by Robert Wilkinson
This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus indicates that for the next 4 weeks, as well as the 45 months this Eclipse is in force, we will receive blessings showing us which way the winds of destiny are blowing. While we will continue to let go of old Taurus things and people wherever it falls in our charts, the void will attract new resources and new ability to act on our own behalf. And while the Grand Irrationality is not a factor in this Eclipse, there is another non-rational configuration that is fully active, throwing everyone into major choices and changes!
This New Moon in Taurus is stabilizing, mobilizing, opening new discoveries and views and pointing the way to radical shifts in resources, relationships, sense of purpose, and understanding our individuality. This will solidify what we began in April while taking away all those things and people that no longer are a part of our value structure. We are rapidly entering the end game of letting go of ghosts of the past that’s been going on for almost two years, and so as we are “gaining through loss,” trust the God within you and still your mind so you can receive impressions from higher planes.
Due to the on-going Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces energies, we continue to close out the end of the end and are in the direct experience of recent beginnings being powered up in very dynamic ways. Though there will still be a sense of emotional finality or even heaviness during the months this eclipse is in play, the more we can forgive, bless, say goodbye, and flow onward into new fields of life the better it will feel. Sometimes we just have to move on, get it on, and stay in motion since to fight the flow would be impossible.
This Lunation is going to stabilize the latest boost in the energies of the new life experience that has its roots in the new archetypes that came forth in between late 2009 and early 2011, when there were a series of conjunctions in Aries portending what we’re about to focus on to a greater degree than we have since then .
This New Moon is stabilizing, confirming, steadying, and fairly focused and concentrated in its effects. We can expect huge new developments wherever we have Taurus in our charts, so get ready to let go, create voids to be held gently and enjoyably until they are appropriately filled in the future, and welcome the blessings showing you which way the winds of destiny are blowing in your lives.
Saturn continues to set up situations where we’ll all be introduced into more complex, intense, and/or deep relationships. We are now launched fully into the lessons of 2013 involving us meeting others at the highest possible level of social interaction rather than with an “everyday” type of attitude.
The next 4 weeks will develop quickly as Mars transits the Taurus and Gemini points activated by this Eclipse. We had our individuality electrified into manifestation last month, and now we can embrace our new lives in a steady and enjoyable way. While there may be elements in this Eclipse that feel like an ordeal, we are shaping our character so that we can get it in gear, freed of old musty ideas and psychological states that need to go as we let fresh air into our minds.
I gave you the time of this Eclipse in the last article, along with where in the world it falls on the angles. I also gave you rising signs around the world, and where this Eclipse would be visible.
This is the twelfth in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the sign preceding the Sun of the following Full Moon. In other words, this New Moon in Taurus will have a Full Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius. This is the reverse of the sequence of the 20 months preceding the 2012 Gemini New Moon that all had the New Moon in the same sign as the subsequent Full Moon.
That pattern is now reversed, but will shift back to “normal” a few months down the road. I explain this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles, so I’ll elaborate on this new beginning that reverses “the natural order of things” in the next Full Moon articles coming in about two weeks.
The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
This New Moon at 20 Taurus, like other recent Lunations, puts the focus on magnetism, loss, regeneration, timeless mysteries, and the great unknowns of life due to Saturn at 8 Scorpio being the primary handle of the “Bucket” Jones pattern. I’ll discuss more about Saturn’s important influence in part 3 of this New Moon series.
Much that we focus on during the next 4 weeks will help us to a new connection with others, and deeper feelings and receptivity so we can know a higher Light on the calm waters of our minds. In many respects we began this receptivity in December, and are coming to a closer communion and feeling of connection with what we will move into in the near future. During this time, we are all tuning into a new level of “group consciousness,” and can feel much more connected to ourselves and others, as well as our friends in the angelic world and the animal and plant realms.
This is a time of “illumination of the soul by transcendent wisdom” and a “quiet touch with cosmic strength.” Due to Saturn’s influence, we’re eliminating and getting rid of all that we don’t want nor need to take with us into the future that’s coming at us like an express train! You might as well let go, since you cannot hold on to those things anyway.
Because of where Jupiter is in Gemini , we’ve finished the next phase of our liberation from ghosts of the past going on since the 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse. When Jupiter retrograded over the degree of that eclipse in late November and early December, it accelerated the eclipse effect.
