by Robert Wilkinson
Even though the Grand Irrationality is set up to be a major influence through August (due to the recent Lunar Eclipse), Jupiter is now leaving the Gemini zone. However, while it’s been there, it set up trigger zones that will be heavily activated twice in May and twice in June.
Remember the zones of the Grand Irrationality at this time are around 9-13 Capricorn, 1-5 Pisces, 23-27 Aries, 14-18 Gemini, 6-10 Leo, 27 Virgo- 1 Libra, and 18-22 Scorpio. Transiting Pluto creates the Capricorn zone, and Neptune creates the Pisces zone. This configuration is triggered by transits to any of the seven zones.
Jupiter has been in the Gemini zone since the first week of April, and is just now leaving its biseptile to Neptune, completing its part in the play. The inner planets rolled through the Aries zone between April 8-12, as I noted in Astrology in April 2013 – Entering the Grand Irrationality! In that article I also included times when the Moon would trigger the Grand Irrationality in specific ways in April.
We’re now ending this phase of the configuration. However, the choices we made in April associated with decisions affecting our larger destiny will be directly related to whenever Mercury and Venus transit the Gemini zone in a couple of weeks, and when the Sun and Mars transit the Gemini zone in June.
So the larger shifts set up in April and last triggered April 8-12 will be in motion again between May 19-25 when Venus and Mercury move through the Gemini zone. Pay particular attention on May 19-20 and May 23-24 when the Moon is in late Virgo and early Libra and mid-Scorpio. That time will make 4 zones “hot,” with a fifth or even sixth added via the daily Ascendant and MC.
So events related to early April and held in creative tension throughout the month will be activated by Mercury and Venus between May 19-25 wherever we have Gemini in our chart. Then the Sun will vitalize and bring light and power to those things June 2-9. During that week, pay attention June 3-4 and June 7-8 when the Moon first activates a 4th zone in Aries, and then brings form to the Jupiter promise already activated beginning with the New Moon at 19 Gemini on May 8, 8:56 am PDT, 4:56 pm Greenwich Daylight Time.
That of course will also make the Grand Irrationality a huge theme for the month of June, since it drives the New Moon. Because it’ll be barely separating, it indicates the run up to that point in time will be extremely important, and directly related to August and early September 2012, November 2012, and April-May 2013.
It also implies that since it’s the dominant influence of the June New Moon, expect some fairly dramatic expressions related to this influence via Mars from June 19 to 28, with the Moon triggering on June 20-21 (Solstice alert!), June 23-24, and June 26-27. On a related note, the Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere) and Winter Solstice (Southern) happens on June 20, 10:04 pm PDT, 6:04 am Greenwich Daylight time on June 21. Mars is exactly triseptile Pluto, showing the Grand Irrationality will be a major factor in the season between June 20-21 and the Equinox on Sept 22-23. More on this powerful on-going “fork in the road of destiny” influence coming over the next few weeks, especially in the Gemini New Moon and Solstice articles.
For now, complete what must be completed, mobilize, follow through, find newer, wiser approaches to practical matters, and get ready for the coming 20 Taurus Solar Eclipse at 5:28 pm PDT, 8:28 pm EDT June 9, 1:28 am Greenwich Daylight time June 10. And if you’re bored, please take a new look at the many recent Lunar Eclipse Wesak Festival articles just published, since the Grand Irrationality was a major player in that, and therefore its influence over the next 4 months.
We’re solidly in a period of more pressure, more choices, more hard edges, and more weirdness that propels us into a greater destiny. While it’s often not comfortable, (and being the Grand Irrationality, usually makes no sense at all and is somewhat irrational), or things seem to have a compulsory edge, it’s still a time to get it in gear and move into a more easy and enjoyable way to do our Being. Remember things don’t need to make sense, and practice good surfing skills as you ride the waves of change.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Birthday 22 June, oh joy, this cancerian really doesnt do mars energy too well and pluto well he's worn me out already, so this will be an interesting solar return chart for me... thank goodness Jupiter will just about be on my 0'sun, hopefully will feel full of life force even if the Mars and Pluto team try to do my head in, again :)
Posted by: debbie | May 05, 2013 at 06:58 AM
oh and had to chuckle with the grand irrationality in play between June 21 and sept 22, so many problems with my brother this past year may well come to a head or be gone, my birthday as mentioned above, his is Sept 22, so yep the grand irrationality has been playing out full force in that relationship for quite some time and obviously noticeable so between us ahead again, doesnt help that pluto in in my 3rd house....Ive stepped back from him the "step back from the crazy person" then when I look back I wonder if Im the crazy one and have done them all a favour stepping back lol, neptune trine mercury anyone? he he!
Posted by: debbie | May 05, 2013 at 07:03 AM
Hi Robert - hope you are feeling on the mend post flu & sting - that was a tough double health whammy. Thanks for all posts since - amazed you were still writing ;-) Grateful for this 'heads-up' - GI zones just starting to hit 4th Hs Jupiter/uranus/mars stellium - 5th Hs Merc/Nept/sun stellium - MC & 6th Hs Venus with 6 natal Sq's!!! Way hey... ;-)
Debbie - had similar situ (not a relative but friend) & had similar thoughts - maybe it's a projection/reflection thing - was were I got to - only way i could make any sense of how 'funky' it felt - so maybe both parties involved think the other 'crazy'!!! Laughed alot at myself post events once sucked head out of spin, realising too it was full on GI Trig Time - Robert's comment that helped alot ... 'it doesn't have to make sense' - got merc conj nept conj sun.
Posted by: H | May 05, 2013 at 03:56 PM
Hi H yes so true, I did indeed look into the projection/reflection and recalled where I had been at a similar point to my young brother and chose to do the hard work and go another way as I didnt like what I had become and didnt "know" who I was any more, so I feel he is showing me where it would have taken me had I continued that way. I simply hope that eventually he will see the changes in me and the success that it is to do that work and be inspired himself, if not, I love him and have hopes for him, yet his choice and my way may not be his way, which I respect.
Thank you for your comment, it helped me to remember that and perhaps look to this upcoming influence with the good possibilities in the front of my mind in my wierd neptune influenced mindset lol!
Best wishes for you H with your personal quest and yes, lots of laughing at myself here too, laughter definitely proves itself as one of the best medicines as it allows the joy to flow through the desert tracks of ones mind as the negatives are flushed out. Namaste :)
Posted by: debbie | May 05, 2013 at 04:37 PM
Thanks Robert!! I know for a fact each conscious-soul has their part/act to play within our unconscious-psychological thought-e-motional theater. Were all here to complete or graduate from past karmic conditions, final exams and test from Earth University and to face those triggers, tricksters head on. And, we each know who they are. Like I said; the more you push them aside or brush 'em under the rug, the stronger it becomes. Saturn doesn't mess around, and it strikes when you least expect it, it's quite a blow or an awakening. I've got Saturn in Sag., Cancer/Leo, Venus in Virgo, Moon in Aries, etc., I've definitely cleaned house in Saggies department-lol. But we've got to re-member, we couldn't fulfill our conditioning without the help of other's and visa versa, which their rowing skills may be old school and on the same row boat. I'm over due for a vacation-Saturn is it 'time' yet?!!! (c:
Posted by: Ter | June 12, 2013 at 09:59 PM