by Robert Wilkinson
As you know, we are now fully experiencing a very powerful Yod involving Saturn and Pluto focusing tremendous power through Jupiter in Gemini. This will last into early April, and invokes some major “expansion through sacrifice” for all of us. Add that Mars just began to sextile Jupiter with both quincunx Saturn, and we have double interlocking Fingers of God, an extraordinarily rare and powerful spiritual configuration.
This is a three-part series. In part 1, we explored what a Yod is and how it can manifest in our lives. We examined how we had a dress rehearsal for the Saturn sextile Pluto with both quincunx Jupiter in December, and by knowing what’s been in play since then we got hints about what’s happening now and in the near future. This Finger of God has been in play since the second week of March, and so it’s still in full power.
In part 2 we took a look at life areas this Yod is affecting for each sign and birthday. We examined various Sabian symbols in play via the Jupiter nozzle focusing these spiritual energies built in Scorpio and Capricorn and pushed out through Gemini, and how the timing will play out in the first Yod as Jupiter forms exact quincunxes with Saturn and then Pluto. I've put links to parts 1 and 2 at the end of this post.
Now in part 3 we’ll discuss the second Yod coming into focus in about a week that will create interlocking Yods, and how that could manifest. Keep in mind that the first Yod with Jupiter as the focusing planet will still be in play through early April. Since this article grew so large, I’ll be composing a part 4 where I explain the focus of the second Yod as I did the first Yod in part 2.
The Mechanics of the Process
The mechanics of the second Yod will work the same as the first, in terms of multiple “expansion through sacrifice” energies squeezing us into a clearer spiritual focus. There's a link at the end of this article to one I did explaining how a Yod actually works, regardless of what planets or signs are involved.
The second Yod will be triggered through multiple productive Aries sextiles by Mars, Venus, and the Sun to Jupiter in Gemini, with these energies focusing through Saturn as the nozzle.
That’s why they’re interlocking. Each one involves a planet in sextile while also quincunx the others. In this case, planets in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini double quincunx Saturn in Scorpio, with Saturn in Scorpio sextile Pluto in Capricorn double quincunx Jupiter in Gemini.
This section is probably only of interest to astrologers, but I have to include it to explain the mechanics in greater depth. I’ll explain how this might work and possible ways it will express downstream a few paragraphs.
Mars is now within orb of making a sextile to Jupiter and Mars also quincunxes Saturn for the next week. During this time Venus will join the show over the last 4 days of March, and the Sun will also create a Yod from March 29 to April1. So we have Mars, Venus, and the Sun all sextile Jupiter over the next week and a half, with all making quincunxes to Saturn from 11 Aries to 11 Scorpio.
Mars makes the sextile to Jupiter and quincunx to Saturn from 11 Aries, while Venus and the Sun make the quincunx from 11 Aries and sextile from 12 Aries. While this level of precision is probably only useful in terms of astrological theory and Sabian symbols, it does make a difference that Mars makes an exact Yod, while Venus and the Sun make the quincunx from a different degree than the subsequent sextile. Again, something only astrologers will care about, but significant nonetheless.
So while the first Yod shows Saturn productivity with Pluto focused through Jupiter, the second one shows Mars, Venus, and Solar productivity with Jupiter focused through Saturn. The first adjusts all 3 planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto) to get focused through expansive Jupiter, while the second adjusts all 5 planets (Sun, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) to get focused through Saturn’s structuring persistence.
What Does This All Mean?
So much of what’s been squeezed into focus via Jupiter in the recent past can now be productively worked with in terms of the new initiatives, directions, and efforts indicated by the planets in Aries. Think about everything you’ve had to sacrifice since December, the many persistent adjustments required over the past several weeks, and how you’ve learned to master momentum and inertia. Now think of those adjustments and sacrifices as necessary to finish letting go of some ancient ghosts you didn’t even know you had (or maybe you did!)
This has forced all of us to get focused on how to adjust our vision of what is possible, relative to the larger structural conditions that are beyond our control, combined with the new intensity, new magnetism, new desires, and new way of social self-representation that Saturn is showing us. In part 2 I noted where the Jupiter nozzle is pointing in your chart, and how that may have manifested between December and now.
This series of Yods from Aries planets sextile Jupiter will help us make adjustments to the Saturn structures we’ve productively built these past several weeks. If we need to adjust or eliminate some old fears, limitations, duties, responsibilities, or hinderance, this will be the time to do it.