When it passed over the last time in late March and early April, we set the stage for the end game of leaving old ghosts behind that will be completed after the inner planets move across 12 Gemini in May and June. You can find out more about what induced us to shed the ghosts of the past these past 21 months by checking out the articles at the bottom of this one.
A Little More About the Past As Prologue
When Venus first transited the Gemini zone of the Grand Irrationality in the third and fourth week of April 2012, it gave us a Venusian lens through which to view what needed ending, or what had been ended since the Gemini Solar Eclipse of June 2011, which also fell in the Gemini zone of that powerful configuration. We went through the second phase of that influence with more “irrational” destiny-producing developments (which could be good or bad, depending) when it next occupied 14-18 Gemini, as well as when Mercury and the Sun also transited this zone, between May 31 and June 10, 2012.
We saw further major developments related to these “forks in the road of destiny” allowing us to be liberated from the ghosts of the past in the last half of July 2012. When Jupiter passed the third time over the Eclipse degree in late March and early April, we began a “final exam” time, with testing done by mid-June.
Jupiter helped us dislodge many things in December 2012 when it was part of a very powerful Yod, or Finger of God, focusing Saturn sextile Pluto through each making a quincunx to Jupiter in Gemini. We got another round of “expansion through sacrifice” tests in late March 2012 when Jupiter was again involved in Yods, or Fingers of God,” with Saturn and Pluto (like December 2012), but with the additional interlocking Yod created by the planets in Aries sextile Jupiter and all quincunx to Saturn.
This was an intense “spiritualizing” influence which I wrote about extensively at the time. If you want more information about the forces that squeezed ALL of us into a more focused spiritual intention and function through sacrifices and hard adjustments, please check out the numerous articles written in late March about that set of very powerful configurations.
The Grand Irrationality
The reason this section is a recurring feature in the Lunation articles is because it was set into long term play by the 2011 Solar Eclipse, which is triggered each time any transiting planet occupies any of the 7 zones of the Grand Irrationality. This Lunation doesn’t trigger the Grand Irrationality, but the aspects between Venus, Saturn, and Uranus shows we all have major forks in the road of our destiny coming at us like an express train wherever we have Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius!!
I’ll explain the Venus irrationality effect shortly. For now, here’s a bit of explanation about this thing called “the Grand Irrationality” that may help new visitors understand why everything continues to be so weird. As I’ve explained many times before, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave non-rational influence that has put everyone on Earth on the unceasing edge of major choice and change.
Everyone has been confronting inner compulsions, continual choices that seem to have a major impact on our destiny, and occasionally irrational behaviors in others or external conditions. It is why things seem to have an unending hard edge, why so many choices are continually thrown in our faces that require immediate attention, and why reason seems to fail at critical moments of decision.
When the Grand Irrationality is in play, it’s a time when things don’t have to make sense. Get used to it, since we’ve been living with it for about 18 years, and will be in play for a few more years to come.
The only thing that matters is that we learn how to ride this ever-changing wave of very strange and weird human experience, and not get lost in our own obsessions, compulsions, and the general irrationality of our times. I posted a thorough explanation of this phenomenon in 21st Century Astrology – What is the Grand Irrationality and Why is Everything So Weird? Please re-visit that article to understand more about this recurring energy affecting the collective atmosphere.
In this chart, Venus is the trigger for this non-rational, choice and change energy confronting us these next 4 weeks (and 45 months). Venus in this chart is triseptile Saturn and septile Uranus with Saturn triseptile Uranus. This sets 7 “hot zones” as trigger points when this irrational, compulsive, “fork in the road of destiny” energy is set into motion. These zones are approximately 1-4 Gemini, 23-26 Cancer, 14-17 Virgo, 6-9 Scorpio, 27-30 Sagittarius, 19-22 Aquarius, and 10-13 Aries.
If you have a planet or angle in one of these zones, this Eclipse will profoundly affect that planets or point in the immediate future as well as the next 3 years and 9 months. Also, whenever the Moon or any other planets crosses through any of the 7 “hot zones” of this radical, irrational configuration it will be triggered. The Virgo zone implies that some of what we’ll confront will have to do with the results of what we learned in 2008-2009 when Saturn occupied that zone, and there will be important implication as the inner planets and Jupiter roll through the Cancer and Virgo degrees over the next few months.
