by Robert Wilkinson
We have a New Moon coming Monday! Over the next 4 weeks, the New Moon in Cancer indicates a time of personality integration through positive actions on our own behalf, with serendipity in the air! We’re all getting “new blood,” whatever that means to us. Some will receive gifts that are perfect for their situation, and opportunities that are perfect for their gifts! What’s not to like?
This New Moon in Cancer is activating, self-gathering and self-nurturing, protective, caring, and acts in its own self-interest. We’re in the thick of energies that will predominate through June, July, and August, with echoes lasting until August 2014. We’ve already gotten clear signals about how feelings are flowing or not, and this New Moon will reveal how our personality is or is not open to being filled with “archetypal Soul elements.”
This Lunation is the newest expansive reorienting phase of the new life experience that has its roots in the new archetypes that came forth in between late 2009 and early 2011, when there were a series of conjunctions in Aries that opened our lives to new futures. These long wave pulses were recently renewed in March and April and stabilized in May. This Lunation will anchor those pulses in our feeling-nature.
We are now able to externalize facets of those renewed beginnings, and have already begun to shift internal allegiances away from old cares and concerns into new ones. This New Moon helps us to implement what has been shown to us these past 2 months, and continues to expand what has already begun to grow.
This initiating, self-gathering, and “getting it in the hand” New Moon occurs at 17 Cancer on July 8, 0:14 am PDT, 3:14 am EDT, 8:14 am Greenwich Daylight (July 7 in Maui.) The Lunation finds 10 Aries rising in Santa Monica, 4 Aries in Vancouver, 10 Gemini in Toronto, 18 Gemini in Montreal, and 9 Gemini in Washington DC. That means the span of Ascendants across North America is between early Aries and mid-Gemini.
Continuing eastward, we find rising signs of 14 Gemini in Rio, 9 Leo in Lisbon, 22 Leo in London, 2 Virgo in Berlin, 6 Virgo in Sofia, 24 Leo in Johannesburg, and 19 Virgo rising in Moscow. That means the span of Ascendants across Europe and Africa is between early Leo and mid-Virgo.
Moving into Asia and Oceana, we find Ascendants at 16 Libra in Abbottabad, 20 Libra in New Delhi, 23 Libra in Trivandrum, 19 Scorpio in Phnom Penh, 24 Scorpio in Hong Kong, 10 Sagittarius in Tokyo, 18 Sagittarius in Perth, 18 Capricorn in Melbourne, 19 Capricorn in Brisbane, 13 Aquarius in Wellington, and 21 Aquarius rising on Maui (July 7).
So you can construct a rough chart for where you are in the world, I’ll give you the rounded up degree for each planet. Use the Ascendants given above to get a rough sense of what’s on the eastern horizon where you are, and using an Equal House system, you can see what’s going on in your part of the world for the next 4 weeks.
In this New Moon at 17 Cancer, Mercury is 19 Cancer retrograde, Venus is 13 Leo, Mars is 27 Gemini, Jupiter is 3 Cancer, Saturn is 5 Scorpio stationary direct, Uranus is 13 Aries, Neptune is 6 Pisces retrograde, Pluto is 11 Capricorn retrograde, TransPluto is 30 Leo, Chiron is 14 Pisces retrograde, and the NN is 16 Scorpio.
When a Lunation is on one of the angles of a chart, it is said to be particularly powerful. Among the cities covered in this column, this month the Lunation is culminating in Pakistan and India, and setting in Melbourne and Brisbane. The New Moon is on the nadir on the west coast of North America, and shows it rising in no city on our list, though this Lunation is rising in far eastern Canada and Greenland.
This is the fourteenth in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the sign preceding the Sun of the following Full Moon. In other words, this New Moon in Cancer will have a Full Moon in Leo and Aquarius. This is the reverse of the sequence of the 20 months preceding the 2012 Gemini New Moon that all had the New Moon in the same sign as the subsequent Full Moon.
That pattern has been reversed, but will shift back to “normal” with the New and Full Moons of August. Since I explain this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles, I’ll elaborate more on this reversal of “the natural order of things” in the next Full Moon articles coming in about two weeks.
The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
This New Moon is dynamically active, even if the energies seem out of balance and at times all over the map. We can expect huge new developments wherever we have Cancer in our charts, so get ready to embrace a new path to the unknown, new forms of personality integration that will help us understand the perfection of our life lessons and experience and help us integrate it in the spiritual realm.
