by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon at 7 Aries-Libra is cardinal, activating, direct, and moves our lives forward quickly. This will show us a new level of our functioning, and begin the end game of letting go of the ghosts of the past we’ve been dealing with for about 2 years. Expect more hard adjustments and crosscurrents. Sacrifices give spiritual focus.
Today's article will cover an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. Part 2 will cover the various rising signs around the globe and the Sabian Symbols. Part 3 will cover the aspects, configurations and patterns, and which signs are most likely to be affected by where this falls in their charts.
This initiating, volatile, and archetypal Full Moon that will pull us in many different (and sometimes conflicted) directions falls at the 7th degree of Aries and Libra. This Lunation, helping us get it in gear and break free of ambivalence and feeling split between multiple unresolvable forces, occurs March 27 at 2:27 am PDT, 5:27 am EDT, and 9:27 am Greenwich (UT).
An overview of this period ruled by this Full Moon shows it will illuminate our ability to move in our world on several levels simultaneously, where we can concentrate our energy and focus on new beginnings we have no power to stop. Having set these in motion in 2010, and shed many ghosts since then, this is the time to live the higher spiritual vision related to this process.
Here we can get insights into what to tame, what to protect, what to uplift, and find ways to rise to some urgent situation that shows us our true role in life. A balanced approach is best.
This Lunation is short on practicality with a lot of focus on feelings and inspired thinking. Movement and activity are paramount, and it will seem things are unfolding with breathtaking speed despite the Piscean echoes reminding us to have a compassionate mind and view of things. Even if you feel you don’t know, remember this is the end of some ghosts. Direct the mind with precision, humor, and more positive directions.
The focus of the light will reveal a need for a balanced approach to all things, and show us how to do some form of “transmutation through service” that helps us capture another facet of our emerging archetype and role in the world. Again, we began that process in 2010, along with seeing a future that created a new Path for each of us in early 2011. Then we began to let go of the ghosts of the past via the June Solar Eclipse in Gemini so that our lives would have enough space for the new archetype to develop.
We’ve now cleaned out enough that it’s clear what’s left to let go of to complete the process, and this Full Moon helps us do that through direct action, as well as opportunities to redirect our energies to new initiatives. This one moves us all through endings and beginnings into larger things, and despite the friction, it will help bless what’s coming that will provide a greater security in June, July, and August.
As with last month, be discriminating about what is core and what is peripheral while seeing it all through the eyes of radical compassion. Here we can find we’ve graduated into a higher realm of some sort of mastery or service, and are forced to grow in ways that guarantee us an unveiling of a mystery and the ability to launch a new way of life.
This Full Moon helps us move into new beginnings that may resemble old beginnings. As this Lunation makes a very powerful T-square with Pluto in Capricorn, keep your sense of perspective and balance as you turn important life corners. Some things are leaving forever, except those that are part of your greater “Spiritual Mystery.” Through curious forms of “good fortune” via “invisible helpers,” we can find great illumination and deeper compassion.
Find an appropriate emotional vehicle to navigate this time of tremendous feelings. Once we find the right “emotional intelligence,” then the more we care, the more we become sensitive to, the easier the flow through the crosscurrents. We cannot avoid the crosscurrents, but we do not have to feel helpless in navigating them.
Last month we got to part the veils and enter the “sacred chamber” leading us beyond old ego limitations. Keep the discipline of rising to a more refined level of social interaction, or a higher, more sophisticated and refined way of relating to ours and others’ feelings as you move through social experiences. This is a very long term structuring power offered to humanity at this time. We now have learned the power of harmlessness, and those who have lessened their fear can now radiate a calm that transcends normal understanding.
It began Spring 2012, and we’ve now entered an unknown space time sector where we will learn to view much of what goes on at core through a sense of life being a “science experiment,” with our task to understand the laws that underlie what’s going on. As the Saturn sextile Pluto will be with us for quite a while, relax into the intensified feelings and experience the beginning of the emergence of a deeper and larger “group consciousness.”
Ultimately this Full Moon will bring tremendous understanding of a bigger picture and ways to care with deep compassion for what has been, what is going or gone, and what is to come. This Lunation will pull us all in many directions, some of which are frictional. We still have the two interlocking Yods I’ve been writing about, and now face those plus a Cardinal T-square of major proportions along with Mercury square Jupiter.
Again, I’ll write more about these things in part 3. The next two weeks will bring release, relief, hard turns, more sacrifices and tremendous opportunity for growth in inspired, caring ways. For some this period will signal the appearance of their “global self,” freed from local assumptions and limitations. It is definitely a time to “divorce the past,” and see different levels of evolution as an infinite staircase we all travel across countless lifetimes.
