by Robert Wilkinson
The Full Moon of Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius, being conjunct the Lunar Nodes, is a Lunar Eclipse. What does this mean?
Since all Eclipses shut something down, this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which also happens to be the Third High Moon of Spring, known as “the Christ Fest,” begins a 17 day "shut down" in the houses it occupies in our charts. Given the aspects, this one will release a lot of energy for those with imagination and skill. This Eclipse is of extremely short duration, so its effects will be swift and done.
This Eclipse will only be visible from the Americas and western Africa. All of you lucky enough to be able to view this Eclipse remember that when it’s happening, you’re being shown a new way to integrate your body, feelings, and mind, as well as new ways of viewing, understanding, communicating, and knowing. The line of development is one of deeper ways to feel your relatedness to others as well as within.
Over time this will regenerate us, and show us how the subconscious mind and its imagery affect outer behavior. Ultimately this is showing us a deeper way to connect with life and others, and the growth patterns shown by this and other recent Eclipses will take effective shape this Autumn.
I’ll be discussing more about what this specific Eclipse is about in the next articles on this event. For now, I’ll just say that we began a long term process of elimination and shedding old ideas, perceptions, environments, and relationships in June of 2011. This was ramped up by the Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of November 2011 and again in the Gemini Solar Eclipse of May 2012 and Sagittarius Solar Eclipse of December 2012.
All the Eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius, both Solar and Lunar, served to shut down old ways of life, thinking, and understanding wherever we have Gemini and Sagittarius in our charts. There's a lot about them in the archives if you want to know more about their ongoing influence.
April’s Wesak Lunar Eclipse began a time of shutting down old ways of life, feeling, and valuing wherever we have Taurus and Scorpio in our charts, opening us to a form of “Buddha Wisdom.” This one will shut down old ways of living and experiencing life areas wherever we have Gemini and Sagittarius in our charts, opening us to new forms of the world teaching.
So like most Lunar Eclipses, this one ushers in a transitional period, in this case a very short one of 17 days that will clear things out of our lives, and especially our past (the Moon). The space created can attract circumstances, people, and ideas opening new opportunities and adventures via the Mercury and Venus conjunctions to Jupiter.
We’ll still be under the influence of Solar Eclipses in recent years for a while. The very powerful June 2011 Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini sent the Grand Irrationality into intense oscillation that still is helping all of us release ghosts from the past so that we can move forward without excess psychological (and maybe physical!) baggage. This will be pretty much over by mid-June.
This Lunar Eclipse gives us opportunities to continue to learn how to manage magnetism, and see “the appearance of the beloved on the balcony of our consciousness” if we can define role, function, and imagery precisely according to our heart’s desire. While there will be some gear grinding, there is also a lot of room to move about in our view, understanding, seeing the need for balance or perspective in some important area in our lives.
There will be shifts in the relationship to the larger field due to the T-square created by Neptune to the Eclipse. For some, fogs and confusion. If this is the case, come up for air, or double down on learning what you need to. For others, clarity of role, clarity of mission, clarity of what others aren’t seeing, and clarity of subtle influences others need to be made aware of.
Due to the Moon occupying the exact degree Mercury went stationary retrograde on in November 2012, some coming Eclipse effects will be related to what signs, signals, and understandings Mercury brought us in the period between early November and late-December 2012. We got a dress rehearsal or three during that time regarding finding peace and poise in a calm and mellow “translucid wisdom.” Now we get to demonstrate that over the next two weeks through what is released.
And now, here’s a bit from the NASA Lunar Eclipse page:
The second lunar eclipse of the year again occurs at the Moon's ascending node in Scorpius about 7° northwest of Antares (mv = +1.07). With a penumbral eclipse magnitude of 0.0158, just 0.5 arc-minutes of the Moon's southern limb will pass into Earth's pale penumbral shadow; such a shallow eclipse is only of academic interest since it will be all but impossible to detect.Nevertheless, the Moon's contact times with Earth's penumbra are listed below.
Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 03:53:11 UT
Greatest Eclipse: 04:10:00 UT
Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 04:26:56 UTDuring the event, the Moon will be visible from the Americas and western Africa. Figure 3 shows the path of the Moon through the penumbra as well as a map showing the geographic regions of visibility.
