by Robert Wilkinson
This New Moon will show us how to generate power on the physical plane. This activates everything that’s been building since April 2009 that opened up between May 2010 and Jan 2011, initiating a new chapter of life for almost all of us. This is a “firm quickening,” so follow “the God within” and get it in gear!! Because it's so strongly action oriented, be patient as you push the rapidly ending past into a rapidly developing future.
As noted in part 1, this Lunation occurs at 2:35 am PDT, 10:35 am Greenwich on April 10. Because this Lunation falls at 21 Aries, it jumpstarts Aries energy wherever it falls in our chart.
This New Moon has a social-emotional focus. Because it happens in Aries, Mars and Pluto rule the Lunation. Follow through, feel the new conscious maturity, and if there’s a sense of value or delicacy, understand that you’re confronting a facet of your innocence. It’s all an experiment in “the science of life” from one point of view.
So this New Moon is ruled by Mars (the worldly ruler of Aries) and in the spiritual dimension by Pluto. As with the last New Moon, it is noteworthy that Mercury is in Pisces and Jupiter is in Gemini. As Mercury rules Gemini and Jupiter is the worldly ruler of Pisces, it puts these planets in Mutual reception, a very powerful closed energy exchange loop. (I’ll be posting an update to that article soon, since the positions mentioned as examples happened a while ago.)
Mercury in Pisces can be intuitive, but also confusing due to the quantity of strange signals that position indicates. Some very important things are truly at an end, even though it’s seemed that way for a while. Now they truly are ending, so say goodbye, forgive, have compassion, and then turn to the action that is required right here and now to move things forward in the direction they’re already going.
The stellium in Aries consists of Uranus, Venus, the Sun and Moon, and Mars. If you’re wondering why things may seem so singularly focused and moving in one great big direction, that’s a natural expression of so many planets in Aries. Since these planets rule half the signs, and the Mercury mutual reception to Jupiter rules 4 more, then it’s no wonder there’s such an air of finality, with major endings and beginnings for so many across so many areas of life! Again, be patient with the process since things will unfold quickly.
Of particular note is that in the last New Moon Mars occupied the last degree of Pisces. 30 Pisces, being the last degree of the 360 degree phases of change before everything begins anew at 1 Aries, represents a degree of visualization, archetypalization, and the ability to envision and name the “new law conditioning future manifestations.”
We had a very important Venus conjunction Mars on that degree back in 2009 when Venus went stationary direct on that degree. What happened over the past 4 weeks was directly related to events set into motion then. We saw those “closures conditioning openings” powered up when the Sun crossed that degree in the 24 hours preceding the Vernal Equinox on March 20.
We saw further developments of what we previously visualized, or are visualizing, on March 21 when Venus occupied 30 Pisces. This process of “dreaming the future” will continue until Mercury crosses 30 Pisces on April 13 and enters Aries 7:37 pm PDT that evening. I’ve included a link to an entire article explaining the importance of 30 Pisces at the end of this article.
Even though it’s slightly separating, we still are within a larger stabilizing and productive field symbolized by Saturn sextile Pluto. This Lunation triggers the Grand Irrationality via Venus septile Neptune and biseptile Pluto, with Jupiter now beginning its triseptile to Pluto. This shows major forks in the road of our lives wherever we have these planets transiting in our natal chart, as well as the houses these planets rule and the planets they disposit. (You can find more about dispositors in the article on Mutual Reception linked above.)
We’re now done with the extremely powerful interlocking Yods, or “Fingers of God,” set into motion at the end of March involving Jupiter as the nozzle for the Saturn sextile Pluto, and Saturn as the nozzle for the planets in Aries sextile Jupiter. These two “expansion through sacrifice” configurations squeezed a lot out of our lives so we could refocus on whatever promise and openings Jupiter in Gemini has indicated in our charts, as well as whatever duties and maturity we need to embrace indicated by Saturn in Scorpio. Over the past several weeks we’ve seen results directly related to the December “expansion through sacrifice” lessons, as well as moved from focusing on Jupiterian promise to Saturn responsibility.
Neptune and Chiron at the Cusp of the Age:
I’ve given you this information in previous New Moon articles, but I figure it’s so important for all of us that it bears repeating once a month. Taking the long view, we stand on the threshold of an entirely new era that will not resemble the old Age in any way within just a few decades. In fact, we’re already solidly in the Dreamscape, and are already seeing long wave manifestations of the ending of the old and the emerging field we’re all learning how to maneuver through.
