by Robert Wilkinson
Just because Jupiter is now separating from the exact square to Uranus does not mean it’s over, since over the next week we're entering a Grand Cardinal Cross! There's also a reprise of the Great Sextile Merkaba 6-Pointed Star!
In astrology, the dynamics of aspects work this way: when an aspect is forming it indicates an energy pattern that is building toward manifestation. The moment the aspect is exact, it sets the pattern indicated by that aspect, whatever it is, into dynamic motion.
Whether frictional or harmonizing, specializing or one requiring sacrifice and adjustment, once the aspect is made, then it’s completed that phase of the cycle symbolized by the two planets making the aspect. In this case, Jupiter opposition Pluto is past, and now Jupiter square Uranus is also past. That merely means that this configuration has been set into motion in all our lives in some way. It’s not “over” as much as “developing over time.”
That’s how the transits work. As we go through life experiences shown by transits as they aspect our natal chart, we are acting, reacting, or simply being acted upon. As we make choices we generate future effects and potentials.
That’s why though our Saturn return may be over, how “over” is it? We are profoundly affected by the return of transiting Saturn to our natal Saturn. We make huge choices around what we can and cannot live with, and what roles we will play and which ones we won’t from that time forward. We carry those choices with us into our future. They aren’t over in any way, shape, or form. Those experiences ARE our life as we are living it.
The Summer-long Grand Water Trines followed by the powerful Cardinal T-squares created a pattern of opportunity to learn emotional intelligence, and/or come to a greater understanding of the natural flow in things so we can move more fluidly through life. These trines were followed by T-squares made by the transits through Cancer. You can find more about how this specifically worked by going to Astrology in June 2013 – In the Heart of the Venus in Cancer T-Square!
So first, the experience of the Grand trines of planets in early Cancer trine Saturn in early Scorpio and Neptune in early Pisces. These have been followed by experiences that challenge us to integrate inharmonious energies via planets in slightly later Cancer opposed Pluto in Capricorn and square Uranus in Aries.
This is generating a huge T-square friction and focus wherever it falls in our charts, and has been since early June. We’ve certainly had lots of practice becoming skilled at dealing with this flow and plunge, harmony and friction. Those who learned the rules and played the game should do fairly well navigating the times when this T-square is set into motion in the future. That will be whenever any planet transits the middle part of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn in the months to come.
So we’ve just navigated the first of the Jupiter-driven T-squares, and at this point are getting a front end look at the coming Cardinal Crosses made real by planets in Libra opposing Uranus and square Jupiter and Pluto. While T-squares are powerful integrators when we use the void wisely, Grand Crosses usually fracture things, since each planet in the Cross wants its due.
So remember all you’ve learned via the many Cardinal T-square of the Summer of 2013 as the planets in Libra make the Cross. We got a front end practice in mid-July when The Moon in Libra activated the Cardinal T-square into a Cross.
Use your skill at staying balanced and keeping a sense of perspective and proportion learned during the Cancer T-squares in June, July, and early August. As I’ve written about this time, we’ve all been “recalibrated” in crucial ways. This period begins a new sequence of fracturing and re-integration of the pieces we need to move forward while allowing the detritus to flow out of our lives.
Venus begins the Cross by making a square to Pluto this Saturday, Aug 24 just a few hours before the Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. Venus then opposes Uranus on Aug 26 (Aug 27 in east Asia), and squares Jupiter on August 27 (Aug 28 in the Eastern Hemisphere.)
In addition to the Grand Cardinal Cross, during this same span the Moon in Taurus and Mercury in Virgo re-activates the Great Sextile Merkaba 6-pointed Star pattern that dominated the news in late July. That article has links to two more explaining that event, and you can find even more at Astrology in August 2013 - Afterthoughts On the Great Sextile Merkaba Event.
All of these occur within the larger flow of life we all share together. We’ve all been given navigational tools to deal with these energies which build, release, and move us all forward. This is the time to maintain grace, balance, and a sense of what is just and fair, and express that the best we’re able. This is the first of many to come, all of which prepare us for the Great Fracturing of the Spring of 2014, which I hinted at yesterday.
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
"May you have a significant summer" one of my students said to me as I left Vietnam to return home at the beginning of June. Per all your posts, significant indeed! Can hardly keep up but hanging in there..!
Thanks for all your guidance
Posted by: chad | August 22, 2013 at 11:04 AM
Yoiks! It has been a wild ride thus far. Began July 25th with a small but explosive house fire which began the phoenix process of letting go of much physical, emotional and perceptual stuff...realigning with spirit....and allowing myself to be guided into new forms of being. Lots of grief and then great appreciation for all that is.
This saga is far from over, I am certain.
Thank you greatly for your postings of guidance.
Posted by: Elah | August 22, 2013 at 12:57 PM