by Robert Wilkinson
We are now fully experiencing a very powerful Yod involving Saturn and Pluto focusing tremendous power through Jupiter in Gemini. This will last into early April, and invokes some major “expansion through sacrifice” for all of us.
Since this set of configurations is so powerful, I figured it warrants a three-part series. In part 1, we will review what this configuration is about, and how it can manifest in our lives. We had a dress rehearsal in December, and by knowing what’s been in play since then we may see how to deal with what is happening now, and what’s coming over the next 4 weeks. In part 2 we’ll take a look at life areas this will affect for each sign, and in part 3 we’ll discuss the second Yod coming into focus in about a week that will create interlocking Yods, and how that could manifest.
This Yod re-involving Saturn sextile Pluto with both quincunx Jupiter invokes the energy of the similar Yod in play in December 2012 also involving these three planets in a similar configuration. The main difference is in what Sabian Symbols are activated since the one in December happened in earlier degrees than this one. That means the planetary dynamic is the same, but the quality of the “expansion through sacrifice” energy has evolved a little.
I wrote quite a bit about that Yod in December. There was a difference in the Jupiter degree between the Sag New Moon and the exact Yod in December at the Winter Solstice, making it still a very powerful influence since then. I’ve linked to the December 2012 Yod article at the end of this one, which you may want to revisit, along with the Sag New Moon and Winter Solstice 2012 article.
For now, here’s a bit from the December 2012 Yod article about how this specific Scorpio sextile Capricorn both in quincunx to Gemini works:
The sextile between Saturn and Pluto show the productivity at the base of the energy configuration. This shows productivity between the signs of elimination and regeneration (Scorpio) and organization and personal authority (Capricorn,) and planets associated with Dharma, responsibility, and “doing the right thing” (Saturn) and transpersonal transformation, annihilation and rebirth (Pluto)...... The degrees of the exact Yod coming on the Solstice show they’re all at some form of technique (4th degree of their respective 5 degree segments), with productivity between the technique of Communion (Scorpio) and the technique of Crystallization (Capricorn.) The sextile between 9 Scorpio and 9 Capricorn shows the need to figure out what needs to be repaired, eliminated, and “rebuilt” in some way relative to a deeper and higher “attunement” with the Angelic realm.
Any Yod, or Finger of God, takes the productivity of the sextile and focuses it through the nozzle of the planet at the inverse midpoint, creating a need to make multiple adjustments to “squeeze” the energies through the nozzle. The inverse midpoint planet is the focus, the aim, the need, or the teaching of the Yod.
That means the “productive squeeze play” will show through our Jupiterian, Saturnine, or Plutonic adjustments so we can better express a “spiritually productive” form of (in this case) 9 Gemini. Gemini would mean we can expect adjustments in speech, view, interpretation of new discoveries, and how we view our various “environments,” from the physical all the way to the spiritual.
Perhaps many things we’ve discovered and interpreted since June is now going to get squeezed in ways that force an adjustment in our view or attitude about that knowledge. The specific lessons will definitely have a relationship with whatever opened in late July when Jupiter first occupied that degree.
As with the Saturn and Pluto degrees, 9 Gemini is a technique of some sort. In this case it deals with social, emotional, or cultural discoveries that come after the catabolic activity of 8 Gemini and before the “gravity defying” mind over matter challenge of 10 Gemini.
Since 9 Gemini will be the focus of the Yod coming at the Solstice, try to see everything that happens at this time within the context of Jupiter retrograding from 10 (New Moon lesson) to 9 (Solstice lesson). There will be blessings or opportunities come from these “sacrificial expansions” when Jupiter again crosses these degrees during the first three weeks of March.
So 9 Gemini will be the focus, the aim, the cause, the need, the lesson, or the technique to express the energies of this “Finger of God.” The Sabian Symbol for 9 Gemini is a “quiver filled with arrows.” Rudhyar in the Astrology of Personality states this degree is one of “superiority and ease based upon training,” Sure marksmanship,” certain self-direction,” “preparedness,” and “invisible help in trouble.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that the symbol of an arrow implies “the piercing of a target.” Since “the mind of man is essentially a trans-piercing power,” seeing “the object toward which it is aimed,” it implies we can penetrate any object we aim at, including our ego. He states this is a symbol of “Man, the Conqueror” seeking to conquer the outer nature, or instinctual drives and the limitations of ego. It is said to fall in the social-cultural level of Discovery in the Act of Differentiation in the Scene of Zeal.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, states this degree is about “extreme alertness to the interests and needs of selfhood, and of high competency in pursuing any and all practical ends in view.” He says this is about our right to make demands on others, or “to bring to our service whatever helps us hold our place in the scheme of things.”
He further asserts that here we find the “fruits of the self-discipline and training” which equip us with skills we will continually use. He offers us the keyword of PREPARATION, and states when operating in a positive way, this degree is “unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience.”
So we productively eliminate and regenerate through a form of repair work deepening our experience and ability to attune to the invisible world and our helpers there. And we’ll need to express these through adjustments in understanding of either a) we have prepared and can let our arrows loose, or b) it’s time to submit to preparations so we can do that.
