by Robert Wilkinson
Mars leaves Cancer and enters Leo today, Aug 27, at 7:05 pm PDT, 10:05 EDT, and 3:05 am Greenwich (BST) Aug 28. This marks a significant shift in how we do what we do and where we do it.
Mars in Cancer is introverted, Mars in Leo is extroverted. Mars in Cancer refines its skills at defensive maneuvers. Mars in Leo is more spontaneous, more combustive, more playful, more fiery.
Mars in Cancer activated the Grand Water Trine in powerful, fluid ways, We learned how to be more sensitive to feeling-flow, and moved with some caution, insecurity, and unease through the larger tensions of the Cardinal T-square.
Mars in Leo marks the beginning of its square to Saturn that will be exact on September 9 from 8 Leo to 8 Scorpio. Those with a planet or angle anywhere near 6-10 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius will be powerfully impacted by this shift. If you have a planet or angle from 1-5 of these signs, move slowly and thoughtfully over the next 11 days, keep it simple and easy, and be a little detached, focusing on the big picture.
It’s safe to say that the first 12 days of September be cautious in what you agree to, don’t get out on a limb, learn how to turn away from things that are on the wrong track, and beware of activities that have a fundamental flaw in their plan or assumption. Grant Lewi believed this to be an aspect of “bad judgment,” where we learn to go just so far and no farther, and quickly find ways to reverse course or move in a new direction if we’re getting overextended in some way.
Mars in Leo will offer us intensified creativity, inspired self-expression, and generally more inventiveness, especially through mid-September via the trine to Uranus in Aries. However, expect some major adjustments to be front and center in the second week of September due to Mars quincunx Pluto. That will help us shift the trajectory of our momentum, and through the mastery we are able to demonstrate, we’ll gain higher responsibilities in the future.
Of major importance is that now Mars begins its transit of the Leo zone of the Grand Irrationality. I’ve referred to this long wave non-rational energy field in numerous past articles, and will be posting a full update in the near future. For now, expect major forks in the road of destiny in large and small ways between September 3 and 11.
Those most affected have planets or angles at 7-13 Capricorn, 29 Aquarius-5 Pisces, 20-26 Aries, 12-18 Gemini, 3-9 Leo, 24-30 Virgo, and 15-21 Scorpio. Since the Moon transits these zones on September 6 (Virgo) and 10 (Scorpio) we can expect developments to be set into motion on those days.
And on a final note for now, remember that Jupiter enters Leo in mid-July 2014 and moves forward until it goes retrograde at 23 Leo in December 2014. That implies that between now and early October, we’re getting a Martian “jump start” on activities that will be expanded, or the source of some kind of blessing or opportunity, during the second half of 2014 and first half of 2015.
Enjoy the different ways of expressing Mars in Leo. This ends the last Mars in Leo cycle that began between late September 2011 to mid-November 2011, and renews some old skills related to the dance we learned between October 2009 and June 2010. Flame on!
© Copyright 2013 Robert Wilkinson
I'm hoping this shift will help me get back into the swing of things. My natal Mars is in Leo 12°41'07. I really need my creative energy back.
Posted by: Shell | August 27, 2013 at 12:41 PM
This article is especially enlightening for us down in Australia as we have Federal election Sept 7!
After the experiment with minority government over last few years, This will be a major turning point for Australia as a whole judging by readers comments recently in mainstream media articles about this issue facing the nation.
Posted by: RodJM | August 27, 2013 at 06:27 PM
As a double Ram, I'm totally feeling this new, fiery Mars. Kind of wish Mars could spend a few years in direct speed in Leo!!
Posted by: Matt | August 28, 2013 at 04:10 PM
Robert, another astrologer friend and I have been studying your 2005 Septile series and Destiny or Fate article, hoping to become more knowledgeable of the Grand Irrationality. Could you define irrationality, please? She's emphasizing mundane irrational behavior; I'm suggesting it's actually a continuum from this to the
other end, with intuition/spirit pointing to impacts beyond the rational mind. What's your definition? Thanks!
Posted by: Jo Garceau | August 28, 2013 at 08:28 PM
Hi all - Will be discussing this subject this week. We're officially in the heart of it.
Jo, the Grand Irrationality is both. It can manifest as things and people and circumstances which are non-rational, i.e., not subject to the usual frames of "reason." It may be that it makes no sense, or that we confront our own or another's obsession or compulsions. It can be something arising "for no reason," but where we confront a "fork in the road" and even not to choose is a choice, if that is even possible.
And since time is the continuum by which we measure movement, inner and outer, through space and experience, then it is the phase in the larger 360 step process where we cannot use the rational mind to figure out what to do or not do. Since septiles are ruled by Saturn, these are the point in the process where our sense of destiny, purpose, or "bottom line" reference points, aka "our Ring Pass Not," exercises its dominion and either steps out of mental slavery or steps into it.
This leads to the next phase in the process of unfoldment where we go through various aspects until we hit the next septile series aspect, where again, due to our process, we confront another situation or circumstance or behavior in self or others where we again must choose, and again the rational mind cannot figure out anything useful. I'll use this in the article to come as Mars enters the zone today through the week.
Posted by: Robert | September 01, 2013 at 08:53 AM