by Robert Wilkinson
Venus has now entered Cancer and begun its dance in the Grand Water Trine gala!
In this sequence of Grand Water Trines, we’ve already begun to get some form of understanding or communication via Mercury, and will now begin to have our Venusian experience of the Grand Water Trine through the next week or so. This harmonizes the planets and houses in our charts involving Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, and Libra (these signs ruled by Mercury and Venus) with areas involving Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces (these signs ruled by Saturn and on a spiritual level, Neptune).
The Moon will make the Grand Water Trine June 9-10, as will the Sun from June 21-27. Jupiter moves everything into a new dimension and expanding reality when it enters Cancer June 25 at 6:40 pm PDT, June 26 at 2:40 am Greenwich. The Jupiter Grand Water Trine lasts through late July.
Mars brings up the finalization process when it enters Cancer July 13 at 6:22 am PDT, 2:22 pm Greenwich. It will make a Grand Water trine from then through the third week of July.
This will initiate a time when planets and houses ruled by these transiting planets (Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces) are pulled into the harmony or understanding being initiated now. So take note of how Mercury and Venus are showing the future way, since we'll have integration practice later this month, and expansion and implementation practice in July.
As you can see, this is a series of rolling “wave forms” that will stabilize things wherever we have early Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces via the planets transiting those sectors. As noted, it will affect planets and houses involving the transiting planets making the trines. While the current trines harmonize those sectors I’ve already noted, they herald the major developments to come as the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars all join the party!
So from one point of view, we’re learning “feeling-knowing” via Mercury, and then Venus, and then Sun, and then Jupiter, and then Mars. Regard it as thinking, relating, illuminating, expanding, then activating. Another way to look at this sequence is envisioning, valuing, integrating, blessing, then implementing across a 9 week span.
How we’re playing these aspects and how we are shaping our lives accordingly will come to a focus July 6-7 when the Moon makes a Grand Water Trine just before hitting the New Moon point at 17 Cancer on July 8, 12:14 am PDT, 8:14 am Greenwich Daylight time. So consider this time of Mercury and Venus showing up to kick things off as merely the prelude to greater clarity, understanding, and harmony of function (however perfectly or imperfectly) to come as the Sun, Jupiter, and Mars all make their Trines between late June and late July.
Things have begun to flow, so get your paddles ready (or your surfboards - the swells have begun)!!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
don't have an empheris handy - but I am pretty sure Saturn in Scorpio goes direct as well during that Moon Grand Water trine on July 6-7
(I know because I am counting the days! because it's on my natal mars and my ascendant!)
Posted by: Christy | June 03, 2013 at 11:27 AM
Hi Christy - Yes, Saturn goes SD on July 7-8, exactly with the Lunar Grand Water Trine AND Venus trine Uranus just before the New Moon. We shall truly see what's "indestructable" while being led out into unknown zones that will test our endurance just before a karmic adjustment that will bring everything into extremely clear focus in mid-July when the Grand Trine between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune is partile. With Saturn on your Ascendant, "you're not a kid anymore..." Welcome to the end of whatever began back in the early 80s, with a new rigor, expertise, discipline, or set of responsibilities already arising. Everything you've prepared for since last November is about to start moving (or flowing) forward. You'll open to new truths, new futures, new philosophical approaches, and a wider view of possibilities over the next year or so.
Posted by: Robert | June 03, 2013 at 11:38 AM
wow Robert, thank you for the elaboration!
I'm hoping that Saturn crossing the asc (at 11:45) is me benefitting from work I've already put in too because it's going to trine my cancer stellenium sun, uranus and venus in (12:45, 14:07 & 15 :30), respectively and I do need a new career now
I only had two things I began last November one was more actively pursuing information on the new energy, consciousness, energy healing et al and preparing a formal complaint about my former employer to file with his licensing au authority
as for the 80's ...who knows I moved to different states twice and started working with an airline..but as fpr.beginning anything idea at all...oh ....except planning to win the powerball jackpot! :)
thanks again!