Other than the brief look we had in mid-2011, this is only the fifteenth New Moon with Neptune in Pisces for the next 150 years. We had Neptune in Pisces for the 3 New Moons for May, June, and July 2011 which gave us a front end look at how Neptune will function through 2025.
Between August 2011, when Neptune retrograded back into late Aquarius, and the January 2012 New Moon, we were given one last look back at a greater ideal, and the changes of the last half of 2011 helped many to break out of our "chrysalis" and transform how we live and all our relationships. That is now established in the collective consciousness, as well as a growing sense of the larger light field in which all sentient Beings live and love.
If you want to know what's coming for many years to come, take a look back at the intuitions and sense of belonging to a vaster interrelated whole you were shown in May, June, and July 2011. It may help to give a sense of our collective lesson in dissolving our separateness as we finish this transition through "the Winter of the 21st Century" on our way to Spring, beginning in 2025!
During those months that both Neptune and Chiron were in early Pisces, we were offered chances to learn about bargaining and trade-offs, with the ultimate payoff a deeper and larger feeling of being connected to others. During the last half of 2011, Neptune retrograded back to 29 Aquarius, the degree where humanity was forced to emerge from its "chrysalis" as a new world is being born.
Chiron retrograded back to 1 Pisces. So those two dancing together kept us attuned to elements of this transitional span of experience for all of 2011 as we prepared to cut loose into the Neptune in Pisces era for many years to come. During 2011 both Neptune and Chiron revealed our unique part to play within a larger light/life field.
During that time, these planets at the beginning of Pisces and end of Aquarius occupied degrees representing "the Cusp of the Age," the span where the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius meet. From one point of view, where we were collectively between February 2011 and March 2012 revealed what the period of (approximately) 1990-2140 is all about in the broader context of human evolution. I suspect that future generations will look back at 2011 and 2012 as being crucial in showing long range patterns of larger evolutionary necessities.
Neptune and Chiron dancing between signs on "the Cusp of the Age" had the effect of making it seem like we have all been occupying a very weird dreamscape which we'll be navigating for years to come. The trick for us is to apply our new strengths and understanding freed from the ghosts of the past, and by riding the waves of intense (but curiously steady) pulses of spiritual energies shaping our minds, we can find techniques where our efforts will lead us to forms of good fortune.
During the year they danced together in this critical degree span, they provided us a bridge to understanding the global lessons we all must embrace, and helped us graduate into a new view of how we are an essential part of a greater whole. I'll give you links to articles explaining more about "the cusp of the Age" at the end of this article.
As Neptune went stationary direct at 1 Pisces around the time of the last 2012 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, Neptune was literally at the “Cusp of the Age” between April 2010 and January 2013. It was conjunct Chiron the entire time, showing that this era was about all of learning to heal into our Higher Selves through greater awareness and compassion, as well as feeling our place within the larger collective feeling-field.
In this chart, Chiron is at 12 Pisces. This will help us heal anew through our positioning within collective consciousness, helping us “prove our qualifications” as we enter a broader life. This awakened in everyone June 2005 through December 2006. We can now heal wounds from that time, or see how what we’ve awakened to since then has helped us healing into our higher Self.
In this chart Neptune has now moved forward to 5 Pisces, where we get another glimpse through intuition and a greater feeling-connection of our positioning within a vaster field. According to the Sabian Symbols, this shows the collective field is about “interchange of spirit and understanding on which groups are built,” “new self-development,” and “discouragement mastered.”
Again, Chiron shows us how we can heal into our Higher Self. During 2012 the focus was on healing into our Higher Selves through seeing what we’re dedicated to, what skills we’ve cultivated, what “call” we’ve heard, and how we’ve quickened our striving. During the next 4 weeks we can heal through taking responsibility for doing our part within a greater collective spiritual field operating on its own rules and principles that transcend us. Last month our minds were introduced to the Soul-realms and awakened to a new dedication while saying goodbye to old inner fears. This one is where we “prove our worth” and willingness to follow through on that new dedication.
More About Saturn's Universally Important Influence
Saturn has again come to the fore as an extremely important factor in the chart due to it being the nozzle for the “Bucket” Jones pattern. I’ll explain in more detail in part 3 of this New Moon series.
For now, we’ll turn the spotlight on Saturn in Scorpio as the cosmic timekeeper, since it does symbolize the ongoing lessons and limitations within the larger field of existence. Saturn was in Libra through early October 2012, making this the seventh New Moon of the Saturn in Scorpio era!
What we learned from Saturn in Virgo in 2007-2009, returning briefly in 2010, has been of importance in the Virgo New Moons since then. We learned a lot about how to apply those lessons in forms of practical action when Mars transited Virgo between November 2011 and July 2012, and will get a review and renewal of those lessons when Mars is next in Virgo between mid-October and early November 2013.