There is a potential for tremendous stability and clear understanding, as well as great productivity and ability to move out of the old into the new. This may challenge some of our conception of larger opportunities offered to us, whether it forces us to scale things back or open to greater possibilities.
To sum up, it’ll be an important two weeks, with releases that take us to the core of our own spiritual “authority,” show us important facets of our “Spiritual Mystery,” with friction helping us integrate our Light with our feelings to express more compassion and caring. This will be a hard adjustment to a new reality for many, but you already saw it coming.
With the preponderance of planets in Aries and Pisces, feel what you need to feel to know what’s ending and what’s renewing. Even if things get unclear, intuition is very high, as are the energies to cultivate “the spiritual mind.” Still, as you navigate the blending of thoughts and feelings, eventually you will have to make decisions and actions, so be compassionate as you leave the past behind.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
thanks for this Robert!
Posted by: Deb | March 26, 2013 at 09:50 AM
Thank you for these insights Robert.
I have been doing a lot of research and activism as of late into and around the idea and potential reality of an unconditional basic income.
You are probably aware of this concept already. Maybe you find the video below interesting, because it fits very well into what you described as ''the beginning of the emergence of a deeper and larger “group consciousness.”'' and ''the ability to launch a new way of life.''
Basic Income, a new human right
Video Link:
'' Published on Mar 23, 2013
Sign the petition here:
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Basic Income should be universal, individual, unconditional and high enough to ensure a dignified existence and participation in society.
This new fundamental right for humanity, not only would eradicate misery, it is also a way to develop non-market oriented work: such as artists, parents and volunteers. But it's also an economic measure! A basic income for all would mean supporting local business.
Therefore, it would enable us to fully exercise our citizenship.''
Posted by: Max | March 26, 2013 at 11:35 AM
Thank you, Robert, I could see very little positive in this fortnight through the Libra Full Moon. You have strengthened my hope and inspiration to the more positive.
Blessings, Sue
Posted by: J. Sue Gagliardi | March 26, 2013 at 11:44 AM
I am a Piscean, Decan 1 with Moon in Aries. I think this moon will be a bit confusing for me.
Posted by: Beverly | March 26, 2013 at 11:57 AM
Ah....This feels like the Master's level. I will continue to practice presense, compassion and deep gratitude.
Merci Teacher!
Posted by: laura | March 26, 2013 at 01:09 PM
I have pisces moon 2 degrees; Ascendant 18 degrees pisces; mercury 14 degrees pisces; sun 25 degrees pisces and . . . still in my first house: North Nodes at 7 degrees Aries. My question to you, Robert, is what can you say about tomorrow's 7 degrees Aries Full Moon for me? I am a longtime follower and greatly appreciate the help your work provides me to "move and grove". Thank you!
Posted by: JS | March 26, 2013 at 01:20 PM
Thank you very much, Robert. As always, your writing helps me find the stillness, so necessary right now, as my intuition is speaking very loudly about the changes to come and the ego is wanting to have a temper tantrum about it all in protest. : ) Will focus instead on breath and evoking grace.
Posted by: Mary | March 26, 2013 at 06:49 PM
I am calmed. Thank you so much.
I am 29 degrees Virgo Rising (does this moon affect me more?), Saturn in Pisces, moon in aries, 7th house. Talk about shake-ups in relationship. This morning i felt like crawling out of my skin, running into the desert, and getting fried to a crisp like bacon. could this be the urge to incinerate the ego?
Posted by: paula | March 27, 2013 at 09:44 AM
Thank you Robert as always for your time and insight. We used this article in our Full Moon Group last night. It was very helpful. It certainly appears that we are living in momentous times, does it not?
Posted by: dcu | March 27, 2013 at 03:07 PM
I normally research and in length gather message and meaning to each of my full moon rituals. I felt as this full moon to being my first in which I am closer to becoming higher on lots of levels of spirituality. We are to see the level of Love and Peace in our earth and amongst us shine. The goddess energies have returned and the cyrstal children are singing of thanks. We are seeing and feeling our star guiding energies whom have been given the knowledge of outter space as well evoluation to all levels of earthly soul journeys. It is limited to think as if we are the only beings, and earth is the only level of spiritual beings. I thank you for your message in your full moon interp and guideness of studies of the starts. I could not have expressed the noble gift it brings to my soul to read it. The sun is the place of birth in most of our bodies, growing with and from its life force on earth, and the moons energies to our emotions, so if all true energies are of a gift from our outter planets then we are just mearly the stage on the great show of the universe. I thank you for this gift . Blessed me.. Daughter of Goddess Lilith Julianne
Posted by: Juli Anne | March 27, 2013 at 07:18 PM