by Robert Wilkinson
I forgot to note it then, but yesterday was one of the turning points in music history.
For it was yesterday, June 1, 1967, that the album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" was released by the Beatles, kicking off the legendary "Summer of Love." This initiated a global blossoming of a spirit of "peace, love, and flower power" arising spontaneously in millions of young people (and oldsters young of heart!) all over the world.
It also seems there is some confusion about our current Grand Water Trines and what was happening back then. To set the record straight, there was no momentous Grand Water Trine in the Summer of Love. There was a Grand Water Trine in March-April 1967 with the inners in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer, and Neptune in Scorpio.
That Summer there were the inners in Cancer trine Neptune, but the only times a Grand Water Trine (GWT) happened that Summer were when something was in late Cancer and the Moon was in late Pisces – very brief occurrences happening only on June 1, 29, and July 26.
Historically, it is accepted that The Summer of Love vibe was initiated on June 1 1967 with the release of Sgt. Peppers on the quickly passing GWT with Moon in Pisces. But it is also history that "the Summer of Love" took off in popular culture at the Monterey Pop Festival 2 weeks later with Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo (Love, love, love) both trine Saturn in Aries.
As I noted in a comment yesterday on this subject, I believe the "Summer of Love" was created by Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo trine Saturn in Aries followed by Sun and Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Leo trine Saturn. And to note, the Moon in Sagittarius just after Monterey created a Grand Fire Trine that helped the word of what happened there spread "like wildfire."
(We also had Mars in Sag trine Saturn in late September when the Moon in Leo made another Grand Fire Trine. But there were only very brief Grand Water Trines during the Summer of Love.)
It was an exciting and happy time. We experienced something that there were no words to describe at the time, but in the years since then I've realized we all experienced "tribe." We knew who knew and who didn't.
While there were still a lot of ego problems and individual hangups, it was a magical initiation of a generation into a oneness no one had experienced before then in that collective way. We stepped outside of cultural norms, experienced a magic unlike anything known to those in authority, and paid the price for that awareness. But at least some of us realized, applied those realizations, and lived that direct experience for the rest of our lives, however imperfectly. Monterey!
"Young gods smiled upon the crowd, Their music being born of love
Children danced night and day, Religion was being born, Down in Monterey
Three days of understanding Of moving with one another
Even the cops grooved with us Do you believe me? Yeah
Down in Monterey Down in Monterrey, yeah
I think that maybe I'm dreamin'
Monterey Monterey, yeah Down in Monterey"
Eric Burdon and the New Animals perform "Monterey"
I'll repost this for those who wonder what all the fuss was about. Here's The Summer of Love Documentary. While some of it seems a bit naive and quaint, it was still the first time a generation found itself outside the looking glass staring in at the weird scenes inside the gold mine.
If you haven't seen it, please poke around and find the original movie by D.A. Pennebaker documenting the music and the magic! The Who, Mamas and the Papas, Ravi Shankar, Hugh Masekela, the Greatful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, the Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, Simon and Garfunkel, Laura Nyro, Janis, Jimi, and a whole lot more. It really was a magical time.....
And 46 years ago yesterday, it all started with this: "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
This review of 1967 woke me up into tears
The power of our innocence feels even stronger in hindsight.
Thank you very much for reminding us to keep the full picture of our identity.
Posted by: Sherry | June 02, 2013 at 03:39 PM
We still know who knows and who doesn't...
Posted by: Anne Robinson | June 03, 2013 at 06:32 AM