by Robert Wilkinson
As noted yesterday, we have a major league Yod, or Finger of God, going on now, and soon will enter a period of double interlocking Yods, a very spiritual configuration but demanding tremendous sacrifice and necessary adjustments so we can get spiritually focused. These prepare us for the Grand Irrationality being triggered multiple times in April!
The current single Yod is an echo of the one from December, and is giving us a final opportunity to use the energies of Jupiter in Gemini in accurate and masterful ways. Though the exact Yod is still a few days away, by looking at Jupiter’s degrees we can understand these final lessons in expansive adaptability, openness to new discoveries, and opportunities to grow in awareness and the ability to express that awareness from multiple angles of approach.
In the final part of yesterday’s article, I mentioned that Jupiter is currently at 10 Gemini, giving us a final test on our ability to shift momentum, trajectory, and “gravity” so we can “right the airplane” and land with grace. It will leave that degree and enter 11 Gemini around 9:30 pm EDT on March 19.
Synthesizing some meaning from the Sabian Symbols, that degree is about “the joy and power of new beginnings” and a “new vista of concrete, conscious development.” We shall face “newly opened lands” that offer us “renewed and enlarged opportunities” showing us new potential and fields of activity where we need to “rise to the occasion.”
Jupiter was first on this degree in late July and early August 2012, and then retrograded across it in early December. Now we can embrace those ideas, understanding, visions, or perceptions wholeheartedly, though remember this is occurring through a process of “expansion through sacrifice.” This is the first point where the Yod is exactly engaged, since Jupiter at 11 Gemini is exactly quincunx Saturn at 11 Scorpio.
So March 19 begins a journey of Jupiter making a quincunx to Saturn which will be followed by Jupiter entering 12 Gemini beginning around 3:15 pm March 26. This Yod will be exact from March 19 through April 1 while Jupiter is at 11 and 12 Gemini.
However, aspects are very powerful when exact through about a degree and a half separating. That means this Yod will be highly active in all our charts through April 7. The growth from March 19-26 has to do with productive exploration of depth factors in things, as well as seeing and living a new law of living. If necessary, conform to standards while you preside over your “realm.”
After April 7, Jupiter begins to form a triseptile to Pluto and biseptile to Neptune, triggering The Grand Irrationality in major ways throughout the entire month of April. Since planets in Aries also trigger the Grand Irrationality, you can bet everyone’s destiny will hit a fork in the road and all will be thrown down the road of major choices affecting their future!
The growth from March 26 to April first has to do with productive seeing a higher cosmic order, or pattern of living that is timeless and not “earthbound,” along with seeing ways of “self-transcendence” and reinventing our lives along time honored spiritual principles. This Yod requires us to adapt and adjust our rules, sense of order, sense of structure, and ways of responding to past and present losses. Opportunity may be seen in multiple areas, but we may have to accept certain natural limitations within a larger situation that is “under pressure.”
Once Jupiter transits 12 Gemini, it will be the last time we have to thank Jupiter for showing us how to grow beyond the ghosts we’ve been trying to let go of since the 2011 Solar Eclipse on that degree. In the time since then, we’ve had chances to let go, release, and forgive and forget things from our past that we do not need to carry with us into a new future that’s presented itself since 2010. This is the final Jupiter lesson about opening to new possibilities and letting go of all from our past that would hinder our enthusiastic embrace of a new life.
Back in December I gave you the following table for what areas are most affected for all birthdays by this Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Finger of God. It’s still accurate, though because the Yod point has moved from 9-10 Gemini to 11-12 Gemini it makes it less clear for those born in the first 2 or 3 days of a month. If you were born on the first or second day of a month, you may also want to read the paragraph for the month before yours.
Of course these are done for the Solar chart positions. If you know your chart, then look to the house where Jupiter is transiting to see where to get focused so you can expand spiritually.
April birthdays will see the focus in values, resources, and money.
May birthdays will see the focus on self-image and their physical bodies.
June birthdays will see the focus on motives and achieving closure in several life areas.
July birthdays will see the focus on friends, goals, and ambitions.