We showed our skill in applying Saturn in Libra lessons since then while Mars was in Libra in July and August 2012, and had the light of understanding put on those lessons after the mid-October 2012 Libra New Moon. As a side note, Mars in early Scorpio the last week of August and first week of September 2012 gave us a front end practice related to Saturn being in that span of Scorpio from October 2012 through October 2013, so review what you were doing, since it symbolizes ongoing and coming Saturn lessons.
Saturn was retrograde in late Libra between early February and mid-June 2012. During the first 9 months of 2012, we were reviewing how to repair or reconstruct things from the past to come to a philosophical completion. The year between October 2011 and 2012 was about coming to a holistic philosophical view based in a life renewal, learning to read meanings in symbols and things, and moving beyond knowledge into true balanced understanding.
As Saturn rules Pluto in this chart in worldly affairs, it shows that when we are confronted with the need to deal with something or someone in an organized, efficient manner, reference Saturn in Scorpio and the lessons of focusing intensity. Feel what needs to be eliminated to achieve emotional stability or movement, and being efficient and truthful in getting to the core of any matter.
Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, structure, maturity, patience, understanding, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
So as you open to the fourth New Moon of 2013, take stock of what larger holistic understanding you’ve achieved in 2012. See how you’ve moved from a theoretical ideal to a new way of living your life and relationships into a deeper connection with your ability to regenerate productively over the long haul, or a deeper communion with some inner or outer element of your Being.
In 2011 we learned about karmic consequences from a wider angle of view, while playing by the rules of whatever system we were dealing with, or acting within. We were challenged to show as much balance, grace, and equipoise as we could, given Saturn's penchant for heaviness.
We all learned a lot about how we use Libra energy to fulfill Dharma during Saturn's stay in Libra, as well as what we should not be trying to prop up through a misplaced sense of responsibility or obligation. As with all Saturn lessons, when we ran into roadblocks or delays it was teaching us about patience, as well as what limitations and burdens we could and could not live with.
As noted in previous articles, Saturn ushered in allies, friends, fellow truth-seekers, more balanced views, and corrective actions as techniques for community building or group awareness during the time it was in Libra. Given that Saturn is “exalted” in Libra, meaning that sign is the lens of greatest growth for Saturn, and Saturn is the worldly ruler of Aquarius, the sign of friends and allies, between October 2009 and October 2012 was a time when we learned a LOT about those parts of our lives.
The transfigurations in our actions and relationships we went through between January 2011 and October 2012 led us to do forms of "repair work," where we confronted the consequences of past actions, whether our own or another's. The repair work could as easily been in the realm of our inner self as in outer affairs.
Saturn in this Lunation chart is retrograde at 10 Scorpio. We are now conducting a review of what Saturn has taught us since November 2012, and the current lessons are similar to what we first confronted in late December 2012 and early January 2013.
2012 finished our understanding in life areas related to Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius in our charts, and since October we have entered a Scorpio experience of an intensification of magnetics to attract what we need and repel what is not needed. Saturn in Scorpio will be a MUCH different manifestation of Saturn than we were used to between 2010-2012!
This Lunation shows us either a) soon to come “reunions,” and/or b) “reunions” that will come only after some larger group activity is fulfilled. We may find companions from previous lifetimes or eras in this life; we may remember past group activity that shows us something to be regenerated; we may find ourselves in some way part of a “group personality emergence.”
This is a review as part of the long wave process of learning how to conduct ourselves at a higher social level of interaction, which will confirm our “social status” and help us be part of a refined display of interactive class, style, and culture. Where Saturn was in the February and March New Moons began the larger Saturn lessons of 2013 which we’ll be learning until October.
Because of Saturn’s influence in Scorpio, we continue to eliminate and regenerate, let go of that which no longer works, and find ways to meet people at the highest levels of interaction. Now that the inner planets are all in Aries, we have been through the interlocking Yods and made needed adjustments to correct something. Late March and early April were a time of radical “expansions through sacrifices,” and now we’ve all gotten clear and focused about what we have to do.
So Saturn continues to help us get focused and clear about what structures are worthwhile and which need eliminating or purifying. Due to the 2012 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, we’ve been looking back to rehearse the future after eliminating elements of the past. This opened the doors that we walked through in late December that continued through January. Whether we want to or not, we’ve all had to be willing to embrace a purification process, especially purifying the life of stuck feelings and desires, and open to a new game and a new way of playing that game.