This sets up major expansions and opportunities for this Autumn that will resonate through next Spring. Be open to “putting it all together” and claiming experiences that are perfect for your Soul growth and/or expression. This period will show us the power in saying goodbye “at the grave” of something that opens the door to a life renewal on our own terms, fueled by the “God Within.”
We were all given opportunities to know our invisible helpers over the past 6 years via the Inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun in late June 2007 which awakened the process of communication with these forces in our lives. Our ability to tune in and communicate with these “fortuitous nature spirits” has been especially strong since the Spring of 2012, with huge boosts around the Solar T-square void Late Sept 2012, and the Full Moons of late October 2012 and late March 2013. This prepared the ground for what will open in late July.
Venus now opens us to retiring from old dramas, and distilling wisdom from a more mature way of viewing past experiences. The next 4 weeks will give us the forms that will be filled with life contents in August, preparing the ground for major developments in 2014-2015.
Mars is on the degree of the Jupiter in last month’s New Moon. Please refer to those articles to learn more about what will be activate by Mars over the next 4 weeks, or perhaps we will see that whatever Jupiterian seeds were offered during the past 4 weeks can now be acted upon, or will begin to bring us activity around those visions, truths, possibilities, or opportunities.
Saturn continues to set up situations where we’ll all be introduced into more complex, intense, and/or deep relationships. We are now launched fully into the lessons of 2013 involving us meeting others at the highest possible level of social interaction rather than with an “everyday” type of attitude.
Its influence over the next 4 weeks is specifically aimed at solidifying or structuring what was set into motion at the recent Wesak Festival Lunar Eclipse at 6 Taurus-Scorpio and “Christ Fest” at 5 Sagittarius-Gemini. We will learn the next phase of that “Buddha Wisdom” through Saturn over the next 4 weeks. Since that Wesak Full Moon indicates heavy lessons over the next few months as well as the entire year, I’ve included links to that very important “Second High Moon” of Spring at the bottom of this post, as well as the posts for the Christ Fest.
This will be a highly dynamic New Moon, activating our Cancer sectors in huge ways! We will awaken to a more “up close and personal” feeling-knowing, and integrate what we’ve been learning into a more perfectly formed personality. Go for the unknown, follow the striving that keeps you reaching for something beyond the familiar, welcome new energies and knowledge, and allow the feeling-flow and emotional intelligence happening via the Grand Water Trine between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune.
Now that Mercury is retrograde, the next four weeks will feature reviews, returns, re-thinking plans, and compress the energies, since Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Moon, and Mercury will all be within a very tight span. So it's a time to look back, get a new view, a new understanding, or a new way of approach.
Since Venus leads the bunch out in Leo where the rest will follow in August, it is the “herald” for all that will develop through the rest of the Summer into the Autumn. And of course, Saturn continues to help us eliminate and get rid of all that we don’t want nor need to take with us into a future that’s going to unfold fairly rapidly in July. When in doubt, you might as well let go, since you cannot hold on to those things anyway.
Because of where Jupiter is in Cancer, we’ve begun that adventure of having Jupiter in that sign, though there will be echoes due to Mars being on the same degree Jupiter was in Gemini in the last New Moon. This is the first New Moon with Jupiter in Cancer, and leads us into unknown zones.
In part 2, we’ll explore more about the influences of this expanding and opening New Moon, and the importance of Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron as we stand on the cusp between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
To learn more about what’s been happening since Jupiter went direct in late January, here are two articles that address that exact thing. Now that Mars is transiting that stationary direct degree, we will see an activation of those energies! At the bottom of part 1, there’s a link to what I wrote when it went retrograde last October about what we could expect these past few months.
Long Wave Astrology January-June 2013 - Jupiter Stationary Direct at 7 Gemini Pt. 1
Long Wave Astrology Through Summer 2013 - Jupiter Stationary Direct at 7 Gemini Pt. 2
Here are two articles on the 2011 June Gemini Solar Eclipse so you can explore the details about how this event has shut down some things in the Gemini areas of our existence:
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 1 - Who Does It Affect and for How Long?
The Solar Eclipse at 12 Gemini June 1-2, 2011 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?
