity, the creatures and plants and Gaia Herself. We humans must at some point set aside our differences and create thoughtforms that will effect positive change, to whatever degree we are able. This will take 10,000 shapes so don't judge anything too quickly or harshly.
It took a few hundred years to poison this Earth, so it may take a decade or two to reverse the negative exploitive destructive thoughtforms that are rampant today. Still, the effort is worth our lives and "our sacred honor," since if we don't, we'll wake up on the other side someday and wonder why we didn't take advantage of our opportunity to create a better world for our children, grandchildren, and all sentient Beings to come.
© Copyright 2010, 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Robert thank you and please share this - IF NOT NOW THEN WHEN
So many I'm sure could have missed the truly heart felt message of Naderve 'Yeb' Sano, of Philippines climate negotiating team speaking - U.N. climate change plenary.
Posted by: Genda Kinney | March 19, 2013 at 04:38 AM
Good Morning Robert: My husband's natal Moon is 17 degrees Pisces straddling his 10th-11th house. How would this transmit? Would you say that these issues are "his" on a daily basis?
Thanks, Renee
Posted by: Renee | March 19, 2013 at 05:56 AM
Sorry - My husband's natal moon is 0 degrees 17 seconds Pisces. Correction please.
Posted by: Renee | March 19, 2013 at 08:17 AM
That's what happens when you do 10 things at once! (me: moon in Virgo).
Posted by: Renee | March 19, 2013 at 08:20 AM
Yay! This is my sun degree. Makes for an interesting solar return this year.
Posted by: Christine | March 19, 2013 at 09:10 AM
Day before yesterday, at the Meditation and Discussion group I facilitate, I reviewed the astrological energies of the next two weeks and we discussed issues related to Joanna Macy's World as Lover, World as Self. How congruent this is with your message today!
Thanks, Robert, for all that you do.
Posted by: jo garceau | March 19, 2013 at 11:01 AM
Posted by: Maria Alejandra Tarallo | March 19, 2013 at 12:17 PM
Thank you for the reminder of this very important time. May we all dream our dream into reality.
Posted by: dcu | March 19, 2013 at 12:54 PM
Add (a) Subject Postscript Sign-off A; Omega Point Aries Moonshine. Yes Robert everything is complete team outlook now 'A' okay as ever it can be matey. I reckon from here on end till eternity, ending of endings @END of the day A. After sunset dusk falls upon the age of darkness be taking with it them is darkness art A, beings disappears out of our lives forever shadows no more is on arrival 1st ray dawn being it upon the 1st glorious day of Aquarius Age Aye Ay okay Amen I always living My life in Hope..
Posted by: Morlokk | March 20, 2013 at 08:00 PM