Posted by: Christy | June 03, 2013 at 03:38 PM
hi Robert, thanks for this. I must say today has been very different for me from the day before and now i see it's because Venus just moved into my sun sign Cancer. i had fun dreams last night then i slept late. i've been lazy, mellow, relaxed, cheerful all day and i went to Michael's and bought bling jewelry. it's been like a happy fog. strangest transit i've seen in a long time but i like it. i feel great. (sun, moon and Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio 6/29/54.) namaste :)
Posted by: Valerie | June 03, 2013 at 04:32 PM
Thanks for all this wonderful and timely information. Time to "Catch a wave."
Posted by: dcu | June 03, 2013 at 10:01 PM
Interesting and hopeful read thank you, with my sun at 0'cancer and merc at 8'cancer, my solar return this year on June 22 may actually have some easier even assisting aspects in it compared to all the pluto and Uranus ones the past few, I am relieved :)
Posted by: Debbie | June 04, 2013 at 04:57 AM
Thankyou for this most illuminating and encouraging post. My ruling planet (mercury - sun in Gemini) is at 5 degrees of Cancer and my Jupiter at 7 degrees trine my Moon at 7 of Pisces. So I am in what I feel to be a hugely creative and spiritually active time. I'm ready to ride the waves and see where they take me. Bright Blessings one and all!
Posted by: Julia | June 04, 2013 at 05:05 AM
Uurgh. Well I'm glad some people are having fun. :)
Myself, with a Natal Saturn opposing that transiting Venus and transiting Saturn retrograde in my Sun and Ascendant, I've been unable to sleep well, plus I've been hit by thoroughly unexpected bouts of frustration.
Sigh. I know it will pass, but...godsdammit!
Terri in Joburg
Posted by: Aquila Ka Hecate | June 04, 2013 at 07:27 AM
Hi Robert -- so I was rereading your comment and trying to go a little deeper with the upcoming aspects --
and then I realized you mentioned that Venus is going join in the Water Trine Gala and she's "going to trine Uranus" - did you mean Neptune there?
thanks much!
Posted by: Christy | June 04, 2013 at 11:23 AM
'what's indestructable' . . . awesomelike. Amazed at how everything is turning over and rollin up and rollin out.
Posted by: caliban | June 04, 2013 at 11:57 AM
Hi all - you all seem to be having fun riding the waves. Me too, except for a couple of difficult interactions with rude people in other forums. Still, the flow is on!!
Hi Aquila - Well, some of it isn't "fun" but it is still good to practice navigation skills. Venus opposition Saturn can help soften some of how Saturn manifests, I suspect you're mainly dealing with Saturn on the Sun/Asc, since that brings many things to completion that began back in 1982-1985. You should be in a much more "response-able" authoriship of your life by the time Saturn finishes this transit. New rigor, new roles to play, new sense of maturity and experience to move into a more focused life and purpose. Exercise the Saturn virtues and you'll do fine. And since it seems Christy is also having Saturn visit her Asc, please re-read what I told her.
Hi Christy - No. Please note I was discussing when Saturn goes direct in about a month. At that point Venus will trine Uranus.
Posted by: Robert | June 04, 2013 at 05:21 PM
ah. got it...we're talking about July 6-8 ...not June
thanks......neptune on my diunal asc today. :0
Posted by: Christy | June 04, 2013 at 07:17 PM
Thank you, Robert. I'm indeed starting to see some completion of early '80s projects.
Terri in Joburg
Posted by: Aquila Ka Hecate | June 04, 2013 at 08:08 PM
Happy for this Water Trine because I am a cancer with a natal Water Trine (Jupiter Neptune Mercury)!!
Posted by: ulrika | June 08, 2013 at 09:44 AM
I hope the upcoming trines do bring positive changes in my relationship and career. I'm an Aries moon sign with cancer sun sign.
Posted by: Varsha | June 19, 2013 at 09:22 PM