As noted in other Lunation articles, with North Node still in late Scorpio, our greatest development is through our ability to eliminate, regenerate, attract, and repel as part of a greater effectiveness. Consider this as a time of learning more from our losses than what we hold on to. How we grow now will pay major dividends once Saturn moves into the second half of Scorpio at the end of 2013.
North Node in Scorpio show we can grow through understanding magnetism in a more focused, active way. Where it is in this Lunation chart shows we can grow through learning to be more self-reliant, cultivate cooperation between the spiritual and material levels of our existence, and go for a “pure self-revelation.” Listen to “the God within,” and you will know what the Divine holds for you.
Surrender to the inward way. Contact the innermost “God force” and move beyond old forms. If there’s a conflict between the practical and the ideal, go to your “center of reality” and see how Spirit and Soul are dancing with whatever in your personality is conflicted. Go for your highest potential, regardless of what you must let go of and what you must accept.
This is a time of growth in effective orientation so that we can bring Spirit to matter, and the ideal in a grounded form. What we move into now will take shape once Saturn moves into the second half of Scorpio this Autumn.
We only have a few aspects forming in this Lunation, but those few are extraordinarily powerful. I’ll speak about this in the next part of this series. The major influences are the Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars conjunction which sets the Grand Irrationality into full swing via septiles to Jupiter and Neptune and a rolling series of biseptiles to Pluto to occur just after the New Moon. It’s a wild ride, so buckle your seat belts! And show patience.....
In the next part of the series we'll discuss the various aspects at play in the chart, as well as some important degree symbols and other interesting elements affecting all of us for 4 weeks to come.
Here's the article on 30 Pisces: 30 Pisces - It's Time To Visualize Your Heart's Desire
And as usual for the New Moon articles, here are two that are related to "the cusp of the Age."
Neptune Then, Neptune Now - The Cusp of the Age of Aquarius
Neptune Retrograde Into Aquarius - A New Look At the New Age This one has links to articles related to this theme, so enjoy following the breadcrumbs through the woods of time!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
I have time to be patient. Just vomiting and getting high temperature in stomach flu. My son maybe got i also: so we two are home and sick alone... I have heard this has been problem for many, so patience.
Posted by: helina | April 10, 2013 at 12:18 AM
Thanks for your insights! Before Saturn moved into Scorpio, I somehow feared its lessons. I must say that Saturn in Scorpio is purifying a lot. Hard core elimination! But as I experienced there are rewards after sacrifice. Saturn is a tough master, but I respect its force even more. I hope this new moon will help us all to focus on endings, closing chapters for ever, and activate new beginnings of higher vibration.
Posted by: Ilse | April 10, 2013 at 02:51 AM
Thank you Robert. This teaching is timely and relevant to my personal story. In June 2011, I traveled to Maui and drove to the summit of Haleakala to celebrate my 60th, which coincided with the eclipse. A larger and more expansive field of perception opened and I was able to let go of long-held grief. Allowing myself to be in the gentle awareness of interconnectedness with all that is brought much synchronicity and peace.
The process of transformation of being continues....And I am opening to new ways of being.
Posted by: Elah | April 10, 2013 at 10:01 AM
I have that stellium in aries hovering in my 9th house. The septile series triggering tge GI. Is tying in my 9th, 8th, 5th and 10th house. I just finished making a music vid for one of my songs and will do my pics for my up and new coming website. I hope to launch everything in the first week of May. It seems very relevant to have all this aries power in the 9th house!!!!!
Posted by: Micheline | April 10, 2013 at 03:31 PM
Many in the large network of folk I am privileged to work with globally feeling complete sorrow and very tearful last few days for no apparent reason, yet it is the end of the grief as indicated by sorrow for the changes that have occurred whether physically or energetically, it is done. Once the sorrow is felt and released or surrendered to faith in what ever way that is for the individual, it gives plenty of space to now be filled with joy when ready to receive with acceptance. Good to have the astrology to confirm, thank you Robert
Posted by: debbie | April 10, 2013 at 10:45 PM
Hola Senor Robert...
Your words above, New self developement, and discourgement mastered, saying goddby to old inner fears. A repetitive physical issue arose yesterday, and I watched the inner struggle...fear that I have always succumed to, vs a new feeling showing itself, the one that won this morning, as I connected to it.
A dream I had years ago...."Focus, feel it, create it" I understand...negative thinking does positive knowing.
The glass has always been half empty in the past...
somthing shifted, and now I am connected to a different energy...
I have let fear control me...Im choosing a different path...Im tired of being afraid
Posted by: Wild Horse Running | April 21, 2013 at 07:30 AM