August birthdays will see the focus on profession and public standing.
September birthdays will see the focus on higher learning, travel, philosophy, and spirituality.
October birthdays will see the focus on loss, death, regeneration, and legacies.
November birthdays will see the focus on partnerships and new ways of relating to others as equals.
December birthdays will see the focus on work, health, and preparing for future opportunities.
January birthdays will see the focus on play, creativity, and children
February birthdays will see the focus on home, family, and their personal past.
March birthdays will see the focus on siblings, learning, and short journeys.
We’ve all been practicing dealing with this energy since the Winter Solstice of 2012. Now we get to finish the larger life lessons related to this specific Yod, while preparing to incorporate a different set of Yod lessons in a few days involving the planets at 11-12 Aries sextiling Jupiter and all quincunxing Saturn. So now we get a Jupiter focus involving “expansion through sacrifice,” to be followed by an Aries-Gemini productivity focused through Saturn in Scorpio also involving “expansion through sacrifice” energy.
So at the end of March, we’ll have Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn with both quincunx to Jupiter in Gemini. AND we’ll ALSO have Mars, Venus, and the Sun in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini double quincunx to Saturn in Scorpio, making both Jupiter and Saturn nozzles for those powerful energies.
Take note of the many adjustments and sacrifices coming over the next couple of weeks, since it’s helping us shed all we do not need to embrace the new life accompanying the renewed Aries pulses. These expansion through sacrifice energies involve 11 and 12 degrees of Aries, Gemini, Scorpio, and Capricorn. Same dynamic, different and similar signs!!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you, Robert! My north node at 10'30 Scorpio has Saturn scratching back and forth across it in the 6th house. My mantra: I walk my true path with clarity, purpose, and love.
Posted by: Lainie | March 15, 2013 at 09:49 AM
Thanks again Robert, great stuff as usual, and thanks too for your previous reply to my "ghosts" query! This particular time (and this article) is personally very interesting to me, since I've got natal Saturn at 13 Gemini (on the cusp of my 7th & 8th houses), given that mundane Saturn and Jupiter (in and around 13 Gemini) are heavily involved in these current arrangements! I'm curious if you'll be discussing 13-14 Gemini as things advance?
Posted by: JP | March 15, 2013 at 01:41 PM
thanks you for these excellent articles on the yods. My ascendant is 10'30 Scorpio - strange days indeed.
Posted by: Suzanne | March 15, 2013 at 01:55 PM
Been feeling a sense of relief and a weird sort of joy really, then reading these articles, the tears keep welling, really does feel like relief and joy. strange, yet it also makes sense, grand irrationality indeed :)
Posted by: debbie | March 15, 2013 at 09:34 PM
As usual very interesting and clarifying. Can't wait for post number three.
Blessing be,
Posted by: Nic | March 16, 2013 at 07:25 AM
Hey Robert (& All), Hope this finds you with hip on mend (heard of 4 pals recently with knee/hip probs or ops!). Also wish your cat well as my 2 are 11 & i love them dearly. Just checkin in to say a HUGE thank you for this & recent articles (moon in pisces, seduction & misunderstandings been read often). They have brought me back to objectivity/compassion whilst cruising through a tricky ending involving much sacrifice & a feeling of 'fool me twice - shame on me'! Currently folding up the LAST input & relief is palable.:) The feelings incurred with this situ also resulted upon reflection over 'echoes from ghosts of the past', so, had several epiphanies & this has enabled release & growth simultaneously. Thanks too for info re Nazi concentration camps - a difficult read, yet so important to know the Truth. It certainly puts many aspects of current life stressors into perspective.
Namaste H
Posted by: H | March 16, 2013 at 08:13 AM
The Yod in action? Australia's astrology chart (calculated at the time of federation of the states) has the sun at 10 degrees 4' Capricorn - within orb of pluto's current position and the yod. Yesterday the Prime Minister called a leadership challenge that only she contested! The only other contender pulled out the last minute. Everyone in the countryis scratching their heads as the government implodes.
Posted by: Suzanne | March 21, 2013 at 06:36 PM