As Mars triggers the Yod from 11 Aries, it should mark the appearance of a new Earthly order or law in our lives working productively with the virgin potential of “newly opened lands” in the Gemini area of our lives. These are harmoniously structuring a new set of opportunities, a new set of ideas, a new life adventure, and a new way of doing what we have to do on our own terms.
However, these will be adjusted by, and help to adjust, Saturn’s structuring power, in this case on a degree of humanitarianism. So we can expect this Finger of God to show as some humanitarian manifestation in us or around us that helps us get focused for the more important roles we’ve begun to play since Saturn went retrograde at 12 Scorpio.
How the Yods made by Venus and the Sun will be similar and different than Mars
Which brings us to how Venus and the Sun will operate differently than Mars in terms of what it triggers. Venus and the Sun will make their quincunxes from 11 Aries, like Mars, but will make sextiles to Jupiter from 12 Aries to 12 Gemini, a very different set of symbols than 11 Aries and 11 Gemini.
Venus and the Sun are in the house where we have early Aries, and working productively with the affairs of the house where we have Jupiter in early Gemini. If we include the very powerful Mars in Aries, a sign it rules, it means that wherever we have Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces in our charts are in productive harmony through the end of March and into early April.
However, these are all forcing changes on life areas where we have Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius, just as the areas in the previous paragraph are having changes forced upon them. Remember, a quincunx forces adjustments to both planets in the quincunx. It’s just in a Yod, we have a third planet that sextiles one of the legs, creating more productivity.
So we have had one set of major adjustments and sacrifices up to now which has made our Gemini sector more focused based in productivity wherever we have Scorpio and Capricorn. Those Gemini “expansion through sacrifices” can now be productively worked with by the inner planet transits in Aries bringing new initiative and energy wherever we have Aries in our chart.
These productive activities, relationships, connections, and power will help us to adjust our sense of structure, or what we believe we should do or be. We should be able to see and begin to live a new life order and truth regarding the new roles, or recent emergent responsibilities and new ways of being ourselves in the public arena.
In part 4, we’ll take a look at how the second Yod will be focused for all signs and birthdays.
Here are the first two articles in the series:
Astrology Class – The Yod, or Finger of God – What is it, and how does it work?
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
I was just wondering how the yods work in a solar returne. I wish I could afford a persanal reading from you as there is a lot activity in this years solar returne. Pluto/sun, Uranus/sun, sun/Venus/mars, interlocking yods? Softwear reports are not that good for putting it all together. My birth info is 03/31/1972. Butte Montana 3:02 am. I know you are an Aries to and I am wondering what you have to say about the year ahead for us;).
Posted by: Becky Davis | March 22, 2013 at 06:20 AM
Hi Becky - Well, seeing how these affect your life is sprinkled throughout these three articles and the fourth to come on Monday. The places of focus for the Jupiter Yod is in part 2, while the focus of the Saturn Yod is coming in part 4.
Software could never do this; software reports are only as good as the astrologer writing them, and very few understand these sorts of complex interactive dynamics where entire configurations are interlocked with other configurations. That's the limitation of machines and why a human astrologer trained in such things will always be better than any report generated by software.
Reading a solar return is not the same as reading a natal chart, though most astrologers don't know that. For the benefit of those who know some astrology, remember the natal is everything. I really can't do an entire class here on the blog on how these Yods would work out in a SR chart, since that's the crux of the Art of Synthesis. It would literally take a half-dozen classes via webinar to get it all out for application practice.
You have natal productivity wherever the Saturn sextile Pluto inhabits your chart. These are focusing through wherever Jupiter in Gemini is transiting in your chart. This is forcing adjustments and sacrifices wherever you have Sag, Cap, Aquarius, and Pisces.
You also have natal productivity the coming year wherever the Aries planets are sextiling your Jupiter. These are focusing through wherever Saturn in Scorpio is transiting your chart. This is forcing adjustments and sacrifice wherever you have Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sag, Cap, Aquarius, and Pisces.
Then these work out the same way this year via where they are and what they rule in the SR. But ultimately it must all be related back to the natal rulers, and how you're responding to the natal planets in your chart.
At this point I'll note that in this SR you (and I) have a Sun square Pluto. How that works out this year somewhat depends on our natal Sun Pluto aspect, and how we've dealt with those energies in our lives. Again, reports just don't cut it. I have a natal Sun trine Pluto. Ordinarily hard Sun - Pluto transits are difficult for people, but I've made some of the best decisions of my life when transiting Sun afflicted Pluto, since my understanding of these forces (natal trine) has enabled me to release energy or turn corners at that time (transiting square). In this case that square in my SR also configures with transiting Pluto trine my Venus and the SR Sun trine my natal Asc and sextile my natal Moon. As you can see, the Art of Synthesis is somewhat complex.
