by Robert Wilkinson
This week we have a tremendous amount of action going on while cruising in the groove of the Grand Water Trine!
The Moon enters Scorpio today, July 16, at 7:24 am PDT, 3:24 pm Greenwich (BST) setting everything into motion via trines to Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune while conjuncting Saturn. Tomorrow, July 17, the Moon anticipates the Grand Sextile Merkaba 6-pointed Star pattern as it sextiles Pluto.
On July 17, Jupiter completes trines to Saturn and Neptune in a perfect harmonic across the 5th degree of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. This trine energy will be in full force for at least the rest of the month, especially each time an aspect is made to any of these three planets.
Also, this point in time completes a one-week “karmic adjustment” that has served to correct our trajectory and remove any remaining obstacles to our embrace of the new emotional intelligence we’ve been cultivating since the Winter Solstice in December 2012 when we all stepped across a threshold of evolution. On July 19-20, we should all see the results of the karmic adjustment very clearly, since that marks the threshold of the Mars conjunct Jupiter, setting a long wave cycle into motion around the theme of 6 Cancer. I’ll be composing on this soon.
Uranus going stationary retrograde at 13 Aries at 10:20 am PDT, 6:20 pm Greenwich on July 17 also marks an important threshold, where we’re all promised the “stirring up of a new identity” if we don’t get impatient or frustrated at the pace. Any time the outer Transpersonal planets go stationary retrograde or direct it marks important “sea changes” in the transformational realm that affects the entire race. This now begins a review of the Uranian lessons we’ve been experiencing since it went stationary direct at 5 Aries in mid-December 2012.
On July 19, Saturn makes its exact trine to Neptune, finishing those energies set into motion back when Saturn entered Scorpio in late October 2012. This trine will also be triggered every time a planet makes an aspect to either of these planets for a while to come.
On July 20, 11:22 am PDT, 7:22 pm Greenwich, Mercury goes stationary direct at 14 Cancer on the Star Sirius, “the Sun of our Sun.” I’ll be posting an extensive article Friday on that event, which is of major importance for all of us for the next 4 months. Also on July 20, Mars trines Saturn and Neptune, again setting the Grand Water Trine energies in perfect harmony of flow, even though Mars is triggering effects of the “karmic adjustments” opened by Jupiter a few days ago.
Also on July 20, the Moon enters Capricorn at 11:39 am PDT, 7:39 pm Greenwich. It then triggers aspects and events directly related to the Grand Sextile in the making later in July. All of the events triggered by the Moon in Scorpio (described above) and the Moon in Capricorn follow patterns that have been established since the Moon in Virgo on July 11-12 filled in the coming Venus span of degrees in the 6 pointed Star.
Also, during this entire week we are in an “old Moon” phase, pulling a lot together in anticipation of the coming Full Moon at 1 Leo-Aquarius. That Full Moon occurs on July 22, 11:15 am PDT, 7:15 pm Greenwich just after the Sun enters Leo at 8:56 am PDT that day. I’ll be composing something on that this weekend.
Also on July 22, Mars conjuncts Jupiter at 0:35 am PDT, 8:35 am Greenwich at 6 Cancer, followed by Venus entering Virgo about 5 hours later. So next Monday features both of these significant events, as well as the Sun entering Leo and the Full Moon!
At that point the coming Great Sextile is already set into motion, along with Mars entering the Cardinal T-square and opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus around the time the Sun squares Saturn, releasing the Scorpio energies built via the trines. Lots of very intense activity during that time, so be practical as you follow the flow into a greater life and effectiveness!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Wow! You and the Universe are busy squirrels! May we hold the balance for the benefit of Self and All, calling for Maximum Healing and Love and the Grace of Flow from the Divine Water element ... and yes, be practical as we flow into a greater life and effectiveness! Namaste.
Posted by: Virginia | July 16, 2013 at 05:27 AM
I have a feeling 'overwhelming' is the dish of the month Robert! I'm moving into a new place on the 20th. It's due to some extraordinary awesome serendipity that is still hard to believe. What a time it is.
Posted by: Ann | July 16, 2013 at 05:41 AM
i feel like this is going to be a big turning point moment in my life. my sun is 7 degrees cancer in my 7th house, my partners mars and venus conjunct my sun at 7 and 4 degrees, respectively. they will be conjunct transiting jupiter and mars all in my 7th. and the full moon is in my 1st house. im hoping the developments that take place will be positive for my relationship goals! mercury direct will be big too, as my partner is a gemini sun (my venus conj his sun in my 5th) so this mercury rx has done a number on us, having been in cancer in my 7th. ready to move forward! thanks for the post, really informative and helpful!
Posted by: acquagal | July 16, 2013 at 08:29 AM
This Mercury RX has hit me hard will just be happy when things return to normal. I don't seem to be affected personally by all of these happenings other than the Mercury RX. But do enjoy reading about it!
Posted by: Trixie | July 16, 2013 at 10:26 AM
I'm interested to see how this plays out. My natal sun is 06 deggrees cancer 52 min. in the 8th house. Pluto will be transiting the cusp of third house, Uranus the cusp of 6th, neptune conjunct natal moon 5th house. ,sun conjunct natal uranus 10th house. Venus conjuct natal Jupiter in 10th.And Chiron conjunct natal Mars. I'll be camping in the Sierra Mountains.Full moon opposing Uranus and squaring Neptune in the 12th.
Just learning astrology about 6 months now.
Posted by: Jonna | July 16, 2013 at 10:31 AM
ooops Uranus is in 9th house.
Posted by: Jonna | July 16, 2013 at 10:33 AM
Quadruple Scorpio, here, with Scorpio Sun 5 degrees getting a direct hit from it ALL.
"Releasing Scorpio energy" means that we should expect the three evolutionary levels of Scorpio to come into full play:
First, the unevolved poisonous stiinger of Revenge that -- remember this, people! --Kills the Scorpion.
So the vengeful obstructionist US GOP could get stung by its own stingers.
Then we have the Eagle Scorpio energy getting released. The Eagle is the symbol of the modern West in the Condor-Eagle myth and prophecy of the Andean people. Eagle Scorpionic energy is also associated with the famous intensity and focus -- and obsessiveness -- of Scorpios. Obsessive thinking or focused?
In the Andean myth, Eagle and Condor finally come together, with Condor symbolizing the heart. Cannot help but see the Condor in the Jupiter-Cancer, Pisces-Neptune angles of the trine, giving the heart the advantage against a fiercely obsessive Western Eagle mind.
It all depends in the end on the third Scorpio energy, the most evolved, the Phoenix. The Phoenix does not only rise from the ashes. In the Phoenix myth, the phoenix only gets to SING at that moment -- a one time chance at voicing something. The belief is that the one time song of the Phoenix is the next WAY of creation, the next mission and purpose of universal creative energy.
My best version as a 4xScorpio of this release is that the poisonous stingers of life, liberty and human joy get poisoned by themselves, and The West becomes intensely, obsessively single minded on creating all the new sustainable ways to live on the planet with each other.
Posted by: MimiK | July 17, 2013 at 02:32 PM
Thanks for the heads up on the grand sextile. Took some time to look at it. Am looking forward to your read on it.
Supposedly the last one was in 1945? But if you count chiron there was a grand sextile in november 2003 at the lunar eclipse? That one kind of makes me itch because at that time me life changed forever.
Posted by: caliban | July 19, 2013 at 08:18 AM