So be alert to your interests and needs, make appropriate demands to fulfill these, and use self-discipline and training to take aim and demonstrate the skills you’ll need in the future. Rise to whatever presents itself, and be a good Zen archer. In any case, be skillful in demonstrating Jupiter in Gemini skills, whatever that means in your specific circumstances, which can be seen in the house where Jupiter is transiting while this is happening.
This Yod was a dress rehearsal for what is now again upon us. We learned through the Yod in the Sag New Moon to deal with the energies of Jupiter at 10 Gemini, where it just happens to be March 12-19. So this week we’re learning to direct Jupiter productively based in what we learned during the December Sagittarius New Moon cycle. From then:
Jupiter’s degree indicates “... major ‘expansion through sacrifice’ energies, squeezing us all wherever this configuration falls in our charts. Expect some fairly dramatic adjustments that will help you master certain life trajectories. We can redirect momentum in multiple life areas, and can “pull out of nosedives” and “right ourselves gracefully.”In these weeks we’re being taught through reviewing recent truths and visions to see new ways of communicating with others, as well as how to redirect energies and momentum using “mind over matter.” This will put our interactions and ways of understanding things at a turning point, and we’ll learn how to plunge into experience fully independent of prior limitations.
Exercise control over your trajectory, your momentum or “gravity” in the areas influenced by Jupiter in your chart (especially wherever you have 10 Gemini!), and release whatever you need to since you’ll probably be re-grasping it in another context. So as I told you in the New Moon article, “If you find yourself in some sort of crisis, reorient to your advantage!”
And as per the Solstice Yod, we have all been dealing with the energies of 9 Gemini since then. Our aim is better, our technique is better, and now we’re learning to redirect the trajectory of things. Jupiter will soon move through an exact span that quincunxes Saturn and Pluto at 11 and 12 Gemini, which will cut more loose than we can imagine, which I’ll discuss in parts 2 and 3.
(ps - For the astrologers reading this, I am posting this at the exact moment 12 Gemini is on the Ascendant, both triggering and anticipating the Yod when Jupiter will be here in a couple of weeks.)
To learn more about the Yod, or finger of God, please check out Astrology Class - The Yod, or Finger of God - What is it, and how does it work?
Here’s the entire article Astrology in December 2012 - The Yod, or Finger of God, Preparing Us For the Winter Solstice Shifts! in which you’ll find a link to the Sag New Moon article offering a more in-depth explanation of how the Yod worked then. These are all related, and what we’re moving into is the third act of the play that will squeeze out the very last ghosts of the past we’ve confronted since June 2011.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
The thing with Yods always puzzles me. If your born with the asc as the apex (other planets being venus/mars), and in my case also the sun opposing this apex, are we talking about a life of sacrifice?? What does expansion mean here?
P.S. Thank you Robert. Your words always come as tremendous source of wisdom and depth.
(March 14th 1977 6:45pm gmt)
Posted by: Helena | March 14, 2013 at 06:23 PM
I have known from a very young age that I saw this world completely different to others, at 8 I had the realisation that I was the only one who saw, heard, felt "the others" in the room as well, which created a huge void I "avoided" for years, pretending to be like everyone else until I was no longer able to ignore what "I knew" and needed to be and do to be of successful service and threw myself head long into it, which is why Robert,I find your way of words comforting as it is not easy to be alone, but when alone together, its heart warming. As I have shared before, like many, I have been through crisis after crisis in my life, almost "going home" several times and since I committed to seeing "my quest" or philosophy through to be living it, the major crisis of the past pale in comparison to the last 20 years, because ignorance is much easier to forgive than ignoring what is "known", yet I am now at peace and have everything I need to be and do as I committed to. This yod last year and this year has triggered some unbelievably threatening ghosts, faith being the only fuel through surrender rather than capitulation, yet as I sensed its building energy again, I am able to go through it with some unseen power that had previously been blocked and without delusion. The most reassuring thing to me, about astrology and in particular your way of expressing it Robert, is that as a person gifted with strong connection to the unseen world, there is usually no "reason" to it except in hindsight,and of course like the line from Harry Potter, "who me, no I'm not magic, I'm just Harry, just Harry" yet the science of astrology is able to "give back up" to what is sensed at the unseen level. .
Keep going everyone, I know it may feel to many of us like we are too tired and just want to give up trying, but it is like that final stretch of the first marathon anyone runs, don't give up now, even if you will be crawling across the finish line, just know that the following ones will be easier and easier, less inertia and more power, plus of course, knowing the "route" or having a basic map of ones own way, wastes less energy...oh and sometimes it really does pay to not make ones presence known till AFTER the finish line is crossed.... haha spoken like a true Neptune in Scorpio 1st house and at 8'to boot, stealth until needed to be seen lol!
Posted by: debbie | March 14, 2013 at 07:56 PM
Dear Robert, my natal sun is at 11'57 degrees Gemini and is/will be conjunct transiting Jupiter and therefore part of The Yod (Finger of God). What does it mean when someone has natal planets involved in this Yod? Thank you :)
Posted by: Carole | March 14, 2013 at 08:46 PM
March 14 had to be the weirdest day I've had in 10 years! BAM!.....wonder what's next?
Posted by: chickie | March 15, 2013 at 12:19 AM