More on how we’re still influenced by the 2011 Solar Eclipse in Gemini
The 2011 Gemini Solar Eclipse that triggered the Grand Irrationality for years to come has liberated all of us from some elements and ghosts of our past, freeing us from old preconceptions and chains of mental slavery. That intense activation of June 2011 has shown as hectic intense bursts that often made no sense during the past 23 months when coupled with the current “off and on” patterns of other planets in irrational relationships. The Venus-Saturn-Uranus configuration in this chart is another example of other “non-rational” energy fields created at this time that is beyond the Grand Irrationality, but linked by similarity of energy.
The Gemini Solar Eclipse of 2011 has challenged us since then to find ways to liberate ourselves from unhelpful views and attitudes while staying on track with the new elements arising from the numerous conjunctions to Jupiter in Aries of March through May 2012 that have presented themselves over the past 2 years. In this Lunation, Jupiter continues to bring us information, understanding, higher perspectives, and different Spiritual awareness while it occupies Gemini.
When Jupiter went direct in motion December 2011, it launched our 2012 Jupiterian adventure. We finished substantiating and confirming some things the first half of 2012, and since then we’ve all had opportunities to open to larger ideas, larger opportunities, larger understanding, and larger futures.
We acquired some of the assets we needed while Jupiter was in Taurus from June 2011 through June 2012, and stabilized a growth pattern. We did a review and consolidated these things the last half of 2011, and were able to move forward in 2012, even though this involved multiple Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrograde periods through the first 7 months of the year.
Things became more solid and stable between February and June 2012, after which new worlds and new discoveries opened when Jupiter entered Gemini. Now we’ve gotten a lot of information about what we need to learn or understand related to the new archetypes we began to live in 2010-2011, and moved through major turning points related to The Grand Irrationality in August and November 2012 that primed the pump for the major league changes that happened in March and April.
Jupiter retrograde from October 2012 through January 2013 gave us new insights into new knowledge and awareness of how to incorporate the discoveries since June 2012 into our lives. Now that Jupiter has been direct in motion since January, we’ve continued our emotional, social, and cultural discoveries, having finished a review of how we’re relating to energy and whether we’re being passive or active in how we use it to steer a course to our liking.
Because it is direct in motion and speeding up, it’s been and continues to be a favorable tide with which to launch our new ideas of how to practice skills to find that which sustains our efforts. These will yield a stabilizing flow once Jupiter enters Cancer in late June and begins making a very powerful Grand Water Trine. Pay attention in early June, since Mercury and Venus will bring events that herald the Grand Water Trines in full swing throughout July.
In part 3, we’ll explore more about the influences of this stabilizing Solar Eclipse, and the importance of Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron as we stand on the cusp between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
To learn more about what’s coming now that Jupiter has gone direct, here are two articles that address that exact thing. At the bottom of part 1, there’s a link to what I wrote when it went retrograde last October about what we could expect these past few months. Now that Venus is approaching the span where Jupiter has occupied since last Summer, we’ll begin to capture valuable or pleasing forms of those ideas, visions, and understanding.
Long Wave Astrology January-June 2013 - Jupiter Stationary Direct at 7 Gemini Pt. 1
Long Wave Astrology Through Summer 2013 - Jupiter Stationary Direct at 7 Gemini Pt. 2
Here are two articles on the 2011 June Gemini Solar Eclipse so you can explore the details about how this event has shut down some things in the Gemini areas of our existence:
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for this, but I have just one little question. Every time you mention the Grand Irrationality you say it lasts 18 maybe 20 years and you always say it will last for few more years.
Can you please explain how long could that be?
I fell ill from autoimmune disease when Grand Irrationality happened and I'm very interested to know when it'll stop. I hope you understand why is that important to me :)
Posted by: yzse | May 10, 2013 at 02:49 AM
Lots of information. Many things happening "at once". Learning to live with uncertanity when it shows its face thorough the window is essential now. Learining to "surf these energy waves" is what can bring us to the beach while having a good time. It is up to us, but information like the one you post is of great help to know about the currents and undertows.
Posted by: Nic | May 10, 2013 at 03:41 AM
JUST A GENERAL Q REALLY. I lost contact with my son after a fall out during the nov. 2011 eclipse and it still is not resolved. My friend said it was a four year energy and it was just a third of the way through. Can you tell me if things will not sort until the end of 4 years?
Posted by: GLORIA | May 10, 2013 at 01:04 PM
How are all these recent eclipses affected by the pluto uranus squares? Is there anything significant about the pluto uranus square on 20/21 May?
Posted by: Antonia | May 13, 2013 at 02:10 AM