by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon at 1 Leo-Aquarius is fixed, stabilizing, challenging, gifting, and moves a lot of life forward very quickly! This one offers us more activity from our “invisible helpers” that ensure us “good fortune” in the near future as the Great Sextile 6-pointed Star approaches.
Today's article will cover an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. Part 2 will cover the various rising signs around the globe and the Sabian Symbols. Part 3 will cover the aspects, configurations and patterns, and which signs are most likely to be affected by where this falls in their charts.
This consolidating, freeing, combustive, and visionary Full Moon that will pull us in many different (and sometimes conflicted) directions falls at the 1st degree of Leo and Aquarius. This Lunation, helping us simplify and stabilize integrated forms of releasing creative power in social ways, occurs July 22 at 11:15 am PDT, 2:15 pm EDT, and 7:15 pm Greenwich (BST).
An overview of this period ruled by this Full Moon shows it will illuminate our ability to be spontaneous and “combustive” in our expression, given form through our ability to see a greater vision, a greater work, a greater group contribution, or a larger form of world service. Here we can use the Ageless Wisdom to coordinate our inner and outer affairs as the past feeds the future and we find family through cooperative collective enterprises.
This Lunation is extremely high on inspiration, offering us all unique interactive gifts, with a lot of focus on feelings and how they influence thinking. This will be an enormously productive Full Moon, and Venus at 1 Virgo sets the Great Sextile into motion, especially wherever early Taurus is on the Ascendant (New Delhi and Nepal) or Midheaven (New Zealand).
As I noted in the article on Mercury going stationary direct, right now we’re having major echoes from when Saturn was in Cancer 2003-2004 which are certainly activated in this Full Moon. Structures and long term disciplines set into stone back then will show as ideas, opportunities, and ways of acting over the next 2 weeks, or in some way the feeling-experiences of the next two weeks are related to core issues and events from then.
The focus of the light shows a way for us to contribute in greater ways to enduring efforts that will outlive us. We can find spiritual touchstones from other times that we can use to focus the inspiration and spontaneity of the Sun at 1 Leo, or we can participate in building some structure that will be a spiritual touchstone for others far down the road in time. The Moon at 1 Aquarius will help us recognize what is established, or needs to be established, that symbolizes a greater group ideal across time.
Due to the quintile and tredecile formed by the Full Moon to Uranus, magic is in the air, as is serendipity. This will help relieve the pressure on Uranus as the driver of the Cardinal T-square in unique and gifted ways. How we’ve been expressing the Libra requirements of the T-square will yield highly specialized circumstances and many unique blessings for those with planets or angles near 1 Leo/Aquarius and 13 Aries/Libra, as well as 25 Gemini/Sagittarius, 7 Virgo/Pisces, and 19 Taurus/Scorpio.
This will directly relate to the aspects in play in the Mars conjunct Jupiter chart, as well as the recent Mercury stationary retrograde chart. Remember each major astrological event has its own chart, indicating what we can expect during the next cycle ruled by that event.
In the case of Mars conjunct Jupiter, this one at 6 Cancer ends the last Mars conjunct Jupiter cycle that began at 23 Aries in early May 2011, and begins a new cycle that will last until mid-October 2015 when Mars conjuncts Jupiter at 15 Virgo. As you can see, this is a long wave influence.
This Lunation chart also will have a lot in common with the chart for when Mercury goes stationary direct at 14 Cancer, since this Full Moon is only 48 hours later. The planets from Jupiter out will be in identical positions, and Mars has only moved two degrees forward.
The major changes are in the sign positions of the Moon, Venus, and the Sun. Areas in our charts involving Taurus, Cancer, Leo, and Libra will be affected differently by the Mercury direct chart than this Full Moon chart. Still, you may want to study what I said in the article on Mercury going direct, since there’s a lot in there that applies to this coming Full Moon.
Though the Grand Irrationality is not in play in this Lunation, there are two incredibly powerful triseptile-driven aspects in play. The first is the Saturn triseptile Uranus that’s been in effect for a while. You can find more by going to the recent Cancer New Moon articles as well as many others from past weeks while this aspect has been active.
It’s irrational, cooperative-collective, and has been producing forks in the road of destiny involving other people, or work/health related things. Hot zones connected with this aspect are 3-7 Scorpio, 25-29 Sagittarius, 16-20 Aquarius, 8-12 Aries, 30 Taurus-4 Gemini, 21-25 Cancer, and 12-16 Virgo. If you have a planet or angle in one or more of these zones, Saturn and Uranus have been moving you toward a more authentic individuality and a higher destiny.
The other cooperative-collective irrational aspect at work is the Moon triseptile both Mars and Jupiter. Since the Moon rules these planets in Cancer, it is an extremely important aspect. Hot zones connected to this aspect are 4-9 Cancer, 25-30 Leo, 17-22 Libra, 8-13 Sagittarius, 29 Capricorn-4 Aquarius, 21-25 Pisces, and 13-18 Taurus.
If you have a planet or angle in these zones, you will be making critical decisions and choices involving Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces energies. This will help many to move in a different direction that represents a greater, larger, or more altruistic future. And since Mars is at 7 Cancer, a degree of “unusual good luck” for those who cooperate with their “invisible helpers,” expect some great things to happen if these planets impact your chart.
As you can see the first configuration will be triggered when the Moon moves through 16-20 Aquarius, the second one when the Moon moves through 21-25 Pisces, the first when the Moon moves through 8-12 Aries, the second when the Moon moves through 13-18 Taurus, and so forth. That makes July 26-27 and 29 of importance in when these effects will show during the rest of the month.