Remember too that since you have a close Sun conjunct Mercury at 11 Aries, both these planets are in a Yod created by transiting Jupiter and Saturn. In the SR Jupiter is sextile these regardless of the SR. But while Jupiter will move on, the sextile effect will continue, and the SR Yod will be re-triggered when the transiting planets again sextile your Sun and Mercury and Saturn again quincunxes them in the Autumn.
Of note is that transiting Saturn will sextile your natal Jupiter for most of the Spring and Summer. This will echo the Yod created by transiting Venus conjunct Saturn sextile transiting Mars conjunct Pluto of last November to where Jupiter just hit its station. So Jupiter's SD point quincunxes your natal Jupiter and leaves 7-8 Scorpio as the void zone where a Yod will be made. Here remember that a quincunx has no more than a two degree orb, since if it's any larger it's a triseptile and if it's smaller by more than 4 it's a biquintile.
Look to where Jupiter and Saturn occupy and rule in the SR chart. These will be the areas this year where the focus will be, probably via events related to those houses and where they rule. But they will affect you according to where they are and what they rule in the natal chart. And this only scratches the surface of the subject. If it's any consolation, it's also in my SR and I've been studying possible ways it will manifest and still discovering things.
Posted by: Robert | March 22, 2013 at 07:27 AM
I don't know about squeezing, but I do sense the draining away.
Posted by: caliban | March 22, 2013 at 02:55 PM
I feel it being sucked up, spit out. Disintegrating. Reorganizing, synthesizing.
Posted by: sunshyne99 | March 22, 2013 at 05:53 PM
What type of "sacrifices" are indicated when my natal Sun and Mercury are exactly conj on Gem 12!
Posted by: Susan | March 23, 2013 at 06:58 AM
Hi sunshyne - Yes, "draining away" is also a good metaphor. As is getting shot through a fire hose. As is "something's gotta give." The other adjectives and adverbs you use are other things.
Hi Susan - I'll be discussing more in part 4 on Monday. "Expansion through sacrifice" could mean that you have to give up that which doesn't allow your light to shine. Or ideas that distract rather than integrate. Or getting too scattered when there's a clear light to follow. Again, too many possibilities to go into any depth in a comment stream. Just realize you've completed 12 years of an old life and service, and have now begun a new 12 year cycle. Open to new discoveries, since what's done is done.
Posted by: Robert | March 23, 2013 at 07:06 AM
When you draw the interlocking Yods on a Bi-wheel with the natal chart in the middle, the resulting geometry looks like the old Cat's Cradle string game where you kind of have to knit your way in and out of the cradle ... interesting in the context of energetic movement...
Posted by: Virginia | March 23, 2013 at 07:31 AM
Thank you for this advanced information.
Posted by: dcu | March 23, 2013 at 01:44 PM
Thank you Robert will look forward to part 4!
Posted by: Susan | March 23, 2013 at 02:29 PM
"Yes, "draining away" is also a good metaphor. As is getting shot through a fire hose. As is "something's gotta give." The other adjectives and adverbs you use are other things."
Trying to make sense of this. Can you further explain?
Posted by: sunshyne99 | March 23, 2013 at 05:48 PM
I see it as one, in a kinetic way. To describe a separated and eliminated part, leads to the other parts, which is all from the One. To eliminate a part, leads to reforming, regrouping, and synthesize. Thank You for allowing me to finish my thought process.
Posted by: sunshyne99 | March 23, 2013 at 05:54 PM
WOWZA My natal planets are: My sun is aqu, mercury-venus-jupiter-neptune in cap (5th hs), mars-saturn-pluto in scorpio (3rd hs), and Jupiter is conjunct my n.node (10th hs), and first saturn return happening this year. I'm not studied enough to know what this all means, but I think this is a big deal...
Posted by: devon t. | March 23, 2013 at 07:56 PM
I feel and sense it all body. It is a Alchemical, Purifying, Centrifuge, like process. Crystallization. I needed no correction on what I was "reading" or picking up, and transmuting. But, it did lead into more self discovery, understanding.
Posted by: sunshyne99 | March 23, 2013 at 08:01 PM