The May 25 penumbral lunar eclipse is the very first eclipse of Saros 150, a series of 71 eclipses in the following sequence: 8 penumbral, 23 partial, 12 total, 15 partial, and 13 penumbral lunar eclipses (Espenak and Meeus, 2009). Saros 150 peaks with a total eclipse on 2680 Jul 04 and it ends on 3275 Jun 30.
In the next parts, we'll explore the Ascendants around the world, the qualities of the Eclipse, the Sabian Symbols, the aspects, configurations, and other specifics of this fairly weak Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Christ Fest Full Moon in Gemini-Sagittarius. Check back in tomorrow!
For more about Eclipses in general, how they are timed for effects, and other seldom considered considerations (con = "to be with" + sider = "the stars"), please check out yesterday’s post, Astrology in May 2013 - On The Threshold of a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 5 Sagittarius-Gemini
For more on the Moon's Sabian Symbol of 5 Sagittarius, and some insights about what Mercury brought to us via that degree, please revisit Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio in November 2012 – Finding Peace and Poise Through An Objective Approach to the Craziness
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
I just realized ......the gravity of wonder I feel like I am drowning!!!
my sun is afflicted by uranus and pluto
my scorpio ascendant is afflicted, my co-rulers are both afflicted
my natal moon in the first is afflicted squaring my progressed moon in the fourth also conjunct transiting neptune
and now the eclipse is going to join in and conjuct my 5 sag natal moon and give
me a nice big fat double t-square!
clearly...I should be hiding in a cave at this point!
PS. and u wondered why I asked about mercury and venus trining my natal neptune in 18 libra? hopefully it's some sort of saving grace
Posted by: Christy | May 22, 2013 at 04:42 PM
I have a rather specific question: This eclipse will be smack on my moon/mars conjunction in the 6th house. The moon is also my ruler. I feel a certain urgency about it, like this is going to be a game changer. Do you have any inspirational insight for me? :-)
Posted by: Daniela | May 22, 2013 at 04:47 PM
May I offer a link to a song from one of my home boys down under that has been helping those I serve through this testing phase and in the build up to the eclipse and if you get the chance to look at the pictures that accompany the song to stop and enjoy the real beauty of this world as offered by nature herself, Namaste
Much love to you all
Posted by: debbie | May 22, 2013 at 05:23 PM
FYI, I became disconnected from a disfunctional family at the June 2011 eclipse and no fixed abode thus no income since the Nov 2011 eclipse, it has been hard and the anguish/anxiety and the threats on my health have risen and threatened to overwhelm a few times, it is doable, it takes faith, hope and love as indicated in Christian dogma, or simply belief in being a good soul and the possibilities to not give in.
Posted by: debbie | May 22, 2013 at 05:32 PM
I have to say that I too have had similar things happen to me since June 2011 and it's a long road to hoe. The amazing part to me is that everyone I know and work with, if you want to call it a job, seems not to be affected by this, or they have a great acting ability. Why is that Robert? How did that June 2011 Eclipse seem to devastate some and bypass others as if nothing ever happened?
Posted by: Norm | May 22, 2013 at 07:29 PM
I lost my apt on the June 2011 eclipse (immediately, 20 min to evacuate)! 9 degrees Gemini Asc and 6 degrees Aires Sun. And I just moved again this April! @debbie, very sorry to hear as I can relate to those issues. @Robert--I'm loving this site for the information about long term patterns, it is so different from other astrological blogs.
Posted by: megan | May 22, 2013 at 08:08 PM
Debbie, I will pray for you! It sounds like you are, indeed, going through a most challenging time...
Robert, my Progressed Midheaven is at 4 Gemini which is square my natal Pluto at 5 Virgo. Looks like this eclipse may be something that I will really feel.
Just heard that they plan to lay off some of us in my department where I work. Should know by mid-June.
Also have transiting Uranus on my 10 Aries natal Midheaven -- so major change is on the horizon in whatever form....
Posted by: Catherine | May 22, 2013 at 08:24 PM
I have my sun in 10 degrees Gemini and moon in 27 degrees Sagittarius. Mercury 29 degrees Gemini. What does this mean for me?
Posted by: Aisha | May 25, 2013 at 07:46 PM