Here are the articles on the recent Wesak Festival Lunar Eclipse at 6 Taurus-Scorpio being brought into focus by Saturn in this New Moon:
Here are the articles on the recent Christ Fest Full Moon at 5 Gemini and Sagittarius that took the wisdom of the Wesak and distributed it to the world:
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
THANK you Robert! Right on as usual. I sold my house in Peoria, AZ (offered on June 13 and the house closes on July 15th). All docs are going thru with ease and speedy, tho I was a bit concerned with Mercury retrograde. I guess that all this has been in process for a few months though and that is the reason, as well as my chosen destiny, that it is going so quickly. I'm packing, packing, packing. We're moving the house ourselves, renting a truck. Moving to Auburn, CA. Going from the Phoenix desert, where you burn up your past and into the Land of Trees. New phase of life for me, starting over with a significant other at the age of 53. It's year 9 since the death of my daughter, Elisha, and her message to me was to remind me of that fact. Cancer is in my 11th house in the sun chart and it has barley moved into the 12th house in my solar chart. So looks like group identity and transcending limitations. :) Thanks again.
Posted by: Joanne | July 07, 2013 at 05:12 AM
Almost too much to absorb, Robert. I better just stay busy and aware this month. This New Moon for me has Sun opp. Sun (and) Mars conj. my Uranus in 2nd house.
Change is in the breeze! The coming August 6th New Moon conjuncts my Pluto in 4th. Not to mention the Sun approaching too! Feeling very optimistic about selling my big house and "going small." Life is such an adventure and you are my coach... Gracias (por todo tu tiempo dedicado a la escritura)
Posted by: Jan | July 07, 2013 at 10:40 AM
Hi Robert,
a couple techinical questions please -- why do you round up to the next degree? I'm curious only because I learned that with respect to lat's and long's but only when the minutes were above "30" - so I wondered what the purpose is-
also, what orb of influence do you apply from transits to natal planets?
and I wet to the archives seeking something on "the new archetypes" as you've mentioned them frequently as of late - but I don't seem to find it - is there something which defines them further?
thanks much!
Posted by: christy | July 07, 2013 at 02:45 PM
Hi Joanne - You're most welcome. Congrats on getting out of the valley of the Sun and into Ecotopia, or at least the land of the gold rush! And yes, when our children depart it's a reminder that life is for living and loving and moving forward into a greater love, wisdom, and way of life.
Hi Jan - One step at a time. Most tell me that they have to read my stuff several times before they can digest most of it. Go for the innovative, as well as ways of expressing your genius. Seems that many are downsizing, including the poster just above you!!
Hi christy - Because that's the way the Sabian Symbols were meant to be interpreted. One should NEVER round latitudes and longitudes of birth places as it creates some major errors depending on how far north or south the chart is for.
As for planetary latitudes, no one I know uses them. As for planetary declinations, never round them. They are in play when within one degree of each other, whether north or south. Only the planetary longitude gets rounded, always up if you're referring to the Sabian Symbols. While there are other symbols created by other people at other times in history, I've done extensive work with them and found them to be interesting, but not steps in a comprehensive "whole system" of 360 phases of evolution.
Orbs are a major topic in themselves. Various aspects have various orbs depending on which planets, where in the sign the aspecting/aspected planets are, and other factors such as collection of light or transference of light.
I discussed the concept of emergent archetypes in detail back when Saturn was transiting 1 Libra, as well as the conjunctions to Saturn on that degree and Jupiter's and Uranus' transits into Aries. I cannot tell each person what their specific archetypes are in comment streams; that's impossible, and besides, it's for each to discover as part of their "Hero's Journey." I touch on some of them in my personal sessions, but that's a different forum than here. That said, you should be able to see a more ideal role or function that has come forth since 2009 if you reflect, and relate that to an archetype relevant to your historical narrative.
Posted by: Robert | July 07, 2013 at 03:22 PM
Robert - when you say 8.14 Greenwich Daylight; do you mean British Summer Time or Greenwich Mean Time ?
Posted by: Adamsirius | July 10, 2013 at 04:18 AM
Hi Adamsirius - Greenwich daylight is British Summer time, so 8:14 is when it happens in England using daylight saving time. Usually I just use "Greenwich" but sometimes put in "daylight" in case someone doesn't get it's daylight saving time. I'll go back to simply using "Greenwich" (GMT) when daylight saving time is no longer used. In the past I've also used UT instead of Greenwich but found most are familiar with Greenwich but not UT.
Posted by: Robert | July 10, 2013 at 06:15 AM
Hi Robert,
I truly enjoyed your article very insightful. I have cancer ascendant 12 degrees so I just experienced this new moon in my first house. For me I have been in the process of marketing my new business which took me the past three months to plan. Now I am gradually generating new clients. I feel optimistic about this new venture in my life. Also, Jupiter will soon be very close to my ascendant. Thanks.
Posted by: Felicia | July 11, 2013 at 09:42 PM