by Robert Wilkinson
Since these two configurations are dominating the landscape for this New Moon through late Summer, I will share an image with you that seems to sum it up.
The Grand Water Trines are happening around 4-7 of the Water signs. As the planets move through early Cancer and make trines to Saturn and Neptune, we are flowing, moving easily with the current, swirling around and around but having a fun time and a good ride being carried along. We all get a good water ride from these trines.
These are followed by the Cardinal T-squares that happen when something is around 9-12 Cancer. We move from the harmonious flow of the trines into the jarring, abrupt, and unexpectedly intense experiences of the Cancerian squares to Uranus and oppositions to Pluto. These throw the void into Libra.
The image I got is that we’re all riding the waters in one of the most fun water theme parks imaginable. Flowing, drifting, splashing, and being carried by the current. Then unexpectedly we find ourselves going over a rim into a fearful plunge we never saw coming! One minute we’re flowing along, the next minute going over the edge plunging downward into another pool. And if we don’t have our balance (Libra) we will most surely be flipped into the water!!
Then as we begin to flow again in the next pool, having another great time of it, we unexpectedly find ourselves going over another edge, plunging head first downward into yet another pool. Welcome to the water sports of the Summer of 2013!! Flowing and then plunging, flowing and then plunging. This will continue quite a while, so if you get dunked occasionally, laugh and enjoy the refreshing water (feelings) in the midst of some pretty intense heat (Uranus square Pluto)!!
Copyright © 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Posted by: Isabella Dove | June 09, 2013 at 04:43 PM
That pretty much sums up life, one has to discriminate and learn when to go with the flow and when to stop, ask questions and either proceed or not... A great lesson for all of us! :)
Posted by: AlwaysHope | June 09, 2013 at 05:40 PM
Love the image Robert. Brings to mind a baptism, where symbolically we leave behind one way of life, are immersed into water to emerge to a new way of being. Except coming into this aspect after a May of eclipse energy and pluto square uranus exact I feel I started with the plunge and dunk and only now have a feeling of head above water floating, drifting, and enjoying the flow. Now the next few days, moon, venus opposite pluto. Holding my breath while trying to laugh!
Posted by: Evan | June 09, 2013 at 10:24 PM
Just swim!
Posted by: ulrika | June 10, 2013 at 01:25 AM
well something is over shadowing my trines I guess.....
and today with th moon cancer I have more being activated including to transiting NN and transiting chiron. but truly i have never felt more miserable! oppressed, repressed, depressed. (pretty much all the "pressed" words)
this doesn't even feel like my life any more and then mental confusion just adds to the mess
so I assume this is transiting Saturn squaring my natal transpluto and natal mercury which are conjunct
but I could sure go for a trine or two right now
Posted by: Christy | June 10, 2013 at 11:34 AM
I have natal 5' Uranus in my 8th house Cancer. Does thigs save me from the Cardinal T- squares at 9-12'?
Posted by: Suzanne | June 10, 2013 at 02:21 PM
Thanks for the analogy to gain an image, its already been flowing and dunking this cancerian which suprised me cos I only have planets at 0 and 8 and hoping that the T square will give my 14 libra moon in 12th house a miss lol! The only extreme sport I would ever consider is white water rafting, so will work good with your picture painting words.
Is there anything in play at the moment that would have "past life" influence, I have never intentionally gone there, never felt drawn to, yet since the full moon eclipse some have "come back to me mindwise" which has given an understanding of my now and the opportunity to forgive and release it all, like a final time portal backward before the time portal forward, I know it sounds weird even to me, yet that is how it has been, quite heavy sorrow yet enthusiastic to get it done and on that wave, if that makes any sense at all, so yeah, the question which probly got lost in all that is if Robert or anyone else has an idea, what planetary influences natal or global, have the potential for past life trigger, would it be saturn in scorpio?
Posted by: debbie | June 10, 2013 at 07:49 PM
Actually I just remembered Saturn rx in Scorp is trining Neptune rx in Pisces, think I just answered my own question, lol!
Posted by: debbie | June 10, 2013 at 09:32 PM
May 27 through August 7 equally gives mental confusion vs Balance. Life is a thought conditioned in time as college-university and most of all spring-summer-fall breaks. From: "Stages-Seasons-Illuminiti Calendar"
Patience, Breathe, Balance, Meditate, Yoga, nature, breath, balance, mindfulness, moment to moment walking, Let go, don't force, intuition, waking up is a lifetime process, in spite of difficulity.
Posted by: Ter | June 12, 2013 at 10:26 PM