It also indicates that when the Moon makes the 6-pointed Star of Solomon Grand Sextile on July 28-29 it will be immediately followed by the septile to the Cancer points and biseptile to the Lunar point in the Full Moon chart. Productivity launching destiny!
This Full Moon generates enormous spontaneity and combustive power. Search for a broader vision, a greater contribution to make to the future benefit of others. As this opposition makes a very powerful T-square with Saturn, you can bet that a) whatever spontaneously comes forth will be quite natural, and b) many will have “to discard the past,” or at least “stand at the grave” of something gone so that it opens the door to a life renewal.
Given the aspects, tremendous productivity and stability should happen for those with planets in the first 10 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Moon quincunx Venus will provoke hard adjustments and sacrifices. This will move our reoriented direction through productive feelings that can stabilize our lives, even though what emerges may feel a bit uncertain.
The series of Grand Water Trines that began in early June have helped all of us find appropriate emotional vehicles to navigate this time of tremendous feelings. Once we find the right “emotional intelligence,” then the more we care, the more we become sensitive to, the easier the flow through the crosscurrents indicated by Uranus square Pluto. We cannot avoid the crosscurrents, but we do not have to feel helpless in navigating them. Again, we are learning to trust the process.
This Full Moon shows us a new stability, a new way of understanding time and what it takes to create something lasting. As Saturn is still on the degree where it went direct in July, we now have a new sense of permanence as part of our process of rising to a more refined level of social interaction, or a higher, more sophisticated and refined way of relating to ours and others’ feelings as we move through social experiences.
This is a very long term structuring power offered to humanity at this time. We also have had numerous opportunities to learn the power of harmlessness, and those who have lessened their fear can now radiate a calm that transcends normal understanding. This begins the completion of the lessons around the overcoming of fear and receiving rewards for embracing that gentle way.
We all began to learn how to overcome fear in the Spring of 2012, and then entered an unknown space time sector where we began to learn to view much of what goes on at core through a sense of life being a “science experiment,” with our task to understand the laws that underlie what’s going on. And now that Saturn is again forming a sextile to Pluto, relax into the intensified feelings and experience the platform that is now set giving us the structure of a new life inertia or momentum.
I’ll write more about these things in part 3. The next two weeks will bring a new momentum into the future that’s already unfolding for us to feel. Again, wisdom and “unusual good luck” are factors in this Lunation, so stay focused on new cares, new feelings, and a new sense of stability.
Family and personal feelings will run strong, so be clear about what you’re feeling as a result of the facts you’re seeing or the actions you’ve taken or are taking. Some may experience impatience and frustration at the pace of the process, while others will glimpse a new identity suddenly revealed that revolutionizes the life.
There is a potential for an extraordinarily productive time for those who have learned how to flow and not “push the river.” Here we can move in new directions that may be challenging, but help our personality to grow into a greater Soul awareness and strength.
Opportunity and openings come from letting the past feed the future, and preparing for a more mature and wholehearted self-expression. Those who have mastered programming their subconscious mind can receive feeling impressions of a plan and how to implement it. And of course, there will be non-rational occurrences that open a larger vision of the whole of things.
With the preponderance of planets in Cancer, stay open to emotional knowledge, harmony, understanding, and feel the flow of the new life directions. This one helps us continue to get and stay very clear about what we do and do not care about. While the Grand Irrationality is not a factor, there are other “fork in the road of destiny” aspects in full force that will affect almost every part of our lives.
So prepare for an intense period of major choices, though if you know the flow you’ll feel what needs to be done and be able to address it on multiple levels. Things may not make much sense, but they don’t have to. Just remember we’re ALL turning huge corners, so get a clear vision, find the information you need, make your decisions, and follow the flow of your feelings into new ways of living.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
Wow. Luna Llena Feliz!
Posted by: Jan | July 19, 2013 at 06:36 PM
Very new terrain I'm walking on. :D But trusting the process . . . in coming down to earth I have some fear that I will lose the understanding I have gained. That I'll get sloppy again. Trust the process, trust the process. . .
Posted by: caliban | July 20, 2013 at 12:05 PM
Well now...this should all prove to be quite interesting! Once again, many thanks for sharing your knowledge with us Robert. Surfs up...again!
Posted by: Diane S | July 20, 2013 at 06:22 PM
wild U turn back to Boston. called for health, I said yes, and the beat goes on. leo 25-29 degrees, Sun,ascend.pluto. At this point I'm going with the flow. Thank God for this site.
Posted by: Cathy | July 20, 2013 at 10:07 PM
something good is happening. we are here for each other in ways beyond before. feeling much gratitude for you and this whole cosmic network. really exciting immersion.
Posted by: Debra | July 20, 2013 at 11:42 PM
More than the usual and stronger earthquake activity occurring in NZ as the build up to the moon past 3 days, connected?
Posted by: Debbie | July 22, 2013 at 07:51 PM
Wow. have much affect from many of the degree spans with the full moone but mostly I am very grateful for the information about the "Star of Solomon" and those first 10' of the particular signs as I have Ceres, Vesta, Sun, Mercury, Pluto, Neptune and Chiron, am accustomed to hard adjustments and sacrifices these day, I have hope and huge amounts of faith these days, love it!
I love your inspired writings Robert, gives a lift to rise above the constant draggin through the mud of past and feel like one is floating in champagne for a while, Namaste!
Posted by: Debbie | July 22, 2013 at 08:03 PM